PT Raharja Energi Cepu Tbk (RATU) mencetak laba bersih USD13,9 juta atau Rp224 miliar pada 2024 atau turun 43 persen dibandingkan 2023 yang mencapai USD24,3 juta.
Dalam laporan keuangan 2024 yang dikutip Rabu (12/3/2025), RATU membukukan kenaikan pendapatan 23 persen dari USD47 juta menjadi USD58 juta. Pendapatan tersebut sepenuhnya berasal dari lifting minyak dan gas.
Dalam laporan keuangan 2024 yang dikutip Rabu (12/3/2025), RATU membukukan kenaikan pendapatan 23 persen dari USD47 juta menjadi USD58 juta. Pendapatan tersebut sepenuhnya berasal dari lifting minyak dan gas.
00:00PTR Harja Energi Cepu TBK emits 13.9 million USD or 224 billion rupiahs.
00:15In 2024, it fell 43 percent year-on-year.
00:18But the increase in income of 23 percent
00:22to 58 million USD year-on-year.
00:30PTR Harja Energi Cepu TBK emits 13.9 million USD or 224 billion rupiahs in 2024
00:41or fell 43 percent year-on-year compared to 2023 which reached 24.3 million USD.
00:48In the 2024 financial report quoted on March 12, 2025,
00:52the company recorded an increase in income of 23 percent from 47 million USD
00:57to 58 million USD.
01:00The total income comes from the lifting of oil and gas.
01:04While the main burden, the income jumped to 74 percent from 20 million USD
01:10to 35 million USD.
01:13This jump compared to the company's gross profit to 22 million USD
01:17fell 16 percent year-on-year.
01:20The gross profit margin was recorded at 38 percent.
01:23Then the business burden also jumped between the general burden and the administration
01:27which rose 274 percent and the financial burden which rose 104 percent.
01:32Especially the increase in consultant services from 117 thousand USD
01:36to 1.35 million USD.
01:39As a result, the interest rate before the tax fell 25 percent.
01:43After the tax was reduced, the interest rate of the company was recorded at 14 million USD
01:48with a margin of 24 percent.
01:50Undropped compared to 2023 when the margin of the clean-up campaign reached 52 percent.
01:55From the Neraca side, the position of the cash and equivalent cash of the block manager
01:59Cepu and Jambung fell from 12.9 million USD
02:03to 10.4 million USD at the end of 2024.
02:07While the assets also fell 8 percent to 53 million USD.
02:13IDX Channel coverage team