UK's Eurovision entry Remember Monday turns hate comments into music Source: Sky News
00:00My ears hurt.
00:06Is it just me?
00:10Or is this
00:12endless the end?
00:18I mean we've been doing that for
00:20I want to say years now.
00:22I think since we started
00:24building a bit of a name online
00:26that just goes hand in hand
00:28with some people that just, you won't be there
00:30cup of tea.
00:32So we started
00:34singing those
00:36insults and originally they were just
00:38so funny for us to do.
00:40It was a Birkenstock one.
00:42That one is great.
00:44There is always
00:46two ugly friends
00:48in a group of three.
00:50We would just stare at each other like
00:52Who is it then?
00:54Damn it.