• 2 days ago
Today I played with the smartest NPC in Roblox. Make sure you watch the whole video to find out what happens.

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#Roblox #foltyn
00:00Okay, so apparently this right here is the smartest npc in roblox and as you can see his name is carl
00:05So let's test out how smart carl actually is. Hey carl. What's two plus two? I don't know
00:14Okay, I guess he's actually not that smart
00:16But anyways, this is just like this game that I played a couple days ago where you have to find a bunch of secret
00:21Endings and i'm not gonna lie. I don't even know where to start. Like what do I even do? Do I just talk to carl?
00:27Hey carl, how's your day? Let's see what he says. No, why would I know what you don't know how your own day is going?
00:33Wait, what bro? This npc is not smart at all. He's actually an idiot carl. You're dumb. All right, how about that?
00:40I'm, not dumb. Yes, you are. You're the dumbest
00:46Wait, we all know that groovy is dumb carl put the gun down
00:51Carl put the gun down. It's okay
00:54What the bro, why am I actually scared right now? I feel what where's he going? I can't break the fourth wall
01:00It's going to glitch out what?
01:04What the
01:07Wait, um
01:12Carl um, okay. He's just flipping around
01:18Bro, what is this roblox game? Oh, oh nice. I got the dub sub
01:23Wait the dumb sub ending
01:26Maybe i'm dumb. I can't even read carl is still just flipping. Okay. Nice
01:31Okay, let's go. We got our first ending and uh, I guess we have to get like a thousand more. I don't know
01:37Carl this time, please. Uh, don't point the gun at me. That was very scary. Okay, you scared me carl
01:42I'm not gonna lie carl, please don't shoot me
01:46Wait, you just said who bro me I said me wait, does he know who I am? What's my name carl?
01:52I'll kill you
01:54Oh, he took out the gun. He shot me. What?
01:58Bro carl is a menace. Oh my gosh. I need my get back. Okay. How do I shoot carl? Can I shoot carl?
02:06Give me the freaking gun. He said a gun give me the freaking gun
02:10What the heck I can't pick it up. Oh the gun's right there. Oh, let's go carl. What's your last words, buddy?
02:16Okay, i'm about to shoot you right in the head. How do I pick this gun up? Oh, I got it
02:21Okay, that's it wait hacks loaded
02:25Wait, what is what?
02:27And now he's laughing at me
02:30I just got the hacker ending
02:33Carl I don't care how long it takes my life mission is now to kill you carl, please stop being mean
02:40Can we be friends?
02:43What the wait what he said? I don't understand and I got the unrelated ending i'm
02:49So confused. All right
02:51I'm, not gonna lie. We're actually doing pretty good. We've already gotten like five endings. Maybe that's our problem
02:56We need to be nice to carl carl. You are so handsome
03:01I know it's a little sus, but let's see what he says. I don't understand. No. No, did I get no?
03:08Bro, I just got that ending. I don't want that carl is so handsome. He doesn't even understand how handsome he is
03:14Me and carl have something in common
03:16All right, you know what i'm gonna skip talking to carl because like look at this world. Let's actually explore. Uh,
03:22Okay, what does this say tango mangle shop? What the heck?
03:26What do you even buy from here? What is a mangle? Let's get the tango mangle. Hi, welcome to the tango mangle shop
03:33What the 50 robots to buy free chicken nuggets? Wait, wait, that doesn't make sense
03:37Wait, I need 50 robots to buy free chicken nuggets. I I thought they were free. Wait, what you're just a little scammer
03:44You and carl bro, all these npcs are weird. Okay, whose house is this? Probably not tango mango release button
03:51Oh, no, do I click this?
03:54Hey carl, don't look over here. But uh about to click the tango mango button. Here we go. Three two one. Boom
04:03Wait, what's happening?
04:08Do I want free chicken nuggets, I mean, yeah, but why are you chasing me?
04:14It's the tango mangles
04:16I don't know what a tango mangle is, but I guess it's them. Oh my gosh the gun the gun. Yes
04:21Wait, I think I can shoot them. Yes. Give me this gun. Perfect. Yes
04:25Die tango mangle
04:28Get out of here. Get out of here. Yeah
04:32Wait, where did carl go? Did carl just leave me? Well, there's more die
04:39Oh nice, let's go. I got the hero ending. I'm a hero now. I'm holding the superhero
04:45Oh look right here. I can check the endings I have. Okay. So right now I have one two, three four different endings
04:52Okay, nice and look how many endings there are there's like a hundred of them
04:55Well, is there really not a way I can shoot carl? Like I want to shoot him so bad
05:00He's been so mean to me. All right, i'm gonna try and grab it really quick. Come here. Give me that. Yes
05:04I got it. Shoot him
05:08Carl you suck buddy. Take that. Yeah
05:12Editor, you can unblur it guys. Look it was just my fist. It was just my fist
05:17So we got the troll ending nice. I finally got my payback on carl
05:21All right, we need to start thinking outside the box. What else can we do carl?
05:25What should I do? Is he gonna say anything? What the now he doesn't want to talk to me
05:30Really you're giving me the silent treatment now carl, please talk to me. Come on now, please. All right. Love you. Uh carl
05:36I don't understand. No, no, I don't
05:40That's not the ending I wanted we already have that. All right, so we already released the tango mangles and we shot and killed them
05:48Um, whose house is this? Can I go? Oh, wait, I can go in here. What the heck? Oh, whoa
05:54Wait, where am I at? Whoa
05:56Wait, the colors are changed carl is gray now
05:59Whoa carl, are you okay?
06:02You don't look too good car you sick carl looks sick carl, are you okay? No
06:08Oh, he said no. Wait, what's wrong? Not like I know. Okay. Well, I guess he doesn't know. Can I help you?
06:16Dang it. What?
06:18Okay. Um, can I shoot you? What? What do you mean? Who you know you okay? I oh no
06:25He just shot me. Are you kidding?
06:28Ah, that's not what I was expecting to happen
06:31Me and carl have a love hate relationship. I love carl, but I also hate him. I just want to shoot him
06:37So the ending we just got i've already gotten that ending
06:39So, let me try and go back in here and see if I can get something else. Um
06:43Wait, what the heck is that over there? Wait, what does that say me when the imposer from mungus? What is this a meme?
06:50What am I looking at right now? What the heck? Can I touch it? Uh,
06:54Okay, there's nothing over there
06:58I did not notice that in the sky. Whoa, this is weird. Okay. Uh, wait, what the heck? Who's this guy over here?
07:04Hello. Hello, mister
07:06How's it going? Are you homeless? Why do I feel like i'm about to get jump scared? Uh, oh wait, this is groovy dominoes
07:15What the heck why is that creepy he's just sleeping can I talk to him wake up, uh
07:20Okay, he's not waking up. All right, we'll leave him alone. Okay, so can I go inside this house?
07:24Can I just go into everyone's house? Wait, what is creative verse?
07:29Okay, where the heck am I at now? Uh, there's a little tiny door in here. What the heck what's over here?
07:34Uh rec newbie
07:37Oh, I gotta read it backwards
07:39I'm dumb. Okay alpha base bunker. Okay. Can I go in here? It does not let me go in here
07:44Uh, what about over here? What is this button right here? Is that a light?
07:47What the I can't do anything in this house i'm leaving this place negativity what I don't want negativity
07:53Uh, okay, wait, what happens if I shoot this carl, let me give me that gun carl die
08:01Oh, wait
08:02That's the same ending we got before dang it. Dang it. I'm not gonna i'm kind of confused right now
08:07What what else can I do? Can I tell carl what to do? Uh carl jump?
08:12I don't understand. No, no, don't shoot me. Don't
08:17We already got that ending carl stop being dumb. Oh my gosh, wait, can I push carl?
08:23Come here carl push push
08:25Wait, I can
08:26No, I did not mean to pick up the gun. I'm, so sorry
08:29Oh, wait, i'm running away
08:33Let's go we got a new ending wow, that was perfect
08:36What the heck? Okay. Nice. I didn't even mean to do that
08:39Okay, so I tried pushing carl, but I actually picked up the gun, but he was moving a little bit
08:43Can carl like follow me or something? Uh,
08:47Follow me carl
08:49Does that work? Uh
08:51No, it does not work dang it bro, that'd be so cool follow me now
08:56Okay, I don't understand. Wait, he said okay
09:00Wait, he was following me. Wait a second. Wait, wait, no, no rejoin rejoin rejoin
09:03Wait a second. I think I just found something out. See 200 IQ guys. I'm too smart. Follow me
09:10He's following me. Oh my gosh, wait, where should I bring him to?
09:14Wait, let me bring him to his friend over here. I think this is his friend here carl
09:18Talk to this guy right here. Talk talk to him. Are you gonna talk to him or now? No, okay
09:22I'll collect five bo bugs
09:25Oh, wait, this is how I get a tango mango. I can get free chicken nuggets here. Here you go, buddy
09:30Wait, it's not letting me give it to him. Uh
09:33Wait, can I bring carl over here? Uh carl follow me. Can you come through here? No way
09:44We got another ending he said what the i'm stuck help
09:48No, carl. All right. You shot me like three times. I'm not helping you. I don't care about you
09:52All right. So as you see we got some more endings, but there's so many more endings we need
09:56What the heck wait, what the heck is that up there? What the is that a cage? Oh, wait
10:01Those are the tango mangles up there. Yeah, we're gonna leave them up there. I don't want to mess with them
10:06Um, I want to try and get the free chicken nuggets again. I'm gonna pick up the five bo bucks
10:09There we go. See we got five bo bucks. Let's give it to this guy. Here you go
10:13Hi, welcome to the tango mango shop. Okay, you need 50 bo bucks
10:18Oh my gosh, all right
10:19So I guess we gotta try and find a bunch of robux across the map
10:22Well, that seems like a lot of work. I'm not gonna lie carl. Go give me
10:26Bo bucks would that work carl? Did you hear me?
10:29I need you to give me robux. Give me bo bucks
10:33Dang it. Why please carl? Why not? You don't love me. All right. What else can I do to you carl?
10:39All right, follow me. I'm gonna have him follow me again
10:42Why did I get tagged what the heck? All right, whatever let's go in uh
10:46Can I go in this blue house with carl? Follow me carl. Let's go in here. Oh
10:50Never mind, we can't even go in there. Um, I already took carl in there
10:54Let's take carl in this house over here. Come on carl. Let's go right in here
10:58Wait, it doesn't let me either bro. What can I do with carl? Oh, we have a bees nest right here
11:03Can I put carl in here?
11:13Wait, did I get an ending? Yes
11:15We got the nbc ending. I don't know what that is. But hey cool. Wait, actually, you know what no
11:23He's he just shot me
11:25And we got the ending again. Wait, what?
11:29Let's go
11:30Well, I mean, let's go because I got the ending not because I just got shot by carl
11:34Okay, so carl just died from the beehive what if I die from the beehive do I get an ending too?
11:39Well, there's only one way to find out come here bees. Come get some sugar
11:44I'm, sorry. I'm so cringe. I'm, sorry. I I understand if you dislike the video and left. All right
11:49All right. Here we go. I think this should give me something
11:52Hey, yo, they're eating my butt back here. What the heck?
11:55And let's go. We got another ending. We got the bee ending. Nice
11:59Okay, i'm gonna go back over here into this like other world or whatever
12:02this world is called and
12:04I don't know. I have to do something here. I
12:06There's definitely something to do here about this person. Who's this person? Hello avi ella. Hi
12:12I'm avi. Okay. Anyways
12:14Do you know where groovy is?
12:16Yeah, can you please find him and bring him here?
12:20Wait, stop talking. You keep uh, interrupting me groovy's over there
12:25How do I bring groovy over here though? Groovy's the guy that's sleeping by the tree, right? Uh groovy
12:31Your little lady friend wants to talk to you. I think that's your girlfriend
12:36What what what the he's up? Oh avi is looking for me. Yeah
12:41Yeah, yeah, follow me. Follow me this way. Hey, let's go. I'm getting groovy a girlfriend. Come on groovy
12:48All right. Listen, you got you got riz right? You know your pickup lines
12:51All you have to say is this are you from tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see
12:57That's cringe. I'd never use that pickup line. All right, here you go. Here's avi. She's right here
13:03Hey, why are you looking down there abby's right here as I talk to abby yay. Oh nice. Oh, yeah
13:10Here's your ending. Let's go
13:14Let's go we got the avi ella sub ending that's awesome. All right guys, i'm not gonna lie this game is actually pretty fun
13:20Um, if you enjoyed I will definitely do a part two and get some more endings
13:24So make sure you like and subscribe. But anyways, i'm fulton i'm out