• 2 days ago
A man struggling with the end of a relationship goes down a fever-dream rabbit hole involving isolation, the millennium, | dG1fWUEyRzJudndPemc
00:00Five, four, three, two, one.
00:07Do you want to hear something crazy?
00:08I've been having the same dream.
00:11All the same people who say that they're atheists.
00:14I keep having the same dream.
00:15Are the same exact people.
00:16Over and over.
00:17Who say we're living in a giant computer program and it's like,
00:19I think everything goes back to 9-1-1.
00:20You're talking about God.
00:22If you look at the trajectory of everything that happened after that.
00:24Specific events.
00:25When they occurred.
00:26Someone is in the room with me.
00:27I keep having the same dream.
00:28Dreams are just your way of figuring things out.
00:30We had a miscarriage and things really just weren't ever the same.
00:32It's the first person I've seen in a long time.
00:34It's all connected.
00:35We're an anxiety-filled culture.
00:36We're an anxiety-filled society.
00:37I have anxiety.
00:38I'm sure you have anxiety.
00:39I'm having the same dream.
00:40Before I know it, he has a pillow over my face and I'm being smothered blue.
00:43Over and over.
00:44I'm having the same dream.
00:45Over and over.
00:46It's not over.
00:47I don't have a wife.
00:48It's over.
00:49Mom, what do you mean it's over?
00:50How do you feel?
00:51I always feel like I'm going crazy.
00:53Like anxiety.
00:54Am I going crazy?
00:55I have to share what I'm thinking or else I'm really going to go crazy.
00:58I've been working on a documentary I'm pretty excited about.
01:01It sort of talks about the trajectory of America from 9-11 to COVID.
01:05Just sometimes I wish it would quiet down.
01:08We're going through a massive magnetic shift, man.
01:11That's some spooky-ass shit.
01:12That's some, like, get-out shit.
01:13We thought all this internal turmoil was the virus.
01:16I'm not ready to be around people.
01:19That doesn't matter.
01:20Man, COVID's in the air.
01:21No, it's not the virus.
01:22Everything is fine.
01:24She never told me what she needed and now it's over.
01:26Just stop it!
01:27Can you see me?
01:28No, it's not the pills, the wireless, fidelity, the corn syrup, the dextrinization.
01:33It's over.
01:34It's mind control.
01:35I'm creating art and I'm gambling.
01:36I'm creating art and I'm gambling.
01:37It's over.
01:38You are missed.
01:39This is real.
01:40Reality is real.
01:41You will be missed.
01:42It's just a bad dream.
01:43You'll make it through.
01:44It all means something.
01:45You're good.
01:46Thrown together.
01:47Past the time.
01:48Watch the news.
01:49Stay up to date.
01:51I can't wait for this to be over.
01:52It's over.
01:53It's over.
01:54It's over.
01:55It's over.