Those classics and much-loved movies with one particular lowlight.
00:00From some of the worst fights the gangster genre has ever seen, to the sort of digital
00:05effects that leave you giggling for all the wrong reasons, these are those truly horrendous
00:09film scenes that popped up in some of the greats.
00:11Gareth here from, and here are 10 God-Awful Scenes in Otherwise Perfect
00:18De Niro's fight scene doesn't turn back the clock – The Irishman
00:21The de-aging technology on show throughout Martin Scorsese's 2019 gangster epic The
00:26Irishman is up there with some of the best the movie industry has unleashed to date.
00:31However, for every utterly convincing moment of Robert De Niro and co. seemingly being
00:35chucked into a time machine while their cameras were rolling, there were those few beats where
00:39all the tech in the world couldn't paper over the fact that these were all stars very
00:43much in their 70s.
00:44Specifically, the jarring scene that sees De Niro's Frank Sheeran beat the crap out
00:48of a shopkeeper for shoving his daughter is enough to take anyone out of the gripping
00:53And while the quick beatdown had clearly been blocked in a way that wouldn't force the
00:56septuagenarian to overexert himself, the resulting awkward kicks, stomps and attempts
01:01to stay balanced felt like the equivalent of watching your grandfather attempting to
01:04roll back the clock with a VR headset on.
01:07The surreal pavement battering is soon forgot about and it's easy enough to slip right
01:11back into the modern classic, but few would argue with this being the absolute worst element
01:15of the 209-minute saga.
01:18The car flies away – Grease Easily ranking as one of, if not the greatest
01:22teen comedy musical of all time, Grease is still as cherished today as it was back when
01:27it first drove into fans' lives all those years ago in 1978.
01:31However, there has always been one specific moment that even the most passionate T-Bird
01:35and Pink Lady have struggled to get their heads around.
01:38That being exactly what in the hell was happening at the very end of the flick, when Danny and
01:42Sandy took driving off into the sunset to a whole new level.
01:46Despite the rest of the flick largely playing out like a fairly grounded love story, outside
01:50of the odd beauty school dropout and Grease lightning tune, the fairground conclusion
01:54sees the lovebirds dance through various rides with their pals, before eventually hopping
01:59into a car and literally flying away from the gang.
02:01Admittedly, this is a movie realm where folks regularly burst out into song and occasionally
02:06transform an entire garage with a rather smooth cut.
02:09But even with that being the case, watching the leading light suddenly blast off into
02:13some clouds late on still feels like it belongs in an entirely different film, and has become
02:18something of a beloved god-awful joke of a final sequence at this stage.
02:23That Greedo Moment – Star Wars Episode IV – A New Hope
02:27Even the best of George Lucas' galaxy far, far away isn't entirely perfect.
02:321977's first Star Wars adventure typically and deservedly ranks somewhere in most fans'
02:37top three for sensitive tales, for example.
02:39But even that much-adored and fondly-remembered first trip to the lands of Tatooine boasted
02:44the odd misfire, literally in this case.
02:46After initially deciding that Han Solo would defensively shoot first during his tense meeting
02:50with Greedo in Mos Eisley's cantina, Lucas suddenly had a change of heart, and attempted
02:55to rejig the scene so that the smuggler's actions seemed like more of a reaction to
02:59a shot fired from the alien's blaster.
03:01The end result was a bit weird.
03:04And while not everyone is the biggest fan of Lucas' tinkering with the likes of A
03:07New Hope and the rest of the original trilogy, many of his additions did actually enhance
03:11the classic adventures, adding much more depth and life to the background of Mos Eisley,
03:15for example.
03:16In the case of his Greedo meddling, though, few can defend Lucas' actions, and this
03:21clunky piece of editing has since become an unwanted piece of Star Wars history.
03:26Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter share a smooch – Captain America Civil War
03:30The Marvel Cinematic Universe isn't exactly short on brilliant third entries into a series,
03:35with the likes of Avengers Infinity War and Thor Ragnarok both rivalling just about any
03:40threequel out there.
03:41And while Captain America Civil War has also more than earned its place alongside those
03:45other third superchapters, there's still one little moment in the midst of Steve Rogers
03:49and Tony Stark's collision that felt about as pointless as it was distracting.
03:54With Steve being romantically involved with Peggy Carter during his time pre-freezing,
03:58the sight of him smooching her niece Sharon so soon after the older Carter had unfortunately
04:02passed away due to Alzheimer's disease felt wrong on many, many levels.
04:07The lip-locking came right out of the blue and wasn't even thrown into the mix as a
04:11way of building towards a complicated romance for Rogers with Sharon down the road.
04:15Ultimately Cap ended up back with his beloved Peggy in the past, and that happy ending only
04:20made this bizarre shoehorned snog feel that little bit more awkward as the years rolled
04:26Sonny's Punch Misses the Mark – The Godfather
04:28Jumping back to those gangster classic throwdowns that didn't quite deliver in the way a director
04:32would have hoped, one of the all-time greats ever pumped into cinema theatres the world
04:36over unfortunately still boasted a punch-up Francis Ford Coppola and co. would likely
04:41prefer to forget about.
04:42With the late James Cairns' Sonny targeting his brother-in-law Carlo for physically abusing
04:46his sister Connie, their violent Godfather brawl ultimately goes down in front of a crowded
04:52However, instead of being an entirely convincing and hard-hitting exchange, the emotion and
04:56intensity of the moment is largely overshadowed by some poor staging and pretty laughable
05:02Had this beatdown gone down on a theatre stage, the chances are it wouldn't have felt
05:06out of place.
05:07But the fact there's visible distance between Sonny's hand and Carlo's face during some
05:11punches and many of the kicks and knees feel noticeably held back shatters much of the
05:16illusion, and turns what should be an impactful physical altercation into an unintentionally
05:21hilarious example of what can happen when not enough thought is put into the staging
05:25of a cinematic clash.
05:27Quentin Tarantino's Jarring Cameo – Django Unchained
05:31A director wiggling their way in front of the camera during the making of their own
05:34movie isn't exactly a shocking occurrence at this point.
05:38But there's popping up in a coffee shop for a blink and you'll miss its showing,
05:41and then there's sticking out like a sore thumb for an uncomfortably long amount of
05:44time in the middle of a stellar piece of work.
05:47And that was most definitely the case when it came to Quentin Tarantino's baffling
05:50cameo in Django Unchained back in 2012.
05:54With the director's god-awful Australian accent and just all-round odd performance
05:58as LaQuint Dickie Mining Company employee Frankie being the worst sort of one-scene
06:04The entire sequence involving Jamie Foxx's Django convincing his captors that he's
06:07actually a bounty hunter, before tricking them into handing him a loaded weapon, already
06:11felt like it was going on for an age, and likely would have done even without Tarantino's
06:16unwanted presence.
06:17But with it, the never-ending and seemingly self-indulgent scene very nearly sank what
06:21had otherwise been one of his most compelling pictures to date.
06:25The Slow-Mo Reunion – The Lord of the Rings Return of the King
06:28While there is admittedly a lot of joy to be found in the never-ending stream of conclusions
06:32that bring Peter Jackson's Return of the King to its end, there is one moment most
06:36Lord of the Rings loyalists would all happily throw into the fires of Mount Doom that comes
06:41during those latter stages of the finale.
06:43In the wake of Frodo and Sam being rescued by Gandalf and the Eagles after finally destroying
06:47the One Ring, the Baggins Hobbit wakes up in Minas Tirith and is reunited with the rest
06:52of the surviving Fellowship.
06:54On paper that sounds like a sweet enough reunion to add to the mix, but Jackson's call to
06:58have the entire thing play out as though everyone involved is glowing and moving in
07:02slow motion can't help but make a potentially sincere moment of happiness feel unquestionably
07:08That and the weird echoey laughter accompanying the giddy bed-jumping, along with the likes
07:12of Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and Gandalf's awkward staring at the reconnecting Hobbit,
07:17all help cement this as one of the most uncomfortable moments of celebration you're ever likely
07:20to witness.
07:22The Dodgy CGI Final Battle – Black Panther Black Panther quite rightly sits as one of
07:27the most important films the MCU has ever brought into existence, with the late Chadwick
07:32Boseman-led epic absolutely smashing it at the box office and having a simply monumental
07:36cultural impact.
07:38However, while much of Ryan Coogler's first Marvel project unquestionably contains some
07:42of the strongest character development, gripping antagonists and spectacular set pieces to
07:47have tumbled out of the superhero genre, there's still no getting around the fact that Black
07:51Panther's climactic duel is about as cartoonish as they come.
07:55The drama pumped into T'Challa and Killmonger's pulsating final battle is palpable, and the
08:00visual of the King of Wakanda driving a dagger into his cousin's chest before Eric ultimately
08:05claims he'd rather be freed than healed and imprisoned remains as powerful today as
08:09it did in 2018.
08:11So it's just a shame that the CGI used to bring the warring rivals showdown to life
08:15in Wakanda's Vibranium Mine wasn't quite as on point, with the digital effects that
08:20looked dated and inauthentic five years ago only becoming more so with each passing year.
08:25Thankfully, most people remember this particular MCU fight more for the emotionally charged
08:29beat that followed it, but that doesn't change the fact that this poorly crafted digital
08:33bout of fisticuffs remains one of the only real lowlights in one of the genre as a whole's
08:40While there is still an awful lot to like about the much-loved 80s coming-of-age drama
08:46that is The Breakfast Club, some elements of the John Hughes classic just haven't exactly
08:51aged all that well over the decades.
08:53In particular, the makeover moment involving Ally Sheedy's Alison Reynolds is one that
08:58many would confess to being entirely unnecessary and simply an attempt to infuse the dreadful
09:02trope of a character needing to entirely transform themselves in order to get the attention of
09:07a love interest into the picture.
09:09And the star herself has even admitted to not being a fan of this moment, claiming that
09:13she felt her director agreed with her that the moment wasn't needed and that this was
09:17more of a thing where this was something that the studio wanted and he had written it.
09:22Thankfully, this sort of princess transformation moment would gradually die out as the years
09:26went by.
09:27Yet, it's still hard to escape the feeling of uneasiness that comes with the sight of
09:30a youngster having to strip away parts of who she was in order to become more appealing
09:34to a jock late in the day.
09:38Voldemort and Harry's Weird Face Merging Moment – The Deathly Hallows Part 2
09:42After seven whole movies of wizarding adventures and twists and turns, Harry Potter and Voldemort's
09:47inevitable final battle was always destined to be something that had the potential to
09:51make or break The Deathly Hallows Part 2.
09:54And for the most part, this climactic battle between the wizarding world's big bad and
09:58the boy who lived actually managed to live up to expectations, with Ralph Fiennes' despicable
10:03Dark Lord pushing Potter to his absolute limit as our heroes do everything they had at him
10:08and his Death Eaters.
10:10But that being said, there was one rather unexpectedly comical chunk of CGI chaos thrown
10:14into the Battle of Hogwarts.
10:16I am, of course, talking about the particularly surreal visual of Harry and Voldemort's
10:20faces being merged together as the two fly around the war zone mid-duel.
10:24It's not just the sole image of Daniel Radcliffe's face being oddly digitally combined
10:28with the snake-like Voldemort's that sticks out for all the wrong reasons either.
10:32The entire smoky grappling match through the air is incredibly cartoonish, and zaps a lot
10:37of the intensity out of this showdown for the ages.
10:40Things do eventually get back on track by the time they crash back into the courtyard,
10:44however you'd be lying if you said these few seconds of bizarre digital wrestling didn't
10:48briefly pull you out of the magic that was this otherwise deeply satisfying Potter finale.
10:53And that's our list of any other god-awful scenes in otherwise perfect movies.
10:58Then let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and do not forget
11:01to like, share and click on that subscribe button while you're at it.
11:04Also if you like this kind of thing then head on over to and find some
11:07more incredible articles just like the one this video you're watching right this second
11:11is based on.
11:12I've been Gareth from, thank you as always for watching this lovely video
11:17Hopefully I'll see you very very soon but in the meantime, just be good to yourself.
11:20Bye bye!