Tyler Perry's The Oval Season 6 Episode 10 | The Breaking Point FULL Episode 720HD | March 11, 2025
00:00It feels like I'm out of time
00:04Gotta get yours on, baby
00:08Gotta make sure my lips are clean
00:12I just hope that you're making me like you
00:30You look scared
00:38I'm not
00:42Then you don't have to stand so close to me then
00:46I'm not scared
00:48Yeah, okay
00:50But don't worry, they're expecting us
00:52Wait, wait, wait!
00:54He wants to talk to Donald
00:56Tell your men to put their guns down
00:58No. No!
01:00Correct. We're told to kill him
01:02That is not what we talked about
01:04Boys! No, no, no, no!
01:06No, wait!
01:22Where is Hunter?
01:25I'm right here
01:29Join the hell out of this
01:41You told me that I didn't have anything to worry about
01:46I know what I said
01:48So you know that this is not what we talked about, Hunter
01:55You betrayed me
02:03I think you did
02:05No. No, sir. You never have to worry about that
02:10You're down there helping them?
02:14I was handling everything down there until you got better, sir
02:20Yeah, that's...
02:24That's not what you're doing
02:26Sir, I swear
02:30Why did you save them?
02:32For you
02:35For me?
02:36Yeah, I did it for you
02:39But I had them right where I wanted
02:43Both dead
02:45No, no, sir. Listen to me
02:47If that plan had worked
02:49There would be no coming back for you from that
02:52Who would have found out?
02:54Think about it, okay?
02:56The Vice President and the First Lady both dead
02:59How would they look?
03:03That would look
03:06Any way you wanted it to look, Donald
03:09Because that's what you do
03:11Lover's quarrel
03:13Murder, suicide
03:16You cover up messes, Donald
03:18But you didn't want to deal with this one
03:20And you want to know why?
03:22Because you're...
03:25No, sir. Listen to me. I am telling you the truth
03:29I don't believe you
03:34Yeah, I know you don't
03:36I know it's real hard to trust anybody right now
03:41And especially with my wife down there
03:43Running things, working to destroy me
03:46And I'll get her, sir
03:48I will
03:50You're on her father's side, Donald
03:53Sir, I'm telling you the truth, okay?
03:56I've got Kyle down there on standby just in case
03:59But, sir, Eli, he...
04:01He is a child, okay?
04:03I've been doing all the work down there
04:05Keeping an eye on him and making you look good, sir
04:13May I ask you something, Donald?
04:18Why would I need you...
04:21...down there?
04:24Making me look...
04:27...like what I already am?
04:32Yeah, I get it, but right now, sir
04:35I need you to believe in me, okay?
04:37I need you to trust me
04:41Major Kniser
04:45I'll let you hang on
04:51Put a Donald's head for me
04:58Tell me why I shouldn't have him blow your brains out right now
05:02Because you know me, sir
05:06I thought I did
05:08But I don't
05:10Don't, sir
05:11It's been me
05:12I've been by your side
05:13And I am still by your side
05:19I've got a plan, sir
05:23What plan?
05:28If we can all just meet
05:31I can resolve all of this, I promise you that
05:34I'm not meeting with her mother
05:36Okay, okay, okay, sir
05:37Can they just...
05:39Can they just come up here, then?
05:48They can come up here?
05:49Yes, sir
05:50With no security?
05:54No agents?
05:55Sir, I can't sell that, sir
06:00That's the offer?
06:03You want to make this happen?
06:06It's gotta be
06:07Can you do that, Donald?
06:12I can do my best
06:16Darn it
06:19Doing your best, Donald?
06:22That's not the answer I was looking for
06:26Hey, Dad
06:28How you feeling, son?
06:29Feeling pretty good today
06:31That's great
06:33You still bored, son?
06:35Yes, sir
06:36Well, you know, I was thinking maybe we have Donald here
06:40Come hang out in your room with you for a while
06:43You think so?
06:46Why would I want to do that?
06:49I know you hate liars as much as I do, so
06:54I don't know, maybe you could
06:57Teach Donald here a lesson or two
07:01Yeah, I could do something
07:03But don't worry, he'll be safe
07:06Sure, sure
07:07All right
07:09We'll chain him up to the chair
07:12He won't hurt you
07:14What do you need, son?
07:15Maybe, uh
07:17Maybe like a knife or something?
07:21Could you run over to the kitchen and grab us a knife?
07:25Uh, sir
07:27I'm not doing that
07:28Why not?
07:29Because this is sick
07:30The girl who's into chains and bondage is all of a sudden a little squeamish?
07:38Psych, Jess
07:40Stand down there, Agent Isaac
07:45I think we need to go to the Oval so we can get this thing started
07:49We have been keeping the staff and the press people out all day
07:54If we don't get this thing resolved, Hunter, we will all be in the press
07:57If we don't get this thing resolved, Hunter, we will all be in the press
08:00Think this through
08:04Thank you
08:06Let's go, Donald
08:12I promise you
08:13I am with you
08:20Let's go
08:23Keep our promise
08:28The most dangerous thing about life is the fact that I'm dead, like, just going down
08:35There needs to be a reckoning
08:39All the Queen's Men, Wednesday, March 19th at 9, now on BET
08:44It's time to enact my plan, the unthinkable
08:55You can relax now
08:57I'm relaxed
08:59Well, you could have fooled me in there
09:01Is there something you want to say?
09:05Well, as I said, I am relaxed
09:09Yes, sir
09:10You know what?
09:12Just give me a second
09:15You okay?
09:17You sure?
09:18Yeah, it's okay
09:20What happened up there?
09:21Sir, the President is waiting
09:23Let him wait
09:25I've had enough of you
09:26Who the hell do you think you are?
09:30What, what, what?
09:32What, are you having sex with Hunter now?
09:34Oh, that's something you could do
09:36Okay, okay, Priscilla
09:37Why don't I meet you over there, okay?
09:41Go ahead
09:44Stare down
09:45Thank you
09:54You don't look okay
09:55That mother****** is crazy
09:59What happened?
10:01He wanted to leave me
10:02Yeah, the one with Jason
10:07Yeah, that's crazy
10:10But it's fine
10:11Okay, I just need to put my plan up now
10:15And what is your plan?
10:17What do you need me to do?
10:18I need you to stay alert
10:22That's it?
10:24Yeah, for now
10:25Donald, you have to communicate with me
10:27No, Kyle, think about it
10:28It's a chess game, okay?
10:30One wrong move
10:32And it all goes to hell
10:39You okay?
10:41Okay, where's Alan?
10:42He's in his office
10:46That's good
10:49I don't like being left in the dark
10:52It's fine
10:54It's fine
10:55All right, now
10:56I just need to go and talk to him
11:01I just wanted to look at you one more time
11:06I'll talk to you later
11:10All right
11:38Oh, uh
11:39In your office
11:41Victoria, I need to go and see Eli right now
11:43I'm not playing
11:54What the hell happened?
11:57Yeah, great
11:59He is off the deep end
12:01Yeah, I know that
12:02Yeah, so I need to go
12:03I need to go and I need to see Eli
12:06We need to get his ass out of the oval
12:11Did you not hear how he just spoke to me?
12:13Oh, my
12:14I mean, the audacity
12:16I'm not tolerating it
12:17Yeah, yeah, I know you're not
12:18But right now, Victoria
12:19I need you to at least keep the man calm
12:22Can you do that?
12:26Everything I had to do to make this shit work
12:30And what does that mean?
12:32I had to work his corny ass
12:34You mean you had to sleep with him
12:38What, if that's what it took?
12:40I don't give a shit about this mother
12:43I was covering my bases
12:44And how was I covering your bases, Victoria?
12:48I was getting him to fall in love with me
12:50And he would leave Simone
12:52Hunter would die a tragic death
12:54And in eight years, he would run for president
12:58And I'd be First Lady again
13:02That shit is funny to you, Donald?
13:03Lady, you are ridiculous, you know that?
13:08We both know that anything is possible
13:11We just witnessed the past administration
13:13That is true
13:15But I really, really need to go and see Eli right now
13:17Okay, well, I'll come with you
13:18Victoria, he clearly does not want you in there
13:21What he wants, huh?
13:22I'm coming
13:23Okay, okay
13:24Sorry, we're back
13:26I need you to do me a huge favor this evening
13:28I need you to move back into the office
13:31Yes, sir
13:32Okay, thank you
13:33Let's go
13:34Yes, sir
14:14Yeah, who's this?
14:15Hey, it's Sharon
14:16Sharon, hey
14:17Is this important?
14:18Yeah, it's important
14:19What's going on?
14:21Mr. Richard just attacked Miss Nancy
14:25No, no, but he's here at the White House
14:26No, he's here
14:28Oh, shit
14:30Look, I don't know what to do
14:31Is she okay?
14:32Well, she just keeps screaming that she's gonna call the police
14:35Sharon, tell her don't do that
14:37Well, she's not gonna listen to me
14:38And they're in there still arguing right now
14:41Damn, I don't know what to do
14:43I'm on my way
14:44Okay, please hurry
14:45I'll be there as soon as I can
14:47Try and keep them calm
14:48That's not gonna be easy
14:49But you have to try, Sharon
14:51Well, that's why I called you
14:53I can't leave just yet, all right?
14:55But whatever you do, don't let her call the police
14:58All right, I'll try
15:00All right, please hurry
15:27I thought you were gone
15:30No, you didn't
15:41You would know if I were gone
15:45Can I get something for you?
15:49A gun
15:51A gun
15:52I don't have a gun, ma'am
15:57How's your life going, Alan?
16:00My life?
16:02My life is great
16:05Do you have money?
16:07I have money
16:09A lot?
16:12It depends how much do you need
16:13I think we have about 10,000
16:17No, I'm talking about real money
16:20Like millions of dollars
16:25Millions of dollars, Mrs. Winthrop?
16:27I don't have that kind of money, no
16:35I have a friend
16:38What about your friend?
16:42She hired someone
16:48Her husband
16:50I'm sure she regrets that
16:52No, she doesn't
16:54She got away with it
16:58Is that so?
17:01And so did the man
17:03She hired
17:05I'm sure that man
17:07Doesn't work here in the White House, Mrs. Winthrop
17:11Touche, Alan
17:12You're right
17:13You're right
17:16You know
17:17I'm starting to think that this is a bad idea altogether
17:22I think you're right
17:26I hear you
17:29Is there something that I can't do?
17:34You can't do what my friend had someone else do, so
17:37Ma'am, come on
17:38You shouldn't joke about things like that
17:42Look at my face
17:45You're not joking
17:50Why don't you just divorce him?
17:51Why don't you just quit?
17:53The two don't connect
17:56They do
17:57You're his
17:58And he won't let you go
18:00I beg to differ
18:02Have you ever tried to quit?
18:06Yes, I have
18:07And what happened?
18:10He just
18:11Talked you back into it
18:15It was my idea
18:17He made you think
18:18It was your idea
18:24I'm moving offices
18:25So I need to go
18:27There's nothing I can get for you?
18:32Can stay here as long as you'd like
18:35Okay, thank you
18:36I will
18:37Some more
18:50I am so excited
19:03No, no
19:05Excuse me
19:07Oprah from a girl
19:08Are you sure?
19:10Yes, ma'am
19:13That's not what you're doing, right?
19:15No, ma'am
19:17I mean
19:20Man like you
19:22You wouldn't be afraid of little old Victoria, would you?
19:26No, ma'am
19:29So what's going on?
19:32What do you mean?
19:35I'm gonna go check it out
19:36Well, I wouldn't advise that, ma'am
19:37That's why those men are on coverage
19:42I am
19:43So stressed
19:46How do we end this?
19:48I don't know, ma'am
19:50That's right
19:51You don't know
19:53You don't know who to have sex with
19:55And who not to
19:58Is there something you need, ma'am?
20:01I don't know yet
20:03Well, when you do
20:04Let us know
20:05I don't need to let you know anything
20:08Whatever, ma'am
20:10No, no, no
20:16Where are you running off to?
20:19I've been summoned
20:22Summoned by whom?
20:26Ma'am, I really need to go
20:28Did I dismiss you?
20:31No, ma'am, you didn't
20:33Then you will stand here
20:36For as long as I want
20:38Ma'am, this is not helping us
20:39Solve the situation upstairs
20:41And you can solve it?
20:42Not while you're keeping me here
20:44Okay, fine
20:46I'll let you go
20:48Yes, ma'am
20:50But I'm going upstairs with you
20:51No, ma'am, you're not
20:56I'll keep trying to keep me out
20:58Yes, ma'am
21:00I'll need to go
21:06See what I like
21:14Bobby, Bobby, Bobby
21:36I want to tell you what
21:37Priscilla and I talked about
21:39Yeah, what is that?
21:42Hunter told me you two
21:43are working together
21:44Yeah, I thought he did
21:46But the kid's asking questions
21:50I knew he would
21:52So we need to get word to him
21:53That's not true
21:55Yeah, but how?
21:56It's risky
21:59We could
22:00Ring the phone in this room
22:02They would hear it
22:04They could not
22:06I can control the length of the ringer
22:09You really think that could work?
22:11Well, we run the risk of
22:13The line being hacked
22:15Phone calls being made out by Hunter
22:17Yeah, but is he that smart?
22:19He is that damn creepy
22:21I think it's worth a shot
22:23What else do we have?
22:25All right, do the shot
22:26All right
22:30Except the line goes red
22:31Disconnecting the call
22:32That's right
22:56You lied to me
22:57I'm not working with your father
22:59I need you to tell me right now
23:00Am I in danger?
23:01You can trust me, Sam
23:02Can I?
23:04I don't know if I can
23:05I just
23:08Am I in danger right now?
23:10You could very well be
23:12Well, then
23:14I need to find a way to get out of here
23:15You can't do that
23:17Oh, yeah
23:18I really can
23:20How will you do it?
23:21Watch me
23:22Red, red
23:29Figured it wouldn't last long
23:34Well, at least he knows now, right?
23:37Does he believe it?
23:40Find out soon enough
23:43God, I hope you're right, Max
23:45Yeah, me too
24:01Are you okay?
24:05It's hard for an old man
24:06He should
24:09He does
24:10He'll stop
24:12He should stop
24:14Look, they're both just upset
24:17Are they always like this?
24:19No, I've actually never seen them like this
24:22Well, it's clear they're like this now
24:25They're just grieving right now
24:28I've seen people grieve before
24:29Never like this
24:31Yeah, me either
24:34I heard tearing this place
24:36It's just crazy
24:40And spending all of their money
24:43Listen, whatever you do
24:44Do not mention that car
24:48All right
24:49Did you find that phone?
24:51I have it
24:54I'm not letting her call the police
24:57Why not?
24:58Just trust me on this, okay?
25:01Did you see what he did?
25:02And he's still in his house here, too
25:04I know
25:07Where is my damn phone?
25:09I have mine
25:10Let me use it
25:11Well, I actually already called the police
25:13What did they say?
25:14They said they're sending someone
25:17Let him come
25:18Because I'm getting his ass locked up
25:21You both saw him
25:22You both are my witness
25:23And Dale
25:26You saw him stab his father
25:28Just calm down, y'all
25:30I don't care
25:31I don't care, Dale
25:32I have been good to you
25:33You gonna tell him
25:37You do that, son
25:38He will
25:39And don't talk to him
25:41Who are you?
25:42And who are you?
25:44And your damn hands on me
25:45You put yours on my phone
25:47That ain't all I put on it
25:48Well, keep it up
25:50All right, y'all, stop
25:52I can't believe this
25:53No, Barry would not have
25:54Shannon, you stop
25:56I said it before and I'll say it again
25:58Barry would not have wanted this
25:59We know that
26:00All right, then chill out
26:01I will
26:02As soon as this ass is in jail
26:04All right
26:05You just wait till the police come
26:06Yeah, I'll be waiting right here
26:07Yeah, don't move
26:09I'll be waiting
26:11You never put your hands on me
26:12You ain't never been
26:13The stupid ass bitch
26:15You call me one more bitch
26:19All right, you know what, that's it
26:20Cut it out
26:31Where is he?
26:32He stopped to talk to Kyle
26:35We're in the middle of a crisis
26:36And he stopped to chit-chat
26:37With his boyfriend
26:40They just had sex on your desk
26:43Well, did you at least get it cleaned?
26:46Are you really saying this
26:47In front of Priscilla?
26:48I'm sure Priscilla knows all about it
26:53Get him here now
26:54Oh, well
26:56All right, let's go
26:57Get him here now
26:58Oh, well
27:01Yes, Donald's here
27:03Show him in
27:04Yes, sir
27:06Thank you
27:11How's Kyle doing?
27:16What did you say?
27:17He wants to talk to you
27:20After what he just did?
27:23Yeah, I know
27:24I told him that it'd be a long shot
27:28Have him come down here?
27:30No, he won't come down here
27:33Then how are we gonna talk?
27:34On the phone?
27:35He wants you to go up there
27:37Without security
27:39There is no way in hell
27:41That that's happening
27:44So he can finish the job?
27:45Don't worry, sir
27:46I told him that you would not
27:49What did he say?
27:51He said that it had better happen
27:53Things are gonna get a lot worse
27:55Oh, it's gonna get a hell of a lot worse
27:57Once the country finds out about it all
27:59And we can't let that happen, Mr. President
28:01They need to know that the ex-president
28:03Is in the residence with armed gunmen
28:05Attempting to hold on to Bauer
28:07No, no, sir
28:08We need to give him an out
28:10We don't have to give him shit
28:12Simone, will you let me focus?
28:14Do you trust him?
28:17Let's hear him out
28:19And you're seriously considering
28:20What he's saying?
28:24Donald, what's your plan?
28:27Maybe Kyle has a plan
28:31Yes, sir
28:33Can you take my wife somewhere
28:34And get her something to calm her ass down?
28:38Certainly, sir
28:40Right this way, ma'am
28:43First lady
28:58Yeah, tell me about it
29:03There's no way I'm going back up there
29:04Without security
29:06I know
29:08We'll be in the same position we were before
29:11So hear me out on this one
29:13What if
29:14You two meet in the bunker
29:18No security
29:21Nah, you'd be a fool to do that
29:23I'm just thinking out loud here
29:25If I got his ass down there
29:26There's no way he's coming back up
29:29Yeah, that's not gonna work
29:33Okay, okay
29:34I'll just, I'll think of something else
29:43I've made a decision
29:45What's that?
29:47He's not out of there by the morning
29:49I'm calling in the National Guard
29:50No, no, no
29:51The press will be all over that
29:52Yeah, yeah
29:53Tell him that
29:54As a matter of fact
29:55Call him right now
29:56Sir, listen to me right
29:57Call him
30:01Yes, yes, sir
30:03Excuse me
30:23I've been waiting for this phone call
30:27Yes, hold for the VP, please
30:40Is he coming up?
30:42No, Hunter, I am not
30:44Why not, Skippy?
30:46You scared?
30:48You already tried to kill me
30:50I didn't try and kill you
30:52Just tried to scare you
30:54And it looks like it worked
30:56I'm just calling to tell you
30:57That you have until the morning to leave
30:59And I'm calling in the National Guard
31:01Oh, yeah?
31:03Well, you better bring a lot of body bags
31:05Hunter, what's your game here?
31:07Yeah, your wife
31:10Just like you were mine
31:16What are you talking about?
31:18That wasn't you?
31:19Your skinny ass
31:21Banging Victoria in the oval?
31:23Hunter, you're being delusional
31:25I'm paranoid
31:26You know what's sad?
31:28You even sound like her now
31:30I wanted this to end peacefully
31:31But you leave me no choice
31:34So, just give up
31:36Oh, yeah
31:37Sure, I'm coming down now
31:40And have your men put down their weapons
31:42Yep, nope
31:43They're laying them down right now, too
31:46Calm down
31:48How about
31:50You go f**k yourself?
31:54I warned you, Eli
31:56I'm gonna make you regret this
31:59You and Victoria cooked up all this s**t
32:03You just had to try and destroy me
32:07And here's the saddest part
32:10You don't even know
32:12That you're in bed
32:13With a snake
32:15You have my demands
32:16You have until morning, Hunter
32:18See you in the morning, Skippy
32:31I knew that wouldn't go well, sir
32:33I want the National Guard here in the morning
32:35Wait, no, sir
32:36You can't do that
32:38Hear what I said
32:39Sir, listen to me, okay?
32:406 a.m.?
32:41Send them in
32:43I mean it
32:49Yes, sir
32:50Okay, now leave me
32:56Yes, sir
32:58Oh, s**t
33:13On this season finale of the-
33:22Where are they?
33:24They're in there
33:26Enter at your own risk
33:29What the hell happened here?
33:31I told you
33:43He did all of this?
33:44No, it was Nancy
33:48Yeah, she went insane
33:51Damn it
33:52This is bad
33:53I tried to tell you
33:57So you think you can calm them down?
34:00I don't know
34:02Good luck
34:04You mind, Kate?
34:06I'm just saying
34:08It's hostile in there
34:12Where are they?
34:14They're in the dining room
34:15Doing what?
34:18Sitting there, not saying anything
34:20That's really weird
34:24What happened to you?
34:26Richard hit me
34:30Oh, he actually elbowed me in the face when I tried to calm him down
34:38You okay?
34:40Yeah, I'm fine
34:42Are you sure?
34:43You don't look so good
34:45I'm okay
34:54I thought you were the damn police
34:55They are taking so long
34:58We need to talk about this
35:00Look at my neck, Sam
35:02He choked me
35:04His ass is going to jail
35:07And I'm telling the police everything
35:09Nancy, we need to talk about this, okay?
35:13Wait, wait, wait
35:14You're law enforcement, aren't you?
35:18Richard's father was mugged
35:20No, he wasn't
35:22Oh, yes, he was
35:23Say it
35:24I saw it
35:25You don't want to do this, Nancy
35:27Okay, so what do you say?
35:29We are going to have a conversation
35:32You want me to cover for some wife-beating murderer?
35:35Nancy, you know that is not the case
35:37Oh, so you're on his side?
35:38No, I'm on both of your sides
35:39Where's the damn police?
35:43You didn't call them, did you?
35:47Yeah, I called them
35:48You're lying to me
35:49No, I'm not
35:50Well, when I called them
35:51They said they didn't have a call on any of this
35:53Oh, you called them?
35:56And you tried to hide my phone
35:57Miss Nancy
35:58Come on, Nancy
35:59We need to get you cleaned up
36:01Don't we know?
36:03I am trying, Sam
36:06You know what we talked about
36:09Oh, what did you talk about?
36:10Come on
36:15Police are here
36:18Did you let them in?
36:19No, they just barged in
36:22Help me
36:24What's going on there?
36:26My husband
36:27He beat me
36:28And he stabbed his father
36:30Now, they said it was a bugging
36:32But actually
36:33He killed him
36:34And they're right there
36:36Who are you?
36:37I'm with the Secret Service
36:38And why would you be here?
36:40Can we talk outside?
36:41No, sir
36:43Stand up
36:44Put your hands behind your back
36:46Do it now
36:49You're under arrest
36:51We'll read your rights outside
36:54Don't say a word, Richard
36:55I'll come down to the precinct
36:56And tell you everything I know
36:58Lock his ass up
37:00Let's go
37:06And it's on me
37:11And it's on me
37:16He stabbed his daddy
37:17And he put his hands on me
37:20On the overhaul
37:21Objective, he knows
37:22He knows about your affair with
37:24Well, what happened?
37:25For you to keep saying
37:26I'm sleeping with your wife
37:27Is causing me anxiety
37:28And creating a hostile work environment, sir
37:31You've got to go and tell the police
37:32This is serious
37:33I'm not going to the police station
37:34I'm leaving
37:35All right?
37:37He wouldn't even testify
37:38He was standing right there
37:39I told Richard to stay off his phone
37:40If she burns you
37:41I will have to burn her, Richard
37:42You do what you have to do
38:10I'm sorry
38:11I'm sorry
38:12I'm sorry
38:13I'm sorry
38:14I'm sorry
38:15I'm sorry
38:16I'm sorry
38:17I'm sorry
38:18I'm sorry
38:19I'm sorry
38:20I'm sorry
38:21I'm sorry
38:22I'm sorry
38:23I'm sorry
38:24I'm sorry
38:25I'm sorry
38:26I'm sorry
38:27I'm sorry
38:28I'm sorry
38:29I'm sorry
38:30I'm sorry
38:31I'm sorry
38:32I'm sorry
38:33I'm sorry
38:34I'm sorry
38:35I'm sorry
38:36I'm sorry
38:37I'm sorry
38:38I'm sorry
38:39I'm sorry
38:40I'm sorry
38:41I'm sorry
38:42I'm sorry
38:43I'm sorry
38:44I'm sorry
38:45I'm sorry
38:46I'm sorry
38:47I'm sorry
38:48I'm sorry
38:49I'm sorry
38:50I'm sorry
38:51I'm sorry
38:52I'm sorry
38:53I'm sorry
38:54I'm sorry
38:55I'm sorry
38:56I'm sorry
38:57I'm sorry
38:58I'm sorry
38:59I'm sorry
39:00I'm sorry
39:01I'm sorry
39:02I'm sorry
39:03I'm sorry
39:04I'm sorry
39:05I'm sorry
39:06I'm sorry
39:07I'm sorry
39:08I'm sorry
39:09I'm sorry
39:10I'm sorry
39:11I'm sorry
39:12I'm sorry
39:13I'm sorry
39:14I'm sorry
39:15I'm sorry
39:16I'm sorry
39:17I'm sorry
39:18I'm sorry
39:19I'm sorry
39:20I'm sorry
39:21I'm sorry
39:22I'm sorry
39:23I'm sorry
39:24I'm sorry
39:25I'm sorry
39:26I'm sorry
39:27I'm sorry
39:28I'm sorry
39:29I'm sorry
39:30I'm sorry
39:31I'm sorry
39:32I'm sorry
39:33I'm sorry
39:34I'm sorry
39:35I'm sorry
39:36I'm sorry
39:37I'm sorry
39:38I'm sorry
39:39I'm sorry
39:40I'm sorry
39:41I'm sorry
39:42I'm sorry
39:43I'm sorry
39:44I'm sorry
39:45I'm sorry
39:46I'm sorry
39:47I'm sorry
39:48I'm sorry
39:49I'm sorry
39:50I'm sorry
39:51I'm sorry
39:52I'm sorry
39:53I'm sorry
39:54I'm sorry
39:55I'm sorry
39:56I'm sorry
39:57I'm sorry
39:58I'm sorry
39:59I'm sorry
40:00I'm sorry
40:01I'm sorry
40:02I'm sorry
40:03I'm sorry
40:04I'm sorry
40:05I'm sorry
40:06I'm sorry
40:07I'm sorry
40:08I'm sorry
40:09I'm sorry
40:10I'm sorry
40:11I'm sorry
40:12I'm sorry
40:13I'm sorry
40:14I'm sorry
40:15I'm sorry
40:16I'm sorry
40:17I'm sorry
40:18I'm sorry
40:19I'm sorry
40:20I'm sorry
40:21I'm sorry
40:22I'm sorry
40:23I'm sorry
40:24I'm sorry
40:25I'm sorry
40:26I'm sorry
40:27I'm sorry
40:28I'm sorry
40:29I'm sorry
40:30I'm sorry
40:31I'm sorry
40:32I'm sorry
40:33I'm sorry
40:34I'm sorry
40:35I'm sorry
40:36I'm sorry
40:37I'm sorry
40:38I'm sorry
40:39I'm sorry
40:40I'm sorry
40:41I'm sorry
40:42I'm sorry
40:43I'm sorry
40:44I'm sorry
40:45I'm sorry
40:46I'm sorry
40:47I'm sorry
40:48I'm sorry
40:49I'm sorry
40:50I'm sorry
40:51I'm sorry
40:52I'm sorry
40:53I'm sorry
40:54I'm sorry
40:55I'm sorry
40:56I'm sorry
40:57I'm sorry
40:58I'm sorry
40:59I'm sorry
41:00I'm sorry
41:01I'm sorry
41:02I'm sorry