First time checking out the new Killer "The Ghoul" from the Tokyo Ghoul anime, and his perks. This content is currently available on the PTB for Dead by Daylight on PC (Steam) and will come to the live servers on April 2nd!
00:00 Intro to the new killer
01:00 New perks
01:56 Power
03:34 Power demonstration
12:44 Mori
14:10 Add ons
23:48 Add on testing
00:00 Intro to the new killer
01:00 New perks
01:56 Power
03:34 Power demonstration
12:44 Mori
14:10 Add ons
23:48 Add on testing
00:00Alright, once again, it is my absolute pleasure to introduce everyone watching this video
00:05to the latest killer.
00:06Every three months, there's a PTV where the new killer is tested before they come out
00:11I know some of you cannot get to test it yourselves, maybe because you don't own this game on PC,
00:15so we're gonna do it for you.
00:16And this killer is quite special.
00:18His name is Kaneki, he's from Tokyo Ghoul, and he's our first official anime killer.
00:23Super long story short, Tokyo Ghoul is a show about ghouls, which are like vampires, and
00:27the main character gets infected at one point and becomes a vampire, and each vampire has
00:31these cool tentacles, each of which are, I guess, are different.
00:35I haven't watched too much of it, it is kinda cool.
00:38This killer has some cool voice lines in Japanese.
00:40We're gonna go here so we can turn around.
00:43We're also gonna check the mori in a second, and we have a lobby with some friends that
00:47are gonna help us showcase him.
00:49We spent just a few minutes making sure we understand 100% how he works, so we're gonna
00:53showcase him in the new map.
00:56There's a new variant of Eerie, which has no main building and some new tiles.
01:00There's no new survivor, and no new Tokyo Ghoul themed map, but we're gonna go to the
01:08new map since we're there anyway.
01:10And in the meantime, while we're ready up, let me show you super super quickly his new
01:13perks and then we'll talk about his power.
01:16Forever Entwined, a perk that grows stronger the more you injure people, should be easy
01:20to use on killers like this one, or Legion, that injure a lot, and then you pick up, drop,
01:24and hook faster.
01:25Garbage effect.
01:26None are free, an endgame perk, the more people you hook, the longer it lasts, and it blocks
01:31pallets and windows in the endgame for up to like a minute and something.
01:35Not the most exciting thing, but it's my personal favorite.
01:39Nothing but Misery, a very complex perk that activates in the middle of the match, and
01:42it slows down survivors when you hit them with a basic attack.
01:45I can see this being quite annoying on some killers on some builds, we'll see how it is,
01:48but probably not a perk you're gonna see on this killer, I don't expect it to be very
01:54Now, let's ready up and talk about the most important thing, the power of the ghoul.
01:59This killer is super super cool, I think, at least in concept, the gameplay right now
02:03is a little bit clunky as you'll see, and it combines a lot of different things from
02:07other killers.
02:08Mechanically, he feels very much like Wesker, he has dashes, except you don't really dash,
02:13you use your tentacle to attach yourself to obstacles or even survivors and pull yourself
02:18towards them, so it's a bit like reverse Deathslinger, you don't pull them towards you, you pull
02:22yourself towards them, which is quite cool.
02:27So mechanically he feels very much like Wesker, he has two quote unquote dashes, and when
02:31he gets enraged he gets a third one, and this gives him amazing mobility.
02:35And because he has such an easy time injuring survivors, when it comes to gameplay, he does
02:40feel a little bit like Legion, he goes around the map, injures people a bunch, but once
02:45they are injured, he doesn't really have a super strong chase power anymore.
02:49So let's first use our power from mobility, you see that we get a little cursor in the
02:54middle of the screen, this tells me that it's too far, this tells me that it's too far,
02:59we need to play this a bit like Spider-Man, right?
03:01And find vertical obstacles to latch onto, the ground will not do, the sky will not do,
03:06so let's do this right now, and let's do it again one more time, and much like Wesker,
03:12he has the ability to bounce off surfaces slightly.
03:19So say for example that there's a survivor, I don't know, on the location of this locker,
03:25I could try to latch onto the, watch out right there, latch onto the thing, and then bam,
03:32go for it.
03:34You bounce off things nicely.
03:35Now what happens if you try to latch onto a survivor right away?
03:39Not good.
03:40You don't want to do that.
03:41Oh, I think you guys wanted to let me know that we have the power in skill, thank you.
03:45This killer is a little bit like Blight, if you try to latch yourself onto a survivor
03:52right away, you'll notice that there's a closed mouth, and it is not, it doesn't do anything.
03:59It gets you close to them, and after a little while you can do a basic attack, but this
04:03is not the way you play him, right?
04:05Much like Blight, you want to start attacking them after your second dash, so let's do one,
04:11and now you see that it's an open mouth, and this actually damages them.
04:16Much like Lesion, it puts them in deep wound, and now I'm in Rage, right?
04:20So when I'm in Rage, you'll see that suddenly when my cooldown is up, we have three tokens.
04:25One, let's do another, two, and let's do another, three.
04:34That wasn't the furthest we could've gone, but this is pretty remarkable mobility.
04:38I think the most important thing for this killer that will make the difference of him
04:43being very good or very average, or even very bad, will be how often you use this mobility
04:48to really get around the map and switch from one survivor to another.
04:53Keep in mind, once you've injured a survivor, your power doesn't really work on them anymore.
04:57Let me show you what will happen if I hit Cosmo.
04:59You see how he's still marked?
05:00He has like a little thing on the HUD?
05:02Let's try it.
05:05Okay, it reapplies the deep wound, but it doesn't down him, right?
05:09So the best thing I could do if I am chasing him is either just hit him normally, or maybe
05:14use my power a little bit to catch up.
05:16So let's imagine, I don't know, I use my power to catch up, and then I wait, I wait, I wait,
05:20and I just do a normal attack.
05:22You know, that's basically how you're gonna play this killer.
05:26Now, some things that are fairly remarkable.
05:29He can go over drop pallets and windows, very, very similar to Wesker.
05:34So yeah.
05:36Let's say, for example, that I have a survivor on that side.
05:40I can actually attach myself to the survivor or anything else, let's say the survivor,
05:44and then if my power takes me, ooh, do you see what happened there?
05:48If my power takes me over a pallet or a window, I will vault it automatically, just like as
05:53if Wesker had done a dash.
05:55Now, much like Wesker, it's coded in the exact same way, if there's a cheeky survivor trying
05:59to vault the window, as I do this, they will take damage.
06:02So you want to show that to us, Cosmo?
06:07I'm not pressing anything, they just automatically take damage, right?
06:11So this isn't a very, very strong ability, because obviously you don't go over the pallet
06:17very quickly.
06:18So if I do this, my friend Drascul here is just gonna go around the pallet, right?
06:23Yeah, so I mean, yeah, I'm pretty slow.
06:26It's really, it's really not a looping ability.
06:29It's more of a situational help.
06:33Let's say that there's a survivor behind that window, and I'm coming out of basement or
06:36something, well, I can just do this a little bit faster, you know?
06:38Deny the window, and maybe then catch them before they make it to safety.
06:42One thing that we've noticed is that elevation on this killer is a bit weird.
06:46You can aim higher or lower when your power is up, but it doesn't really make a difference.
06:49Like, if you aim higher, you don't actually go Spider-Man, you don't go any higher.
06:53You cannot use it to get on top of hills.
06:56Let me prove that to you.
06:59So I unfortunately cannot drag myself, like, to a different level.
07:03It will just get me on the closest possible spot.
07:06And it also doesn't work very well when coming out of elevation.
07:11So let me demonstrate.
07:13I will, I don't know, I'll try to push myself like this, and you notice that my power is
07:19immediately on cooldown?
07:21Yeah, I cannot really use it.
07:24So in this situation, if I want to go to the Sable, instead of dropping, just stay mobile,
07:31stay down there.
07:32And that would be much better.
07:35Now I'm in Rage, so remember, I have three of them.
07:38Now something really interesting, okay?
07:40Unlike Wesker, or Nurse, or any other killer that has, like, multiple dashes and they have
07:45to wait, you can actually start the cooldown sooner.
07:48So I'm gonna use my power, right?
07:52And look, I'm waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting.
07:57And now I start to get my cooldown back.
07:59What if I don't want to wait all that time?
08:01I can actually force the game to immediately go on cooldown.
08:05Let me show you how.
08:06So I'm gonna use one, let's see, I'm gonna use, I'm gonna use two.
08:12And now if I press the cancel leap, look.
08:14If I press it as soon as I want to, I can start getting the cooldown back.
08:18So this is useful if you find yourself in a place where you're like, actually, I just,
08:23like I'm good.
08:24I don't need it anymore.
08:25Like, I'm good like this.
08:28Yeah, you see, you can damage people from quite a far, it's also possible to damage
08:33them over obstacles.
08:35You wanna drop a pallet, maybe?
08:37One of you?
08:38So if they're a bit careless, like, I might do something like this.
08:41Okay, that wasn't good, remember?
08:43We don't want to attach ourselves to survivors on the first Kagune leap.
08:48So let's try something like this.
08:53Like, as long as you see the open mouth, that means you're good to go.
08:58Oh, what's that?
08:59Haha, let's go for Cosmo.
09:00Cosmo, you wanna run a little bit?
09:02Show us a little bit what this guy can do?
09:05Oh, he couldn't vault it because his friend was picking it up.
09:12Get some back, idiot.
09:14Alright, let's show people what it looks like when you down a survivor with a basic attack.
09:21He cracks his knuckles.
09:22Aw, thank you guys for supporting us with your gamer subscodes, that's real special.
09:26Shall we see some of the animations?
09:28And we'll check the Mori.
09:30That's kinda cool.
09:33Oh dear.
09:35That's sweet.
09:37I wanna see someone getting into a locker.
09:42Let's see what that looks like.
09:47Haha, that's cool as hell.
09:53Alright, we can't Mori him yet.
10:03So, one thing you can do.
10:05Oh, let's hook him again.
10:08One thing you can do, even though you cannot damage people with your power once they're
10:11already marked, you can reapply the Deep Wound and you can also just use your Powerful Mobility
10:17and M1.
10:18So, I guess the idea would be...
10:21Hold on, let me see if I can pull it off.
10:24Yeah, Cosmo, you wanna stay over there?
10:26Like, say for example I need to down him, right?
10:28He's in the open.
10:29I could do this.
10:31And then either...
10:33There's a way to do it without winning the whole cooldown.
10:37I'm not sure I understand this all.
10:42No, that doesn't count.
10:44We pulled it off earlier.
10:47We pulled it off.
10:52It might have been a bug, that's the crazy part.
10:58Yeah, no, that just does his power.
11:00It's a little weird.
11:02Well, maybe you'll have to take my word for it, maybe it was a one-time bug.
11:07There was a moment where we managed to use our power and then shortly after be able to M1.
11:19Maybe we need to cancel?
11:21Hold up, just a second.
11:27Like that.
11:29I just spammed the M1 there.
11:32Basically, your best bet against this killer is the way you would play against a Wesker or a Blight.
11:39Do not try to run in the open, he will catch you.
11:41Instead, you go around short loops like this one.
11:45Let's be honest, if I'm being looped here, it's gonna be pretty easy to take the damage initially.
11:53But now that she's damaged, what am I gonna do?
11:56I can't really use my power to catch up here in any significant way.
11:59I can try.
12:01Let's say she drops a pallet, right?
12:03And I'm like, oh, I'm gonna vault it.
12:05By grabbing.
12:07That does not do anything for me.
12:09If the pallet is good enough, it really doesn't help too much.
12:11Right now, you start being an M1 killer a little bit.
12:16And you play normally and you understand that this killer doesn't have any insane chase power once you are injured.
12:22Shall we have a look at what the Mori looks like?
12:24He's a 4.6, yeah, he's like Legion.
12:26He has a 4.6, so you don't need to worry too much.
12:31About being slower than the survivors or slower than normal.
12:34He does have a 40 meter turret radius though.
12:36Much like Wesker and Billy and Blight now.
12:40Alright, we got the Mori. Are you guys ready?
12:42Let's go!
13:01Oh, Jesus.
13:03Okay, dudes.
13:05That was kind of good actually.
13:11Okay, I kind of like that.
13:17Yeah, honestly.
13:19We are seeing some clunkiness and some like, huh?
13:23And we're not really considering add-ons.
13:25There could be add-ons that reduce cooldown and stuff.
13:27We're gonna get to that in just a minute.
13:30Like, this is a fun killer.
13:32Oh, thank you again, guys.
13:34This is really fun.
13:38The only problem is I think people will be like,
13:42Oh, now that I don't have a power, what does this killer do?
13:46Some people want a killer that's strong throughout the entire match and not just at the start.
13:50So, we'll see how people react to that.
13:54Let's have a look.
13:57It's time to take a look at the add-ons, I guess.
14:01Now that we know more or less how it works.
14:03Let's start from the weakest ones, shall we?
14:07This is typically how we do it.
14:11So, we have the Black Goat's Egg.
14:13Perfectly timed grab attacks grant 100% blood points.
14:17What is a perfectly timed grab attack? Interesting.
14:19So, this is just a blood point add-on.
14:21That's a bit disappointing.
14:24Increases the window to perform consecutive Kagura Leaps by 1 second.
14:28The window is already very generous.
14:30It lasts like 6 seconds or something.
14:32So, I don't know if this will be useful. Maybe.
14:34Every ghoul's favorite drink?
14:36One human delicacy, fresh coffee.
14:38Increases Kagura Leap speed by 14%.
14:40That has to be good.
14:42Because it's already very fast, right?
14:44So, this is just more mobility.
14:46Increases the slide after counting a leap by 100%.
14:48Oh, wait.
14:50Can you vault pallets faster by double the speed?
14:54That's a lot, right?
14:56For a brown add-on?
15:02We definitely equipped that one. I want to check that out.
15:04Increases the enrage mode countdown by 10 seconds.
15:06I think it lasts quite a long time.
15:08But, I mean, having 3 bounds is never bad.
15:10So, I imagine that's good.
15:12Increases the speed of the third consecutive Kagura Leap by 20%.
15:16the third is only when you do a double leap.
15:19It's only when you're in enrage mode.
15:21So, honestly,
15:23I don't know how useful that is.
15:25Survivors affected by Kagura Mark
15:27are afflicted with Oblivious.
15:29The Kagura Mark lasts a decent amount.
15:31I don't remember how much it says.
15:33It seems like about a minute, right?
15:35A bit like Ghost Face Mark.
15:37Remember, the Kagura Mark is what happens when you've injured them.
15:39It's kind of the same thing
15:41as being in Deep Wound against Lesion.
15:43It goes away when you
15:45go down or when you remove your Deep Wound.
15:48Decreases Kagura Leap cooldown by 20%
15:50when not enraged.
15:52That seems okay.
15:54That seems really good, actually.
15:56That seems really good.
15:58Oh, well, maybe too good.
16:00Sorry, PTB.
16:02Oh, thank you guys
16:04for getting some free samples.
16:06Yeah, this is a problem.
16:10Uh, okay.
16:14Looks like we're having some issues.
16:17Looks like we're gonna
16:19have to restart.
16:21Oh, thank you. Does that work?
16:23Okay, that might work. We might have been saved.
16:25Yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:27Survivors can
16:29basically cheat it a little bit
16:31by removing the Deep Wound.
16:33Obviously, they can't do that if you're in chase, though.
16:35And they can't do that without incurring some risk.
16:37So this is basically very similar to the ruler
16:39on Lesion.
16:41Basically a bit of stealth, right?
16:43It makes them Oblivious, so your big 40 meter terror radius
16:45might not realize you're coming or you're
16:47getting back to them.
16:49Increases character range by 2 meters.
16:51That's insane. I thought this thing
16:53had the biggest reach already.
16:55I want to see that.
17:01Upon entering enrage mode, reveals the art of any health
17:03survivors repairing generators for 8 seconds.
17:05That is amazing! What?!
17:07That is so good!
17:09Oh my god, I can't believe...
17:11I would have thought that this would be kind of basic.
17:13This is really, really, really good.
17:15We have something here
17:17that can basically mean
17:19that if you find one survivor,
17:21you found, you probably
17:23found the other survivors that are actually doing
17:25progress, right? And that means
17:27that you can use your mobility to go to them
17:29and get them injured, and then eventually
17:31you're gonna find one person that's not in such a great
17:33spot, and then they're gonna go down, and then all the perks
17:35begin to do. That seems an incredible
17:37item for a green. Holy, that's
17:39good. Maybe if it was
17:41one survivor, the closest survivor.
17:43I don't know.
17:45Upon removing... And this is really,
17:47really good, man. If it worked on injured people,
17:49it would be really good for Engem, too.
17:51Upon removing Calculate Mark, survivors
17:53suffer from exhaustion for 15 seconds. That is
17:55actually really good as well. One of the
17:57better exhausted items we've seen.
17:59Think about it, Chud.
18:01I don't know...
18:03When it says removing Calculate Mark, does that mean that
18:05when you down them, too? So if they get pallet safe,
18:07do they lose it, too? Is it just when they remove it
18:09by themselves? We don't know.
18:11This is good, because what you want to do with this killer
18:13is go A, go B, go C, go D,
18:15get them all injured, and then maybe
18:17go while player D
18:19is being mending, then you go back to player A,
18:21right? So this isn't bad. 15 seconds
18:23is a nice duration. Hinami's Umbrella.
18:25Decreases recovery after completing a Calculated
18:27Relief by 10%.
18:29Oh! Hold
18:37I see! So this isn't
18:39the cooldown. This is where you end up.
18:41So this item might actually be
18:43bad, because if you vault a pallet
18:45and you're so much further,
18:47twice as far, I'm guessing
18:49that then the survivor can just go behind you?
18:51So this is the actual
18:53cooldown. Yeah, I think the cooldown is so
18:55big that it's not gonna help in
18:57chase, but hey, that's nice. That seems like an actual
18:59decent green item, you know?
19:01Like a normal green item.
19:03If a generator is completed while the ghoul is in Enrage mode,
19:05gain the Undetectable Status effect for
19:0720 seconds. That is not
19:09so super hot, I'll be honest.
19:11I do think that as a ghoul, you should be in Enrage
19:13mode quite often,
19:15but I guess for a green, it's a nice,
19:17it's an okay, standard add-on.
19:19Alright, Amon's Necktie.
19:21While aiming mid-leap, reveals the aura of
19:23pallets and windows within 32 meters.
19:25Yeah, this doesn't
19:27seem so insane, but it is nice,
19:29I guess, to be reminded that
19:31there's something around the map. I guess
19:33it isn't bad. Yeah, it seems more
19:35like a brown
19:37or yellow item to me, but fine.
19:39Torture Apparatus.
19:41When Enrage mode ends, the ghoul gains 5%
19:43haste for 6 seconds. That's
19:45quite nice. You don't control very much when it
19:47ends though, do you?
19:51Vaulting while in Enrage mode blocks the
19:53vault location for 10 seconds. Now that
19:55is pretty good.
19:57This is important because this killer
19:59has a lot of map control, a lot of
20:01early injure pressure,
20:03but he doesn't have down potential, right?
20:05He's missing, it's kind of like Lesion.
20:07He doesn't have a power that
20:09helps him down survivors very much.
20:11Unless they give you the 5-hit thing.
20:13This actually could be pretty good.
20:15Red Spider Lily. While in Enrage
20:17mode, base attacks afflict survivors with
20:19Hemorrhage. Ooh, only Hemorrhage. Is the next
20:21one Mangled? No, just...
20:23Okay, this is the one add-on
20:25that really just seems terrible.
20:27I'm sorry. Hemorrhage is not
20:29bad on a killer
20:31that can have a lot of mobility, but
20:33keep in mind, this killer
20:35is incredibly decent
20:37at injuring survivors, similar to Lesion.
20:39So, oh no, you interrupted
20:41their healing. Oh no, now they
20:43can't finish the healing. Who cares?
20:45If they finish the healing, you just
20:47injure them again.
20:49Honestly, a bit
20:51of a waste. I don't know, I can't
20:53see anyone running this.
20:55CCG ID card.
20:57Performing a Cognate Leap Vault reveals the
20:59auto-vault Cognate marks survivors within 24m for 3 seconds.
21:01That's nice,
21:03and the 24m could be useful
21:05to find people that are hiding, but
21:07I don't see this being amazing.
21:093 seconds, even with Little Pursuer,
21:11would only last 5 seconds. Not too great.
21:13Let's have a look at the Eerie add-ons.
21:15Upon hooking a survivor while in
21:17Enrage mode, I'll help the survivor scream
21:19and reveal their location for 3 seconds. That is...
21:23Wait, reveal their location is not reveal
21:25their aura. Hmm...
21:27Yeah, that's not...
21:31It's not terrible, it's not terrible.
21:33Again, it kinda
21:35helps a little bit, like the glasses,
21:37you get a down or you get a hit
21:39and you find other people. That's good.
21:43It's great, it's great,
21:45but is it me or
21:47are the glasses actually better than this?
21:51this is assuming that you're getting a down,
21:53in which, you know, Pain Dress,
21:55DMS, Barbecue, all of these amazing perks
21:57that have the people run are out of the triggering.
21:59This helps you when you need it the most,
22:01which is at the start, when you hit one survivor, right?
22:03So this seems like
22:05a downgrade, okay? Not a bad
22:07add-on, but seems like a downgrade.
22:09Even if that's an eyepatch. After performing a
22:11Pallet Vault on your third consecutive Kaguna leap
22:13while in Enrage mode, destroys the pallet.
22:15Oooh, okay, so very much
22:17in the similar vein
22:19as Lesion's Eerie add-on.
22:21Okay, so best add-on seems to me
22:23this is good. This might be good,
22:25but it's very map-dependent. Some maps are more
22:27pallet-oriented, like Gideon.
22:29This seems like the best add-on to me. This seems incredible.
22:31This seems very, very, very
22:33decent. So you could put this on and never
22:35take it off.
22:39Yeah. Yeah, after that
22:41I really don't know.
22:43I really don't know. I am a little bit curious.
22:45A little bit curious.
22:47I wanna see what this add-on is like when you
22:49vault something. Shall we check it out?
22:53You guys wanna do a super, super quick test?
22:57I also would like to see what the animation
22:59of Forever Entwined
23:01is like. Oh, you guys are getting free samples
23:03from Gamersubs? Thank you guys so much.
23:05Appreciate it.
23:07Oh, they have some really nice
23:09deals right now. I think that if you get
23:11one of the cups, they give you
23:13a top for free or the other way around.
23:15Menu music? Oh yeah, we should
23:17listen to some of it. You're right.
23:19Mark did
23:21not go away once they mended? Really?
23:23Because the power says so.
23:25Mark survivors will lose their mark
23:27if they are fully mended or if they are
23:31Yeah. I guess maybe
23:33it's not properly
23:35explained. Nightshade, thank you for the 43
23:37and everybody, thank you for the support, guys.
23:43Thank you. So apparently you might be able
23:45to trick the game into...
23:47You might be able to trick the game into using
23:49heals? We'll see.
23:51Can you down with the M2? I don't think
23:53so, chat. I don't think so.
23:55Not directly anywhere.
23:57Oh my god, we're on a bad server.
23:59Okay, don't worry too much about it.
24:01So I want to see what happens when I
24:03vault a pallet or a window.
24:05Because we have an add-on to make the
24:07vault, like, bigger?
24:09I'm very curious.
24:11Alright, so say I want to go there.
24:17Am I the dumbest
24:19person ever or do I just not understand
24:21what happened?
24:33Let's vault this window.
24:37Okay, the servers are messed up.
24:41Did I pick the wrong add-on?
24:43Oh, I picked the wrong add-on.
24:45That's my bad, guys. I picked the wrong one.
24:47They just look similar.
24:51That's my bad.
24:53It's how far you sling yourself, not how far
24:55you vault. No, no, no, no, no.
24:57I mean, yeah, I got
24:59the wrong one, for sure.
25:01Yeah, this cooldown add-on
25:03should not be very good. I would
25:05love to see
25:07what the cooldown add-on is.
25:09Like, the reach by 2 meters is gonna be very good.
25:11The speed one is gonna be pretty good.
25:1314% is not a lot, it seems,
25:15but 14% of
25:17something that's
25:19out of the fast in DPD numbers,
25:21it is pretty strong. Let's find out.
25:27It improves the
25:29slide-off, not the vault speed, right?
25:33It doesn't say vault?
25:35I see.
25:37The chase music's
25:39kind of annoying. I like it.
25:41I like it.
25:45Try downing with M2 after downing
25:47injuring with an M1.
25:49It will not work, guys. It will not work.
25:51It's the same as if you injure a survivor with a basic
25:53attack on lesion, and then you use your power on them.
25:55They go on deep wound, and
25:57you get the heartbeat, but it doesn't
25:59actually do anything.
26:01Let me see.
26:03Right, so basically what this
26:05add-on does, it doesn't make you
26:07vault faster. You just slide better?
26:11Is that what it is? Yeah, so
26:13it seems at least, unless you do some
26:15kind of trick, you cannot use it from...
26:19Oh! Yo, that's
26:21actually really nice!
26:23Oh my god! So it basically
26:25gives you roller skates.
26:27Oh, I can see this being
26:29really bad or really good, and I can't tell
26:31which one it is.
26:34Look at that.
26:36It's good because it gets you further,
26:38but it's also bad because
26:40maybe you slide past the point you want to be.
26:42Why don't we go into
26:44enrage form?
26:46By injuring.
26:50And now that I'm in enrage form,
26:52I can just kind of go crazy a little bit.
26:56Okay, so
26:58enrage form lasts as long as someone
27:00is marked, and when they're not
27:02marked anymore, it has a timer.
27:04Alright, so...
27:10Oh, look at...
27:14The sliding doesn't only work
27:16outside of enrage mode.
27:22Alright, so say I want to M1.
27:26Okay, that's power.
27:36I thought it would be funny.
27:38I use him to vault over.
27:40He will drop it here, obviously.
27:44It's a very skilled base.
27:46I think so. I think this killer
27:48will have some crazy
27:50tricks up his sleeve, for sure.
27:56I just couldn't M1 him there.
27:58Yeah, we figured
28:00out some way to M1 immediately
28:02out of cooldown, but it does seem
28:04a little bit complex. We probably
28:06will spend the rest of the day figuring this out.
28:08We'll be streaming on my
28:10Otsaba Streams channel, so...
28:16Please stop by if you want to see a little bit more. Maybe we'll have figured out
28:18something new by then.
28:20Pretty fun killer.
28:22I do think it has quite a bit of potential.
28:24Some people are already
28:26mentioning this is like a worse blight.
28:28This is like a worse Wesker.
28:30I want to
28:32be a bit positive.
28:34It does have some things that are fairly unique.
28:36Not every killer is going to be a stronger
28:38blight, I hope.
28:40Just hoping that it's not clunky
28:42at all and the killer is
28:44super, super good and polished
28:46by the time it comes out. I'm really
28:48looking forward to it.