• 18 hours ago
सीहोर जिले के सलकनपुर में मां विजयासन देवी धाम के पास स्थित दुकानों में बुधवार को अचानक आग लग गई, जिसके कारण लगभग एक दर्जन दुकानों में हजारों की क्षति हुई है। दुकानों पर बाहर पड़े कचरे और शॉर्ट सर्किट के कारण लगभग 10 से 12 दुकानों में फैल गई। मामले में एसपी दीपक शुक्ला ने बताया कि आग लगने की सूचना मिलने के तत्काल बाद क्षेत्र के एसडीएम और थाना प्रभारी तत्काल मौके पर पहुंच गए हैं और रेस्क्यू टीम को पूरी मदद की जा रही है।


00:00There was a fire in the shops of the temple in Salkanpur
00:03What time did this happen?
00:05Around 8.30
00:07There was a fire in 10 shops
00:09This is an unconfirmed reason
00:11This was the Prasad line
00:13The temple line
00:15In Salkanpur
00:17There was a fire in all the shops
00:19There was a fire in 1-2 lakh shops
00:21There was a fire in all the shops
00:23There was a fire in 10 shops
00:25How much was the loss?
00:27Around 20-25 lakhs
00:31How was the fire controlled?
00:33The fire was controlled
00:35Because the shopkeepers
00:37The locals were staying here
00:39The water was dispensed
00:41By the tap
00:43And the fire started
00:45At 8.30
00:47At 9.30
00:51There was a lot of fire
00:53There was a possibility of going to the front line
00:55But after controlling that
00:57All the shopkeepers
00:59Were able to control the fire
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