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00:00Hey guys, it's me Tara and today I'm stuck in a car with Ross. You know, this is perfect because some would say you're in your driver
00:05I'm in my driver arrow. That's right. Do you wagon driver? Hell? Yeah. Also, I know you have water
00:10I do but I got you some oh
00:13Nice some Ross
00:16Nice. Yeah
00:19Let's go. Yeah, I was like, okay, I gotta get him a water a glass water. I thought lost. I was like, oh my god
00:23I'm gonna cross it out and I'm gonna write Ross and I thought it was genius this morning
00:26I woke up and I was like genius idea
00:28Right, yeah, thanks. Also the glass water is like I know I've been told you like glass water. Do you not know?
00:36I don't have important. No, I don't like microplastics. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a big glass water. This is plastic though
00:42I was just I know do you want to know what that's calling me?
00:45This is a plastic water because when my assistant went to go get that he said you won't believe this. There's one Voss left
00:51Oh, do you want the one that I brought? No, no, it's fine. I'm okay. I'm okay in my second car with series
00:56I always buy someone a little present a little something to start the video
01:01So well, that's good. Cuz honestly, I I do really like water. That's not your present. Oh, oh
01:08I have a feeling you already have this. Oh my
01:11But I thought why not? I have one. So do you really? Yeah, of course a team Beach movie
01:21Wow, I bet I do have one of these somewhere but honestly
01:25This one's from you and also my mom probably stole mine, there you go
01:28So you get to listen to your own soundtrack not to make your head huge
01:32But I think you're one of the most impressive people ever and that's a genuine thing
01:36I don't just like throw that around and I say that because you've done like my friend Dahmer. You've done Disney Channel
01:42Yeah, you did r5 you're like an amazing singer an amazing dancer. Thanks the choice of on video
01:48I gotta hang out with you more often
01:50I'm like, I think you've touched every single corner of the world ever and not anyone like I don't know anyone else
01:56I can say that genuinely. I still got to go to like the Middle East. I feel like I don't mean physically
02:06Are you really yeah, I'm Persian. Oh, no way. Yeah. Are you actually like you have been there?
02:11No, I've never been there, but it was my first language. Oh, no way. Yeah, can you speak something for me?
02:15Sure, what do you want me to say? We're stuck in a car help my two machines stuck casting come back Wow
02:20I didn't mean you touched the world physically, but I'm sure you did. I've been a lot of places
02:24I'm not like I am just like so impressed with you
02:26I was showing my assistant the trailer to my friend Dahmer and then I showed right after that the Teen Beach movie trailer
02:31And he was like, how is this the same person? I know well, you're so talented
02:36Yeah, I gotta get a I gotta get another movie made
02:38I feel like would you or do you?
02:40Yeah, I was just honestly I was just on the phone with my agent today and there's some there's there are some exciting things going
02:46Obviously, I'm gonna be on tour for like a lot this year until like midsummer and then I'm like
02:52I'm trying to get a movie made so we'll see what happens your tour starts March 7th. Yes. Yes, and when does it end?
02:58We'll be on tour for all of March and then we have like South American dates and like April
03:03We go like Mexico in April. My cousin's getting married. So it was like bachelor party
03:08Not to the bachelor party, but your shows. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I want to come watch honestly in Mexico
03:14Mexico is a good time. Should I come to the Mexico one? Yeah, it's like a full-blown festival. I think like Justin Timberlake's playing
03:19That's fun. Okay, it should be really cool. I might come to Alabama. You don't tell me about your new album. Sure obsession
03:25Yeah, my obsession comes out on April 11th. It talks about a lot. It talks about so, you know
03:29I went through like a relationship that didn't work out and like, you know, you go through like heartbreak and stuff
03:33And so a lot of the album I realized it's kind of about getting over
03:39Someone and then also like learning how to reopen up to that part of yourself
03:46That can like be open to love and you yeah, that's never easy I
03:51Understand that. Yeah. Yeah, so there's a bit of that in there and then there's a bit of like the in-between as well
03:56Which is like, you know where you're going out
04:00Yeah, and you're like and you have this newfound freedom and you're like experiencing it and it's so fun and and there's a lot of
04:05There's a lot of emotions that go along and that world too and then you're meeting all these people and then you know
04:11You're like, I don't want to commit to anything cuz like I just got out of it, you know
04:14Yeah, there's a lot of like layers in there about personal life and like exploration in love, I guess
04:20I will definitely listen to the whole thing when it comes out. I did listen to every single thing that's been out so far
04:24Oh, wow, really? Mm-hmm. Yeah, of course when I was getting ready, I'm like, I gotta get ready
04:27We're gonna get in the car. I'm gonna listen to the new album. Yeah, I loved it. Oh, yeah
04:31Yeah, I love the what's the one that came out yesterday? Don't take the night
04:33I like that one a lot cool a lot a lot a lot. It's important to me fun
04:36But also like the lyrics felt relatable but it's still like fun to like listen to does that make sense?
04:42I don't know. I'm not I have no musical like someone could play me a shit song
04:45I'm like, that's great. Like I I have no what I say means nothing. Yeah, I just enjoyed it
04:51As long as you like it like who cares what other people think though?
04:53Cuz I think a lot of people are like so so opinionated about like people are judgy
04:58Oh for sure on the internet, especially my god
05:00They're like, I don't like like they they feel like entitled to but like wait
05:05Why do you have to proclaim when you don't like something? Exactly. Well, you know what they say
05:08If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all. That's not the internet at all. No, not at all
05:12It's almost like people don't say anything unless they want to say something for sure, but it's okay
05:17Like I'm sure you've come to terms with it. Oh 100% cuz I
05:21100,000% have you um, I don't really check that's a lot. I guess you don't I think yeah, I think for your job
05:27Yeah, I feel like the all the stuff. Oh, I like the social creative
05:31I have to see what I'm doing wrong and right. Yeah, it's not the nicest thing. Yeah. Okay, your new album's called obsession
05:36Do you have any weird obsessions? I play hockey a lot. Okay, that's your obsession. I I'm it's one of them for sure
05:41It's like a it's like a therapy thing. Mm-hmm because you just get to like I would love to just
05:45Smack a puck a little bit. Are you afraid you're gonna lose your teeth? You have a great smile. Thank you
05:50You're welcome. I was wearing a visor for a second, which is like covers half your face
05:54Okay, and then basically everyone's like you should not be wearing that you should be wearing like there's also like a cage
05:59Yeah, so I switched back to wearing the cage
06:02Cuz I don't want to lose teeth. No, I wouldn't be good
06:05and I was talking to a guy today at hockey and he was like dude just think like a
06:08Dentist is just gonna like drill into your skull. It's like there's nothing fun about that and a lot of hockey guys go through that
06:14It's just not worth it. Yeah. No, you want to be on stage with some gaps in your teeth?
06:17I do honestly I have some like I definitely hit my face on like a microphone before. Oh, really?
06:24Really? Uh-huh. All right. Oh
06:26Nice. Well, you're just like pretty mine was on a Ciroc bottle
06:30No kidding. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, it was a green Ciroc bottle on st. Patrick's Day. Oh nice
06:35Yeah, and I kissed a guy named lucky that day and I wasn't very lucky
06:37Yeah, he was an Irish guy named lucky and I kissed him and then I and then you and then I chipped my tooth
06:42So I'm not very lucky. Maybe your luck ran out when you kissed him. Definitely probably you use it up on him
06:48That's horrible. I have an obsession. What's your obsession karaoke? Oh, seriously
06:52Yeah, do you have a go-to karaoke song cuz this is like your job kind of so like do you ever get tired?
06:56I don't like karaoke. I know you don't you want to know I know that because we were at karaoke one time
07:00Cuz I was drunk and I came up to you and I said you want to sing with me and grace. Oh my god
07:06Yeah, what you guys sing again? You understand that mortifies me. No, I thought you guys killed it
07:11I was remember you guys started singing I came over
07:16Like the next morning I woke up and I was like the scaries
07:19Why would I ever ask him that the scaries the scaries I woke up with the scaries like Sunday scaries
07:25That's so funny. You wake up the next day and you're like, why the fuck would I do that? Yeah, totally
07:28That's what I had the next time. Well, every time I think about you I think of that night
07:32Didn't you sing like grease or something? I sang I kissed a girl. Oh, that's pretty good. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's pretty good
07:38I was very drunk that night. I recall. Yeah, it's one of my go-to. So do you don't have one?
07:44Like gun to your head karaoke, I probably sing like Shania Twain, okay, just cuz that's fun. That's fun. I wasn't expecting that
07:51I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that I don't know
07:54It just feels like playful and like that's serious because I know a lot of singers that are like singer
07:58And then they go and do karaoke and you're like they go sing like Winnie Houston. Yeah
08:02That's great. We got it. You can sing. It's your job, but it's also
08:06No, why did I just do that? Cuz I had my foot on the brake the whole time. Oh my god
08:10I was like, this is gonna be a headline
08:13Car you gotta just get another g-wagon. I gotta get my ex-boyfriend to buy me another one. How did that happen?
08:18I was being followed a lot in the pink car and he was like, oh you were dating at the time. No
08:26Yeah, we're best friends that's like above and beyond I know and it's like what's my that's like I'll buy my mom a car
08:31Sure. I don't know about my ex-girlfriend. Sure. Yeah, it's definitely outrageous, but it was very nice
08:36That's super cool. The nice thing anyone's ever done for me. Totally. No one's ever probably gonna beat that. Well, we'll see
08:42We'll see you get married or if I'm gonna get married. I think so. Okay, I come from a big family
08:47So I'm like you do. Yeah, you know that you know what?
08:51I just know a lot of guys or a lot of people rather that are like 50 or above and
08:56Don't have kids and they regret it. Mm-hmm. Yeah, so I don't want to fall into that position, but it's it's weird nowadays
09:02I think I'm a social media and like especially in a way
09:07I feel like I'm making a spiral when I asked that I didn't mean to no, I know I think about it though
09:11Okay, I think about it. I try not to it just seems like it's just seems far out
09:16Yeah, I don't I try not to do you not want to have kids?
09:18I don't know. I don't think I'm good with kids really
09:21Why not? I don't know some girl came up to me at the mall the other day and she was a fan
09:24She's like, can you hold my baby? And I was like sure really? Yeah, and I was like, I don't know if I want a baby
09:28Are you an only child? Yeah
09:31I know you're not no, no, not at all. And also my sister has like four kids. I know that and they're like
09:38My favorite people and maybe if I had siblings with kids, I would understand I just maybe I just don't get it
09:43You don't think that they're like so cute. No, really. I think dogs are cute. Really? Yeah
09:48Oh, man, when I see my niece, I think she's so maybe it was like my blood and there are babies
09:53I like there are babies. I like just most babies. I don't like I thought I'd be like, I don't evil
09:59But no, I hate children. No, I think this is like
10:02I think most people nowadays are probably not thinking they're gonna have kids because there's so many great freedoms nowadays
10:07Like airline travels never been easier and it's like and it's hard to freaking pay rent already as a and then like how are you?
10:14Gonna have kids if both parents have to work like if there's some logistical. See this is what I mean
10:17You're stressing me out. No, I know it's not just like oh this baby's cute
10:20If it was oh, this baby's cute. Maybe I'd have maybe I'd pop a kid or two. Totally
10:24Yeah, so I asked everyone this everyone that's stuck in a car with me growing up on Disney Channel
10:29I wonder if your answer is a little bit different. Who is your celebrity crush growing up?
10:34But could you have one cuz now I'm like, I can't have a crush. I'm around it. It's embarrassing to say
10:38I don't know if I had I mean like back when I was like a kid kid
10:42I remember having a crush on them like Hayden Panettiere was that who was on the show called heroes
10:48It was like a superhero show where everyone had like different superpowers
10:51And then there was like one bad villain and his superpower was he could steal other people's superpowers. Oh, wow
10:56That's a good one and her superpower was she could like I think she could like heal anything
11:02Like even if you cut her arm off it would like heal back like a lizard
11:05Yeah, and so he was like really trying to get after her. Okay, and she was just like super cute
11:10I think so, but I'm talking like I was like probably eight years old. Yeah, that's what we're talking though
11:15Yeah, when I answer this it's like, okay, how you know, who is yours? Um, can I guess sure Joe Jonas? No
11:22No, you're wrong. No one's ever guessed that. Okay. Let me guess. Is it Disney Channel related? Yeah, you can yeah
11:28Jack Efron, no, okay, although you're the third second a car with that. We've brought up Zac Efron. Oh, really?
11:34I don't know why he's just brought up in every single one. I've done. Okay. No. Oh, maybe it's like Cole Sprouse
11:38Yeah, it was Cole Sprouse or like Corbin blue. Oh, I was gonna say Corbin. I swear to God
11:45Yeah, those who were like my first Disney Channel. I like Cole. He's a cool guy. I'm sure he is
11:49He's like he's he says some like every time I see him. He's always like he's always making me laugh
11:54He's got some good jokes
11:55I'm sure but my first Lobby crush like that like blew me out of the water that I'd like posters. I was Harry Styles
12:00Oh sure. I still have one in my room. Sure. I'm 24 years old with a hairstyle. Yeah, I think that's justified
12:06I feel like a lot of the world feels that way. I agree. I have like a One Direction tattoo. Oh, yeah
12:11Where is it? Um, I have one D tattooed on my ankle. Oh my god
12:14Oh careful. I have one D. Yeah, and then I have treat people with kindness like TBWK on my hip for Harry
12:20So I always ask people if you could be in any cinematic universe
12:23What would it be but I'm gonna ask you if you could be in any cinematic universe that you've already been in
12:28What would it be and who would you be? You don't have to be the person you play definitely not my friend
12:32I'm definitely not for sure. I didn't think you'd say that. So honestly Sabrina is kind of
12:38Enticing because it was such a fun world. That's the only one of your works. I haven't seen anything. Oh, really?
12:43I've seen everything else. That was a cool show
12:45It was kind of like we had like a pretty like hardcore fan base and like every time the show came out
12:51That's amazing, I'm gonna go watch when I go home, it's cool if I were you I would watch it my more close to Halloween
12:57I I love Halloween
13:00Yeah, they really did a cool job aesthetically with the world. So that's the world you live in if I had to live in one
13:07Yeah, I'm probably picking Austin in Halloween. Okay, would you be Austin? Probably just because it's just good
13:13I agree like good energy. Yeah. Yeah, I mean Sabrina would be fun and stuff, but I feel like you know
13:18You're probably gonna die pretty quickly. Yeah, but Austin you're just
13:23Having a good time saying you're just kicking it. Yeah in Miami
13:26Is that where it was? Yeah
13:29You know what? I still have yet to like have a proper Miami experience
13:33I've had a few times. I've like I've been in and out but I haven't had like I
13:39Haven't been there for like a chunk of time
13:42Do you wanna back up again for me? Cause look, I don't know what happened. The sun is chasing you. I know. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.
13:49Keep going. Keep going. Look at this. This is horrible. Yeah
13:53Hey, you get to drive my car
13:55I'm kind of curious how fast it is. Go ahead. Do you want to take it for a spin? Sure. I
14:00God, I never let people do this
14:03Consider yourself lucky. Oh
14:05Wow, this isn't rigged so I'll hold it. She's kind of loud
14:09That's what he said
14:11Or she said depending on Wow
14:14The G-Wagon. What do you think? I have a few friends that drive these. It's fun. I like the way it sounds
14:21Because I drive an electric car. Uh-huh
14:24So it's nice to like have a little rumble going on. Oh, yeah, there's some rumble for sure. Nice. The ex-boyfriend's purchase
14:31Yeah, that's still so crazy to me
14:34Yo, yo, that's not that's like the least crazy thing about me I feel like yo, we'll hang out. What else you got?
14:39What else do you got? What's something that's like a crazy fact about you that the internet doesn't know?
14:45I don't know. Nothing? I mean. They know you play hockey. Anything else? I play hockey. Any like cool talents or like?
14:51I'm I you know what at one point in time. I was like so close to getting my pilot's license
14:55No way. Do you have 20-20 vision? Because you have to. I think so. I must yeah. You don't wear glasses or contacts?
15:00Then you must. Do you? Yeah, I'm blind. I'm not wearing them now. Like I'm looking at you right now, and I'm like I
15:06See you. Really? Mm-hmm. Are you so you're farsighted? I have astigmatism. So it's like everything's just a little blurry
15:12Everything's a little bit like this. Oh, really?
15:14Yeah, you know when you like squint at like a light and it's like blurry. Mm-hmm kind of how I see everything. No shit
15:18Mm-hmm. I just drive that way. Really? Yeah, I raw dog life. It's horrible. Oh
15:23My gosh, yeah, that's kind of scary. I remember growing up and being like I want to hold a fucking wand and say
15:29And you're watching Disney Channel
15:36Yes, that's so cool that was like my dream is to be able to hold that fucking fuck-ass wand and be like
15:42And you're watching Disney Channel. Yeah, was it cool recording that yeah
15:45It's like harder than you think cuz they don't have like an outline. They have like I would just like dots
15:53Yeah, just something I would do probably it sounds like me yeah, well if you didn't like do it
15:57Well, they back again again that they wanted you to get it, right?
16:00Right, but they only they had you had you like trace these like dots on a like, you know
16:04You like yeah, like trace dots and then becomes like a unicorn or something
16:08Yeah, it's like that but it's kind of hard
16:10Like I remember them saying like a lot of people have a hard time doing it. Interesting. Okay, cool
16:15It's really cool to get the inside scoop on that. Yeah. Thank you. Mm-hmm. What about the Troy video?
16:20Did you have fun doing Troye Sivan's music video? Yeah, I like Troy a lot. I think Troy's great
16:24He started on YouTube. I think that's the coolest fact about him. Yeah, it's very inspiring
16:29Not that I'll ever do music dude
16:31YouTube is like I
16:32Tell a lot of my friends is that are like waiting to like one of my friends is like always selling TV shows to like
16:38These big networks and stuff
16:39I don't think any of them have ever been made because that's like the really the hard part about Hollywood is like
16:44You can sell scripts and you can sell ideas all day long
16:47But really getting them made like that's where the challenge comes in
16:50I'm so like one of my friends sold many many many scripts and I keep telling them. I'm like, dude, why don't you just like
16:56Treat YouTube as like your show
16:58I've seen so much cool shit on YouTube. I love YouTube. I watch most mostly. I'm watching YouTube
17:03I feel like really you're not on tik-tok. I try not to don't see your thirst trap edits
17:07I've definitely seen a few of my friends have have thrown in my way
17:12To which I shrug at you do not shrug at I mean, it's yeah a little bit. I'm like, that's cool
17:17If I was Ross Lynch, I'd be like damn I look good
17:20Hell yeah, I mean, yeah, yeah
17:23I mean, it's definitely flattering if you could do a duet with like anyone dead or alive who would it be Whitney Houston?
17:28Really, dude. Have you seen the bodyguard? No, you gotta watch that. It's actually kind of an awesome movie
17:33It's Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner. Okay, and then it's about like how she's like this international pop star
17:40She is like a stalker and so and so she needs like a bodyguard and that's Kevin Costner
17:46Yeah, oh my god, I love movies like that it's kind of it's kind of good and I love Whitney Houston
17:52Yeah, you saw you seem like you love it. I do
17:54Okay, so it would be Whitney Houston
17:56Yeah, but at that point I would just like want to sit there and like play my guitar and like just like get it
18:01Whitney like I've ever saying hell. Yeah, that's still a do-out. You're playing your little guitar. Do you play any other instruments?
18:06Yeah, like basically like all of them. Yeah, of course you don't but but none of them as great at like
18:12I feel like I play the guitar the best and then probably the piano. I feel stupid for asking that
18:17You're like probably all of them like yeah, of course
18:18Well, just like I don't know when you've been doing music as long as I have you just tend to like play around
18:22Okay, and find out very good. You don't play anything. No, I don't play anything. I'm not musically inclined at all
18:27I could barely hold a note. I did musical theater all my life, but I can't hmm
18:31I know maybe I'm hard on myself. Maybe I can't you probably are harder than yourself. Probably. I think most people are
18:36Yeah, are you your own worst critic first? I mean
18:39There's probably bigger
18:41Somewhere I don't see many Ross haters. Oh, that's good. Yeah, that's nice. You're so beloved
18:46I mean, listen, I'm trying to be a good guy. You are you know, I'm sure
18:51But yeah, you know a good guy I wouldn't let you drive my car
18:56Yeah new album tour guys. Go listen. It's amazing. Go watch you'll be entertained. I promise
19:04Yeah, it's gonna be fun. We're gonna play Alabama. Like you said, yeah, but we're also gonna play LA like LA's like our last show
19:11That should be pretty. I'm inviting myself. I'll be there for sure
19:14La so fun to play cuz we don't honestly like half the room is like people that we know you'll hear me. Oh, I'm sure
19:21I love concerts. I love shows. I was like such a big fan girl growing up
19:25I like went to One Direction just I fainted at one. No way. Yeah, I was in the nosebleeds, too
19:29Well, I was attacked like shave my whole body. I'm like Harry Styles is gonna want me I was 12
19:35That's fine wait you said shave your whole body. Yeah. No, no, no 12. Mm-hmm. I'm Persian have hair
19:41I was like what? Yeah. Wow. Yeah, listen. Well, shout out Harry Styles. Are you wait? Are you do you have a boyfriend now?
19:47No. Oh, well, I think Harry Styles is single. Should we hit him up for you?
19:58I know that oh
20:00I guess you would know that I
20:04Don't know what what is it type? What do you have a type? No, I mean, no
20:08I don't have a physical type, but I like smart
20:12Charismatic I like unique. I like people that have fun. I think ultimately though you have to have some sort of
20:19Chemistry, there's got to be chemistry there. Yeah, and I don't think that's like
20:22Exclusive to a type. Okay, so I think everyone that's like, oh, that's not my size. Like you're just you're just kidding yourself
20:28I think I agree
20:30I think you should give everyone a chance if you if you know that their personality is good and you guys get along
20:34Yeah, if there's chemistry like and it feels and it feels good and right like definitely like try it out or at least like
20:41Like talk. I don't know. I agree. I agree. I don't feels good. Then that's a good sign bottom line
20:47Well, that was really fun. Should I drive us back? Yeah, you wanna drive us back and you're in your driver era. That's right
20:52Thank you so much you guys for sticking around while Ross and I were stuck in a car together. This was awesome
20:58Thank you Ross for taking time out of your busy busy schedule guys. Make sure you guys go see them on tour
21:02I'm so excited to see them
21:04I will be going and give this video a like comment down below who or what you guys want to see next time
21:11Feels so scooby-doo. Yeah, let's go. It might be the it totally isn't I'm fucking Fred right now. Yeah, ready?
21:18It's time to skedaddle. It's good. I can't say it was skedaddle. Okay, cool. Cool. Cool. I'm ready
21:23Okay, three two one. It's time to skedaddle. Bye guys