It has been years since I've touched Super Mario 64 and even longer since I tried to play it for real... so let's see how it goes.
#alpharad #mario #sm64
➤ @jaidenanimations
➤ @WeegeePlays
➤ @gsmVoiD
➤ @AltrivePlus
➤ @SaraMoonVT
➤ Duncan:
➤ me (celebrating mario day)
#alpharad #mario #sm64
➤ @jaidenanimations
➤ @WeegeePlays
➤ @gsmVoiD
➤ @AltrivePlus
➤ @SaraMoonVT
➤ Duncan:
➤ me (celebrating mario day)
00:00Mario 64 is truly one of the most well-known games of all time, but for me
00:05It's at the point where I've only really watched other people play it and haven't truly played it since I was a child
00:12Believe it or not in this day and age
00:14I was still able to wrangle up a group of people who have never even played Super Mario 64 in their lives
00:19Or at least not in a very long time and with the power of online co-op and proximity chat the six of us are gonna
00:26Set out to collect every single star in the game, which isn't the most impressive thing ever, but trust me for us
00:32It will be I don't know where to go. There's so many choices. I'm gonna do a BLJ right?
00:37Don't they go up the stairs? Yep. Where is everyone going? We're going through the door Jacob
00:42Okay, we do like a field trip to one area you guys can figure out which areas you can go in go right now, right?
00:48Correct. Yes. Well, I didn't know why you're acting like I know you bomb clip for us
00:52I don't even know how to bomb clip. Don't worry guys
00:54I'll collect all the coins
00:59I'm bumping. I'm just gonna do old reliable. I can't do the cool bomb clip. Oh
01:04It doesn't show the cutscene. That's all right. Well, we got one star who got a star
01:10You got one. Wait, he left. There he is. I'm gonna fucking ruin this guy's life. BAM. He sucks
01:16I'm gonna have to just kind of dig into the memory banks. I really don't know too much
01:21I know there's two stars here
01:22One if you do it fast and one if you just do it, okay
01:25So in the time it took me to get two stars, no one else has even gotten one. Check this out. I
01:30Killed him. I murdered King Bob. I
01:35Can't speedrun this game for shit because I think it's like 19 ish seconds right to get this star cool. Oh my god
01:42He's so fast. Look how quick he is. You know what? I'm gonna figure out how to get out of here
01:47Hello, we're trying to get in the cannon
01:49Why'd you embarrass him like that? I just think he needed to learn his lesson
01:54Get the coins
02:02I don't know where I'm going. I don't know where I am. Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm scared
02:08I just like all the way up. Yay the star spawn. I hope I don't exit the level by picking this up
02:14Guys it's my first star this snowy area. We'll get all the stars
02:19Have you gotten one yet? No it again. It's like a monkey see monkey do kind of thing, right?
02:24Okay, because I've never done any of these stars. I've just seen speedruns of them. I don't want to talk about it
02:31Oh, hi. Hey, I don't want to talk about it. Oh, okay back. He goes. This is it. Sarah Sarah. Are you here?
02:38Oh, no. Oh, no. This is the one I've heard about
02:41Oh, I'm gonna show everyone that I can be good at video games. Yes
02:46This is the best Mario level ever made everybody likes it
02:48That's why you see it so much in speedruns because it's the best one that everyone's just excited
02:53I'm gonna go for a hundred coins. I'm kind of feeling you know, what? Can I do cannonless? Can you do cannonless?
02:59I'm gonna say yes. I got a star. Why is she so annoying just go take it to your to the mom
03:05Oh, I brought it like halfway down and then I lost it
03:09I don't even know which way is down anymore. You could kill King Whomp if you want
03:13I really just want cannonless the most right now. Okay. No, you can get cannonless. I've done it before up camera left
03:20back flip punch
03:24Go down and then what is it? Is it reset camera? I
03:31Give up. All right now I'm leaving by dash. There's another baby. There's a second baby. I can grab that one
03:37Here's your kid. You have two kids. There you go. Yay
03:41I guess if this is open
03:44Well, that was easy. What is this? Oh
03:47It's the fucking wing cap. Oh
03:52Oh, it just got so much easier. Oh my god
03:56Hello, I'm ready to go. Can we do red coins? Yeah, we can do red coins
04:01It was a close race, but we pull it through right at the end. Hey, you get a lot of money from the slide
04:06I was surprised we held out
04:09Wait, we got it. It's 96 on my screen. Oh, there's one over here. Oh
04:14No, I'm falling. Yes
04:16Wait, where is it? It's above you. Come on boy
04:21Red coin. Oh
04:23I can't compare the experience to any other game
04:27I've played because Mario 64 is probably the game I know the most about in the least I've played. Oh, it is that easy, huh?
04:36Dude we finished bomb-bomb battlefield all of it. We did everything there. We can cap made that way easier, by the way
04:42Thank you. Yeah, you're welcome. I forgot you had to unlock that
04:46I thought you just had to like shoot yourself into them. Oh, do you guys want to go fight Bowser the boys fight Bowser?
04:52Let's go kick his ass. Oh
04:56There's an invisible wall there I hate Mario be nice
05:01Be not you know what Mario's done for you everything
05:07Where the fuck are we? Oh, no, I fucking fell for it the tricks in this game. Oh, what's up?
05:14We're gonna kick Bowser's ass we're gonna roll up on him with a fucking regroup. Oh
05:21What is this timer? I don't know red coins
05:31I see Jacob boy. Can you pop me? Where are you? Oh, hello. There we go. Thank you
05:43It's fine it's we got them all
05:46What what we G cannot? Oh, oh Mario pipe. Why is it? What does it look like that?
05:59This is my secret trick Oh
06:03Cut to dash having his own game. Oh, they're all Bowser in the dark even James Bowser in the dark
06:09Let's play jump rope with them jump rope with Bowser
06:12One Mississippi do Mississippi three Mississippi. Okay, boy. Here you go the handoff grab. Oh
06:19Get his ass get his ass. He's getting jumpy. He's getting
06:24We'll kick his ass again. Don't worry. Oh my god. Oh my god. I'll try it looks busy and won't
06:31Where am I going? Where is he taking me?
06:33I like the basement a lot of a lot of fun levels here. You guys want to try and catch this goddamn rabbit. Oh
06:42I didn't realize we had
06:49Sure, okay. Yeah, whatever
06:55Fuck I'm gonna go for the right. Oh, I've never seen this before. What is this?
07:01Beautiful and we did all this we did it Chad
07:07As like Mario 64 what a time oh my what
07:13Mario oh, hello. Hello boy. It's me Mario. I I followed a ghost here and they're all laughing at me
07:20Goodbye, oh, yeah, this guy's never played Mario 64. Oh
07:24How did this happen?
07:26My friends, why did I go to the scary place? Oh, he's got jukes though. He's hard to hit. Oh, oh
07:35My god, he's teleporting. Oh my god
07:49In them coins
07:51You guys just
07:53Are you good man me? Yeah, I'm good. What's up? You just smoked a bunch of weed in there. I guess do congrats
08:00There's a lethal lava land. Everybody's dying
08:03What if we just MIPS clip simply? Okay, are you gonna look up a tutorial for that too?
08:09I'll see you later, man
08:11Someone in my chat just told me that void is lost in the maze under booze. Oh, yeah
08:17Discovered the the bootcage he had no clue where he was. Do we wanna do we want to save them?
08:22No, not particularly. I like void having his own storyline
08:32What is this what is this you're joking me I was right there
08:4186 oh, oh, no. I'm sorry. I feel like an idiot. Okay, watch out for the meme
08:47All right, you got to be very certain, you know
08:51Hey Cade, where are you at we supposed to do here Sarah? I think this is just tutorials. This one has like not a coin
08:57I got it. Nice
09:01What the hell Oh friends
09:05Friends boy, it's in here
09:08Boy, oh my god, I've been in the back rooms. I don't know what the fuck's going on
09:13circus music and like
09:15boo paintings
09:17The booze are looking right left, right. They're looking like at each other
09:22Except this one. I did it. I did it. Yeah, a lot of people say it's really hard. But yeah, well for me, it's no problem
09:30Yeah, I'll touch this one. Okay, I get that other one down here
09:34If you stay, oh, okay, you're gone he needs to grow that's big. Where did this one come from? Um, where did this guy?
09:41Oh, you just got mixed up. That was embarrassing. You had the advantage in everything. That was just embarrassing
09:46There we go. No, we got the star. We're all good
09:51Books okay. I'm going through the door the door
09:56We have to get the thing what are you doing in here we don't fucking know how to play this game
10:02We were in like the little outhouse maze for like is that we're voids trap. Oh my god
10:08There's a big boo in the in the living room
10:10No, okay
10:16Oh, hey, I got a star
10:20Actually, he's got hands I don't think this is worth my time
10:23Thank God I can see you guys in the window. Oh, yeah. Wait, I see the star. Oh, hey another star
10:33Dude I'm doing a good job. Hey, can you jump it? Maybe?
10:38Jacob can do it though. I have a lot of coins and I almost have reds. Can you just uh, oh, yeah
10:43Let me get over to you. Oh, never mind. Wait, what if someone kills you Kate and then you bubble up to me?
10:48One more time and I'm dead. Wait, this is this is peaceful. I feel so serene. Where's the last one? Oh
10:56What what Mario? What are you?
10:59Okay, there we go, how many stars do we have them all here I have no idea
11:04What about that that room in the basement?
11:08She booze. What am I actually like fundamentally doing? Like what is wrong with me Jade and Sarah?
11:14Yeah, do you guys want to explore this land with me? Oh
11:18Fuck. No
11:20Jelly, Roger. I know that that's like for one piece. What does this do? Oh, hey, it's the way God intended
11:25I don't know why speedrunners don't just do that
11:27What the hell oh, this is how you get metal, right?
11:30I have no idea where the star is supposed to be
11:33Do you think if I you think if I'm standing here everyone's gonna like run to me quick
11:37We have to go wait dash to go to fight Bowser. No, I want to fight Bowser. I
11:44Got that star earlier though, right or is this a different star that has to be progress
11:49That must mean we're going the right way. I see it. How do I get it? Okay. Oh, it's a pattern. It's a pattern
11:54Okay one
12:03Did a puzzle I got a star Sarah. You got a star
12:07Dash hello. I saw you were fighting Bowser and I didn't want you to do it alone. Let's go. Let's kick it
12:14Let's beat this guy's ass
12:16No, okay here. I'll go for reds then us heroes have to stick together. I'm gonna die and come to you
12:22Okay, he's dead now that's gore of my content creator you are my comfort character, I don't know if I tell you that enough
12:28That's horrifying. You must be an extreme discomfort at all times. I just need him to
12:35Yes, yeah, baby. I'm gonna die real quick. Can you stay alive so I can do a little scan? Yeah. Oh my god
12:42It's just sitting there. Why not?
12:45Since it's here
12:46Wait, oh no, I think I needed to say it stay on to it. No, I didn't need to keep up with it
12:51Oh, no, I'm gonna go Pokemon go to the last red coin
12:57That's wise
13:01Unlike me
13:05Wait Jaden was in here
13:07No, I died. Oh
13:09Shy guy don't don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. That would have ended my whole life, please
13:15Yes, right. Do we go in here? Yeah, we're we're crushed. Oh
13:19It's like the water parks, whoa
13:25Nice the Jaden go to fight Bowser. I don't know what to do. I'm fighting fucking white beard over here
13:32Be nice
13:35When could he do that so long gay man? Oh, we're alive, aren't we?
13:42Dash near that
13:48He went to Bowser, you're right, that's what he did
13:51That's just fucking went to Bowser and left me to goddamn die. They can fucking finish Bowser
13:57Whatever. Yeah, I hope they enjoy doing uh, all eight coins on their own. Oh my god, the camera's spitting. I
14:03Missed I miss this is sucks. This is embarrassing. This is so embarrassing
14:07He just keeps coming back dude. Wait, like lay off the Twinkies man. Oh, he's so fast
14:14He's not fast enough hit the bomb hit the bomb, you know, you got it. Oh
14:19Oh, is he dead?
14:21Did he is he? Okay, man. Are you good?
14:25It was just one hit. Oh, oh, okay, but
14:29There it is
14:30It's the star
14:34What I don't know what the cage is for but all right
14:37I got all eight coins and you left me to die before getting the star. Oh, that sucks
14:42That's gore of my that's gore of my Mario streamer. Okay. Goodbye. I'm gonna go beat the game now
14:47We beat Bowser over in the lava land. Oh, good job. I avoid what we say
14:53I don't know how to get to the big blue balcony. I did everything else. I think
14:58It's just on the top of the roof. I'm gonna go to shifting sand land. That sounds fun
15:07Thanks, Jacob
15:10Okay, I'm doing it too fast my bad. Oh, hey Cade. Oh, hi. You want to do Bowser together?
15:14I went in there wondering if other people had already done this
15:17I just did it but we need to get the eight coins in here
15:22There we go, yeah, this is on you I don't got the shmoovement like you do I can grab the star as long as you
15:27Stay alive. Yeah, I'll just I'll be your respawn point if you need. All right, I'm gonna respond to you my friend. Oh
15:34I did it
15:35Okay, if I enter it, do you okay? Let's see how this let's see how this scares people if I do this
15:40Oh barely made that wait, I'll try BLJ
15:43Why the fuck is he oh when he said he is gonna beat the game. He meant it. He's just going right now
15:48Oh my god, why are we not saving Bowser for last? We're not ready. Oh, I can't leave
15:54I mean, yeah, the BLJ is impressive good
15:57All right. Now we got to go get that
15:59What's in here? What is this? That's all that mattered. I just needed I just needed everyone to know that I'm him
16:05Well done, Jacob. I'm gonna do these reds now just because I see the timeline where we do forget about him
16:13Please be a star. Please. Don't be a joke and not a star
16:19Do you see me doing it? No, it's cuz I'm not
16:24Okay, don't worry guys I'm back I escaped hey there's mr. BLJ look at you
16:35No, no, no, no, it counts right it still counts
16:47Okay, oh, oh there we go just barely just barely tickled them
16:53Okay. Now let's why is Kate and Bowser in the sky who taught him how to BLJ just you just do this
16:58Do you dive?
17:00Forward or just jump?
17:02How the fuck do you jump backwards? Hey, what's up guys?
17:06Can you get away from the door? I can't go through the door. I'm stuck now
17:14Yeah, it's just it's just if you're good at mashing you just do it like that I
17:20Did it I did it I BLJ'd and that's it and then oh yeah, and then we just go kill him
17:27Okay, you know hard. I worked to get up here. I
17:30I wouldn't even think about falling. Oh shit. Come on Mario. You're better than this. I
17:39Have to go all the way back not done
17:44No, no this way
17:47Keep swimming swim Mario. Yes
17:51We got it. Yes
17:58What what do you mean the stars up there? Hey, hey want to see something cool through the stairs
18:05Are you gonna do it too? I'm gonna try to am I good? I'm good
18:10Yes, I've been screaming about the camera and there's just a button that gives you actual video game camera. Oh
18:17My god, I know
18:20Boy it is back to booze. Oh Jaden's here. I'm so tired of this goddamn water. How come everywhere I go now
18:27It's just water. Hello. Hello. Hello. You want to help me Jaden Sarah the boo. I did I didn't there's one more
18:34I didn't know how to do it. I'll go back down there with you in a second, but we're in here now
18:38I like the soundtrack. Oh, I keep forgetting. This is your first time ever playing this game. Yeah
18:44I've done this is like my third water level in a row and I'm sick of it Jaden
18:48I've been at the ghost house this whole time. What? Yeah, there's still one more star there
18:54Whoo, I did it
18:57Give it to me. Oh
18:59Shit, please leave dick talk clock. What else can I do?
19:02What else can I do? Don't fall?
19:05Don't fall
19:07So embarrassing if you fell oh no, can I get it? Oh my god
19:14Don't want to touch this water anymore. We can go somewhere else. We'll come back to it
19:25Yeah, we are pretty split up here I want to play games with my friends I just don't know where they are
19:32Was that a door?
19:35Wow, it's crazy if you move the camera it makes it easier. Oh all trips in rainbow, right?
19:39He's gonna look up a whole carpetless tutorial now go ahead and cancel me
19:42It's just my opinion. But if I had a gun this level would be easier. I know there's one up here
19:46It's not this right? Oh
19:48It is. Oh
19:50No, Sarah, I found it out. That's Mario 64 player out there. Hey, I don't see the other people BLJ. That's all I'm saying
19:58All right, be fucking nice
20:01Okay, I'm gonna what?
20:05I'll do this cuz I don't think they're ever figuring this one out. You're here. Hi. I need assistance
20:10I need somebody to go to the bottom of this thing Jaden. You're squishing me. They're in wet dry world again
20:16Oh my god, I'm my ass is so stupid. I'm just gonna take this one. It's right there. I got blown over here
20:21Sure, why not?
20:24How do we have one star in here still water swimming it's bullshit, please don't damage me
20:30Oh, no, I'm gonna die. There's one
20:34God now what?
20:36place you get air bubbles, so
20:38It makes it easier not that one, okay
20:49the star I
20:52Mean that the water is low. I can just make that. Okay, actually who's the asshole who lowered the water? I ain't raising no water
20:59I'm so not good at controlling this video game
21:02Well, we got there we got there we did it and I sure that works everyone's hanging out here
21:08Except I'll drive in rainbow ride. What the fuck?
21:12Where are you supposed to go? I might leave this level this level sucks ass. I think I'm out
21:18I've not touched the land in like three levels. I mean either. Oh wait, I think we can go up here now
21:26I got a star for talking to tell oh, that's all you had to do
21:32Wait, where's the fucking eight red coin? Okay, Aladdin. Okay, Aladdin
21:41Well, I just noticed all tribes here, oh really Jaden. Oh
21:47No, it is just that easy. Oh Sarah's here
21:51Triple jump. No. No, I don't feel like it. No pray for invisible walls here. Oh
21:59We're in Kate we're in I'm in oh you did it
22:04Wow, yeah, I didn't even realize this is what you were aiming for. Yeah
22:08So this is really cool because you left I can't get the carpet anymore. Yeah. No, that's cool. All right. See you guys
22:14No, I didn't want it. I didn't want that carpet. Anyways, it's our turn to ride the carpet
22:18I didn't want to play with my friends. Anyways
22:22Yeah, okay, yeah, whatever
22:28Did I accidentally get two different stars? Yay, it's time
22:38All right, I'm up here I'm up here lowering watercade, there we go
22:43Boom, if I wasn't here you would have lost the carpet
22:47No, because no, okay, but I got nobody else in here but myself. So I really got a
22:56Die it's just more up than you'd think. Oh, that's a great shot. Oh, that's like the best shot I've ever seen
23:04Whoa, holy shit. Holy shit
23:08Whoa, okay, and there goes Kate is probably just waiting for me
23:12I'll give it just like one more minute and then I'll I'll back out and then when the vanish caps are actually present
23:17I'll try again
23:20Come to the where the water normally is
23:24Oh, yeah, there's no water there. Look at this
23:27Who's this?
23:29What is it? We unlock a new ability if we oh
23:33But there's also a coin. Oh my god. I didn't realize the vanish cap is echoey
23:45No, what I don't get it I don't get it. Okay, so we got to get these red coins with
23:54Oh, it's a stupid rabbit eat shit. Oh, you got it. Oh, he just gives you a star, right? Yeah
24:04We have the 60 all together. I'm pretty sure I've got like five. Yeah, I think we're on the same place. Oh
24:13Okay, all right, there we go Kate you're free free my friend yeah, I don't think it's happening
24:20Let's leave oh damn you guys I am I'm gonna go around. Oh, hey, did you get it Jacob? No
24:26Well, it's there now. God damn it. It's there now. Oh, no, I've been on my own journeys
24:32For the whole time. Yeah. Are you here? Hello? Yeah, what's up? Hi. I'm I'm up top somewhere
24:37Oh, I see one of the stars that could be retrieved to please please please please
24:44Yay, we did it
24:47You and me just a reminder you are the video game world champion I am but I also died five times getting up
24:55Perfect shot. Oh great shot
24:59They just said it said a frosty slide. Whoa, there's chat. There's chat. Oh my god, that would have been helpful
25:05I could have messaged Jacob. Hey, it's the blue box. It's the blue box
25:10Wait, where's the blue box? I decided you're just chilling out for me. I decided to not leave you
25:17So the other one's actually not very dangerous. It's just very annoying. I found it
25:24Thank God I
25:28Can't wait to play this game by myself
25:35Hey, man, no, oh, I'm so good. Ah, oh I see now I see that's where it is
25:42And okay, so we didn't have Sarah started okay says I got this is he is he still working on it
25:50There we go. I
25:52Don't know what I did differently that time. Please for the love of God don't slip off
25:56Oh my god, we have to be the least coordinated Mario 64 players of all time
26:00I feel like one good player could have beat the game seven times now, you know, I
26:07Got it. Oh
26:11It took way longer than it should have it's so easy. It's so easy to do
26:15Why was I making it hard on myself? I can make this jump. I can make this jump. Oh
26:23Another one in the bag, I'm gonna go down to hazy maze cave because we haven't done that one yet
26:27Oh, I did that a little bit. Oh, did you okay?
26:29Well, you know because I don't know where to go if you die. I'll stay here. Oh, I did it
26:34I did not I did not do it. I
26:38Undershot that shit. Oh, wait one second. Let's see some cool
26:43Yeah, I just wanted to show Kate that this guy just gives you a star but there he goes
26:53Yes, yes
26:58Kate I got the last two red coins
27:02You can grab the star it's all yours. Oh
27:05No, wait, yeah, this sucks you don't need a BLJ anymore. That's not even a point. It's not how do you
27:12Hypothetically, yeah, you walk in here. Okay. Thank you. I want to kill this eyeball first cuz I want a hundred coins
27:17All right, if you're 100 coins, I'll grab this then I'll be back. I'm missing something here. Look to your left
27:22Oh, I am missing something here
27:33Think down there. Is that just death? I don't know
27:39It's death, okay. Fuck me. Whoops. Wait, can I get this star chat? Is it possible to just
27:45I'm back. Kade. Hi Jacob. Hello. I got beef with this bird. I'll catch him
27:51Shit, I saw that in a speedrun once
27:54What is up with this? Like what what is this? This is a slide is a slide. I'm bad at these. Oh, no, Sarah
28:02It's difficult
28:08One up I'll take that no, I picked the wrong one. Don't go to the left
28:13Good job Kade that feels so good
28:15Onto the next one good. They made this game hard on purpose. So children would cry
28:24What the fuck oh no way I
28:30Gotta say the most random enemy in all of Mario 64 these guys wait, what? Okay there they are
28:39Absolutely, just these guys
28:43All right, they got boomed yet, oh it's three each oh I see
28:49It's so strange so whoa, whoa if I wall jump to my death right there. Oh this controller is eating drywall
28:59I'm so I play video games. I did it
29:03Yeah, I know that there's like actually a level we can do here
29:08But we could also just
29:17Saved it. Okay for science
29:20Okay, oh you can wait, do you have to bring the monkey to the ah, why didn't he grab it?
29:26He's got sticky fingers all the time except what I need him to grab it. I just need these five
29:32I'll grab this and it's
29:36into the volcano
29:41Okay, leave the lava land done, how's it going it awful Kade?
29:46Kade help us. What if we tried boosting you to that wall and then you just wall jump off of it. I
29:53Hate this little oh my god that I hit you or you can just kill me. I don't know. I bounce
29:57Yeah, I have full health. I walk in and just see that Sarah moon died. We're trying so hard
30:08Well, well, well, I did it. Yeah. All right. Now what to do is get on top of this swamp
30:18Okay mission impossible by the way, I got you yes
30:22We're almost there. We're almost there. We also don't we've been up here. We just don't know how to get it
30:27All right. I'll talk to you later. Oh my god. Oh
30:32My god, am I not the smartest player of all time?
30:36Dude I play Mario. Oh my god camera camera. Holy shit. I never missed the Mario 64 camera so much free him
30:44Okay monkey give reward
30:46I got a lot of coins for us by the way. Oh someone got a star
30:52Can you get the one by the in the waterfall? Oh the one in the waterfall? Yeah jumping
30:59Okay, okay, I'll be back don't worry we're actually a hundred percenting tick-tock clock because we hate that we hate our lives
31:07blue coins I
31:13Did it
31:15I see what you're doing. Can you do it again? Can you press the switch again? Wait, I have an idea
31:21No, it's mine
31:24So hard we work so hard. Oh, it's a mirror. I thought that was it's right here
31:30I thought that was friends. It's right here. So now we have snowman to go kid. I'm gonna assume. Okay, it's at the top
31:36Yeah, I'm looking the right way this time though. Oh, okay. Here it is. Oh
31:41My god, okay. Oh, I I thought I just died. Okay 99
31:46Okay. Okay, please please please please be kind please. Okay
31:54And I timed it well, okay, I'm gonna kill this penguin don't you just fight these guys, isn't that all it is Mario I swear
32:00Oh my fucking just let go type one
32:03If we should poke this penguins eyes out with a stick just like just really jab it just get that fucker
32:09I'll step it. There we go. Fuck you penguin
32:11Oh, this is a scary place to be when you're bad at the game and no one's here to save you
32:17No, no, I can do it. I gotta believe in myself
32:23I thought that was a wall. Okay, I'll go get the star. Oh
32:38I'm gonna beat his ass. Do we just go to the top of the mountain? Wait, I want to try something before you challenge him
32:43to the race
32:45Sit and sit on that text box for like 10 seconds. Gotcha. Say when when
32:57A new world record right there
33:04Okay, so I've already collected the eight red coins we just have to grab the star cuz I died right before I grabbed it
33:10Oh, that's awesome
33:13Sure. I'm sure everyone's adventure of this game has been entirely different, you know
33:17Look here Sarah
33:18All you have to do is just keep getting to the point where you can get the one-up mushroom and then you jump
33:24Oh, it's gone though
33:29So, oh look at that the fish has a star what you just kill him
33:34How do I get the fishes star Bowser in the sky? What the hell are you fighting Bowser? No
33:41No, I went the wrong way and we did it wait wait for us
33:47Join then. Oh wait, don't fight Bowser without me
33:51Sarah will
33:53Spin him until you're here. Oh, then. I guess we should go very fast
34:01We're seriously fighting Bowser right now. Oh, this is the end. Oh my god. Oh, we didn't know
34:07Okay, should I throw him and then we just jump on the edge? It's so sad, but probably no wait wait
34:12I've been working on this one. Oh, I've been I've been working on this one. Hello. I got it
34:19There's one more at the level. I should realistically get this right now. I
34:26Don't know how to get the last one. It's underwater. So I do this
34:30That's there. Okay. I dash. Hey, we're about to get the hundredth star. Isn't that cool? Oh my god
34:36What a check what a what a huge let's make wiggler squirm. Where is that fucker?
34:42I already drained the water. We just go down right here. Where's your hat? Somebody fucking took it. Why are you flooding my house?
34:52Iris forget this fights in the game too. I forgot wiggler looks like that. You've got to drain the water
34:57We have to individually drain the water really
35:01Okay, uncle uncle. Oh, wow. I don't really feel like I attacked them in the slight. Okay. Oh
35:07So little now that's a generous hitbox. Wow. Okay. Hey, man, you know, I'll do rainbow ride. Let's go. Let's do it together
35:15Rainbow ride. Okay, I guess I'm going back there. Will you stay right here in case this goes terribly wrong, of course?
35:21It went terribly wrong
35:23I do think I can make it though. I did think so, too
35:26If you get on like the very tip of the thing do I die here? Oh
35:30My god, it worked. Oh, you got a dash. Oh my god, it worked
35:34Wait, he got the star. Hey, why the fuck did you get the star? Why'd they get this star instead?
35:40Oh, don't do this to me. Get me out of here. Get me out of here. Please for the love of God
35:45I don't want to play rainbow cruise ever again in my life. I don't want to play this map ever again
35:49There's one star in here. We got to do right. This is a different level
35:52Yeah, this is evil rainbow ride up on the shiny Sean ride wherever you want to go spread those enemies. Oh
36:00Have you guys done this one? I entered it. I didn't know how to do it and I left there's just eight red coins
36:05I guess we can all just collect them. Well, I don't think we can
36:11Oh, it respawns it respawns go ahead Jane go have fun. No, you have fun. I don't even know how to do it
36:17Triple jump control you triple jump you go
36:22All right, bye it doesn't feel too hard has anyone done this one does anyone know look how magical yeah
36:31What a magical and whimsical experience. Oh, hi Dash. Oh, oh
36:36I don't even see the red coins. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no Jane stay alive. Oh, I see someone
36:42Dying in the ground. Oh, that's so rough. Oh, no, I don't have enough
36:50All right
36:55Have we not done this? Hi Jaden. We're back. I'm not well equipped for this one. I don't know how to do it
37:01Whoa, I don't get it. This is under right or is it just right there?
37:06There it okay. Don't die. Don't die. Don't die. Oh
37:11It's so scary cuz it just punishes you so are let's go we need we need eight red coins
37:18100 coins and then we're all done. Hello. Have you found the hazy maze?
37:21Have you found the green switch for green humor? No, hi Jacob
37:25We need coins and eight red coins. It just warms my heart every time I see friends in this level in this game
37:31It's really fun. I'm having a great time Jaden. I'm here for you. I am here
37:36Okay, I need more speed. There we go
37:40No, no, okay. Well, I'm still here for you
37:50There it is a
37:52Finished game cage probably right next to it. I'm gonna grab it, but there's like a billion coins inside the pyramid
37:58So I'll be right back and then we can go in there and get those. I think I see messy. Hello. Hello. Hello
38:06No, well then you can't do that, but we're that's why we're here to find the metal cap
38:11I know wait this sign says metal kit. Oh, I see. I understand make that junk
38:17Make the jump. Oh go get it get the metal cap
38:21If you say so, oh my god, hi Jaden
38:25Jacob, can you hit that blue switch for me down there blue switch? Yes
38:31Here it comes
38:36We did it we got it I
38:39Got it. Oh
38:42My god, I'm awesome. Okay, so we have rainbow ride done tick-tocks done tiny huge done tall tall done
38:48Oh, let's do a hazy maze cave actually
38:52Let's go I got another one I got another one. Oh or other people down here. I heard death. Oh
38:59Well, we have metal Mario. Oh, hello. Do you wait you sound evil? I'm evil
39:05Wait, wait, can you get sounds Jaden use it?
39:16My god
39:19You you sound
39:26You guys sound like hollows from bleach where they're all like I just like how Jaden you were the purple guy
39:34Can't you just
39:39Well, there's one there I want to go with me back to the pisser I'm sure
39:44No, there is a an accident here, I just don't remember where
39:50I know there. No, I didn't
39:54Yes, oh my god, you're like everyone's had their own very unique adventure here
40:03Agree go
40:08Hurry hurry go
40:18Yes, dash. I have to show you something awesome. I'll be something awesome. I have until what?
40:36Sound so twisted and evil right now
40:41Know you have to go but we will
40:45Hold on gotta get back fight the fight for you. We will carry
40:51Guys we got another one. We got another one. You see this hat you see this box
41:13Why does it sound so evil and twisted when you say it
41:17This eyeball is so evil, I cannot believe how long it's taken us. Okay. Thank God guys. All right dire dire dogs
41:28Do we need to swim through the manta rays rings is that anything?
41:36Oh, oh I'm gonna get a star
41:38can't I
41:41Help ZZ. Yes
41:44We got it. What what the I think something loaded wrong. Oh my god, we cheesed it
41:51We hella cheesed this. Oh
41:54We did it
42:00Is this metal Mario, oh we get a new star
42:10Didn't realize they can stack
42:13Invisibility cap. Oh, I make it. Oh, okay. Well, there's that one. All right, we got a team. Where's that last one?
42:18Is it in here? Where is the last one Oh coins and snowman land?
42:25I'm glad I'm glad Jaden learn how to check stars at 118. No one's telling me how to play the game hundred coins
42:33Gather as a team scatter. Give me my coins. I'm going in the igloo
42:40He's just a little coin bed
42:44That's the shell got it
42:47And oh my god, what the fuck are you kidding me hard game, I don't know it's tell you
42:55In memory of all tribe who couldn't make it to the end of Bowser, let's beat this game once and for all
43:04Beat Bowser now we get to climb all the way
43:08Anyone else want a BLJ their way up there? Look at me. Look at me. Wow. Good job. Can you did it?
43:16Well, okay
43:22Okay, first things first we got to get eight red coins
43:26What the fuck? All right, there's one game was just made to be co-op. That was beautiful. Thank you
43:31Did you perhaps out of my way? Oh
43:35Jesus Oh
43:38I'm dead. Oh, I avoid watch this. I know I'm trying to do that, but I forget how to jump backwards
43:47What the hell got what is he doing there wait, okay earlier you said you guys were at Bowser, yeah
43:55We've we've been at Bowser many times long live the king no
44:02I knew what was good. Oh, no
44:05You are so sneaky
44:09Boy it's your first time playing the game. I say you grab it my first 120th star
44:20I'm never I'm never closing this text box save. Yes
44:28Long live the king
44:31Wait, keep in the text box a little longer drop into the pipe. Okay. All right, let's drop the text box now, huh?
44:39Who wants them who wants the handoff?
44:42Ready yeah, go long. All right. All right. You ready? Catch the Sarah and yeah. Oh
44:48You got it. Nice
44:51Pass him way over here. I'm going long. I'm going long
45:04That's a bomber hit that's not a bomb hit
45:11Anyone want him? No, I say send it send it. Okay. Well this could be embarrassing
45:19You know what look at where we're getting there here Pat pass him to me I think this is fine
45:26Go team moment go team. All right, go long go long Boyd. Oh, no, I don't know how to hold him. Well you got what?
45:37Not not so fast mister
45:41Resorted to death
45:46Wow, what the hell?
45:49Okay, go go go. I want you just threw Bowser into me
46:01And then when do I let him go on the front whenever it feels right
46:09Shit I'll just scramble around out to you to you. All right, let's go
46:15The handoff the easiest hit ever we can daisy-chain it if we wanted to
46:24It's a star all right for the room for all the money there wait what?
46:34He's cheating you're camping he's camping he is camping. Yeah, he's cheating. He should be able to do that
46:41Don't worry guys. I'll end this once and for all. Thank you. Creepy pasta Wario
46:53Go team
46:59But I don't all be holding him
47:04Did your Bowser hit no neither did mine don't worry
47:15All right fine if you want something done right you got to do it yourself
47:22At long
47:25Get him
47:28Wait just can't come back. Okay. He does I'm fine
47:31Wait, do I get to touch though? Do we all get to touch the final star?
47:37Together. Oh, that's so cute
47:42In memory of all tribe he would have loved this rest in peace we did it
47:54Wario's skin is just so lucky Yoshi. Thank you Mario, of course Mario's. Thank you Mario's
48:02She's talking to her
48:05I'll take it. All right. Sure. Wait, that's me. That's wait. It's me
48:16Goodbye, oh my heart
48:21Enjoy your damn cake Jacob