00:00Mr. President, it's Irish Dragon Appreciation Month,
00:02if you may check.
00:03Who's your favorite Irish person?
00:05The President Oh, there's so many.
00:07Are you kidding me?
00:08Well, I do happen to like your fighter.
00:10He's a — he's got the best tattoos I've ever seen.
00:13I don't know if I'm a big fan, but that —
00:15The Press Conor McGregor.
00:16The President Is it Conor McGregor?
00:18The Press Conor McGregor.
00:19The President Boy, you have — you have —
00:20well, Conor's great, right? You know, talking about Conor.
00:22But you have a lot of —
00:24you have a lot of great Irish fighters, actually.
00:26They're great fighters. I don't know what that is,
00:28but Ireland's always had a lot of good fighters.
00:31You know why? Because they're tough people.
00:32They're smart people and they're passionate people.
00:35And they really have been, over the years, so many —
00:37I think your father was a great fighter, right?
00:39Mr. McGregor He was. He was.
00:40The President Wow. And yet, look at you.
00:42You're so smooth and so —
00:43Mr. McGregor He was a very good defensive boxer.
00:45The President I see.
00:46Mr. McGregor He was a really good —
00:48Mr. McGregor He was a good boxer, yeah.
00:49He boxed for Ireland. He boxed for Ireland.
00:51The President Yeah.
00:52That means you're — genetically,
00:54I'm not going to mess around.