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#Caedrel #LEC #KCorp
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#Caedrel #LEC #KCorp
00:00There needs to be some fucking fatty lock-in here. Draven ban? Okay, are we gonna take away Kalista or not?
00:06CFO as side selection? Oooo
00:08Target ban on Kassante?
00:10Zyra ban? I'm guessing these bans are because CFO play a lot of these champs or what? Kassante, Zyra? They're maims or what?
00:16Yeah, I don't know much about CFO, but it looks like they're Zyra, Kassante merchants with these bans.
00:21Oooo, they got CFO to ban Kalista on blue side.
00:24Oh, they have a free ban here. They can ban Rumble, Yone, Ezreal. Yeah, good.
00:28Taliyah is also a really high prio champ, actually.
00:31Azir, Zyra, Kassante, Kass...
00:34Kalista, Maokai, Draven. It's gotta be a Rumble or Vi first pick, right? Like, that's just the way it goes.
00:41All right, here it comes. Like I said, Maokai, Zyra are out, so the teamfight comp's gone.
00:47Zyra's out, so the
00:49comp goes to like
00:51Rumble, Yone, Jayce,
00:56Vi, Wukong. I don't know. These are like the champs that just get paired with him. Rumble first pick. Ambessa one-two-wise, Ambessa, Vi.
01:03This is where a champ... I feel like if they go Ambessa, Vi, I feel like champs like Poppy are good,
01:07but you can't really pick Poppy with Rumble. You could go Xayah here for CFO.
01:11I don't like picking AD, and I mean, I guess you could go like Xayah something,
01:15but I think jungle plus Miniskirt, T1 played Rumble, Poppy.
01:19I kind of like Xayah here. Ooh, Ezreal gets met by Kai'Sa, Ambessa, Vi. I feel like Xayah is a better champ here.
01:26I mean, the Astral Lane is good, I guess, so it's probably fine. Good for KC so far, I think.
01:30Good champs. Yeah, I'm surprised they didn't early rotate Rumble with Yone. Like, I feel like now you just lose these champs.
01:38I think the Skarner pick is not that useful,
01:41because I think you can drop jungle, worst case.
01:44Like, dropping mid is harder, unless you have like smolder Jayce, but I don't know if you'll get a good smolder game.
01:50But I guess their last picking support here, the Taliyah ban is pretty good for CFO.
01:55Ahri ban, Ahri Taliyah ban, yeah. Here comes Taliyah ban, and then their four picking mid.
01:59I guess he's gonna, like, the most standard drafting ever would be if they just pick like Aurora on four, counter pick support, everyone's happy.
02:06This is just the pro meta.
02:09There's like five comps, and you plug and play champs. Like, in this ramp, in this four pick, it's Ahri, Taliyah, Aurora, yeah.
02:15The blind support is a bit tricky here, because I guess they do have Kai'Sa not, so Rakan blind sucks.
02:20Leona blind gets mid by Braum, but Kai'Sa Braum's not that good,
02:23so they could just go Leona plus mage,
02:27or Leona plus Jayce, but I don't know if that matchup is nice.
02:31Viktor, Viktor is pretty good. I'm telling you, it has to be Leona blind.
02:36And they have Kai'Sa. I think there's no other good blind, and then they'll pick Rell on five, and everyone's fine.
02:41Game is normal. Oh, Leona win rate is 49 to 76, what?
02:46Now they can just pick Rell or Alistar or Rakan or some shit.
02:49Okay, I mean, KC's comp is solid. I think CFO's comp is also pretty solid.
02:54I think the Rumble doesn't have the best comp around him, but I guess this champ just wins lane, so without lane swaps, it is just OP.
03:01KC are cooked.
03:03Nah, KC's fine.
03:05I just don't know how good Ambessa is into Rumble with the nerfs.
03:08I feel like with the Ambessa nerfs, maybe this matchup is a bit tricky.
03:13KC has no tank.
03:15It's fine, I think.
03:16Obviously, CFO's champs, if they go late game with Ezreal-Victor, it's a problem, right?
03:21But I think Aurora-Vi-Ambessa, I can do a lot to make the game good.
03:25I would really appreciate it if you could take a second to like the video and subscribe to the channel.
03:28Anyway, enjoy the video.
03:30It's green now instead of red, the health bars.
03:33They've cleaned up the things down here a bit.
03:35It looks nicer, but still, I just...
03:40I still think it's missing things.
03:42But it does look nicer already. Yo, good job, Riot.
03:45No XP bar.
03:47But there is runes.
03:50Okay, and there is gold diff.
03:52Okay, hey, not bad.
03:55Yeah, obviously, like I said, I think the meta...
03:58Oh my god, they added the XP bar.
04:00Wait, this is so good.
04:02Wait, I fuck with this a lot.
04:04This is great.
04:05We're slowly getting there.
04:06I wonder if now they should just put the objectives all here, like in lines.
04:10And then we're chilling.
04:12I think the only thing they need to do is grey out these spells.
04:15It says they have ult up, but obviously, like, they don't, right?
04:17It's level one.
04:19Yeah, what I was gonna say is like, because lane swaps are gone.
04:23Drafting for side lanes now is a lot harder.
04:26So figuring out how you pick top and support has become a bit more tricky, I think, for teams.
04:30Vi and Skarner full clearing.
04:32He wants the base.
04:34Where's the CS number?
04:35Oh, yeah, I see it.
04:35I see it.
04:39Is this a gank?
04:45I mean, hey.
04:46As a laner, if your jungler ganks your lane and makes them use mana or lose like 1% health,
04:52already a W.
04:53Good gank.
04:54No joke.
04:56I don't fucking care that you wasted your time.
04:58Fuck do I care?
04:59How do they have three wards here?
05:02They just decided it's map hack o'clock.
05:04Here's timers where I think if you want to swap, like, let's say red side want to swap.
05:08This is like a good timer where red side could have swapped, you know.
05:11Obviously, they don't, but...
05:12The Ambessa lane looks kind of nice.
05:15I mean, jungle path top early and just cover it.
05:18Looks like the Ambessa is chilling.
05:20Yeah, this hut is already much nicer.
05:28Wow, Viktor ult is really early.
05:29They just want to get 1 or 2 and get out or what?
05:33Nope, they want to get all of them.
05:34Level 6 Skarner.
05:36Every time I look at this HP bar, Vladdy is just getting...
05:39Viktor in lane is so annoying.
05:42So KC is getting pushed in on all three lanes.
05:46And lost grubs.
05:48And they're gonna lose Drake soon as well.
05:52Wait, this is a...
05:54Wait, that's gonna work?
05:57What the fuck?
05:58This TP is gonna take 14 business days.
06:04Oh, he's here!
06:10Man, people still have this reactionary feeling of like...
06:12I'm TPing, I'm TPing!
06:15And then you just have like the Wild West and like fucking thing flying through the desert.
06:19Camille is there!
06:21Nice, go!
06:22Bro, I've already based.
06:23What do you mean?
06:24Can we just rewind chat?
06:27Is Skarner just OP or what?
06:30Are you kidding?
06:32Skarner looks kind of OP.
06:33I'm not gonna lie.
06:35I mean, Skarner is doing well.
06:36He looks like he's like 10-15 CS up.
06:38But everywhere else, the lanes are just bleeding.
06:41Like mid matchup just looks like it wins if nothing happens.
06:44Because I mean, Viktor can just poke him out.
06:46And I mean, the TP from Aura was a bit int.
06:49Bot lane had like two ganks that kind of just helped them in lane.
06:52All right, it's five grubs to CFO.
06:56I think it's not that bad.
06:57But the bad thing is that CFO also have the first Drake.
07:00You say yikes AFK chat, but he has three lanes that are pushed in.
07:04I don't know if they win 3v3 bot, you know.
07:06Oh, he's really far behind in XP as well.
07:10Yeah, jungle's kind of cooked.
07:11Jungle is kind of cooked.
07:14Getting some nice plates on Kai'Sa.
07:16Drake's in 10.
07:17It's time for a fucking fight.
07:19I was there, Gandalf.
07:21They need to get a good dive here.
07:22Otherwise, they're just gonna get so outscaled.
07:24Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch.
07:38Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch.
07:43Everyone for themselves, run.
07:52He's TPing to mid tower.
07:53He's gonna be out.
07:55Leona is spam pinging the Rakan.
07:58What do you want to do?
07:59Just kill him or what?
08:02Is Leona like, in her brain, is Rakan dead?
08:04I don't get it.
08:05She's spam pinging that guy.
08:07No shot, right?
08:12Well, I guess so.
08:25Doggo Ezreal.
08:29Oh my god.
08:30Thank fuck.
08:32Is that Ezreal missing?
08:34Man, I feel like if Kai'Sa was just...
08:36Could connect as well.
08:38It would be fine, but she can't connect.
08:43It's like the burst is KC, but Kai'Sa is like the...
08:48Kai'Sa is the one who will get through the Skarner and stuff, you know?
08:50But not the worst one for one.
08:53Actually two for one.
08:55Actually two for two.
08:58I feel like CFO is just gonna outscale them, aren't they?
09:07I'm a bit scared.
09:07Oh, that's a good chunk.
09:09Like, KC's dive is good, but Ezreal-Victor scares me a bit.
09:14Oh, the teamfight looks not bad for KC.
09:17This doesn't look too bad.
09:25Kanna cook, Kanna cook, Kanna cook.
09:28Nice heal.
09:30They split so hard there, CFO.
09:33They're both playing Guitar Hero at about the same speed, but they split so hard.
09:38Like, Skarner goes on to buy.
09:39Ezreal's half.
09:42And Leona's looking on Rakan.
09:44Rumble doesn't really do much.
09:48Not a good fight for CFO.
09:50Good that KC took it.
09:52The HUD.
09:52I mean, the HUD is nicer, but I still think they should go back to the old one.
09:56The nicest thing about the HUD was you had player cams here.
10:00And you could see their reactions and things.
10:01This was so, like, this was...
10:04They're there.
10:06You want me to go here, chat?
10:08They are really small, those player cams, though.
10:15Nice by Kanna.
10:18Really nice by Kanna.
10:20He saw an inter, and he got the inter.
10:24Oh, yeah, look, Rumble!
10:26Oh, nice, Yike!
10:29Why did he just kill Rumble?
10:32Oh, my God, man.
10:34It was a double carry, but who are we hitting?
10:38This was really smurfed by Kanna.
10:42I think the Rakan just needs to go on the Rumble there.
10:45Viktor has no idea what he's doing.
10:47He just needs to go on the Rumble there.
10:49Viktor has a stopwatch.
10:50Ezreal's going to have Muramana in base here.
11:09It's a loss, by the way.
11:10It's lost.
11:10It's so lost.
11:11It's absolutely f***ed, cooked, and smacked.
11:14It's just GG.
11:15None of the dives are working.
11:18It's Ambessa Vi.
11:19It's the EU classic, right?
11:21Man, scaling and frontline and carries just wins games, doesn't it?
11:25It just wins games.
11:28Like, look at Ezreal's health bar.
11:29Let's look.
11:30Watch Ezreal's health bar.
11:34Rakan connects.
11:36Kai'sa ult.
11:37Auto attacks.
11:38He's half.
11:40He's like 40%, and he just E-flashes out, and everyone dies to Viktor.
11:44And Rumble.
11:46Is Junjiya just cracking everyone's head open?
11:48Is that it?
11:52Is that guy going to die?
11:53Is that guy going to die?
11:54Let's ask ourselves that question.
11:55Is he going to die?
12:00Oh, no.
12:01Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
12:06They're even trying to take Yike's Raptors, man.
12:08Ezreal, leave him alone.
12:10Yike is having a rough tournament.
12:12Really rough.
12:13Obviously, I don't think it's a surprise for them,
12:15but Kanna is by far the best player on K-Corp right now.
12:19I think every single game Kanna's played, he's looked strong or winning.
12:24Even this game, he was winning his lane.
12:28And he's a level up on Rumble somehow.
12:29I don't know how.
12:32Oh, my God.
12:34Insta one-shot.
12:36Kanna's trying, but he can't get there.
12:46All right, it's over.
12:47Viktor, Ezreal, Infernal Soul.
12:49It's GG.
12:50It's like completely lost.
12:52They're just getting bodied, man.
12:53They're just getting bodied.
12:55Time to become a minor region, little bro.
12:58Shut up!
13:00Do you see what I mean, though?
13:02Okay, I talked about this and people didn't get it.
13:05But I talked about the idea of teams being better domestically,
13:08but fans and other teams being more reliable internationally.
13:12Like the mad conundrum.
13:14The rogue conundrum.
13:15They win the splits.
13:16They go to the internationals.
13:17They don't show up.
13:19And there's teams like G2, lose the splits.
13:22But you know at internationals, maybe they'll do something.
13:24The problem is that's changed over the last couple of years
13:27because G2 have done nothing in the last couple of years.
13:30Their best achievement, I think, personally, was beating TES in MSI last year.
13:35That's probably it in the last three years.
13:37Everything else has been a horror.
13:39And taking series against T1 and BLG like close,
13:41but close is not a cross, you know?
13:45I guess the conclusion is if KC lose the series,
13:48I think Europe is just...
13:54No way out there!
13:55No, I won't say it!
13:57It's only game one.
13:58Don't be weird.
13:59It's the first game.
14:01It's the first game.
14:02Don't overreact.
14:03G2 was unlucky in 2020 for Swiss.
14:07God gives his hardest battles to his toughest warriors.
14:12But honestly, though.
14:14BLG and T1 in Swiss stage?
14:16Both finalists?
14:17Come on.
14:18And HammerLife.
14:20HammerLife, G2.
14:21HammerLife, T1, BLG.
14:23That's not rigged, is it?
14:24That's not rigged.
14:26Come on, end it.
14:27Go next pick.
14:28First pick is here.
14:30Go, Stage1 and Yike.
14:32Listen, Yike.
14:33I think the coaching staff needs to put Yike on some frontline now.
14:36Drop the Vi.
14:36The Vi didn't work yesterday.
14:38It's not working today.
14:39Just f***ing cut the loss and bust it out.
14:42It's Maokai time, baby.
14:44It's Maokai time.
14:48It's Azir time.
15:00Just cut the loss and go full scaling.
15:12Are you serious?
15:13This is your best region you're representing?
15:15Yeah, no, I get it.
15:16Yeah, no.
15:17Yeah, me, you, me.
15:18Okay, got it.
15:19It's chat.
15:20It's MightyMorphin Maokai time.
15:22They subbed out their top laner.
15:24Apparently they do this a lot.
15:25Come on.
15:25It's time for...
15:26Oh my god.
15:27What the f***?
15:29It's a Varus angle.
15:31Wait, we're countered.
15:33It's okay as long as they don't take Sejuani.
15:35And if they do, we've got Ivern, right?
15:36That's probably what's gonna happen now.
15:40Yeah, I think Reki was talking about brown picks.
15:43Like here would be good against MF with Rakan out.
15:45Please don't take Sejuani.
15:47Whatever you do, FlyingOyster.
15:48Please don't do it.
15:49We're countered.
15:51Yike, bust out the Ivern, please.
15:55He's denying it from HongQ.
15:57I think Yone here is pretty solid.
15:59We need AP top.
16:01They could go Akali, I guess, on three.
16:03We need Ivern comfort.
16:05We need...
16:05We need...
16:05No, Ivern comfort.
16:06We need Yike comfort.
16:09Jayce is a number.
16:10Can't I just say pick me, Jayce?
16:12Oh my god.
16:13Are they running into the Malphite?
16:16Are they running into the Malphite, chat?
16:19Poke Varus, poke Jayce.
16:21Ivern will get banned 100%.
16:23I think a Malphite or an Ornn on three here goes fucking crazy.
16:27But they do have Yone.
16:29Which is really annoying for the tank on side lane.
16:31But for team comp, oof.
16:33Okay, Sion.
16:34Yeah, against the Yone, it's not the best.
16:36But into Jayce, Varus, it's good.
16:39Driver on Sion.
16:42I think Poppy versus Jayce is not that good.
16:44He's a Sion main, this guy.
16:45Wait, really?
16:46Driver is a Sion OTP?
16:48I think ban Akali here is good.
16:50Ban Akali, ban Sylas, ban...
16:53Is that worth a ban?
16:54No, I don't think so.
16:55I do think Ivern is a good ban, though.
16:58I don't know what other jungler they're gonna be able to play
17:00when Zyra and Lillia are banned.
17:02And Maokai's out and Sejuani's taken.
17:04He has to play Ivern or Amumu.
17:07Yeah, or he's gonna play like Brand or Diana or some shit.
17:09But I just don't think it's that good.
17:12I mean, he could play Nidalee, but...
17:13He could play Nidalee.
17:15I don't know if I...
17:16Oh, am I Nidalee believer chat?
17:17Is Yike a good Nidalee?
17:19He's gonna go AP Varus.
17:21Oh, is he?
17:22I mean, he's definitely gonna go on hit, right?
17:24Akali's okay.
17:26Taliyah's good.
17:27Oh, Taliyah's really good, actually.
17:29What is it, Yike?
17:30Is it Amumu time?
17:32Nautilus plus Amumu?
17:33I don't know, man.
17:38Or Brand.
17:39They have to go Nautilus and then I think CFO can go...
17:42I guess they just have to go Rell or Alistar or something, right?
17:45I mean, they have a lot of damage.
17:46KC has a lot of damage.
17:48It's probably Rell or Alistar.
17:53I mean, they have a lot of damage, so it's fine.
17:55They have a poke comp.
17:56I don't think blue side's gonna be poking much.
17:58I feel like if he goes poke Varus, no one's...
18:01I mean, maybe it's okay.
18:02Maybe Yone can get to the tanks.
18:04Win lane, win game, baby.
18:05I could use my standing desk.
18:07Should I use my standing?
18:08Should we stand?
18:10This goes kind of crazy.
18:13Cajol's first stand?
18:14Bro, shut up.
18:16There we go, I stood up.
18:18See that?
18:18I'm not short.
18:20Brand has Conqueror.
18:22Nah, I should stand more.
18:25I sit down too much.
18:27What's he doing, the Sejuani?
18:30Is he three camps in the bot?
18:31Oh my god.
18:34Oh, no, no, no.
18:36Oh, it's cooked.
18:36He's dead, he's dead, he's dead.
18:46Oh, it's cooked.
18:50The Jayce lane's getting pushed in.
18:53The Sion is stacking full tank.
18:58Oh, yeah!
18:58No flash, Rell!
18:59Hook, hook!
19:02No, he's scared.
19:04Yike has to carry this game.
19:05My man.
19:06The Sejuani is just spam ganking everyone.
19:09How is Yike behind in CS, bro?
19:10Yike's ahead a lot.
19:11Sejuani hasn't based yet.
19:13Yike's gonna cycle and be in time for Drake if he wants.
19:16He's really far ahead of Sejuani.
19:18The Sejuani will do Raptors here and then she'll base,
19:20but she's still kind of cooked on her time on the map.
19:23See if Yike can use it.
19:25He's like, he can do Krugs.
19:28And then he can start cooking them in bot a bit.
19:30Yike is behind bot.
19:31Is it a Drake angle?
19:33It could be a Drake angle.
19:36Oh, troller.
19:38Inter, inter, inter.
19:42You wanna E?
19:43Okay, two grubs.
19:44We'll take that.
19:46They swapped and we got grubs.
19:48Life is good.
19:50We got an objective.
19:56Oh, we're outtie.
19:58Oh my god, the flash, the flash.
20:01The flash double up was crazy, actually.
20:03Just find the pace, find the pace, find the pace.
20:06The only thing that can make my day better is if TL lose to TAS.
20:09Top Esports.
20:10That'll be great.
20:11If Liquid lose to Top Esports, the day will be saved.
20:14But if EU loses and NA wins again, the tournament's not even broken.
20:18You just wrap it up.
20:22Yo, Karna, lock in.
20:23Go hammer for me, Windows.
20:25Talk to me.
20:26It's free, no?
20:27It's fucking free.
20:28He is walking around.
20:31Somewhat in range, actually.
20:32But it's gonna be...
20:33Okay, Varus will do...
20:34Oh my god, we're all over the place.
20:35We're all over the place.
20:35We're all over the place.
20:36What are we doing?
20:37What are we doing?
20:37What are we doing?
20:37What are we doing, guys?
20:39Oh my god.
20:41Nautilus goes on MF.
20:43Varus is ulting Rell.
20:45Yone and Brand are ulting Sej.
20:48Can we go same target, please?
20:52Aya, junger.
20:53Scheiße, bitteschön.
20:54Come on.
20:59I mean, Karna will get a lot for this.
21:01But guys, really?
21:02Please, can we just go to one side together?
21:05Yike is 1 and 20 in the last four games.
21:17Sion's quite low.
21:22Yeah, yeah, yeah.
21:22Kill Sion.
21:23Oh my god, he just 3-man ulted them.
21:24Oh my god, he's in Sion passive.
21:26It's literally boss.
21:27The Brand is cooking them, though.
21:38Man, they're so quick on the TPs.
21:40They're going to keep it on MF, but she's actually out.
21:43The Sion 3-man ult was disgusting.
21:45But the Brand ult was not bad on these two.
21:47Just bouncing on these two.
21:49So like, Rell and Sion die, but...
21:53The damage looks good on the left side,
21:55but it's still not really enough.
21:56I mean, it's 2 for 2.
21:582 for 2.
21:582 for 2.
21:59It's really the only way to play.
22:01It's a very defensive play with CFO still.
22:03Yeah, Doggo's kind of cracking heads.
22:06Man, I just think that Sion wins games.
22:08Jayce wins lanes.
22:09Just stack the drakes.
22:11When in doubt, just stack the drakes.
22:13There is a scary frontline that they have to deal with.
22:16Oh, is he not just dead?
22:17Nice flash.
22:18Is he not just still dead?
22:19Yike, he is cornered.
22:20He's going to get a lot of damage on them.
22:22They have no TP on Yone,
22:25but they're walking up to fight this a bit in a 4v3.
22:27Is it Fable or what?
22:33Wait, okay.
22:34Sejuani no flash.
22:36Sej, kill.
22:42No one has a jungler.
22:48Sion's going to get it?
22:49There's no way.
22:51That guy walks in to take drake?
22:53How is he expecting to get drake?
22:55I think KC can test him.
22:56This is always really hard for Varus.
22:58But Sejuani kind of counter-trolled, which was good.
23:06Can I get up?
23:08Nice, Cooke.
23:10Oh my god, Sejuani.
23:13The MF items are crazy right now.
23:15Use Herald.
23:18Will he get this?
23:19Yeah, he'll get it.
23:22What the f***?
23:25Bro, where is he driving?
23:27That ain't Baby Driver.
23:41That's a horror, man.
23:43That mid-tier one's dead.
23:44They'll get top-tier one, though.
23:46There's no TP on Yone.
23:48I mean, his tower can survive, actually.
23:51We can see bounties now?
23:52No, I know.
23:52We can see bounties.
23:53It's pretty big now.
23:55And Jayce just gets one-shot, right?
23:57This was a while ago.
24:00Oh, that W didn't hit.
24:01Come on.
24:04Fix the hitboxes.
24:06These MF items are disgusting.
24:09He's playing Fimbulwinter Jayce.
24:11Is that still strong?
24:14Oh my god.
24:15Varus flashes up.
24:18Kalista gets that flash to get over the wall.
24:2130 seconds on Drake.
24:22Not bad.
24:22They used three ults for that.
24:25But they have no Brandled now.
24:27If KC gets this next Drake, the game is winnable.
24:30I don't know if they're going to fight this Drake, though.
24:33Looks like they're just giving it.
24:35Because Brand is invading.
24:37Is he waiting for some item or what?
24:39I mean, Brand has some good items.
24:42Oh, the CFO is scared that they're going to go Tata Khan.
24:46Oh, no spells on Taliyah.
24:50That's kind of crazy that he flashed there.
24:52I think Taliyah wins.
24:53Even without those spells.
24:55I mean, Kalista has two items.
24:57I think Vladdy is going to have his second item in base now.
25:00What is it?
25:00Shredbreaker or some shit?
25:01What is it?
25:02Okay, two items on KC.
25:04Three items on MF, though.
25:06Oh, yeah.
25:06Taliyah no flash.
25:07Dots and feelings.
25:11Where the fuck did the hook go?
25:13Oh my god.
25:16What are we doing, man?
25:18It was a mistake because he dies, but it's gone.
25:20What are we doing for CFO?
25:22That is three.
25:23The brand is just insta-killed by MF ult.
25:26And that MF ult just fucking annihilated everyone.
25:28Look at all their XP bars.
25:29Look at all their XP bars.
25:30The pink bars.
25:32Oh my god.
25:34It's a horror.
25:36It's a horror.
25:37Wrap it up.
25:39I don't think Kanna can carry this game.
25:41It's impossible.
25:42Oh, yeah.
25:42Wait, hold up.
25:43Nice little stun is going to come through.
25:44But another Magna Storm comes on down.
25:46And Doggo.
25:46Hold up.
25:46They're cooking them.
25:48Where's the damage at?
25:50Where's the damage?
25:51Where is the damage?
25:58Nice flash.
26:00Baron's gone.
26:02How is EU losing to teamfight scaling?
26:05Two games in a row.
26:07That's our style.
26:08Everyone in EU just plays teamfight scaling.
26:11We're the ones losing to it.
26:13I mean, if for Gen.G, like left side draft, I can see it.
26:17What do you mean losing to SCA gang?
26:18Shut up.
26:20SCA gang, you can shut the f**k up.
26:22You can shut the f**k up, idiot.
26:25Just pick me whenever and let's end this.
26:29Get it over with.
26:30Someone press R.
26:32It's not too late to change shirts, little bro.
26:35The bounce back is going to be crazy.
26:37Imagine when KC beats Humble I can test.
26:40I'm delusional.
26:42I'm deluded.
26:44I'm delulu.
26:46Yeah, of course, it's over.
26:47There's nothing they can do.
26:48There is nothing KC can do.
26:51They have no damage to get through anyone.
26:54And the Mephiles stand 40 meters back and press R.
26:58First target's dead.
26:59It's over.
27:00Who's going to walk up first?
27:01He's dead in two seconds.
27:04Oh, he has no cleanse.
27:16I hate this part of the map.
27:17Every time the camera's here.
27:19Broken blades will be broken in half.
27:22And Miky falls too.
27:24I hate this part of the map.
27:25This is the worst part of the map to ever have a camera on.
27:30Don't say that, Vedi.
27:33Oh my god.
27:34They're not even going to try and end.
27:35They're just going to back off.
27:37And they're going to get MFIE and they're going to drag it out.
27:42He finds good angles to make plays happen.
27:45Vedi, stop being fair.
27:46Be biased, EU.
27:49Say it's a bad day.
27:51Say we're having a bad day.
27:51All of these engages are stopped.
27:53Vlad, he does manage to get a decent ulti and gets himself out of there.
27:56But Yike could pay the price.
27:58It's completely good.
27:59He's going to be there.
28:00But when there's no follow-up, it does not matter.
28:02And they snuggle in one after the other.
28:05But CFO stay as a unit.
28:07Oh, a kill.
28:07A kill.
28:09A kill.
28:09This might be a little bit of an overstay.
28:13And Driver is going to do exactly as his name dictates.
28:16They take a Blast Cone.
28:17That is going to break up the fight a little bit.
28:19And a Weaver's Wall.
28:21Speaking of breaking things up, actually might be able to create some space here.
28:24But CFO, I don't...
28:26Like, the health bars are low, guys.
28:28I understand your confidence.
28:29CFO is trying to go back to base.
28:31Get him, Kata!
28:32At the very least, we'll get a pick.
28:34Shock Blast is going to be able to lock down HongQ.
28:36Going to die for the first time.
28:37Also gets rid of some pages.
28:39Oh, get him, Kata!
28:40I don't know about that Flash.
28:42Yeah, the Train is going to be able to tidy up some of them.
28:44Doggo with the bullet time gets splashed out of there by Target.
28:47Don't look at MF's gold diff.
28:49I don't want to look at it.
28:50I mean, fair enough that the game is lost.
28:52Just go.
28:52Go try something when they haven't based.
28:54If they base and spend their gold and MF gets IE, the game is over.
28:57What happened to KC, man?
28:59What the fuck happened to them?
29:01The chat is going to spam nothing.
29:03Bro, shut up!
29:04All I'm saying is Team Liquid is really lucky.
29:07NA's pride rests on TL.
29:08But if G2 drew them once in the last two years,
29:10we could change the fucking story a bit.
29:13TL is so lucky.
29:14Why did they get Fnatic?
29:15And now KC, the lucky.
29:22Norwegian is lucky.
29:30Kana, man, I'm sorry.
29:31I'm sorry, Kana.
29:31I'm sorry.
29:33Kana, I'm sorry.
29:34I apologize.
29:36And they're looking at a 2-0 in their debut match here at First Stand.
29:42What an incredible performance from this team.
29:44Absolutely incredible.
29:46Convincing, coordinated, and well executed from start to finish.
29:49There's nothing you can...
29:50G2 got 3-0'd by this.
29:52In their first best of three.
29:53Yep, taking down the Nexus now as Targamas just looks to try and escape.
29:57And unfortunately, that is not going to escape the end of this game.
30:01Honky does the honors.
30:02The youngest player of the tournament will be able to grab that 50 gold
30:05for taking down the Nexus.
30:07A beautiful performance here from this squad.
30:10They put in Rest.
30:12They play Rumble.
30:12They sub him out.
30:13They put in Driver.
30:14They play Tank.
30:15The Fearless draft and being able to sub in players is dangerous.
30:19I wonder if this is a thing that League teams will do more often.
30:21Let's say you had two subs.
30:23And those subs were solo laners with completely different champion pools
30:26to your current solo laners and your Game 3 into Fearless.
30:29And you sub them in.
30:30They're like fresh on champ pool, you know?
30:32This is something teams could use more.
30:34This could be like the first glimpse of like...
30:37I wonder if that's a thing.
30:38Oh my god!
30:40Oh my god!
30:41Bro, I tweet EU is cooked.
30:43Some guy writes beans on toast OME.
30:47What is that?
30:50He's just dancing on it.
30:51Is that the Scion dance from Driver or what?
30:53Did he just fucking clap our ass and do the Scion dance?
30:57Are you fucking serious?
30:59It's your turn now, idiot!
31:01You're gonna get fucked by the LPL!
31:03Then you can shut the fuck up, you fucking beans on toast piece of shit.
31:06That fucking stupid ass fucking pancake maple syrup or some shit, idiot.
31:11The fucking beans on toast meme.
31:12What the fuck are you talking about, idiot?
31:14That stupid ass fucking...
31:17I broke something.