• 6 hours ago
It’s that time of year again! The nominee announcements are finally here!
Let’s kick things off with a category that’s all about the hidden magicians behind every music video. The ones who bring the emotion to life and craft visual masterpieces — the editors! Today, we’re celebrating the unsung heroes who transform raw footage into cinematic works of art, where every cut, transition, and frame is a stroke of genius.

And now, without further ado, let’s meet our BEST EDITOR NOMINEES!!!

Mark your calendars! From June 12th to 14th, we’ll be celebrating these visionary talents live. You won’t want to miss it!

CREDITS (in order of appearance)

kittyyy - helltürkis (prod. Vittoria PS) @gokittyyyy
Editor: Stefan Pecher @stefan_pecher
Director: Amine Sabeur @aminesabeur_

Travis Scott - FE!N @travisscott @playboicarti
Editor: Joseph Taylor @josephtaylr
Director: Gabriel Moses @gabrielomoses

A$AP Rocky - Gangsta @asaprocky @anderson._paak @freenationals
Editor: Adriana Legay @adriana_legay_ @collectiv.paris
Director: François Rousselet @francois_rousselet

Megan Thee Stallion - Boa @theestallion
Editor: Emilie Aubrey @emiaubry
Director: Daniel Iglesias Jr. @danieliglesiasjr

Lisa - New Woman ft Rosalía @lalalalisa_m @rosalia.vt
Editor: Amanda James @amandajameseditor @finalcutedit
Director: Dave Meyers @davemeyers

Lady Gaga - Abracadabra @ladygaga
Editor: Sofia Kerpan @sofiakerpan
Director: Lady Gaga, Parris Goebel and Bethany Vargas @ladygaga, @parrisgoebel & @bethany.vargas

FKA twigs -Eusexua @fkatwigs
Editor: Charlie Von Rotberg @rotnug
Director: Jordan Hemingway @jordan_hemingway
Kareem Kalokoh - AIN'T NEW ft Mathaius Young @congopiink
Editor: Andreas Jonson @andreas.jon.son
Director: Thanos Mitsios @thanosmits

Tinashe - Getting No Sleep @tinashenow
Editor: Nick Yumul @nick.yumul
Director: Jonah Haber @jonahaber

The Irrepressibles - Ecstasy Homosexuality @theirrepressibles
Editor: Samuel Marr @thesamuelmarr
Director: Ben Galster @bengalster


00:19Never once did I get press his obvious bitches obsessed if it's fuck me then we have a sex
00:30I know
00:47Fade away
00:52I've been working all week. Yeah, I've been doing
