Coop chats with Helenn Kickendall, Marketing Strategist Manager on Walt Disney World with Young Kids
00:00It's Coop with Big98One live from Walt Disney World where you can win your very own vacation
00:05right now. Enter to win at I'm with Helen. We want to talk about,
00:09you know, bringing families to Walt Disney World. It's about the kids, right? I mean,
00:12it's obviously the whole family, but the little kids and the memories that they're making,
00:15that's kind of what it's all about. We went to Magic Kingdom yesterday, which is so fun
00:21for my kids who are 12, 11, and 6. Talk to me about Magic Kingdom specifically and just all
00:25the different things that you have for those younger kids. Yeah, absolutely. First of all,
00:29thank you for having me. Excited to have you here at Walt Disney World. Magic Kingdom is actually
00:33one of our favorite parks. Me, myself, I have a one-and-a-half-year-old, so definitely great
00:37for little ones. There's so much to do, but the thing is, and I think you can relate to this,
00:41sometimes we bring my nephew, and he's 11, so it's like, how do you find something that they
00:44both can do together? There's so many things to do. Teacups, it's a staple. They both love that
00:49one. My little one just gets mesmerized, and my nephew still loves to make us spin all the time.
00:55Peter Pan's Flight, we love. Also, one of our favorites over there, it's the parade. I don't
01:00know if you had a chance to participate yesterday at the Festival of Fantasy Parade. We love it
01:04because we see so many characters all at once, so that's one of our favorites as well. And I think
01:08my last little tidbit is sometimes my nephew wants to do maybe a little bit more of a
01:12thrill ride, and we have the little one, so we definitely love to take advantage of the rider
01:17switch, where one of the adults can wait with the little one while the other one rides, and then
01:21they can literally swap, and you don't have to wait in line all over again.
01:24Disney has really thought of everything when it comes to that. There are a couple of areas in
01:27Magic Kingdom, over by the circus area, where my 12-year-old wanted to go on, I forget,
01:32the goofy roller coaster there. What's it called?
01:33The Barnstormer.
01:34Barnstormer. And so him and my daughter went to that, and then I took my younger son,
01:39my six-year-old, over to the Dumbo, the elephant, just kind of go up and down kind of things.
01:45So there's definitely something for every age group, and that's at every park. It's not just
01:50we're focusing on Magic Kingdom here, but we were at Hollywood Studios, and it's really no
01:54different. There's stuff for the older kids, but there's also stuff for the younger kids at every
01:57one of the parks, right?
01:58Yeah, literally everyone. Also for the parents as well. Let's not forget,
02:02it's for the whole family to enjoy together. So even me and my husband, we're big Disney fans,
02:05and we can always find something to do at the parks.
02:07Well, Epcot, we're going today. There's some food and drink, I've heard.
02:11Mom and dad are going to have some fun, for sure. Let's talk about the resorts, the hotels that you
02:17guys have here at Walt Disney World as well, because I've been lucky enough to stay in a bunch
02:20of them. And the great thing about those is that they're also focused on making sure that the
02:24little kids have something to do, right?
02:26Yeah, absolutely. We have a lot of entertainment around the resort. Some of them have several
02:30pools, even with some areas that are specific for little ones, little splash pads. I mean,
02:34my little one loves the pool, so that's definitely a staple. Sometimes when we come back,
02:38we need a little break from the parks. We just relax and have a little time at the pool,
02:42and that's really, really great.
02:43The other thing too is that because it's Disney, again, you guys have thought of everything. For
02:46example, yesterday we went to the pool at Animal Kingdom, and my little one, my six-year-old,
02:51he could swim, but he's not a fantastic swimmer, and we didn't bring his little arm floaty things,
02:55but they have life jackets there at the pool ready to go, and in all different sizes too,
02:59because I saw some older kids who maybe needed one as well. You guys, there's nothing to worry
03:04about. Come to Disney World, have fun, right?
03:06Absolutely. We build our products with families in mind. We really want our families to come here,
03:11have a peace of mind, just enjoy the magic without having to worry about things like,
03:14oh my gosh, I forgot my floaty. Nope, we got you.
03:16Yep, that's exactly right. Helen, thank you so much. I appreciate it. Bring your young kids,
03:20bring your family, and make those memories at Walt Disney World. You can win your trip
03:24right now at