• 18 hours ago
En Bahía Blanca, las recientes inundaciones han dejado un saldo de 16 fallecidos confirmados y dos personas desaparecidas, las niñas Hecker. Las autoridades trabajan incansablemente para verificar la seguridad de los afectados, tras recibir más de 200 llamadas de personas incomunicadas. El fiscal general de Bahía Blanca habló en Desayuno Americano.


00:00...the police with us, the investigation police, regarding these and corroborating them.
00:05There were 222 calls to this headquarters, of which 161 have been specific regarding people who could not contact others.
00:14Uncommunicated, these people?
00:16Correct, uncommunicated, who could not communicate with a relative and who were worried.
00:20Of these 161 specific calls, only two people have died regarding this, unfortunately,
00:26and they include the number of 16 deceased that we got to know.
00:31This is Ruben Omar Salazar, that person who is a driver of the company Andrani Logistics,
00:39who tried to help the little girls, Pilar and Elfina Hecker, the Hecker family,
00:44in that situation where the current of water took him ahead.
00:51And Ángel Eduardo Mosman, who also passed away.
00:56Of both, the autopsy was performed, the result of the autopsy was drowning,
01:02that is, mechanical asphyxiation by submersion.
01:05Of the rest of the calls referring to this situation, the vast majority have already been verified,
01:13the people are well, so it is important...
01:15Have been located?
01:17Have been connected, as you call it.
01:19Correct, of course, because in this situation, imagine that many people lose their cell phone,
01:24or do not have it, or have to urgently transfer it to a neighbor, to a friend,
01:28because the water flooded their house.
01:32In this situation they lose the phone, the communication, they have no way to communicate,
01:36there was no electricity to connect cell phones, even in my case...
01:39That is real.
01:41So, of course, the concerned people call, and if on top of that the headlines are missing,
01:46the feeling is that he took it ahead of the current, with a tragic end.
01:53And it is not like that, and luckily, the majority last night were already verified,
02:00and the vast majority, except for these two cases of deaths,
02:05of course, that of the Hecker girls, who are looking for them.
02:10Excuse me, excuse me, that I get back to the issue of the disconnected,
02:16as if you are calling it, it is perfect.
02:18I want to point out several names, maybe you can give us some help,
02:21because these images that we are going to show now,
02:23have to do with people who have officially disappeared,
02:26or at least relatives who have presented their photos and phone numbers.
02:30Can you tell us if they have appeared, in what conditions?
02:33I name them, that you have a name on hand, if you can, let's say, if you have.
02:38Ornela Lucero, who disappeared in the flood, we are showing the photos of them.
02:43After Rubi Maíquez and Luzmila Ibarra.
02:47Then there is also Leila Nerea Martínez, all disappeared in the flood,
02:52we are showing their photos and contact numbers.
02:56Daniel Valentino Troncoso, and also Candela Maldonado.
03:01Is this so? Is not it? Are they from Bahía Blanca?
03:04I do not have that information at the moment, but the question is as follows.
03:09Let's see, it is important that this information is channeled to the corresponding authorities.
03:14I'm going to give you places where you can go, or phone numbers where you can call.
03:19First of all, and the most agile and the most traceable is 911,
03:23the Central Emergency Telephone Service.
03:25That automatically reports to the DDI, to the police, to the police force,
03:32and reports to us within the investigation.
03:35But you can also report personally.
03:40I have two guards in the buildings of the Public Ministry,
03:43in Moreno 25 and in Viaites 302,
03:45that can receive any information to those people.
03:48Please approach, so we can carry out the necessary procedures for their location.
03:53Or also by email to denunciasbahiablanca.gob.ar
04:02To any of these channels of information, please transmit it there,
04:05to be able to corroborate this situation.
04:07Juan Pablo, of course we try to be cautious,
04:12especially because of the anguish that the neighbors are experiencing.
04:15They have too much with their reality, the neighbors of Bahía Blanca.
04:18But yesterday in the Noti, they interviewed two neighbors,
04:21who mobilized on water bikes to help those who could,
04:25obviously people with lives,
04:27who were able to move them from one place to another,
04:30but they themselves said that they came across bodies,
04:34that of course they could not move them because of the state they were in,
04:38and that they preferred to save people with lives than to move bodies.
04:42Are you aware of this?
04:44Yes, of course I am aware.
04:47Now, those people are going to receive a statement today.
04:51Now, it is very good that they speak to the media and say it.
04:55Now, it may be that we do not have all the information.
04:58Let's see, we are working as we can with shortages,
05:00because the prosecutor's offices were also flooded,
05:02public buildings, computer equipment, systems.
05:05But do you know why I make the clarification?
05:08Because of course we have to be optimistic,
05:11and we all hope to find more people with lives.
05:14But in the media there is also reality,
05:16and we already come from an event like the one that happened in La Plata,
05:19where bodies appeared later, or maybe they were hidden.
05:22Information was hidden.
05:24So one cannot stop connecting with that.
05:27I want to say it with the greatest respect,
05:29but also not to hide information.
05:32The situation is very good, we do not hide any information,
05:34that's why I'm talking to you.
05:36It's been 40 hours since I stopped talking to all the media,
05:39especially to transmit the information we have.
05:43But sorry, good morning.
05:44The information we have is traceable.
05:46Yes, that's why, doctor.
05:48But sorry, good morning.
05:49To get straight to the point,
05:51formally so far,
05:53how many people have been reported as missing?
05:58As missing, we have, let's see,
06:00we have 16 deceased people,
06:02which are the names that we have already identified,
06:05and we have two missing people,
06:07which are the Hecker girls.
06:10All the others who reported to 911,
06:15to the Emergency Telephone Station,
06:17have all been verified and are there.
06:19Some may be missing, but in general, they are there.
06:24Now, the people who have some knowledge,
06:28which does not coincide with what I am telling you,
06:31please, you do not know who,
06:33there are two places where they can go,
06:36which are the buildings of the Prosecutor's Office,
06:39where we have guards to receive the complaint.
06:41They can do it again through the complaint e-mail,
06:48and they can also do it easier at 908.
06:51Yes, yes, which is the simplest and most direct.
06:53Now, doctor, the other thing I ask you,
06:55it was pointed out in the last few hours
06:57that since Friday, after the rains,
07:00looting had occurred.
07:02Are there detainees?
07:03What is the current situation?
07:05Yes, we had 17 looting,
07:08sorry, we have 17 apprehended,
07:10we have 4 detainees,
07:12there were looting in some houses,
07:14there were looting in shops, in supermarkets.
07:17Now, these are facts of opportunity,
07:23because the opportunity of this situation
07:25also makes the thief, the occasion makes the thief.
07:28Now, we do not have a peak, a wave of looting.
07:32This is important, to bring tranquility.
07:34We have specific facts,
07:36but it is not that there is a criminal wave.
07:39It was the first 24 hours, doctor.
07:42It was the first 24 hours that many took advantage of,
07:45but that matter is under control.
07:47The matter is under control, the numbers,
07:49of course, the one who is affected by the statistics,
07:51that one talks about the average of numbers,
07:53no, no, let's see, it does not comfort him at all,
07:56but let's see, we are not facing criminal waves,
07:58much less, let's see,
08:00these are situations of occasion,
08:02according to which those people
08:04who do this type of activities,
08:07took the opportunity to do them too.
08:10Doctor, do you rule out,
08:12I ask this already five days after the floods,
08:17do you rule out that with the water,
08:20since it flows in places like Ingeniero White,
08:24which is the last and most affected,
08:27a deceased person can be found?
08:31No, of course I do not rule that out.
08:33Let's see, we can't rule that out
08:36until we have all the information, right?
08:39We are gathering the information,
08:40that is why it is important that people,
08:41it seems perfect to me that they talk to all the media,
08:44that they say what they want,
08:45but that they also contribute it
08:46to the official information channels, right?
08:49So that we can check that situation.
08:51No, maybe I ask you, doctor,
08:52because you know that in this type of event,
08:55what can happen is that a family
08:59has been completely affected and there is no way,
09:02I want to be as delicate as possible with this,
09:04that a whole family has been affected
09:06and there is no way to file a complaint
09:08for one of the missing persons.
09:10Do you understand what I mean?
09:11It has happened in a geriatric,
09:12where five people have died in a geriatric,
09:17and no one asked for them,
09:19except when you did the recognition of the bodies.
09:23Yes, that situation can happen,
09:25but it is also true that people do not live isolated,
09:28but there are neighbors, there are people,
09:30well, at some point, sooner or later,
09:33that will be known, right?
09:35Let's see, the neighbor who suspects something,
09:37of some situation that may occur
09:39with someone from his neighborhood,
09:41well, he can also make the contribution of knowledge,
09:44even in the face of doubt,
09:45let them do it, let them call 911,
09:47so it allows us to gain knowledge
09:49and corroborate that situation.
09:51Do you rule out...
09:52Doctor, I ask you...
09:53I do not rule out anything at all.
09:55Because Pamela just raised something to you,
09:57that we have the ghost of what happened in 2013
10:00with the floods in La Plata,
10:01where the figure was absolutely different
10:04of the number of deceased,
10:05and from there we put a lot of focus on this.
10:08Do you rule out that we are in a similar situation
10:11like the one in 2013,
10:13that the figures are different
10:15to those that are being reported in recent hours?
10:18Well, I do not rule out that there are more deceased.
10:20We will provide all the information we have.
10:23That's the only thing I rule out.
10:26What I rule out is that all the information we have,
10:29as we have always done,
10:30we have made it available to journalism and people
10:32so that they know it, once we have it,
10:34so that we can check it
10:35to give true and quality information.
10:37Doctor, are there places where the State has not yet arrived?
10:40I'm talking about the province, I'm talking about the nation.
10:42Are there places that have not yet managed to contact people
10:45or arrive house by house?
10:47Well, let's see,
10:48can there be a specific place in particular?
10:50Let's see, the calls we have had
10:52have been practically all checked.
10:55So, let's see,
10:56there may be places that someone has not made a complaint,
10:59of course, there may be people who have disappeared
11:01and that no one has made a complaint.
11:03Well, let's see,
11:04whoever has any knowledge of that,
11:06please provide it.
11:07Now, we cannot rule out
11:09that there are no other deceased people.
11:11But we cannot alarm the population
11:13by saying that there are deceased people.
11:15No, but it sounds strange,
11:16sorry, doctor,
11:17I know you are working a lot and you are attending to us
11:19and we appreciate it,
11:20but it sounds strange
11:21when we talk in general about disconnected people,
11:24of 230 disconnected people
11:26and we are showing photos,
11:27it is not to please you much less,
11:29I'm just doing something graphic,
11:31that are on social networks,
11:32that people are putting a DNI or a photo
11:35and I know that if you do not report it,
11:36you cannot do much.
11:37But I say,
11:38it gives the feeling that something else is happening, right?
11:41Well, let's see,
11:42the person who uploads it on social networks,
11:44please report it to 911,
11:45that I make a call,
11:46that it is free, right?
11:47Of course.
11:48And ask them to be able to learn about it.
11:50Now, all the names that you mentioned to me,
11:52I do not have at this moment,
11:53I do not have the possibility at this moment to check it.
11:55Sure, sure.
11:56Please, report it through the email I gave you
11:58or through 911,
11:59so we can channel it in a way
12:01that is traceable, registered
12:03and that there is no way
12:04not to be able to pay attention to it.
12:06Sure, we move the doubts
12:07that many people have,
12:09that we are following closely this tragedy.
12:12It seems important to you the presence...
12:13That is why I am here,
12:14to be able to evacuate in what corresponds to me
12:17and give all the information that we have.
12:19Unfortunately, I cannot give information that I do not have.
12:21Juan Pablo,
12:22how do you think it will affect
12:24the presence of President Javier Milley
12:27today in Bahía Blanca?
12:29No, no.
12:30Let's see,
12:31I suppose that well,
12:32that positively.
12:34this, no,
12:35let's see,
12:36my function is another, right?
12:37It is...
12:38Sure, right?
12:39It is to investigate these facts.
12:40Let's see,
12:41as always,
12:42all help,
12:43all show of solidarity,
12:44all show of accompaniment
12:46is welcome for the Bahians.
12:48Thank you, Juan Pablo.
12:49Very kind for your time.
12:50Thank you very much.
12:51No, thank you.
