Schoolboy Runaways *NEW* Update Is CRAZY! I actually really like how it looks now
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00:00School boy runaway got an update. It's springtime now. So there's no snow now
00:05I know it used to look like this. I never played the game though when it looked like this and I think now
00:12Shut up, Timmy. Shut up
00:14I think now we can get the drowning ending. So that's what we're gonna be doing in today's episode school
00:21We're always freaking back. Let's do this. Oh, I'm excited. Should I do it on like normal mode?
00:25We're gonna do it on normal mode because I think I can easily do it
00:28But yeah, this is cool. My first time ever playing spring mode here. We freaking go. All right
00:33We're not gonna be using the mod menu. Let's just beat it. Normally guys. We are so back
00:38I haven't played schoolboy runaway in a minute. But hey, they got a nice little update for us. Look at it
00:43Oh, it's so beautiful out there. What's Igor doing Igor? I'll be there in a second
00:47so guys the only way that we can get the
00:50drowning ending which we've never gotten before because it wasn't possible when it was snowing because of the ice but the only we can
00:56Get the ending is if we get the planks, so let's lock in and try to get this ending
01:01Hold on. Does the dog have a plank? The dog does have a plank. Wow, it looks so beautiful
01:06Guys hit that like button for more schoolboy runaway videos and give me some ideas if you want me to play more of this
01:10Game, I definitely can I just need ideas. Oh, we got the light bulb already. That is a beautiful start
01:16And okay, no rag. We don't need the rag though. Do we do we need the rag?
01:21No, no, no, we don't need the rag. We do need in there. So we need the screwdriver
01:25Okay, wow, look at this it's so much brighter like isn't it it's so much brighter
01:30Also, I feel like did the music change or it has it always been like this?
01:33I feel like it was a little different now could be wrong
01:35But I just don't remember this and I played this game so many times. I feel like I would have known
01:39All right. Let's try to get this. Oh, I haven't done this is so long Frick
01:42Please just lock in
01:45Guys after I beat this game on expert mode like I just quit this game forever because that took me so long
01:50All right, it's green so let's remember green, okay. Oh my god, he's watching a different thing
01:55He's watching football instead of hockey. Wait, that's kind of cool. I like how they added that actually that's an interesting little Easter egg
02:02Oh dang it. I don't have this key Frick. Okay, so we need to get the mom out of here
02:07What the heck this is new melon. We got watermelon. No way Wow. Oh, I'm excited for this update guys
02:14This is exciting. All right, so let's quickly do this
02:20All right, so we got to turn off the fan grab the steak so let's do that real quick
02:25Honestly, I'm so used to expert mode that I could probably do so much more
02:34There's the steak and then let's do this perfect let's also do this
02:46Did she say she's going to water the plants
02:49Okay, we're gonna hide here this is the best spot everyone knows wait what are the plans oh, there's no Christmas tree
02:54Oh, yeah, wait, that's kind of cool
02:57Okay, so I'm just gonna stay here. Oh
03:01Honestly, it just feels good man. It just feels freaking good that it's nice and sunny out guys
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03:11Kayla's kingdom is the strongest join Kayla's kingdom and become oh, I see I see mom. I see mom. Oh my god
03:17She's literally right there
03:20Shut up mother no one cares
03:25Yo, he's got slippers on what I feel like that's new
03:28Oh, yeah, cuz the mom had a red cooking outfit on thingy on right, but now I think it is different
03:33Okay, so we should be good. Now. Let's go check. Is that open? Yes, it oh, it's open. Oh
03:39Yes. Okay. So I obviously checked a bunch of this stuff. I don't know but let's go outside
03:45Whoa, there's like a tree back here. Oh, this is awesome. Let's go. Oh, I'm so excited to be out here. What's in here?
03:52What do we got? What is that? Oh, that's the sleeping pills. So we don't need to go in there. Okay, this is awesome
03:58Okay, so we need the mom to leave again so that we could get the steak. Wow, dude, it looks beautiful
04:05Dude okay, so let's check so we can obviously get the ending over here. Oh look, there's the fishermen
04:12Oh my god, you can actually see him. No way. Okay, this is cool. Okay, sometimes there's a plank over here
04:18Let's just check. Yeah, there is a plank. Let's go
04:22Okay, that's good. That's good. That's good. We got the plank what we're gonna do, dude
04:26I swear the music's different in my tripping or is the music different the music feels different
04:29All right, we are going to get the mom out of here once again. So let's do that
04:38Then we'll check all the other stuff we'll grab the steak and we'll go outside and feed him
04:43But what if she goes? Oh, I want to go check out my son real quick. All right, we got the steak
04:48Let's check this. We need the screwdriver. That's what I'm looking for. Oh
04:53Hammer. Okay, that's good. All right, let's close this
05:00Then go outside that was really close actually guys, I feel like that was kind of close does she notice
05:06I don't think she'll notice. Let's put the plank here
05:09Okay, guys, I feel like a professional at this frickin game. All right, let's quickly grab the steak. There you go puppy appreciate you
05:16Thank you so much for your donation. We have two steps out of three. Let's go. We need the screwdriver
05:22So now what we're gonna do is go back and what can we do? What can we do? We can go and check?
05:28Oh, yeah, it's green. So let's go in here and let's check this. It was green. Oh
05:33The dad wait, actually, this is good. This is good. This is perfect timing. So now I can check all this stuff
05:38Yep, there's the closet key
05:51Okay, I don't see anything okay, let's get this cuz I think actually first of all
05:55Let's just go into the closet might as well real quick now that we can let's put this in here. Perfect. Boom. God, I'm
06:03Okay, we have the Mac charger. We don't need that. Let's open this screwdriver
06:07No, we do need that though. So we'll take that
06:09Okay, so we just need to get the car keys probably which are in the Rubik's Cube lock
06:15So let's go get that real quick. Let's take a picture of this
06:18I have so many freaking pictures of Rubik's Cubes on my phone because of this game. I gets insane
06:24All right, guys, I could do this freaking first try. This is insane. Okay, so we're gonna do a white blue white
06:32orange yellow
06:34green yellow
06:38And there we go, and it's the car keys, please be just be the screwdriver that'd be so nice
06:42Oh, it's neither. Wait, where is
06:46This oh the car keys are in here. How did I miss that? Oh my god
06:51I was about to say like where could they be? All right, we're good. We have the car keys. Let's go open that real quick
06:57Yo, I kind of got a poop. Sorry. Is that TMI? Maybe that's fine
07:01You know, the Kayla's kingdom is close the Kayla's kingdom should know everything about every no not everything
07:06But you know the Kayla's kingdom deserves to know. All right. Wow, this car looks so much better in the daytime like this
07:12Alright, what's where's the screwdriver bro? Where's the screwdriver? What have I not looked at? Hold on. Let's press H
07:20We're gonna use a hint. It's might be in the kitchen. Is it in the kitchen? Yeah, it's in the freaking kitchen
07:25Okay, that's fine. That's fine. It's under where she is. It looks like yeah. Okay, Frick. That's okay. That's okay
07:32Okay, let's quickly get her out. I
07:38Don't like when the screwdrivers in the freaking kitchen because you just have to keep looking there's so many freaking drawers
07:43All right. So let's go quickly. And how did I not see that?
07:47I literally opened it bro. Like I literally opened it
07:50All right, I'm gonna go into the bathroom and if she goes and checks on me right now. Oh, it's GG
07:54I think we're fine though. All right, let's open this up
07:58Get the nails boom we have the nails it says too dark though, so we'll turn that on
08:04Perfect and let's get the last step
08:08Perfect let's freaking go guys. We have everything we need I think
08:13Right, I'm pretty sure we have everything we need. So let's do this
08:17The mom is going to hear me nail this but I know what to get away from her now now that we've beaten this on
08:23Extreme mode you literally have to hit the nails go around the house and then it's fine. So let's try that
08:32So this one's fine she doesn't hear this but then she hears this
08:38Yeah, look and she'll go around
08:41And then she'll start walking around the house
08:44Yeah, you see she starts walking around the house the dad all the know that dad's gonna catch me
08:51Yep, no
08:56Okay, that was so unlucky
09:03Lucky for you buddy, this is the easiest chore, you know that all right
09:07I was gonna put it in her mouth, but she actually gets mad in the game ends
09:11If you put in her mouth, I'm pretty sure so we're not gonna do that
09:20Shut your stupid little mouth, I actually hate you mom. I hate you mom. Okay, so we're good now that we did that
09:26I just have to do one last little hammer rune ski and then we can explore the ocean over there
09:32Which is the ocean yet the pond same thing, right? Okay, so we did that
09:36we just have to put the this here and nail and hammer and
09:41Would you look at that? We freaking did it dude. Let's go
09:45I'm excited for schoolboy runaway to to come out don't know if that's ever gonna come out
09:48But in my hopefully the game developers freaking update this game because it is so good and you guys really like it
09:54Did they update this is this new? No, they did not update this. This is the exact same everything up. Here's the same
10:00All right, we got the nail polar. All right guys, let's do this
10:04Let's go check out the updated spring pawn
10:11Don't don't worry mom. Don't worry. Where'd she go? Oh, she's climbing back down pathetic
10:19All right, so there's the Igor Igor is playing wait, he's not kissing her cuz it's not New Year's
10:26I think that's why all right. So let's hop down on the fence and
10:30And yoink just like that and we'll run all the way on the fence
10:40Perfect, okay. Look the fisherman starts to walk and you can actually see him always starting to run now so interesting, dude
10:47Okay, and this is the drowning. Oh
10:50Hey mom, you can't get past here. Can you?
10:53Okay, so before we go drowning I want to actually check out that house in springtime now that it is springtime
11:00We can check it out. But yeah, we're gonna try to get the drowning ending which we've never gotten
11:04So I'm super excited about that new ending Wow. Okay, so this looks very different. What is this the fence? Where's the fence?
11:10How do we get in? Oh, there it is. Okay, he's in here
11:12The guy's actually in here too, which is so interesting. Oh, maybe we could see him better
11:17Let's quickly go into fly mode real quick. Just so I can see because look he's right here in this corner
11:23Oh, it's super dark though. Oh
11:26My god the breathing listen to that. Oh
11:32Heck no, that is so freaky. I actually don't like that at all
11:36Okay, now that it's daytime though
11:37Can we find a key like obviously there's nothing really in there and it wouldn't really matter to even find the key
11:43But I feel like I don't know like it's got to be something about this house. And what is this balcony, bro?
11:49You can't even access the balcony from the house
11:52Stupid design. Okay. Um, well, I think that's about it
11:55Let's now just go into the water and try to get this last ending. This is the final ending
12:01We've never gotten the death ending
12:03Imagine you do all that to escape just a freaking die before it wouldn't allow the ending to happen with the ice
12:10So, let's see if it actually works now, I think you have to wait a decent amount of time
12:14Did they add the ending back or can I just swim forever?
12:17My dad's going to the toilet good to know glad I can still hear him. Let me catch a fish
12:22I want to catch a fish
12:24Guys, did they freaking take the ending out? There's no way it's springtime buddy. Put the ending back
12:31Maybe they thought it was a dumb ending. So they took it out. Why would they do that though? Yeah guys
12:36I've been sitting here for like a few minutes and there is nothing that is happening
12:41I guess I have the greatest breath of all time. Well, that fish is going fast
12:44Well, they're checking to see if I'm studying mom. You already saw me. I'm clearly not I'm outside swimming
12:49Okay. Well the drowning ending no longer exists. That's super interesting. Why would they take that out, bro?
12:56Why would they take that out? That's the only ending I freaking wanted
13:00What's in the water over there, I think that's just one of those things. All right
13:03Well, let's go check if backrooms is different
13:05It is nice like having it be springtime because you can kind of see everything now like it's it's way easier to see everything instead
13:11Of it being all foggy and honestly, let's go check Igor and Vika. What are they doing? Oh, they're in nude outfits, bro
13:18Wow, and we can make them twerk too, right? Yo Vika to work right now
13:35Igor dance train. Yeah, so that's the same. That's cool. Hey, yo, what looks like a fun time over here. Can I join?
13:43No, okay. Okay. Let's go to the backrooms. All right, here we go. Yoink. Bye. Bye. Take me to the back rooms
13:50It's doing it
13:51Yep, here it is
13:54Mod menu goes away. And yeah, this looks exactly the same
13:59Just making sure and I'm just curious, but I've also never seen schoolboy runaway on night mode spring modes
14:06We're just gonna go outside. No clip out there and see. Oh
14:11This is nice. This is really nice. Let's fly over to here. Yeah, look how fast the freaking did you see?
14:20He went so fast wait, what's this sound effect over here?
14:27What does that sound bro, why does it sound like that?
14:31What the heck there's a new sound effect, that's really weird I do want to eat the wait, why do I still my book?
14:37I want to eat the watermelon cuz I don't think we did that yet. Oh, I ate the watermelon. I ate the watermelon
14:42I ate the watermelon. Give me that. I want more. I want more. I'm doing my homework mom. Why what's the big deal?
14:47What's the big deal?
14:51Eating melon and make sure the floor. I still have my book. What am I?
14:56That good where I'm doing my homework wall mopping. Give me a raise. Wait, you're my mom. I don't work for you
15:02And yeah guys, that's the update as you guys can see it March 1st
15:05They had a small update patch notes spring has arrived and literally warming
15:10The snow is melted and spring has arrived and that was it
15:12So hopefully there's another update that launches or they post another whole game. That'd be great. Thanks for watching. Subscribe. Goodbye