• yesterday


00:00:00Previously, on Australian Survivor, AJ's fall from grace, saw Pauly and Buck on a campaign
00:00:13If you want someone on your side that is going to do what they say they're going to do, it's
00:00:17Are you going into politics any time soon?
00:00:20The Brain Tribe put a quick end to the immunity challenge, but the Strong Brawn Alliance,
00:00:28I love you guys, till death do us part, finally started to crack.
00:00:32If you and us work together, that's for Jesse.
00:00:34It's just girls going wild after that.
00:00:36As the girls and the boys, the hunks, formed new alliances, but when Laura found a game
00:00:47changing advantage, tonight your tribe will vote to send someone to the other tribe.
00:00:52She made the mistake of showing Zara.
00:00:55Oh, so you're leaving me.
00:00:57I feel very angry about that.
00:00:59Who saw this as an opportunity.
00:01:01We can select the best person to go over.
00:01:04To strong arm Laura.
00:01:06To be honest, I wasn't going to handle this like this.
00:01:08And make a break to freedom.
00:01:10Hopefully this tips the balance of votes in my favour.
00:01:14Person joining Brawn Tribe tonight, Zara.
00:01:19I would do my tips.
00:01:24Fourteen are left.
00:01:25There you go.
00:01:26Who will be going home tonight?
00:01:42Hi guys, it's Zara.
00:01:44Oh my God.
00:01:46Zara, come here.
00:01:48I missed you guys.
00:01:54Hi, hi, hi.
00:01:56We're finally home.
00:01:58My son and daughter.
00:02:00It's so lovely to see you guys.
00:02:02Oh, so good.
00:02:04So tonight, tribal went perfectly.
00:02:06I think I got four votes and Laura got two.
00:02:09And they have ended up exactly where I wanted to be.
00:02:13So yeah, it looks like I won out in the end.
00:02:18Yeah, so basically what happened was,
00:02:22Laura and I found an advantage.
00:02:25So essentially tribal just turned into both of us
00:02:28pitching our cases as to why we should come over.
00:02:30Oh wow.
00:02:34And Laura's comfy over there?
00:02:38I mean, look, as comfy as it can be,
00:02:40we've been working our arses off to try and ingratiate ourselves.
00:02:43They're like, they're lovely people, but they are very close.
00:02:47Laura, I know that she's going to be really upset
00:02:50back on the other beach not being here,
00:02:52but I just had to pull my foot down.
00:02:54But anyway, so I'm dying to know what's been happening over here,
00:02:56but I don't know if I can ask you that as a group.
00:02:58It looks like it's been pretty feisty.
00:03:02Yeah, I don't know.
00:03:04Well, everything's kind of up in the air now.
00:03:07I am hoping that the graduates are back together,
00:03:10but I really need to see what on earth has been going on over here.
00:03:14I have no idea.
00:03:17It's been chaos.
00:03:35The reception that the incoming guest would have received last night
00:03:38would have been good to watch.
00:03:40Oh yeah, wouldn't it?
00:03:42It's OK.
00:03:44I'm just stunned at the way she behaved.
00:03:46Come on, you can be a bit brutal than that.
00:03:48Come on, you're pissed off.
00:03:50Let it out, let it out.
00:03:52I'm upset with the way that Zara handled it.
00:03:54The whole way it went down?
00:03:56The way it went down, because we'd spoken about it
00:03:58and spoken that I was going to go.
00:04:00And then we got there and she said, I'm not letting you go.
00:04:02I'm not letting you leave me on the bottoms.
00:04:04And so she left me and just hijacked everything that I said I was going to do.
00:04:07Well, we didn't know that she was hijacking you.
00:04:09No, no, of course.
00:04:11Again, I'm not upset at you guys.
00:04:13I mean, my vote could have gone either way.
00:04:16Yeah, it's fine.
00:04:20The original plan going into last night's tribal
00:04:22was to vote out Jesse, which was squandered and squished
00:04:26because Laura found this stupid clue.
00:04:29And now I am worried.
00:04:31The word spreads fast in here.
00:04:33And I don't want Jesse knowing or finding out
00:04:36that I wanted him out before he actually goes.
00:04:43I look like a babushka doll right now.
00:04:49So, come Merge, who do you see yourself working with?
00:04:53Because I know, like, we're trying to keep rolling strong,
00:04:57but I sense that it's not going to stick.
00:05:04As in with...
00:05:06With us five?
00:05:08I feel like it could be closer to falling apart.
00:05:13I don't know.
00:05:15Every move, you just start running through
00:05:17all these different scenarios in your head.
00:05:19But I think it doesn't mean it's going to necessarily break up.
00:05:22You know what I mean?
00:05:24Yeah, well, you've got to make moves when you see it coming.
00:05:29But I sense that we're potentially going to merge any day.
00:05:33And Zara seems like the one name we can all agree on.
00:05:37For the first vote?
00:05:39For sure.
00:05:41For sure.
00:05:43For sure.
00:05:48It's very funny that I copped another two votes last night.
00:05:52Even in tribals that I'm just not involved in,
00:05:55I still just copped another two votes.
00:05:57You know, so, PD, you know how many votes I'm at right now?
00:06:00Cos we did the tally last night.
00:06:02No. I had 16 votes.
00:06:04Really? Yeah, 16. That is strong.
00:06:06At the last vote, I was inducted into this new alliance,
00:06:10which is the boys, this new hunks alliance.
00:06:13But I was never serious about the hunks alliance.
00:06:16I don't know why you girls think you're on the bottom.
00:06:18I would say jungle boys on the bottom.
00:06:20You're a rat boy. Thanks.
00:06:22And, sure, I'm on the bottom,
00:06:24but it's kind of comfy here on the bottom.
00:06:26I've kind of gotten used to it.
00:06:28Because nobody is looking at me.
00:06:30That was so embarrassing.
00:06:32And it's easy to just slink away from everybody else,
00:06:35scurry through the jungle and have a look for idols.
00:06:40When it comes to idol hunting,
00:06:42looking for stuff,
00:06:44my strategy is collecting data
00:06:46and finding success in the patterns
00:06:48that other people miss.
00:06:52I study physics in university.
00:06:54I love being able to find truth
00:06:56by looking at the underlying data,
00:06:58which can't lie to you,
00:07:00and then figuring out,
00:07:02this is exactly what it's telling us.
00:07:04And then you can map out a specific path.
00:07:06So there I am, all stealth mode,
00:07:08scurrying through the jungle.
00:07:10And I'm keeping my eyes peeled,
00:07:12looking for tiny little particles
00:07:14that feel a little bit out of place.
00:07:28And there it is.
00:07:32In all its beauty.
00:07:34In all its beautiful glory.
00:07:43Go, baby.
00:07:45Oh, my God.
00:07:48Congratulations, you have found a hidden immunity idol.
00:07:52Ain't it beautiful?
00:07:54Oh, I love the way it looks on me.
00:07:57In your little pouch you go.
00:08:01Right at the bottom.
00:08:04Let it go.
00:08:06This is my second idol,
00:08:08but all idols are not equal.
00:08:10This one is a far superior idol
00:08:12because nobody knows about it.
00:08:14And I can do some sneaky little things with it.
00:08:16This is like a perfectly cracked nut.
00:08:20Like, this is my spot.
00:08:22I ride at the bottom of the tribe.
00:08:24The jungle rat just survives.
00:08:34I'll give you that.
00:08:36You want a hand, Kayla?
00:08:38Oh, yeah, thank you, babe.
00:08:40There's some food spies.
00:08:42Everyone's really good here.
00:08:44Like, we all just contribute to things together.
00:08:46There's no assigned jobs.
00:08:48Everyone just gets up and does their thing.
00:08:50Zara joining Brawn 2.0
00:08:52changed the dynamic completely
00:08:54because Zara's been my number one
00:08:56from day one.
00:08:58I mean, we got here right after the Alleyverse.
00:09:00I mean, we got here right after the Alleyverse.
00:09:03And it's just been peaceful quietness
00:09:05and everyone just gets things done.
00:09:07Apparently, the two of us also know how to cook rice.
00:09:11Very good.
00:09:13We are new women.
00:09:15I think my game plan now going forward
00:09:17now that I have Zara here
00:09:19is probably trying to distance myself
00:09:21from AJ.
00:09:23And if I tell Zara
00:09:25of all of his shenanigans on Brawn 2.0,
00:09:27I'm pretty sure she won't like him either.
00:09:29You know what?
00:09:31It's over.
00:09:33There's Todd.
00:09:35I just don't want to do this.
00:09:37But AJ is being
00:09:39such a nuisance
00:09:43Just go away.
00:09:53I'm so glad to have you back.
00:09:55I'm so super glad to be back.
00:09:57My burning question is like
00:10:00are we graduating or like
00:10:02what's the status quo?
00:10:04We have so much info to give you.
00:10:06You look exhausted.
00:10:10I've got a lot to debrief you on
00:10:12and Kaz is a little bit of it.
00:10:16So, do you want me to start from the beginning
00:10:18or the hostage part?
00:10:20Yeah, can we sit so that I'm not...
00:10:22I'm just really confused.
00:10:24Are we still...
00:10:26like the graduates are still...
00:10:28We can go from there.
00:10:30But me and Kaz have been communicating about everything.
00:10:32So we're good until the last vote.
00:10:34Long story short there,
00:10:36I had an idol
00:10:38and the vote went crazy
00:10:40and I played my idol
00:10:42and Kaz was so mad.
00:10:44She was just like, why didn't you tell me you had an idol?
00:10:48Oh, and then the hostage situation happened.
00:10:50But Kaz and I will be fine
00:10:52now that you're here, I think.
00:10:54People to watch out for though,
00:10:56Paulie's going to lie through his teeth about everything
00:10:58when he thinks he's at the bottom.
00:11:02Paulie would just be an easy out, wouldn't he?
00:11:04He's a challenge beast.
00:11:06He's a snake.
00:11:08Nobody likes him. Easy vote.
00:11:10And then after Paulie, Logan was next.
00:11:16Well, I don't want Logan and Laura reunited.
00:11:18I want one of them out.
00:11:20Okay, we're on the same page.
00:11:23It's a bit disappointing that it wasn't Logan
00:11:25by the time that I got back over here.
00:11:33My position in this tribe was slowly slipping
00:11:35but with Zara back,
00:11:37Zara is fiercely on my side.
00:11:39Zara's going to calm Karin
00:11:41and Zara's going to calm Logan.
00:11:43I can't believe how well this turned out.
00:11:47I am one step closer
00:11:49to taking full control of this game
00:11:51and now I'm shooting straight back up to
00:11:53if not the top, close to it.
00:12:09Come on in!
00:12:11Oh my god.
00:12:13Look at that slide.
00:12:15That's a big slide.
00:12:20Oh my god, Zara!
00:12:22Old habits die hard.
00:12:26Morning, guys.
00:12:28You're welcome for getting your members back.
00:12:30All the things we trained yesterday.
00:12:32Great to have her back.
00:12:34So, Logan,
00:12:36what was the feeling
00:12:38to see Zara walk back into camp last night?
00:12:40You know what?
00:12:42I think it was a hell of a lot nicer surprise
00:12:44than when the OG bronze
00:12:46had Rich knocking on the door.
00:12:48We were pretty stoked to have Zara back.
00:12:50Thanks, Logan.
00:12:52So, Laura, do you think the tribe
00:12:54made the right decision last night?
00:12:56It wasn't what I thought would happen
00:12:58when I found the clue,
00:13:00but I'm very happy that Zara's over there for sure.
00:13:02Okay, shall we get to today's reward challenge?
00:13:06All right, for today's challenge,
00:13:08one-on-one, you're going to race down a slide
00:13:10to battle it out for a ring.
00:13:12First person to get the ring on their pole
00:13:14scores a point for their tribe.
00:13:16First tribe to three wins reward.
00:13:18Want to know what you're playing for?
00:13:20The winning tribe will enjoy a trip
00:13:22to the Survivor
00:13:24Spaghetti Shack.
00:13:28All the pasta you can eat.
00:13:30I want bolognese, guys.
00:13:32Oh, my God.
00:13:34We got it.
00:13:36We've got it.
00:13:38Enough carbs to give you the edge
00:13:40on the next immunity challenge.
00:13:42Worth playing for?
00:13:45Come on, guys. Let's get it on.
00:13:47Let's get it on.
00:13:49Strategy is Cailin goes seventh time.
00:13:51How can you go really fast down a slide?
00:13:53You've got to get wet.
00:13:55All right, here we go.
00:13:57First round is for the women.
00:13:59Rowan, you have the first pick.
00:14:09Kate, come on up.
00:14:17These are my pajamas.
00:14:19Oh, John. Nice job.
00:14:21All right.
00:14:23Here we go. First round.
00:14:25We have Logan for brawn, taking on Kate
00:14:27for brains. More rewards.
00:14:29Survivors ready?
00:14:33Logan gets the jump.
00:14:35Gets there first.
00:14:39Kate chasing him down.
00:14:42Logan is right there.
00:14:44Kate is vicious.
00:14:46Taking in.
00:14:50Logan not giving up.
00:14:52Right there on the pole.
00:14:54Look at that red wine.
00:14:56Almost there.
00:14:58Trying to drag the ring
00:15:00and Kate
00:15:02over the post.
00:15:04So close.
00:15:08Kate not going to give it up.
00:15:12What a battle.
00:15:14Go, Kate, go!
00:15:16Question is, can Kate
00:15:18wear out Logan?
00:15:24And there it is. Logan finally
00:15:26closes it out for brawn.
00:15:28What a battle.
00:15:30That was such a bloody good effort.
00:15:32Great effort from Kate.
00:15:38Brawn leads. One zip.
00:15:40I'm getting you all the coconut you can ever dream of.
00:15:42I was very happy over there.
00:15:44And it's frustrating as ****.
00:15:52All right, next round
00:15:54is for the men.
00:15:56Brains. Miles, you're up.
00:15:58Go, Miles!
00:16:00And Paulie.
00:16:02Battle of the fashionistas.
00:16:04All right, let's get wet.
00:16:06All right, here we go. Next round.
00:16:08Miles for brains, taking on Paulie for brawn.
00:16:10Survivors ready?
00:16:14Go, Paulie!
00:16:16Paulie gets there first,
00:16:18grabs the ring.
00:16:20Miles all over it.
00:16:22Both furiously
00:16:24tugging on that ring.
00:16:26No one wants to give it up.
00:16:30Big surge from Paulie.
00:16:34There it is.
00:16:38Brawn lead. Two zip.
00:16:40It's amazing what a bowl of pasta would be.
00:16:42I'm dirty.
00:16:44Good effort, mate. That was really great.
00:16:48All right, here we go.
00:16:50Next round, we have Karen for brawn
00:16:52taking on Morgan for brains.
00:16:54Survivors ready?
00:17:00Morgan quickly down
00:17:02the slide, gets there first.
00:17:04Karen all over her.
00:17:07Morgan trying to drag
00:17:09the ring and Karen over
00:17:11to her pole.
00:17:13Both very strong women.
00:17:17Morgan just dragging
00:17:19Karen around the sandpit.
00:17:27Big move from Morgan,
00:17:29putting the brains on the brawn.
00:17:31Brawn still lead. Two, one.
00:17:37All right, here we go.
00:17:39Next round, we have Ben for brains
00:17:41taking on AJ for brawn.
00:17:43Survivors ready?
00:17:47AJ gets a nice jump on that.
00:17:49Both get there
00:17:51at the same time.
00:17:53AJ trying to
00:17:55drag Ben over, but Ben is a big boy.
00:17:57He's not going to let
00:17:59that happen.
00:18:01Tug of war over that ring.
00:18:03Big surge
00:18:05from Ben.
00:18:07Another big surge
00:18:09from Ben.
00:18:11Trying to drag the ring and AJ
00:18:13up and over the pole.
00:18:17Another big surge
00:18:19from Ben.
00:18:23Dominating AJ.
00:18:25Tossing him around like he's a rag doll.
00:18:32adding up.
00:18:34Gives up.
00:18:36Hands the point over to brains.
00:18:38We're tied. Two, two.
00:18:40Good job, Ben.
00:18:42Good job, AJ.
00:18:46All right,
00:18:48here we go. We are tied.
00:18:50Two each. Final round.
00:18:52Whoever wins this wins a reward.
00:18:58PD and Kayla.
00:19:02A big boy.
00:19:04Come on, Kayla.
00:19:06Battle of the beefcakes.
00:19:08Come on, PD.
00:19:10Here we go. Next round
00:19:12we have PD for brains
00:19:14taking on Kayla for brawn.
00:19:16More rewards. Ready?
00:19:20Go, Kayla!
00:19:22Both neck and neck.
00:19:24Both grab
00:19:26the ring at the same time. They go down
00:19:28with a hard hit.
00:19:30Kayla trying to drag PD.
00:19:32And he's getting
00:19:34there. Getting close to the pole.
00:19:36PD struggling
00:19:38to hold him off.
00:19:40What a
00:19:42wrestle. Who's going to
00:19:44close it out? Very nice
00:19:46reward up the grabs.
00:19:48Both boys viciously
00:19:50fighting over that ring.
00:19:52Oh, shit!
00:19:54PD, no!
00:19:56Stop, stop, stop.
00:19:58Oh, shit!
00:20:04Oh, no.
00:20:06It was an accident.
00:20:14What a wrestle.
00:20:16Who's going to close it out?
00:20:18Very nice reward up the grabs.
00:20:20Both boys viciously
00:20:22fighting over that ring.
00:20:24Oh, shit!
00:20:27OK, stop, stop, stop.
00:20:29Medic, medic.
00:20:33Have a seat.
00:20:35Oh, no.
00:20:37Oh, no.
00:20:41Back, back.
00:20:47You're fine, you're fine, you're fine.
00:20:49It's not your fault, it's not your fault, it's not your fault.
00:20:51Is that hurting there?
00:20:55It's not your fault, it's not your fault, it's not your fault, it's not your fault.
00:21:01My sleeve's
00:21:03still on fire.
00:21:13Going to get you up, all right, mate?
00:21:19You OK?
00:21:24You all right, dude?
00:21:26He's up, Caelan, he's up.
00:21:28He's OK.
00:21:30This way, this way.
00:21:34Mind, mind, mind.
00:21:38It's OK.
00:21:40Thanks, guys.
00:21:42It's in the corner.
00:21:44Oh, Caelan.
00:21:46Just take some breaths.
00:21:48Don't worry about it.
00:21:50Just be a little careful.
00:21:52Let it ring.
00:21:54So what did you feel?
00:21:56It just felt like it snapped.
00:22:02So you might find
00:22:04that these make you feel a wee bit drunk
00:22:06as things go on,
00:22:08but that's what we need for the moment.
00:22:16It's just when you do it twice.
00:22:18I know, I know, I know.
00:22:22It looks like he's torn the bicep,
00:22:24which, from my perspective,
00:22:26is much better than an initial worry.
00:22:28The initial worry is that the humerus had gone.
00:22:30So you think he may have torn a tendon, a bicep tendon?
00:22:32Quite likely, yeah. Right.
00:22:34Leave that outside yours. Mate, yours are twice as tight as mine.
00:22:36He's laughing now, he's laughing.
00:22:38He'll be OK.
00:22:40Can you move it yourself without your other hand?
00:22:44That's a very good sign, yes.
00:22:46OK, let's put a sling around it,
00:22:48shall we, and give it a bit of support for it?
00:22:50You wouldn't be able to do that.
00:22:52It's not as bad as it could have been.
00:23:10All right, so,
00:23:12Petey's currently being assessed by the medical team,
00:23:14but don't worry, he's in good hands,
00:23:16he's gonna be fine.
00:23:19We call that last round a draw,
00:23:21and we're gonna do one more round
00:23:23for that spaghetti reward,
00:23:25but please, be careful out there.
00:23:27We gotta win the pasta for Petey, right?
00:23:29And he's on it.
00:23:31So, Braun, women?
00:23:33I'm gonna give it my best.
00:23:35All right, Zara, Reigns,
00:23:37who are you putting up against Zara?
00:23:43Can you look at me like that for a JLP?
00:23:45I don't want to take you as well as the other person
00:23:47Let's go, Laura!
00:23:49Interesting match-up.
00:23:51I know that you're
00:23:53super pissed with me.
00:23:55That was not the intention that I had going on,
00:23:57and I don't want it to damage
00:24:01It was frustrating, how it happened.
00:24:03Just like all your fears that I was gonna do,
00:24:05you've now done to me.
00:24:07Come on, Zara.
00:24:09I feel like Laura could pick up Zara and venture.
00:24:11Don't kill me, I won't kill you.
00:24:14But I want pasta.
00:24:16Okay, here we go. We have Zara for Braun,
00:24:18taking on Laura for Reigns.
00:24:20Two very recent
00:24:22old tribe mates going head-to-head.
00:24:24Final round.
00:24:26Whoever wins this wins a reward.
00:24:28Survivors ready?
00:24:34Laura gets there first,
00:24:36but she misses the ring.
00:24:38Zara has it.
00:24:40Making a dash for the pole.
00:24:42Laura overpowering Zara.
00:24:44Zara trying
00:24:46the anchor technique.
00:24:48All her weight on the ground.
00:24:50You have a winning aura right now, Laura.
00:24:52No, she does not.
00:24:54Stand up, Zara. Stand up.
00:24:56I'm listening to you, Jesse.
00:24:58Jesus, how dumb do you think I am?
00:25:00I was from the Brains tribe, mate.
00:25:02Someone's gotta close this out.
00:25:04Come on.
00:25:06Zara up on her feet.
00:25:08Laura on the ground now.
00:25:10I'm not dragging you.
00:25:12Ten minutes into this battle
00:25:14and we still
00:25:16don't have a winner.
00:25:20Both women taking a breather.
00:25:24Laura up on her feet again.
00:25:28What an effort
00:25:30from both women.
00:25:32Is this about the pasta or is this about
00:25:34last night's boat?
00:25:36Think about last night.
00:25:39The tension.
00:25:41Don't forget last night.
00:25:45Zara trying to make a move now.
00:25:51Laura does it.
00:25:53And closes it out
00:25:55for Brains. Brains win
00:26:01Well done.
00:26:03That was amazing.
00:26:05My knee's all scratched up.
00:26:07She's strong.
00:26:11Brains, congratulations.
00:26:13Your spaghetti shack will be waiting for you.
00:26:15You're gonna need this, though.
00:26:17Instructions on how it works.
00:26:19You wanna take it?
00:26:21Read that when you get there.
00:26:23Head on out. Enjoy.
00:26:25Go and enjoy, team.
00:26:27I can't move it, so yeah.
00:26:29Go and enjoy.
00:26:31See you, team.
00:26:35Good night.
00:26:41Oh, babe.
00:26:43It's alright.
00:26:45He's fine.
00:26:47Alright, Braun. Got nothing for ya.
00:26:49Head back to camp.
00:26:51Take care, PD.
00:26:53Let's just touch foreheads for a second.
00:26:55You're a good man.
00:26:57See you soon, PD.
00:26:59Take care, PD.
00:27:01Take care, PD.
00:27:05Did it feel lonely on that mat
00:27:07all by yourself? It does feel a bit lonely.
00:27:09Alright, PD.
00:27:11We're gonna get the medical team to
00:27:13assess you again, alright? Okay.
00:27:15Okay, well done.
00:27:29Let's go to the pasta shack.
00:27:31Let's get the pasta shack going.
00:27:34Let's read the scroll that Jonathan
00:27:36gave us, eh?
00:27:40Congratulations. You've won a trip to the
00:27:42Survivor Spaghetti Shack.
00:27:44Inside, you can enjoy as much
00:27:46delicious pasta as you can eat,
00:27:48but you'll have to enjoy it privately
00:27:50because there is only one person
00:27:52allowed in the spaghetti shack at a time.
00:27:58Have a great time.
00:28:02We're gonna draw some sticks.
00:28:04Let's draw some sticks.
00:28:06Drawing sticks is a pretty fair way to do it.
00:28:08I mean, a lot of people want to go first because obviously
00:28:10there's some kind of clue or idol hidden in there,
00:28:12but all I'm thinking about is the food.
00:28:14So, just get me in there.
00:28:16I don't even care.
00:28:18Okay, we can open.
00:28:20So, Jesse's first.
00:28:22I'm the last.
00:28:26Save us some food, big boy.
00:28:30Alright. Wish me luck, guys.
00:28:32Good luck, Jesse. Have fun.
00:28:34The good thing about these kind of rewards
00:28:36is that usually there is just a crap ton of food.
00:28:40So, hopefully we've got plenty.
00:28:50The spaghetti shack, here we come.
00:28:53Oh, here we are.
00:28:59Holy moly.
00:29:05Oh, the meatballs.
00:29:07They're so juicy.
00:29:11So succulent.
00:29:13So gooey.
00:29:15Oh, yeah.
00:29:23It's pure heaven.
00:29:31Oh, my God.
00:29:33Did you find anything?
00:29:37I ate about eight meatballs.
00:29:39Oh, my God.
00:29:41Please leave me some meatballs, guys.
00:29:44I'm not a fan of the order.
00:29:46Who got last?
00:29:48I'll be going second last.
00:29:50Save us some meatballs.
00:29:52It's massive.
00:29:54Second last is the worst time to go
00:29:56because it's not even last.
00:29:58When you're last,
00:30:00at least you get to tear the thing apart.
00:30:02Oh, my God.
00:30:04Holy shit.
00:30:10How many meatballs will it hold?
00:30:12It's such a big bowl of pasta.
00:30:14Like, it's still completely full.
00:30:20Oh, my God.
00:30:22How good is cheese?
00:30:24I don't have much time.
00:30:26Oh, my God.
00:30:28Straight away, my eyes go straight
00:30:30for that bowl of pasta.
00:30:32Miles will be putting his whole hands in there.
00:30:38Oh, what is that?
00:30:40Check the shelf.
00:30:42What shelf? What shelf?
00:30:44That shelf there.
00:30:46I start checking
00:30:48the shelf.
00:30:52Shelf, shelf, shelf.
00:30:54And then I see
00:30:56that there's another shelf off to the side.
00:30:58Oh, I'm tripping.
00:31:00Oh, my God.
00:31:02It's closed off.
00:31:04And it's exactly
00:31:06where you'd hide an idol.
00:31:09And if you look around there,
00:31:11no idol.
00:31:13Damn it.
00:31:17Real unhinged.
00:31:19We heard you.
00:31:21I'm disgusted.
00:31:23What'd you do to it?
00:31:25Oh, no, I didn't.
00:31:27Oh, my God.
00:31:29Oh, my God.
00:31:33I'm trying to find these meatballs
00:31:35that everyone is talking about.
00:31:37Oh, my God.
00:31:39I can't see one left
00:31:41or any sauce.
00:31:43That's so mean.
00:31:45Those frickin' little buggers must have ate all of them.
00:31:47I'm so mad.
00:31:49Maybe Kate choked on a meatball.
00:31:53Hey, hey, hey.
00:31:55Guys, no one left me a meatball.
00:31:57There was not one meatball.
00:31:59That was so mean.
00:32:03Absolutely gutted.
00:32:06I can't find anything in the spaghetti shack.
00:32:08My mind was clouded
00:32:10by spaghetti and cheese
00:32:12and all of that goodness.
00:32:14Now I'm wondering, like,
00:32:16oh, was there something
00:32:18that I totally missed?
00:32:32Well, guys,
00:32:34especially from Logan.
00:32:36And you, Zara. You were insane.
00:32:38Well, I gave it a try.
00:32:40You smacked it.
00:32:42Anyway, it's a shame we didn't get spaghetti.
00:32:44Did anyone get
00:32:46information from the other tribe today?
00:32:58In the reward challenge
00:33:00today, Laura pulls me aside
00:33:02and let me know that Zara basically
00:33:04blindsided her.
00:33:06I'm not surprised that Zara's done this.
00:33:08I knew she couldn't be trusted.
00:33:12I know that Zara is close to Karen,
00:33:14but she's also close to AJ.
00:33:16So it is a worry
00:33:18and we just need to keep an eye
00:33:20on the situation.
00:33:24I'm shaking.
00:33:27I don't know.
00:33:29Is this rage-y?
00:33:33More rage-y? I don't know.
00:33:35Does that worry you
00:33:37with Zara and AJ at all?
00:33:41I mean, I know Zara enough
00:33:43to know she won't turn on me.
00:33:45Laura, when I chatted
00:33:47to her today, she said she found the clue
00:33:49and that Zara threatened her last night.
00:33:53Yeah. And I was like,
00:33:55she threatened you. She's like, yeah, I found the clue.
00:33:57And she was like, if you dare go try and get those girls
00:33:59to vote for you to come over here.
00:34:01And I was like, what?
00:34:05But I am slightly worried
00:34:07that, yeah, if that's what's happened last night
00:34:09then when we do merge, things could fracture easily.
00:34:11So we need to get our shit together.
00:34:15I need to step up my game.
00:34:17I need to make sure that I feel
00:34:21And that even if AJ does go
00:34:24a bit crazy again,
00:34:26he will not have any support.
00:34:30I think we've got the ick.
00:34:32We've got the ick so hard.
00:34:34Like, everything they do annoys you
00:34:36and it's not even annoying. It's just like,
00:34:38oh, get out of my space.
00:34:40AJ's erratic. He doesn't know
00:34:42what his next move is going to be until he thought it up
00:34:44two minutes ago and now he's told the entire world.
00:34:46He is so cocky
00:34:48and slimy.
00:34:50And I can't have Zara running back to him.
00:34:52I think it's time for him to go home.
00:34:58I haven't thought.
00:35:00How strongly do you feel about AJ?
00:35:02Well, I love AJ
00:35:04but he's crazy.
00:35:06But definitely
00:35:08poorly before AJ.
00:35:12But I'm certain of it.
00:35:14I mean, assuming he doesn't
00:35:16have an idol.
00:35:18It seems like
00:35:20Pauly is still very much in trouble.
00:35:22I just don't trust him.
00:35:26This is not what I want.
00:35:28But whatever. I'll just go along with it
00:35:30and shut my mouth.
00:35:32When will Logan go?
00:35:34It's just frustrating.
00:35:36AJ's like the pebble in my shoe
00:35:38that just I can't get rid of right now.
00:35:40We'll get him next time.
00:35:42We'll get him next time.
00:35:44And then it's going to be him getting me at the end.
00:35:47I think AJ
00:35:49is going to be the death of me.
00:35:51I would warrant
00:35:53there's another idol.
00:35:55Alright, do we keep looking?
00:35:57Yeah, I reckon.
00:35:59In saying that,
00:36:01if I get Pau in this game
00:36:03he should be sleeping with one eye open.
00:36:17Don't leave me.
00:36:19This is...
00:36:21We're not leaving.
00:36:23You promise me.
00:36:25Look at me.
00:36:27You promise.
00:36:31Look what was that!
00:36:33She's so ugly,
00:36:35but I love her.
00:36:37It's a skull.
00:36:39I love skulls,
00:36:41but anyway.
00:36:43It's a skull.
00:36:45I love skulls, but anyway.
00:36:47Fuck it, Liz.
00:36:51Alright, now we have this for us.
00:36:53Now we know that no one else is going to have it.
00:36:57Oh, this works out so well.
00:36:59This little baby
00:37:01is so helpful for my game.
00:37:03Sharing this idol with
00:37:05Karen and Kalen.
00:37:07It kind of feels like a little bit of a group bonding session.
00:37:11I don't have an idol. I don't know what you're talking about.
00:37:14And from now on
00:37:16I can kind of go on the attack.
00:37:18But right now
00:37:20that doesn't even matter because I am playing
00:37:22the patient game.
00:37:24And as soon as we get to merge
00:37:26I will burn AJ to the ground.
00:37:30I think, you know,
00:37:32get Paulie out next vote.
00:37:34Yeah, I think so too.
00:37:36I think I've already made that up in my head.
00:37:40I think we make it a very close vote.
00:37:44Just to put the fear of God into someone.
00:37:50It'll be really fun.
00:37:52Should we do a free fall?
00:38:04Imagine one of us mess it up.
00:38:08I'm sorry.
00:38:10I didn't mean to send you.
00:38:12Did you do that?
00:38:28It's unfortunate for the old PD.
00:38:34I want to give him this big bowl of pasta.
00:38:36He's going to eat more than everyone.
00:38:38He deserves it more than anyone else.
00:38:42I was looking at that wine
00:38:44but I just had such a big mouthful of meatballs
00:38:46I couldn't even fathom the wine.
00:38:50It's some good meatballs.
00:38:52It's the only thing I wanted.
00:38:56Sorry, Keith.
00:39:00I'm not finding something.
00:39:02I'm now just cranky that I didn't eat as much as I could have.
00:39:06I came back from the spaghetti reward very annoyed
00:39:08that I had not found anything there
00:39:10despite finding the clue.
00:39:14Check the shelf.
00:39:16Are we going to try and reinforce the shelter a little bit?
00:39:20So I just had to pray that no one else found it.
00:39:26Are these the tongs for the roof?
00:39:30Okay, cool.
00:39:40It's shelter.
00:39:42Check the shelter.
00:39:46These greasy little mitts
00:39:48found a little scroll.
00:39:52Okay, time to read
00:39:54my little parchments
00:39:56of doom.
00:40:02You've found a little scroll
00:40:04of doom.
00:40:09You have found an advantage
00:40:11in the game.
00:40:13This advantage offers you a rare opportunity
00:40:15to seek power by making another player
00:40:17of this hidden immunity idol your own.
00:40:23If you use this advantage,
00:40:25present this scroll to Jonathan at the Tribal Council
00:40:27when he says it is time to vote.
00:40:29Jonathan will ask you to name one player
00:40:31whom you think is currently in possession
00:40:33of a hidden immunity idol.
00:40:35If you're correct, that player must hand it over
00:40:37and that idol becomes yours.
00:40:43This is the ultimate advantage.
00:40:45It can be used to steal an idol
00:40:47if I can figure out who has one,
00:40:49which means I now have the potential
00:40:51to get two idols.
00:40:55I think the Jungle Rat needs to be
00:40:57renamed to the Jungle Dog
00:40:59because I'm out here sniffing out
00:41:01advantages all over the place.
00:41:04I've been very good at playing the humble,
00:41:06poor little guy stuck on the bottom.
00:41:08But in reality, I am
00:41:10at the top of the tribe.
00:41:12The legend of the Jungle Rat continues on.
00:41:31Come on in!
00:41:34All right.
00:41:36As you know, P.D.
00:41:38injured his arm yesterday.
00:41:40He's been away from camp
00:41:42getting a thorough medical assessment.
00:41:44Let's bring him back in.
00:41:46Come here, P.D.
00:41:50Are you okay?
00:41:52I'm okay.
00:41:56P.D., how are you feeling?
00:41:58A bit battered,
00:42:00but still okay.
00:42:04Well, I have some good news.
00:42:06The medical team is okay
00:42:08for you to continue in the game
00:42:10with some restrictions.
00:42:14Well done.
00:42:16The good news is
00:42:18no bone injury, no joint injury.
00:42:20The bad news is you have injured your bicep,
00:42:22which means that there are going to be
00:42:24some challenges that you can't compete in.
00:42:26The question, P.D., is
00:42:28are you happy to continue?
00:42:30Jonathan, I've got a brain,
00:42:32a left arm, two good legs,
00:42:34and some heart, so yes.
00:42:38All right.
00:42:40But I'm not wrestling him anymore.
00:42:42Let's do that.
00:42:46We're all good.
00:42:48Kalen, is that a relief?
00:42:50It's the best news I've ever heard in this game.
00:42:52So good.
00:42:54All right, P.D., we're very happy
00:42:56to have you back.
00:42:58All right, shall we get on with today's
00:43:00challenge? Logan?
00:43:04Once again, Immunity
00:43:06is back up for grabs.
00:43:08For today's challenge,
00:43:10standing on a beam,
00:43:12you'll each pull on a rope, suspending
00:43:14a disc. You'll then work together
00:43:16to stack ten blocks on that
00:43:18disc. If at any point
00:43:20your stack falls, you'll need to
00:43:22start over.
00:43:24First tribe to finish wins
00:43:26Immunity and is safe from the vote.
00:43:28This is a Tribal Council where somebody's gonna become
00:43:30the tenth person voted out.
00:43:32P.D., I'm gonna sit you out
00:43:34today. Braun, that means you have an extra
00:43:36player, so you're gonna need to sit someone out also.
00:43:38Who's it gonna be? I'm happy to sit
00:43:40if you guys pick. I don't mind. All right.
00:43:42Okay, A.J., P.D., you're
00:43:44on the bench. Everyone else, minute to strategize.
00:43:46Let's get to it.
00:43:54Here we go.
00:43:56For Immunity, this challenge is
00:43:58now on.
00:44:04wasting no time on the beam.
00:44:06Getting right
00:44:08to it. Okay, girls, I need you
00:44:10pulling more. We're pulling in and then I'll pull on it
00:44:12and I'll let go of my rope.
00:44:14Okay, that good? Braun, placing
00:44:16their first block.
00:44:18Kalen, quickly back.
00:44:20Need to work
00:44:22together to keep that disc
00:44:24steady in the middle.
00:44:26One at a time.
00:44:28Stacking your blocks.
00:44:30Ten blocks in total.
00:44:34How's that? Yep.
00:44:38Kristen, coming in with the
00:44:40second block for Braun.
00:44:42All right, you can turn around
00:44:44if you want or you can go backwards.
00:44:46It's tricky, eh?
00:44:48Let's go on Zara.
00:44:52coming in with the third block for Braun.
00:44:54Nice, Zara.
00:45:02second block for Brains.
00:45:06Brains taking
00:45:08their time.
00:45:10Slight lead for Braun at this stage.
00:45:14This is speed
00:45:16versus precision.
00:45:18The faster
00:45:20you go, the more
00:45:22risk you take.
00:45:24Good work, Logan.
00:45:26Speed machine.
00:45:28Those first blocks are simple
00:45:30enough. It's going to get a whole
00:45:32lot more difficult.
00:45:36Good job, boy.
00:45:38Paulie, just skipping across that beam
00:45:40with the fifth block for
00:45:42Braun. Equal
00:45:44tension is critical in this
00:45:48That's going to require
00:45:50clear communication.
00:45:52We can bring it
00:45:56I can walk forward
00:45:58a little bit. Paulie, pull it more, Paulie.
00:46:04Nice work.
00:46:06Karen, placing
00:46:08number six for Braun.
00:46:10They have a nice lead at the moment.
00:46:12Six for Braun,
00:46:14six for Brains.
00:46:16Two very different
00:46:18strategies here.
00:46:20Jesse, super slow. So slow.
00:46:22Jesse, as slow as you can possibly go.
00:46:24Great, Jessoire.
00:46:32Zara carefully trying to place
00:46:34the eighth block for Braun.
00:46:38We've got a big head start, so let's just keep it cool.
00:46:40Both tribes working
00:46:42together extremely well today.
00:46:44All right, let me know when the tension's back up.
00:46:46Great teamwork from everyone.
00:46:52making quick work at number nine for Braun.
00:46:54Do you need to be closer, Logan?
00:46:56Yeah, a little bit.
00:46:58Okay, I'll let go a bit as well.
00:47:00Just can't quite reach
00:47:04else. Trying to
00:47:06move that disc very carefully
00:47:08over toward Logan.
00:47:10Well done, Logan.
00:47:12There it is, number nine for
00:47:14Braun. Braun have the
00:47:18And they
00:47:20lose everything.
00:47:24Disaster for Braun.
00:47:26They're going to need to start over. That opens the door
00:47:28for Brains.
00:47:32We're going to take a quick
00:47:34pause and not care about
00:47:36what's going to the left before we get excited.
00:47:40coming out with the fifth block
00:47:42for Brains.
00:47:46Well done. Slow and steady
00:47:48wins this race.
00:47:52placing that sixth block
00:47:54for Brains.
00:47:56Well done. Beautiful.
00:47:58Awesome. Myles has seen me a
00:48:00lot at Tribal lately.
00:48:02I'm sure he'd love to have
00:48:04the evening off.
00:48:06I'm good. I'm good.
00:48:10First Tribe to stack all ten
00:48:12blocks wins Immunity.
00:48:16Braun are quickly rebuilding.
00:48:20very quickly.
00:48:22Logan placing the fourth.
00:48:24Great. Well done.
00:48:26Brains with seven
00:48:28blocks in their stack.
00:48:30Laura coming out with number
00:48:34Nice, Myles.
00:48:36Excellent, Laura.
00:48:38Braun have
00:48:40rebuilt half their stack.
00:48:42Starting to get a
00:48:44little tilt.
00:48:46Kaz, I reckon you could fix Paulie's a tiny bit.
00:48:48Push it backwards.
00:48:50Trying to figure out how to adjust that.
00:48:52Karin struggling
00:48:54with the reach.
00:49:04All good.
00:49:06Loses it all.
00:49:08I think more attention, guys.
00:49:10Braun needs to start
00:49:12over again.
00:49:20Don't worry, guys. Just chill.
00:49:22Hold for Jess.
00:49:24Brains have the lead.
00:49:26Eight blocks. Two left.
00:49:28Jess, you might need to rejig those two.
00:49:30Just the top one, maybe.
00:49:32The pro skateboarder.
00:49:34This should be a piece of cake for Jess.
00:49:40Readjusting number eight
00:49:42before he places number nine.
00:49:48That's good.
00:49:50This is where we need to get real still.
00:49:52Super still, guys.
00:49:54It's getting wobbly.
00:50:02Slowly, Kate.
00:50:04There it is.
00:50:08has that final block
00:50:10for Brains.
00:50:12Hold on, hold on, hold on.
00:50:14Wait, wait, wait.
00:50:16Wait for the wind.
00:50:18Here Kate goes, placing that tenth
00:50:20and final block.
00:50:28Good save.
00:50:30I'm just a bit worried about
00:50:32the wind.
00:50:34I'm just a bit worried about
00:50:36the wind.
00:50:38I'm a bit worried about
00:50:40the wind.
00:50:42I'm a bit worried about
00:50:44the wind.
00:50:46Good save.
00:50:49Nice save from Kate.
00:50:52Fix it while you're there.
00:50:56She doesn't panic. Well done.
00:50:59Trying to readjust the whole stack so it stays in place.
00:51:03She needs to get all the way back for the win.
00:51:06There's a lot of pressure here.
00:51:09Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick.
00:51:19And there it is.
00:51:24Twin Immunity sending Braun back to Tribal Council.
00:51:38Congratulations. Immunity is yours.
00:51:42Well done.
00:51:46All right. You are safe. Nobody going home. Head back to camp. Enjoy the night off.
00:51:50Thanks, JLP. See you guys.
00:51:52Bye, guys.
00:51:56All right, Braun, Tribal Council tonight, where one of you will become the 10th person voted out.
00:52:00Head back to camp. I'll see you tonight.
00:52:06So tonight at Tribal Council, I think it's safe to say that AJ and I are still on the bottom.
00:52:14So I'm going to pitch the house down, and I'm going to do everything I can to see AJ going home.
00:52:27Watch Brains tackle Braun in the ultimate battle for survival with full episodes over on TenPlay.
00:52:49Oh, there's still flames. That big log is still going.
00:52:53Can we get some coconuts ASAP so we can get this rice going?
00:52:56I'll get those coconuts, will you?
00:52:58Do you need a hand, Paulie?
00:52:59Kristen's going to come get me in here.
00:53:05Oh, everyone's gone. Everyone's gone.
00:53:07Everyone's left the nest.
00:53:10What are you thinking?
00:53:13Are we good? Same plan?
00:53:15I think so.
00:53:16I think so.
00:53:18The vibe in camp during this scramble is actually pretty relaxed.
00:53:22Paulie is at the bottom. He's an obvious snake oil salesman.
00:53:26And honestly, rallying people against him, that's going to be quite easy.
00:53:30Alright, so he's main boat, I'm side boat.
00:53:33He's going to go for you.
00:53:35He's going to try and convince Logan.
00:53:38Does Logan know the real plan?
00:53:40I mean, go on Paulie.
00:53:42Yeah, of course she does. I asked her this morning.
00:53:44Cool, okay.
00:53:45Obviously you never want the split to be on you, but I have gone a little bit far with my antics, so I'll take the bullet.
00:53:51Because it doesn't make sense for them to get rid of me now.
00:53:55Paulie is the greater evil, and nobody wants to work with him.
00:53:59It's just all going on Paulie tonight, but the thing is...
00:54:02He's going on me.
00:54:03Yeah, that's what we're assuming.
00:54:04No problem.
00:54:05I haven't spoken to him, but that's what I'm assuming.
00:54:07AJ, don't do anything crazy at Tribal tonight, okay?
00:54:11Listen to me, don't muddy the waters.
00:54:13It should be a straightforward Tribal.
00:54:15We just need to get rid of Paulie.
00:54:17Everyone's happy right now. I think we have a simple vote next.
00:54:20It seems like it's going to be six votes on Paulie, one vote on me.
00:54:25And I think it's all pretty straightforward.
00:54:28No one freak out at Tribal tonight.
00:54:29No, he doesn't care.
00:54:30No hostages.
00:54:31No, I've not been witness to what you've been doing.
00:54:42Do you think I should be worried?
00:54:44I should be worried, shouldn't I?
00:54:51Everyone else agrees that Paulie should go home.
00:54:56AJ has been a little bit troublesome.
00:54:59And I've always known that AJ didn't have me in his long game.
00:55:04Because if I have someone in my long game, I tell them I had an idol.
00:55:09But he didn't.
00:55:10So it would be beautiful just to make AJ sweat a little.
00:55:16Just a little bit.
00:55:17Just a little bit.
00:55:18So I think a beautiful 3-4 split vote would be just what the doctor ordered.
00:55:29These last few days here has been really taxing on my soul.
00:55:33Being constantly anxious and...
00:55:35Look, it's a bit cruel.
00:55:39AJ seems to love theatre.
00:55:41And I'm going to give him theatre.
00:55:45Do you want to have a conversation now or do you want to wait?
00:55:47No, no.
00:55:48Just cool off a little bit first.
00:55:51Do you want to have a chat?
00:55:52I just want to sort of pitch an idea with you moving forward.
00:55:56Because I think...
00:56:01You can't rely on AJ moving forward.
00:56:09He's going to turn on you guys.
00:56:11And, like, he's going to go over there and he's going to gun for Logan
00:56:15as a way to build rapport and relationships with Braun.
00:56:18And they may take it because they're going to take her out instead of one of their own.
00:56:25I've recognised the crack that is AJ.
00:56:28He seems to really be dividing his tribe.
00:56:32To get rid of AJ, I think I've got...
00:56:35I've definitely... I think I can pull, like, Kristen's vote.
00:56:39Logan's on board.
00:56:41That's four of us.
00:56:42So, Kristen's on board?
00:56:43Kristen, I think, might be on board.
00:56:46I don't think she'll be able to write my name down like she wasn't able to write Ursula's name.
00:56:50The best thing to do is to act instead of react.
00:56:54I feel you.
00:56:55I don't know if Logan and Karen are reliable.
00:56:59So, I've got a little something-something up my sleeve.
00:57:05Oh, look.
00:57:06A little kissing coconut.
00:57:08Oh, let's take these...
00:57:09Freshly fallen.
00:57:10Let's take these coconuts back.
00:57:12Basically, I wanted to talk to you about the potential to work together for a long-term plan.
00:57:19Kristen, she is the last of my OG brawn tribe mates, and Kristen's got an idol.
00:57:29Kristen's got it.
00:57:30Let's go.
00:57:31Oh, you got it?
00:57:32So, if Kristen played the idol for me, it's EJ going home tonight.
00:57:38So, what you said to me the other day really struck a chord with me about being in a minority the whole time, the whole game.
00:57:46I don't want you to be in a minority anymore, and I think my only shot at staying in this game is the idol,
00:57:54and we have a little bit of power right now, and it's going to be our last shot to play it to reclaim some of that power.
00:58:01So, if you play your idol for me tonight, we will get to merge 100%.
00:58:08We pull PD over, the three of us together, we can sway the vote however we want it to go.
00:58:16And that could work in our complete favour.
00:58:19We could end up building our own majority, but we've only got one shot at this, Kristen.
00:58:24Will you consider?
00:58:26It's really hard having an idol.
00:58:28It makes you so popular.
00:58:30It's a little bit funny because we had the whole hostage situation,
00:58:33and now here I am sitting with an idol and with options at my fingertips.
00:58:40It feels wonderful.
00:58:42Yeah, well, let's do all the chatting.
00:58:44Okay, perfect. All right.
00:58:45I know you've got my back.
00:58:55I want to have more fun.
00:58:58I don't want to be so serious anymore.
00:59:00I just want to enjoy it.
00:59:01I think that's what the brawnies are doing over there.
00:59:03They're just vibing and having fun.
00:59:06I mean, fair enough.
00:59:07They don't need to be serious, but I would like to have some fun.
00:59:16You're feeling safer tonight.
00:59:18Well, it seems a bit too comfortable.
00:59:21Yeah, I know.
00:59:22There's something off.
00:59:24Am I becoming an elder gay?
00:59:27And that's why I wondered if the girls would ever be turning.
00:59:30Kristen wouldn't, and Zara wouldn't,
00:59:32but Kaz is really annoyed at me,
00:59:34and Logan is bearing me.
00:59:37Worst case scenario tonight,
00:59:39Pauly has an idol,
00:59:40and I cop votes.
00:59:44So, I want to make sure that I have a get out of jail free card.
00:59:47I think this vote is probably wrong, to be honest.
00:59:53We should be voting out Logan here.
00:59:56Oh, boy, it's a big day.
00:59:58Where are you going before the night is done?
01:00:01I'm not going anywhere.
01:00:02What time is it?
01:00:03I'm going to bed.
01:00:04You are?
01:00:05Well, it's five o'clock.
01:00:06Good night.
01:00:09I love you, and I think you're the best thing
01:00:10in the entire universe.
01:00:11You know?
01:00:12I love you too.
01:00:13I love you, and I really, really, really love you.
01:00:15I love you too.
01:00:16I love you.
01:00:17I love you too.
01:00:18I love you.
01:00:19Good night.
01:00:20Good night.
01:00:21I love you.
01:00:22I love you.
01:00:23I love you.
01:00:24Good night.
01:00:25Um, I'll tell you why because Laura and Logan are gonna join up with Kate and Morgan for sure
01:00:32And that's gonna be a really really strong pool. They're all from Melbourne. They're all in the same area. They're all the same age
01:00:37Second thing is that Paul is a shield for us. He's a challenge beast and nobody likes him
01:00:44It just seems there's all these reasons to get out Logan and there's no reason to get out Paulie so tonight Logan should be going
01:00:53Do you wanna put a vote on Logan?
01:00:55You can just say it was me
01:01:01With the ideal world is Paulie and then Logan next. Logan definitely can't go before Paulie. Yeah
01:01:10All good?
01:01:12I mean, it's straightforward. Yeah, we just need to get rid of Paulie
01:01:16I think every single other player in this game is completely stupid
01:01:22But fair enough, I've had my way for four tribals straight
01:01:25So for now, I'm just gonna let the heat lay off and give the power to others. So I'm not a dictator
01:01:31I was with Paulie then he was giving me a terrible pitch of why I should use the item and he said
01:01:36Oh look, you know when we get over there like I'll be able to get PD and it's like
01:01:44So the Academy Award goes to
01:01:49Yeah, anyway
01:01:51So Paulie is sneaky dangerous lies wants to reunite with those guys over there and doesn't want to play with us
01:01:58Yeah, I just think tonight should be really straightforward
01:02:10I think tonight's vote will 100% beat Paulie going home. No doubt about it
01:02:15But age is giving us the ick and I've had enough of his hostile takeovers
01:02:22So I want to put the fear of God into him that if I wanted to turn I would
01:02:31An idol could be played and AJ would potentially be leaving the game purely from an accident
01:02:51Mean evening
01:03:07All right, so I know you've all come here tonight to send someone home
01:03:12But we've had a development this evening, which means that's not gonna happen
01:03:20Now this might come as a bit of a shock but Ben from brains has decided to leave the game
01:03:34That means tonight you will not be voting no one's gonna be going home from this tribe
01:03:46Are you sure I'm very sure
01:03:50Sadly he won't be with us anymore
01:03:52But the good news is you guys get to stay together and one of you gets a reprieve tonight
01:03:58Someone gets a second chance. So I suggest
01:04:02Use it wisely
01:04:06Wow, oh
01:04:08That's it. We get to go home. That's it. Grab your torches head back
01:04:12Are you joking? I'm not kidding
01:04:25Let's go home always a pleasure JLP always a pleasure
01:04:32Have nothing. I don't know what to say
01:04:43Sunday night it is time to drop your bugs
01:04:47The moment they've been waiting for has arrived
01:04:52With brains having the majority we're gonna dominate but as the game gets tougher, it's my time to rise up again
01:04:59I am a phoenix rising from the ashes only the strongest you don't eat before you're eating
01:05:06You're gonna get gone and smartest
01:05:10You best believe I'm finally getting my vengeance sorry
01:05:13We'll survive I adore miles for the rest of the game. We're just gonna cause absolute chaos