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Caroline D'Eath, whose father was murdered for being Catholic by loyalist terrorists in Glengormley in 1975, speaks about the killing and her family's loss. Ms D'Eath was speaking at European Victims of Terrorism Day at Stormont on March 10 2025. Video by Ben Lowry
00:00My name is Caroline Deeth and my father Gerald Deeth was killed in a flask bomb in May 1975.
00:11It's coming up to his 50th anniversary. He was a Catholic worker helping to build Christian Brothers School in Glengormley.
00:22It was a predominantly Catholic workforce. A flask was left on a mound of rubble for quite a few days.
00:29Unfortunately he was the one that decided to open the flask and was killed instantly.
00:34It left immediate impact. His three daughters were left without a father. His wife was left without a husband.
00:45It was one week before my sister's communion. He never got to see her in her dress.
00:51The aftermath was we were left without a father. I never knew his voice, what his personality was like.
00:59He never knew what way we became as women and how we turned out.
01:04He was an innocent victim of the Troubles. Our family have been impacted by what has happened.
01:16Sadly there was no purpose or gain for his murder. He was an innocent Catholic man out doing a day's work for his family.
01:26Unfortunately we've all become victims and survivors of the Troubles today.
01:32You were saying that you were aged four and therefore you have no memory of him?
01:36I have no memory whatsoever. My other two older sisters have a few memories.
01:42The only thing we have belonging to our father is a few photographs and that's all we have left.
01:49Unfortunately mum died nine years ago without ever knowing who murdered her husband.
01:57We've never got any justice for our father.
02:01Straight after his murder she had to become the sole breadwinner for our family.
02:10She had to take on three jobs and then go out to work to help us financially as there was no one else to help.
02:21We then as teenagers had to learn to light fires, do household chores, do everything in the house because mummy was always working.
02:30She did the best for us and raised us to have a good work ethic.
02:36My mum also taught us that everyone is the same no matter what religion they are and to respect everyone and treat everyone the way you would like to be treated.
