• 5 days ago
Qurani Waqiyat | Naimat e Iftar | Hazrat Musa AS Aur Firon

Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#QuraniWaqiyat #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:30I will give you an example.
00:32We, Pharaoh and Moses,
00:34for example,
00:36mention this incident that
00:38when Allah wants,
00:40the house of Pharaoh becomes
00:42the house of Moses.
00:44As soon as you hear the name
00:46of Baher-e-Qulzam,
00:48the scene of Allah's wrath and
00:50torment of God is visible.
00:52Yes, this is the same river
00:54from which Allah has saved the
00:56people of Israel.
00:58It became a lesson for the world
01:00which was drowning.
01:02Today, we will talk about
01:04the rule of Pharaoh
01:06and his tyrants.
01:08And we will also know
01:10who were the people of
01:12Bani Israel.
01:14Did Pharaoh really claim to be God?
01:16What happened to Pharaoh?
01:18In which river
01:20did he drown the Pharaohites?
01:22Which river was it?
01:24Did Moses really
01:26raise the Pharaoh?
01:28Did Moses really
01:30raise the Pharaoh?
01:32When did the stars
01:34give the news of the
01:36destruction of the Pharaoh
01:38and the end of the kingdom?
01:40Dear viewers,
01:42Bani Israel was the
01:44people of Moses.
01:46Zalim Qibti was the
01:48soldier of Pharaoh.
01:50And the one who
01:52claimed to be God
01:54was Ramis.
01:56Like his ancestors,
02:00forced the people of
02:02Bani Israel to work
02:04very hard.
02:06That is,
02:08by cutting the rocks
02:10and building a new city
02:12on the command of Pharaoh,
02:14the people of Bani Israel
02:16were badly injured.
02:18While it was prophesied
02:20about Moses that
02:22a child will be born in Bani Israel
02:24who will free the people of Bani Israel
02:26from the slavery
02:28and oppression of the
02:30Pharaoh and the Pharaohites.
02:32Pharaoh was also worried
02:34that if the child was born
02:36according to the prophecies
02:38of the stars and the
02:42then it would be
02:44very dangerous for my throne.
02:46And also,
02:48if the people of Bani Israel
02:50were killed,
02:52then who would
02:54do the slavery of the
02:58So he decided
03:00that the boy who
03:02was born in Bani Israel
03:04would be killed by his
03:08He issued a decree
03:10that no prophet would
03:12be born in Bani Israel
03:14and their individual
03:16power would also be
03:20So who would
03:22serve them?
03:24Where would their slaves go?
03:26Pharaoh had no idea
03:28that he would die.
03:30Because when a person
03:32has the idea of dying,
03:34he does not claim to be God.
03:36So he issued a decree
03:38that all the boys
03:40born in Bani Israel
03:42would be killed
03:44for one year
03:46and if the boys
03:48were not killed for one year,
03:50then the elder brother of
03:52Hazrat Musa A.S.
03:54Hazrat Harun A.S.
03:56would be born.
03:58And the next year,
04:00when the boys
04:02were to be killed,
04:04Hazrat Musa A.S.
04:06was born.
04:08After the birth of
04:10Hazrat Musa A.S.,
04:12the soldiers of
04:14Hazrat Musa A.S.
04:16would be killed.
04:18Hazrat Musa A.S.'s
04:20mother would
04:22put Hazrat Musa A.S.
04:24in a box and
04:26hand him over
04:28to the waves
04:30of the Neel River.
04:32God's doing
04:34was such that
04:36the box would
04:38reach the court
04:40of Pharaoh.
04:42Hazrat Musa A.S.
04:44was a very merciful
04:46and pious woman.
04:48And one special thing
04:50was that she was
04:54As soon as Hazrat Musa A.S.
04:56opened the box,
04:58there was a baby in it.
05:00Hazrat Musa A.S.'s mother
05:02was so excited
05:04that she took
05:06the baby in her arms.
05:08And she even
05:10gave birth to the baby.
05:12When the baby started crying out of hunger,
05:14it was announced that
05:16there is a woman in the royal palace
05:18who can breastfeed the baby.
05:20After this announcement,
05:22the women who came to breastfeed the baby,
05:24Hazrat Musa A.S. did not
05:26breastfeed any of them.
05:28Even Hazrat Musa A.S.'s
05:30real mother came to the court
05:32of Pharaoh.
05:34And when Hazrat Musa A.S.'s mother
05:36breastfed the baby,
05:38Hazrat Musa A.S.
05:40breastfed his mother.
05:42It was a great blessing
05:44that he got his own mother's milk.
05:46And his mother was also blessed
05:48that she breastfed Hazrat Musa A.S.
05:50She kept breastfeeding her baby
05:52in the court of Pharaoh.
05:54And in this royal court,
05:56Hazrat Musa A.S.'s upbringing,
05:58upbringing and life
06:00began to flourish.
06:02This is the power of God.
06:04This is called the grace of God.
06:06If Allah the Almighty
06:08keeps someone under His protection
06:10and gives him His protection,
06:12he will not be harmed.
06:14It is said that
06:16whoever Allah keeps,
06:18no one can harm him.
06:20Until yesterday,
06:22the baby that Pharaoh was
06:24about to kill,
06:26today he is raising
06:28the same baby in his own court
06:30under the protection of Allah.
06:32Today, with the blessing of this incident,
06:34O Allah,
06:36protect us all.
06:38Whoever Allah protects
06:40like a lantern,
06:42no light can extinguish
06:44whom Allah makes bright.
06:46No doubt, You are the one
06:48who protects best.
06:50Assalamu Alaikum.
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