Watch little Henry stack his coloured cups in order, and push a shopping trolley, in this adorable video.
Dawn Heaton, of Preston Trick Dogs, explains why heelwork to music and freestyle doggy dancing are the perfect way to improve your dogs behaviour while also having fun!
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Dawn Heaton, of Preston Trick Dogs, explains why heelwork to music and freestyle doggy dancing are the perfect way to improve your dogs behaviour while also having fun!
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00:00My business started out teaching just tricks and that's kind of how I've gotten into to get into this way.
00:05If you just do some tricks and you find it interesting, then the next step would be, you know, putting it all together and going out and doing stuff.
00:12We've got heelwork music, which is the dogs have to maintain a heelwork position.
00:17So there's eight UK heelwork positions and the dogs can be in any of those and they have to dance to a piece of music in a ring.
00:29Freestyle is a little bit different. So you can do tricks.
00:35So still to music, still same sort of rules just for heelwork music.
00:41We can only do 20 percent of the time not in a heelwork position and freestyle.
00:47We can only have 20 percent of the time in a heelwork position.
00:50So it's sort of opposites. This one. Yes.
00:54Good boy. This one. This one in there. Yes.
01:02Good boy. You can't be serious when you're you're you're teaching tricks.
01:07It's just fun, you know, teaching your dog to cover their eyes or stick the head in a bucket or, you know, it's not like you're not strict.
01:14You're not yanking your dog about. It's not like a you will do this kind of environment.
01:20Circle. Circle. Circle. Circle.
01:23Lots and lots and lots of issues that dogs have generally comes down to break break down in relationships.
01:32So, you know, if your dog thinks you're the best thing ever and you're suddenly going to spring into dancing around the living room or,
01:40you know, in the park, the dogs don't want to go and run off and chase squirrels because their owner may well just leap into some kind of weird trick.
01:49Oh, good boy.