• 20 hours ago
Anyone can master a perfect fried egg-- and we're here to show you how!
00:00Hey, it's Tia in the Delish Kitchen studios.
00:03Eggs are a precious commodity,
00:05and so I wanna make sure that you make the most of yours.
00:08Here's how to make a perfect diner-style fried egg.
00:12Let's get into it.
00:13So I've got the pan going over medium heat,
00:15and I'm just gonna put a teaspoon or so of butter.
00:19I'm using a nonstick pan for these eggs.
00:22So the butter is melting.
00:24Just gonna swirl the pan to get it nice and coated.
00:28And I'm waiting to see it bubble a little bit.
00:30At this point, I'm ready to put the egg in.
00:33Always crack an egg on the countertop.
00:35Cracking the egg into the bowl
00:37ensures that if the yolk breaks, you have time to pivot.
00:40It also helps you control the flow of the egg
00:44when it goes into the pan.
00:45I'm gonna drop it super gently in.
00:47It's your baby, baby the egg.
00:50My favorite trick for evening out the egg whites
00:52is to take a fork and just gently poke at the egg white
00:57that's closer to the yolk,
00:59just to kind of encourage it to flatten out in the pan.
01:01So this is gonna take about three minutes.
01:04If it gets to a point where the egg looks like it's done,
01:07but the inside, the closer part to the yolk
01:10still looks kind of like not done,
01:12one trick you can do is add just a little bit of butter,
01:15melt that in the pan,
01:16and spoon it over just the white to help it set.
01:20So now that we see that the egg is set on top
01:24and a little crispy around the edges,
01:26it's time to plate.
01:33So maybe you're not a fan of what my family
01:35always called the dipper or sunny side up eggs.
01:38You can do over easy,
01:40and most of the technique is still the same.
01:43We still have the pan going over medium.
01:45Our butter is all melty and sizzling,
01:48so we're good to go with the egg.
01:49So we're waiting until that egg white looks just set.
01:54It can still be translucent on the top.
01:56This is gonna take about one to two minutes.
01:58This is the same technique whether you're doing over easy,
02:01over medium, or over hard.
02:03Gentle, very gentle.
02:06It's honestly way more important
02:08that you don't break the yolk right at this point
02:11than getting the egg white perfectly over.
02:14If you're going for over easy, nice and runny,
02:16it's about a minute.
02:18Over mediums, you're gonna go for one to two minutes.
02:21Over hard, completely cooked, two to three.
02:24Fried eggs absolutely demand toast.
02:27You just want a carby thing to absorb all that yummy yolk.
02:30If you're looking for the perfect diner style egg,
02:33look no further.
02:38For this and other easy everyday recipes,
02:41stick around on delish.com.
