• 6 hours ago
@fern-tv OG VID: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAlP8IzWghs
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Outro Song: @PlayaPhonkOfficial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oC_WYWJx9A
00:00Craziest prison escape of all time July 1st 2018 9 20 a.m
00:05A high-security prison south of Paris one of the largest most modern and most secure detention centers in France
00:13Hundreds of guards massive 17-foot walls line. Y'all think you could escape prison. I feel like it depends what prison you're in
00:21Like how high security it is some of them. It's like you just got to be on the courtyard and jump a fence, but
00:27Other ones it's way harder probably not I
00:32Feel like you got to have
00:34Endless amount obviously when you're in prison you have a lot of time
00:37but most big prison escapes at least that I've seen because I always used to watch like almost got away with it and random shows
00:43Like that and discovery and most big prison escapes where they're not just jumping a fence and they like dig a hole in their wall
00:48Or like have to figure out how to get specific keys from guards and open doors and then run out
00:54And they like plan that it takes years like two three years to even fully be able to get out
01:01To run that that's all cat. That's not cat a lot of prison escapes take a very long amount of time
01:06I'm assuming this one this one has to be one of them. This is a high max security prison with barbed wire
01:12Yo, great movie great movie shout out right now
01:17What's the one with Arnold and the guy from Rocky and they escape prisons as a living is it just literally prison break
01:25Expendables, no
01:27It's like they have to like run out it. They have to escape prisons escape plan
01:32That is a great
01:35Fucking film bro. It's about these two guys and that's like Arnold. I think like Arnold and
01:41What's his face?
01:43Sylvester Stallone a lot of the time play like really annoying roles
01:48But this is a really good fucking movie
01:51He's like cat and it has Dave Bautista
01:54And is that 50 cent? I think that's 50 cent
01:58This might be the second one
01:59but basically his job is like
02:02prisons pay him to like go to their prison and try to escape to see how they could like fix their security and
02:08At some point there's like a guy that runs a prison that really doesn't like him and he's like yeah
02:13I'll pay you my prisons unbreakable and tries to like keep him there forever
02:17and it's like really hard for him to get out and that's like the whole process of the film and
02:23Armored doors. All right lock in the courtyards are covered with anti-helicopter netting on all four watchtowers
02:31snipers of assault rifles stand at the ready
02:34in solitary confinement cell
02:3624 hours a day
02:38They just have snipers on roofs zero seven inmate number zero zero one zero one eight nine waits to be escorted to a visiting room
02:46He is the most heavily guarded prisoner in the country
02:49He was involved in at least 30 robberies some including hostages one involving a cash-in-transit heist that led to the death of a police officer
02:57Twice he slipped away from the police right at the scene of the crime and five years ago in 2013
03:03He pulled off a spectacular escape from another high security
03:06Oh, he's already beat. He's already been out
03:08So now they're just watching a prison using a smuggled gun and explosives to blast his way out
03:14How you smuggle a gun into a prison that ain't no keister job. You ain't fentanyl lock up your butt. That's an awkward object
03:20How do you get that in pieces?
03:26They assemble the gun on the inside you smuggle in a barrel
03:33Two guards unlock his cell to pat him down
03:36They do find something suspicious
03:39But it's just a pack of gum the guards like him despite his staggering record of high-stakes crimes
03:44He's easygoing funny and likable. It's almost like he's perfectly comfortable here behind bars
03:5320 miles away 65 year old flight instructor Stefan by welcomes two new students
03:58Frederic and Julian father and son. They're both hyped for their flight
04:03They say they just want to tag along and watch him fly not pile
04:07They're gonna knock this old ass out. They're gonna knock him the fuck out fly that plane over let themselves
04:12But they do request it to be on board the Alouette to a vent your asshole can take five five or four raccoons
04:19You could fit a Glock up there. What are you talking about ditch collectors model from the 1950s?
04:25The pair have been marveling at it because it just looks so pretty
04:30Something feels sketchy
04:32Stefan will later recall that he thought they were wearing wigs, but hey money is money, right?
04:37They pay five hundred euros in cash up front
04:41Back in jail the prisoner is escorted to the visitors block for high-risk inmates
04:45It's situated as far away from the prison entrance as possible prison management has been on edge for a while
04:51Noticing a change in the inmates behavior
04:53He's received more visits and seemed to be sending coded messages during phone calls
04:58his casual vibe with the guards could be a tactic to extract useful Intel a
05:02Couple of days ago a drone was spotted scouting the facility from above
05:07Stefan is waiting for his students on an open field
05:09He has landed on the clearing because they said they needed to stop to pee they stepped out and disappeared behind some trees
05:16When they return they're armed they claim to know his family and his home address
05:20They say they have been watching him. They stashed a K's in a bush
05:25So when he landed for them to pee he would they would shoot him and rob his helicopter
05:30This is a very meticulously planned prison escape
05:34And I never understand that either because are there people like maybe this is just not talked about
05:40are there people that escape prison that get away forever like recently because
05:45Any time they they come out with like an elaborate plan
05:49They end up getting put back in prison like three years later
05:53Like they don't escape forever him for months and that their accomplices are waiting at his house as they speak
05:58If he doesn't do exactly as they say his family dies
06:02They'll tell him where to fly next
06:05On the visitor side of booth number 50 the inmates older brother is waiting to see his sibling
06:10He has no idea that his little brother is about to pull off the most spectacular prison break in French history
06:30God I like the intro here fern. This is new
06:34I'm liking this. I feel like I'm watching a film. I feel like I'm watching a movie. It's a cinema
06:47What the fuck
06:49What the fuck
07:02The prisoner comes and do you think this is
07:05Genuinely described as the greatest prison escape of all time. Or do you think that this is
07:11What fern would say the greatest prison escape of all time is because didn't pablo escobar?
07:17Who's the guy is that pablo escobar? Who's the dude that's in prison in like fucking, Idaho right now not pablo escobar
07:23Who is that guy el chapo didn't el chapo dig like a five-mile hole and they hooked up like fucking
07:31Train tracks to it or some shit underground and they yeah, they like rented a property
07:38El chapo's escaped from prison like four times and they rented a property
07:43Miles away and dug underground to his cell and
07:47randomly one day he just like squeezed behind a wall to go take a piss and just disappeared and
07:53Then they were like, oh my god
07:54How did they not also how did they not hear that like directly under the prison floor you just hear?
08:01And like heavy machinery calmly waiting for his helicopter ride is that one fade?
08:06He's the country's most infamous criminal
08:08He's also a best-selling author a movie buff and adrenaline junkie and to many in France's immigrant suburbs
08:14He's also a legend, but to understand all this we need to go back to the beginning
08:251978 a suburb near Paris. This is six-year-old Edouard. He's still in kindergarten browsing through a newly open store with his brother
08:32Who's two years older than him?
08:34There's not a single thing in this shop the two could afford their parents are Algerian immigrants
08:39The father works in a factory the mother cleans houses at home. The boys shared a cramped three-room apartment with nine other siblings
08:47The social housing block is surrounded by brothers reminds me of my friend
08:51That's that said he stole M&Ms from a wah-wah to feel the adrenaline rush. I've told you all that like five times though
08:58Dude, get the fuck out of here, man. Yeah
09:02It's like a dollar I
09:04Dude, I we were at wah-wah one day. We were at wah-wah one day. He was like, will you buy me these?
09:09I was like no, and then we leave and
09:14Like we get back to my friend's house
09:16We're all eating and I see him eating M&Ms and I'm like, did you end up buying him? He's like no I stole him
09:20I'm like, dude
09:22What the fuck?
09:24What you didn't have a dollar he's like I just did he's like I just didn't wanna pay for him
09:29I'm like, you're an asshole dude. Redouane and his brother do not fit the mold and the store detective make sure they know it
09:35He calls them petite merguez a racial slur for Algerian immigrants
09:39But other than that, he doesn't really pay attention to them out in the parking lot the brothers divide up their haul
09:45It's Redouane's first theft ever
09:49When they were nine damn dude
09:51What do you think the average person that like commits a robbery steals for the first time like what age?
09:58Probably way later, dude
10:00I feel like nine-year-olds like eight and nine-year-olds probably aren't stealing that much a couple of weeks later
10:05He gets caught his parents are furious and his father whips him 20 times with a belt
10:10Oh my god, his mother makes him promise. He will never steal again
10:16Around this time Redouane discovers the world of film
10:20Especially French crime thrillers and American gangster movies
10:23He watches them on repeat
10:25Memorizes entire scenes and acts them out at home for his family by his teens stealing isn't just survival anymore
10:31It's a way of life. He and his friends swipe TVs stereos VCRs car radios and computers
10:37They use the money to buy Adidas sneakers and flashy tracksuits, but more than anything they go to the movies again and again
10:45Then at 18 years old Redouane commits his first bank robbery
10:49He walks in armed holds the bank employee at gunpoint and threatens her with a line straight from the French crime film marine
10:56Shut up. Do what I tell you. I've got nothing against you. I only want the money think of your children
11:02After the robbery, he simply goes back to school and studies for his high school exams
11:06There's no one to scold him anymore at home robbing a bank in high school, bro. God damn. Why don't people do this?
11:12They want money. I
11:14Don't know. I think robbing a bank is the
11:17Most wholesome way of robbery robbing a
11:23family run store is
11:26worse than
11:27robbing a bank morally
11:29because the bank as a conglomerate eats that fee and
11:35Anybody's money that would be stolen is FDIC insured at that bank
11:40So it's eaten by a very big
11:44Wealthy business rather than like you robbing your local liquor store
11:50Or like an actual person right when you're taking money from a bank
11:54It's like it's still fucked but it's like less fucked up
11:59His father's a true story. Yes father has moved back to Algeria and his mother is dying of leukemia a sperm bank
12:07It's your first bank robbery
12:10Put the money in the bag
12:17Where am I?
12:20All right, at least give me okay, I'm already here give me some of the sperm jars I
12:25I'll figure something out. He'll later write in his autobiography that from that moment on he stopped caring
12:33It had a one fight eats crimes are getting bigger and they seem to be directly inspired by American action films
12:38During a heist he and his crew end up taking a bank director and his family hostage
12:42They are wearing rubber masks with the faces of famous politicians
12:46Just like Patrick Swayze in point break that one even delivers a line from the movie when they leave the scene
12:55In another hostage situation two years later
12:57Fayed and his men show up in sharp black suits and homage to Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs
13:02That's wild. They're reenacting these movies
13:05I feel like that would also lead them to get caught at some point because the police would know that they're into these films
13:10Even adopt the thing with the color-coded aliases. It's the white. It's the blonde. It's the blue. It's the orange
13:18Mr. Pink, but this time the job goes sideways and they have to flee from the cops just like in the movie
13:25However, all these spectacular crimes still don't seem enough for Fayed
13:29One of his all-time favorite gangster films is Michael Mann's heat and after watching it over and over again
13:35He sets himself a new goal the holy grail of robbery
13:39armored trucks
13:43An industrial area
13:45What in a bank I I feel like I've said this before and I'm always wrong
13:49I always thought a bank had more money than an armored truck. Most armored trucks carry around two million
13:57based on insurance
13:58They're not allowed to carry maximum money because the liability a standard Brink armored truck can carry between four and six million dollars on board
14:05I feel like they gotta have less than that on the outskirts of Paris. Fayed is Bob. It's a sperm armored truck
14:11It's the same guy. He pretty he's like, all right, we're gonna do an armored truck job here
14:17Breaks in it's just a bunch of fucking jars full of cum. He's like
14:21Shit. Oh, they've Shaq wait
14:26He spots his target a six-ton armored truck with three armed guards inside and
14:31Slams his car straight into it within seconds two more cars appear blocking the truck from the front and back
14:38Five men in hockey masks jump out
14:40Aki 47s in hand just like in the movie heat
14:43They surround the truck moving fast. One of them slaps an explosive looking package onto the windshield the guards step out and surrender
14:51Fayed and his crew start emptying the truck, but there's a problem
14:55It's simply too much cash
14:57Moving the money out takes way too long
15:00After just three minutes police are on the scene gunfire erupts
15:04Faye takes a bullet to the shoulder. He does manage to escape with his crew, but he has lost blood on the crime scene
15:12Now the police have his DNA and start to investigate his identity and if they catch him he's looking at 15 years behind bars
15:20Stefan by and his two captors land for a second. I it's always so skewed though in
15:26Like crime shows and shit. I know I've been watching Dexter as you know, and they they do it
15:32Well, because they they try to read the fingerprints as if they're on the system
15:37But certain like crime movies and shows act as if if there's fingerprints or blood
15:43You just get the guy
15:45Like the United States just has a bank of all of your genetic information
15:50Just ready
15:52I'm like at hand, but they don't right they what it what it means if they get your fingerprints or blood at a crime scene
16:00if you have been arrested previously or they can match certain blood tests if you're a suspect or
16:07They have your fingerprints if you're a suspect or you've been you know
16:10Like say your fingerprints are on a gun and you've been arrested for some petty shit years ago and you've been printed then they go
16:15Right, they just match it
16:17But if you've just had a clean like this guy
16:19He didn't get immediately caught probably because he has a clean slate in time
16:23The hijackers have two more men waiting on the ground
16:26They haul large black duffel bags into the helicopter
16:29One of them climbs in all dressed in black hood pulled over his head
16:33Stefan is held at gunpoint the entire time now. He's ordered to take a look at the body
16:38Stefan is held at gunpoint the entire time now. He's ordered to take off again
16:41He flips the ignition switches and presses the starter, but nothing happens
16:46The kidnappers think he's trying to outsmart them and start freaking out
16:49They beat and threaten him if he doesn't do as they say his family dies
16:54Stefan manages to convince them that he really needs to step out to check the wiring
16:58Finally the engine roars back to life
17:01They take off again
17:03The hijackers are well-prepared the duffel bags are packed with tear gas smoke grenades masks
17:09AK-47s and an angle grinder and so the heli thunders towards the high-security prison where I don't want fayid is sitting calmly in visiting
17:16room 50
17:17Chatting away with his older brother
17:20Hands down this is his older brother in on it really is the kind of stuff you'd expect in a Hollywood blockbuster
17:25But this is like this is an ad I knew it. I knew it
17:3220 years earlier the move-and-pick hotel in Basel an employee enters a room to prepare for the next guest
17:38She has no idea. She's not alone
17:41Anyone fayid has been hiding there for over three hours
17:45Outside the police are searching for him across the entire city a few hours earlier fayid was arrested on a train heading from Germany to
17:53German federal police took him into custody. He had been hiding abroad for months
17:57But when the officers escorted him off the train he manages to break free he runs straight across the tracks to shake the cops a
18:05Train roars in and blocks the officers from following
18:09He jumped several meters down and twists his ankle so now he's limping
18:13Somehow he makes it to the back entrance of the move-and-pick hotel and sneaks inside
18:18He finds several open doors since the cleaning staff are still working
18:22He needs to get out of here somehow
18:25What if the cleaning lady looks under the bed for trash you know how fucking scary that would be she just goes
18:31Oh, it looks like there's something under there, and it's just some fucking dude
18:35He thinks about calling a contact in Strasbourg, but he doesn't have a phone so what now
18:41There's a payphone right outside the hotel, but he also doesn't have any coins
18:45He calmly approaches the receptionist to ask if she can give him some change for a bill
18:49She places the coins in front of him which leads to another problem
18:54His hands are still cuffed
18:56What if she notices and calls the police?
18:59Fayed keeps it cool acts like he's casually reading a promo poster behind the desk the moment the receptionist turns away
19:05He quickly scoops up the coins
19:07The first call fails and he disappears onto the hotel rooftop to hide for a couple of hours
19:12He tries again turns around and finds himself surrounded by 20 police officers
19:17That fast
19:20How do they track his location like that the next unless they had like an eyewitness say he was there
19:25Today, Fayed is at the hospital with two officers to have his ankle checked
19:29He seems to be in serious pain, but that's just an act in a fraction of a second
19:34He drops his crutches and snatches a gun from one of the officers
19:37He trained in Krav Maga during his time in Israel a super efficient military combat technique designed for fast defense and brutal
19:44Taking a gun from a cop's like the double down of the century
19:48There's like no that's like a no turn back moment before the second officer can react
19:53Fayed drives his elbow into his face the officer drops and Fayed takes his gun, too
19:57Oh my god, then he runs as fast as he can for the second time in 24 hours
20:03You would think a guy like that would be watched extra closely in jail
20:07At 11 18 a.m. This prison guard hears a strange noise a
20:11Low hum or buzzing sound coming from outside
20:14To her it sounds like a leaf blower
20:16Weird she thinks the gardeners are not supposed to work on Sundays
20:21Well, it's not a leaf blower
20:24It's a fucking escape helicopter
20:27But the facility is prepared for this
20:30This Sentinel receives an urgent order to evacuate the prison
20:33The facility is prepared for this
20:35This Sentinel receives an urgent order over the radio unseal the same thing happens on other watchtowers
20:41Each one is equipped with a special case. The guard has to break the seal to open it
20:46Inside is an hkg-36 assault rifle. He grabs it and takes aim
20:50The helicopter just keeps descending the prison yards are covered with anti-helicopter netting
20:56Flying in here would be a suicide mission
20:59So then how are they gonna land it but lucky for the guys in the helicopter
21:02One of them brought a chainsaw and he's gonna be cutting the ropes away, but this is not a random helicopter
21:07It's a 60 year old vintage model just small enough to slip through this unsecured gap in the last one of the prison yards
21:15Also, this is not a regular landing
21:17In fact, they're not touching down at all
21:20A guy to one fire must have known somehow that prison guards are not allowed to shoot at a flying helicopter
21:25There's a proper protocol for this
21:27And maybe he also knew that stefan by wait
21:29So if they just hover in the air like a foot off the ground, they can't shoot him
21:34Investigators will later discover that fayid had been writing letters to stefan's stepdaughter for two entire years
21:40And this friendship was not fayid's only connection to the outside world because at this point that one fayid was already a star
21:47October 2010 12 years after his escape in basel eight years before his helicopter prison break
21:53Redouane fayid sits in a french talk show
21:58Wait after his fucking escape was this like after he served time?
22:05Boy, you
22:28He's a welcome cap, but you know, that's just gossip because he can't say he fucking robbed 30 banks at the time
22:35Has written a book about his cinematic crimes. So now he's making the rounds on french tv to promote it
22:45Movies were a how-to guide. I feel like movies are so unrealistic on robberies though. Maybe that's modern movies old films
22:53Probably more than today
23:02The caption on screen reads former gangster
23:05Well, not so long ago
23:06He was anything but in late 1998 three months after his escape in basel fayid was caught and sentenced to 18 years in jail for armed
23:13Robbery, he was granted parole for good behavior after just under nine years
23:18Now he presents himself as a changed man as someone who has learned his lesson
23:25He got arrested again
23:36He got married his brother has landed him an office job he appears to be taking it easy now
23:41At one point he attends a film event where michael mann is physically present
23:45The director of heat the very film that inspired his biggest heist
24:16Fayida dresses man directly michael mann looks amused but also a bit uncomfortable
24:21He doesn't but yeah, because you're like hey man your movie convinced me to rob people and know what to say
24:27Oh, thank you for that
24:29Thank you for that. I don't know how to respond. I don't know how to respond
24:34That's all he says and another talk show stint fayid has asked if he thinks he could ever relapse
24:43That's a bold-faced lie
24:45Because at this point he's already back to committing crimes
24:48And not just petty theft but a crime so shocking it will shake the entire country
24:56May 20th, what does he like kill a government of like a government fucking
25:01Politician or some shit 2010. Okay a suburb southeast of downtown paris
25:06Two officers are in routine patrol. Cherry m and his partner. Urilee. Fouquet
25:11Fouquet is 26 years old. She became a mother just a year ago
25:15For them, it's just another day on the job
25:17But then they get a call from the national police. They're told to head to the a4 highway exit
25:23Some criminals are on the run in a white van
25:26They pull up at an intersection with flashing lights and blaring sirens. They have no idea what they're about to get into
25:33These men had a plan to rob an armored cash truck carrying 60 million euros
25:38but 30 minutes
25:40Minutes ago a routine traffic stop turned her but why is he still doing this shit?
25:44This is actually like straight out of fucking like oceans 11 or something
25:48Like he has to have enough money if he successfully robbed 30 banks and now he's written a fucking good selling book
25:55Now they've crashed and need a new getaway car
25:58But at that exact moment the two patrol officers arrive people are greedy
26:01I don't even feel like it's for the money anymore for him
26:04I feel like it's just the enjoyment and thrill of being able to pull it off. The gang doesn't hesitate to open fire
26:10The windshield of the patrol car alone is pierced by 16 bullets
26:15Fouquet is hit multiple times
26:17the gunmen flee
26:19Fouquet is rushed to the hospital
26:22And by the end of the day, she is dead. Wow
26:25The murder of aurelie fouquet sends shockwaves throughout the entire country at her funeral thousands of police officers stand in mourning
26:33Among them is french president. Nicolas and then people won't fuck with him too
26:36Because he killed somebody like people don't it doesn't matter if like, you know, you scare people or some shit when you're robbing a bank
26:42It's like different when you murder someone sarcozy
26:45He posts humiliously awards her a medal of honor and delivers a promise
26:50He will do everything it takes to find out who did it
26:53The murderers of aurelie fouquet
26:56I say it in front of his coffin
26:59Will be punished
27:02With the severity
27:04that requires
27:06the ignominy of their crimes
27:08Redouane faid feels safe so safe. He keeps telling his gangster stories on camera
27:14Here he is in a documentary
27:16The filmer counts how fouquet was gunned down and then redouane faid appears
27:20Not as a suspect not as a fugitive but as an expert on this kind of heist
27:25At the time wow, they're using him as like a fucking representative
27:31For the crime he committed they're like like looking at him and going. Hey, who do you think did it?
27:37The filmmakers had no idea that the man sitting in front of them had a part in the killing. Wow
27:43That's wild
27:45How did they end up finding out?
27:48They had to have found like blood or or some sort of fucking fragment failed attack on the armored cash truck has to like put it
27:53On his faid signature all over it
27:56But he has an airtight alibi and he swears he was not involved
27:59But investigators keep digging and eventually find compelling surveillance footage a security camera has caught faid inside the white van used by the criminals
28:08Faid was not on the scene when the shots were fired, but police gather enough evidence to pin him down as the mastermind behind the operation
28:15After one year on the run faid is captured again, and he goes straight back to prison
28:23Whether you're invited to a talk show or heading out on a date
28:26There are moments when you want to look your best
28:34Two inmates are taking out the trash accompanied by a prison guard
28:38Suddenly they see a helicopter in the courtyard next to them
28:41They wonder if it could be firefighters the unarmed warden bolts into a nearby office hiding behind bulletproof glass
28:48Meanwhile, the two prisoners are about to witness edwin faid's spectacular prison escape up close
28:54One of the three men stays with stefan
28:55They had to have found him like a day later dude on the pilot and continues to press a gun to his head
29:01The other two jump out they're amassed and wearing bulletproof vests beneath their clothes
29:05Each of them carries an ak-47
29:08They've just landed in the honored courtyard
29:10Prisoners do not have access here. It's only used when inmates enter or leave the facility
29:16That's why nobody thought anti-helicopter cables were needed here
29:19The man in green runs towards a reinforced white door. He carries an angle grinder with a 14 inch 35 centimeter blade
29:26His partner sets off three smoke grenades releasing thick white smoke the helicopter spinning blades churn it into a roaring chaos
29:33Until the entire courtyard is engulfed a complete whiteout
29:36The sound of the cutting angle screeches through the entire prison
29:39Fayed knows what that means. It's time
29:42By now, it's clear to everyone that nobody here is blowing leaves
29:45The blade of the grinder slices through the lock aren't they just gonna fucking shoot them the second they fucking get into this door?
29:51Like there has to be prison if this is a high max security prison
29:54There has to be prison guards just waiting for them to get through this door with a fucking gun
29:58He is an ak. Yeah, but they're gonna be camped. They're in a defensive position. They have to open the door
30:03You've played video games like this before
30:06Being the guy that has the angle cutter is the worst fucking position you could be in it's europe
30:11Yeah, but prisons still have guns locking doors clean precise
30:1540 seconds is all it takes
30:17The man in green can just push the door open and step inside
30:20The guards slowly realize what's happening, but they're not carrying fire. They're not
30:25Arms and are unable to interfere
30:29They don't have guns
30:30One of them sticks to protocol and calls the civil aviation even in this scenario like when they know which shit's going down
30:36They don't got like a gun locker authority
30:39They don't or like any weapon understand what's happening
30:42Another calls the standard line for police emergencies and gets put on hold
30:46A third contacts the local police, but the officer on the other end thinks it's a prank
30:51The sentinels on the four watch you aren't allowed guns in prison. That's not true. These guys have guns
30:55Oh, they're outside of the jail though. I don't know towers are the only ones carrying firearms
30:59But oh fuck they're the only guys with guns. Yeah, they're cooked bro
31:04So so what do the guards do? I i'm not trying to sound like a dumb ass
31:08what do the guards do like carry around like a a stick like a like a
31:13Like a police baton, but they can't see them like a taser or something helicopter because their view is blocked by other buildings
31:21And they're not allowed to fire at a flying aircraft. Anyway, total utter chaos
31:26By now fayid's brother knows exactly what's going on
31:28So they're just sitting there doing they literally can't shoot. They have to just sit there and wait
31:34He's furious. He thought his brother was ready to change
31:37And now this another escape
31:39Wow, the brother actually doesn't know and they're sitting there arguing in the visitation room like bro
31:44Are you fucking kidding me fayid's accomplice has already cut his way through several locks
31:48And now he has reached the door to visiting room 50 where ghetto and fayid is waiting
31:52The angle grinder slices through the metal the door is open
31:56Fayid has been waiting for this. He storms out and rushes down a long corridor followed by the man in green
32:02His brother is left behind frozen and stunned
32:05At 11 28 a.m. Ghetto and fayid steps into the prison courtyard
32:0910 minutes that also sucks because they're gonna try and pin it on the brother, too
32:13They're gonna try and they're gonna try and say the brother had some sort of doing with it
32:16He sees the two inmates that have taken out the trash
32:18Inmates that have taken out the trash brings his right hand to his temple and gives them an air force salute
32:24Then he climbs into the helicopter
32:26Dozens of inmates stand pressed against the bars of their cells to watch
32:29As the helicopter lifts off the entire prison erupts into applause
32:33It's almost like a movie. Oh my god, they start cheering for him
32:37Isn't it in certain nordic countries not illegal to escape prison because humans have the natural. Uh
32:44Like instinct to try and run something like that germany has that yeah, like certain countries in europe
32:50You're like you don't get any extra
32:53Like if you kill somebody while you're escaping that's different
32:56But like if you just try and run from prison like you're not in trouble a french gangster who broke out of jail by hijacking
33:03A helicopter notorious gangster is on the run criminal who is a big movie fan
33:07It's never illegal to escape prison
33:09That's just not true
33:11If you're in the u.s
33:12And you try to escape prison you're getting a way higher sentence
33:14A defendant who escapes from custody when in custody because of felony charges is fined and sentenced up to another five years of imprisonment
33:21if they utilize four six
33:23In california, he is broken out of prison twice and you can just about make out the helicopter flying off into the distance
33:30multiple armed men who hijacked a helicopter which picked up a
33:35From within the prison ground the news of redouane faid's prison break spreads across the world
33:41He was already famous a tv figure the center of a cult-like hype
33:45But this is a whole new level
33:47A well-known french actress writes on social media bravo. Everyone. All of france is with you
33:53The french police declare him the country's most wanted man
33:57Three months later the authorities track him down
33:59Hiding in an apartment in his hometown cai he's been disguising himself under a burqa during public outings
34:05Like why did he stay in the fucking city that he lives in bro?
34:10What when he finally stands trial in 2020 authorities take extreme security measures including a no-fly zone above the courthouse
34:21The court cites a psychiatric assessment describing him as a social predator and gifted at manipulation
34:27He uses his charm and intelligence to control others and get what he wants
34:31Faid himself says that for him. It was always about the adrenaline
34:35He says he is addicted to it and calls himself a sick man
34:38His hollywood style heists made headlines worldwide
34:41But he also made his family suffer traumatized hostages and caused the death of a 26 year old police officer
34:47Faid stood two separate trials for his heists his role in a relief okay's death and his two escapes from prison
34:54He was sentenced to a total of 39 years in jail. Oh, yeah, he's gonna be there forever
34:59His lawyer says he's been held in solitary confinement since 2019
35:02He's strip searched up to five times a day at random intervals
35:06Every day they fucking strip search him
35:11For the last six years. What the fuck would he get in that amount of time?
35:15At least four guards escort him to each and every one of his phone calls. Wow, and even then his hands have to remain in shackles
35:22If I eat himself says he feels like he's been buried alive
35:26His earliest possible release date is 2060 he would be 88 years old by then wow
35:34Yeah, he'll die in prison, you know, it's a good day when fern drops facts
35:38Love fern videos. All right. That was fucking interesting. Never heard of that before
35:42All right
