Donny Enriquez | Chef Donny
00:00Yo, Donnie, what's for lunch?
00:02You know what?
00:02Let's do a French onion soup.
00:04I'm a private chef, cook for money, yeah.
00:10Guys, welcome back to What's for Lunch?
00:11Another solo episode here.
00:13Today, we're doing one of my favorites,
00:15a French onion soup.
00:16And we're doing it from top to bottom.
00:17We're making the stock.
00:19We're caramelizing all the onions.
00:20So I'm gonna show you the entire process all by scratch.
00:22So we're gonna make a stock.
00:24The first stock, whenever I'm cooking with beef bones,
00:26I keep them all in a bag and I freeze them
00:28for something later, like making a stock.
00:30So here, I have a bunch of short rib bones
00:32from the other day.
00:33I also have a combination of,
00:34I have some short ribs still on the bone
00:36and some beef chuck right here.
00:38So we're gonna use a combo of both.
00:39If you don't have bones on hand though,
00:41you can go to any butcher and just ask for bones.
00:43They'll sell you bones right there.
00:45You need a decent amount of bones to make a good stock.
00:47So whenever you're cooking,
00:48I recommend if you have meat with bones on it,
00:50just keep them in a bag, keep them in the freezer.
00:52They'll last and then you can pull them out
00:53when you're making your stock.
00:54To go with our stock, we have the Holy Trinity here,
00:58a mirepoix.
00:58We have our carrots, we have a celery,
01:01and we have an onion.
01:02So these are gonna be for our stock.
01:04And then for the French onion soup,
01:06the onion part itself is,
01:07you just have some yellow onions right here,
01:09some sweet onions.
01:10That's all it takes.
01:11These are gonna take time.
01:12There's no way to cheat a French onion soup.
01:15Even if you're making,
01:16even if you're not making a stock from scratch,
01:18the onions are gonna take at least an hour,
01:20at least to caramelize onions properly.
01:22But otherwise, we have some parsley here
01:24that's gonna be on the stocks and aromatics and some thyme.
01:26Pretty simple ingredient wise.
01:28Again, this one just takes a little bit of time.
01:30So to get started,
01:31I'm gonna get these bones roasting in the oven.
01:33Now there's two ways you can make a stock.
01:35You can roast the bones.
01:37You can not roast the bones.
01:38You can use beef cubes like I'm using here.
01:41The difference between,
01:42the main difference between a stock and a broth,
01:44you hear those two terms.
01:45They're used pretty much interchangeably.
01:47The big difference is traditionally,
01:48if you're making a strict by the book stock,
01:51it's primarily bones.
01:52If you're making a broth, it's primarily the meat.
01:54A stock is gonna yield a much more gelatinous mixture
01:57once it's done,
01:58because you're using all the connected tissues in the bones.
02:01They break down and you get this gelatin
02:03that comes out of it.
02:04With the beef, if you're using beef chuck,
02:05beef cubes itself,
02:06it doesn't have that connected tissue in the bones itself.
02:08There's still some in there.
02:10So we're gonna do a combo of both.
02:11We're making a broth and a stock.
02:12Just, this is all I have on hand.
02:14It's still gonna be delicious.
02:16What you do with the bones, we're gonna roast those.
02:18I'm gonna pat that dry.
02:19You want them dry just so they don't steam,
02:21just so they kind of roast in the oven.
02:23You don't need to roast the bones if you don't want to.
02:25It's just gonna build a little bit more depth of flavor.
02:28It's gonna be a little bit more robust.
02:29And then with that, I'll throw some carrots in.
02:31And now carrots, you don't have to peel,
02:33especially if we're doing a stock.
02:34You can just take it and really rub that outside skin
02:37with a rough towel or an abrasive clean sponge.
02:40You'll see that the other layer kind of just peels off.
02:42And this is especially nice if you're roasting carrots
02:44and you wanna keep the integrity of a carrot
02:46and make it look still beautiful,
02:48all these little ridges in there.
02:49If you peel it, those are all gonna come off.
02:50Rub it down really good.
02:52And you'll see it kind of cleans itself off there.
02:54All that crap goes into your towel.
02:56So I'm just gonna break these up.
02:59A couple of carrots are gonna go on here.
03:01And then honestly, to that,
03:02I'm just gonna put this right in the oven.
03:05And we'll do the rest in a pot.
03:06So I'm doing two techniques,
03:08two combinations of two techniques.
03:09If you wanna do this all in a Dutch oven,
03:11on your countertop or on your stovetop, that works too.
03:14So we're gonna get this medium-high heat.
03:16Little bit of olive oil.
03:19Let this get hot.
03:19We're gonna build a lot of color.
03:20We're gonna brown all this meat.
03:23Now, if you don't wanna make the stock yourself,
03:24by all means, you can just buy.
03:25You can skip this step.
03:26Buy some beef stock.
03:28It's gonna taste a lot better, though,
03:29if you make it yourself.
03:31And we're gonna be making it in a pressure cooker.
03:32So normally, a really good beef stock takes 12 hours to make
03:36to really get all that connected tissue to release
03:38and turn into gelatin.
03:40Takes a lot of time.
03:41With a pressure cooker, we're gonna take that time
03:43down to like an hour, an hour and a half, maybe max.
03:46Because with a pressure cooker, all that pressure,
03:47it increases the boiling point of water.
03:49So water usually boils at 212.
03:51In a pressure cooker, it's like 250.
03:53So all that added heat is gonna release
03:55the connective tissue and turn it into gelatin
03:57much faster than if you were just doing it low and slow
04:00on a stovetop.
04:02And I'm not adding any salt to the roasted bones
04:04or to this, because when you're making a stock,
04:06you really don't wanna salt anything until the end,
04:09once this is kind of starting to smoke a little bit.
04:14And you can use, if you have oxtail,
04:17if you have just this bone marrow itself,
04:19you can roast the bones itself.
04:20But I have short ribs and chuck here.
04:25Yeah, the people love it.
04:26You hear making a stock, everyone's cheering.
04:29This is gonna be quick.
04:31One, just like a minute, two minutes on each side
04:33just to build, look at that.
04:34See, that's what we're going for right there.
04:36We're building a nice little crust,
04:38getting some color on these.
04:42While that's browning up, we're gonna multitask here,
04:44because our onions are gonna take, like I said,
04:46like an hour to caramelize.
04:47So I just have some white onions here that I peeled,
04:50and we're just gonna slice them.
04:54And you don't have to worry
04:54if they're not all perfectly sliced.
04:57This is gonna cook down for so long
04:59that if you have some odd or end shapes,
05:01it's gonna cook down to basically nothing.
05:03So you don't have to worry if they're exact or not.
05:06So this is the color we're going for, looking beautiful.
05:13Next, we'll add a carrot, some celery,
05:15and then another onion in here just to build our mirepoix.
05:18We can turn the heat down.
05:19We're just gonna try to sweat these out a little bit.
05:21We don't want too much color on them.
05:23Now we have all this beautiful fat that's rendered out
05:25just from that.
05:26We're gonna add a little bit of salt.
05:28We're gonna add a little bit of black pepper.
05:30We're gonna add a little bit of salt.
05:31We're gonna add a little bit of salt.
05:33We're gonna add a little bit of black pepper.
05:35We're gonna render it out just from that.
05:37And we have all the bits of flavor stuck to the bottom.
05:38That's called the pan fond.
05:40We're gonna build on top of that.
05:41So because we're making a stock,
05:43you really don't have to worry
05:44about everything being cut perfectly.
05:46It's gonna cook for so long in the pressure cooker
05:49that it's not gonna matter.
05:50So we just go in with carrot in there and then an onion.
05:53Look, I'm not even gonna really worry about how it's cut.
05:56Kind of quarter it up.
05:57That's perfect.
05:59And then some celery.
06:01Make sure you wash your celery.
06:03Celery's always pretty dirty.
06:05Wash everything, but celery especially.
06:06There's dirt all in the roots.
06:08So celery can go in.
06:10Give this a stir.
06:11Let this just start to sweat down a little bit.
06:15Grab all those flavors from the bottom of the pan.
06:17Let's check on our roasted bones here.
06:20Okay, yeah, look.
06:22That's going nice.
06:23Bones are starting to roast.
06:24Still some meat left on them,
06:25but basically we're doing the same thing
06:27as we did in the pan there.
06:28These bones are gonna get a little bit dried out,
06:30more dried out, a little deeper aromatics on them
06:32than they are just quickly in the pan.
06:33So we're focusing more on the bones.
06:35There's some meat on the outside,
06:37but the meat's browning as we just did in the pan.
06:39So that's great.
06:41Nice, look at that.
06:42And we've scraped,
06:43we basically deglazed the bottom of the pan already.
06:45You can see that there's none of those brown bits
06:46still stuck.
06:47We're gonna have tons of flavor that way.
06:49All right, I'm gonna get our pressure cooker ready now.
06:56We're gonna go high pressure for an hour.
06:59Everything we've roasted off,
07:00the meat and some of the bones, short rib, go in there.
07:04All right, these have had about 15 minutes to roast.
07:09All right, while this pan is still hot,
07:11I'm gonna take a little bit of red wine,
07:14see if it's still hot enough.
07:15Not quite.
07:16So I'm gonna put this back in the oven to let that deglaze.
07:18Just the same as we did here,
07:19I want all those brown bits picked up.
07:22Oh, it's bubbling away.
07:23So it's starting to cook off.
07:24So as you can see,
07:25some of the wine vapor's coming up,
07:26the alcohol vapor's coming up right now.
07:27We want that even more.
07:29This I can just chuck back in the oven.
07:31Let that start to, and we'll mess around with it.
07:33We're gonna do the same thing here, just a splash of wine.
07:35You don't need wine in stocks though.
07:36It's not super traditional.
07:38Make sure when you're cooking it
07:39that all the alcohol's cooked off.
07:40You don't want any of that alcohol.
07:43So really let all those vapors cook.
07:45And this is gonna help just deglaze the pan even more.
07:47So let that go.
07:48Now we're gonna let that wine continue to cook off.
07:51And I'm gonna get all of our onions in a pan now.
08:01All right, and to this,
08:02I'm gonna add half a stick of butter.
08:06All right.
08:11All right, look at this.
08:14Take our spoon now.
08:16Scrape everything we can off this pan.
08:19That's all flavor.
08:20You want all that in there.
08:23Add it to this.
08:25You can smell it too.
08:26Once you're not smelling any harsh,
08:28kind of the alcohol part of the wine,
08:30once it's very mild and sweet, you can go in here.
08:35And that we're gonna cover with water
08:37just until that fill line on the pressure cooker.
08:40So even if all the bones aren't covered, don't worry.
08:43That's perfect.
08:44Some thyme, some parsley stalks and all.
08:48Let's give it a rip.
08:49Now this is gonna be our beef stalks.
08:52Close that off.
08:53Let it come to pressure.
08:54And that's gonna go for about an hour,
08:56which is perfect timing because that's how long
08:58these onions are gonna take to soften up and caramelize.
09:01We'll start it like a medium heat,
09:03just to melt that butter, get it going.
09:05We're gonna start with the lid on,
09:07covered for about 30 minutes, maybe less,
09:10just so everything starts to sweat down.
09:12Then we're gonna take it off
09:13because we want all that water to evaporate.
09:15You don't need to add sugar to this.
09:16You don't need to add anything.
09:17You really just need butter and thyme,
09:19a little bit of salt.
09:20There's enough natural sugars in the onion themselves
09:22that they'll come out.
09:23It just takes time.
09:24There's no way to really rush this.
09:26All right, the onions now have been going covered
09:28for about half an hour.
09:29And you can see a bunch of water now has come out,
09:32a lot of moisture in the pan.
09:33So we're gonna leave the cover off
09:34and give this a stir probably about every 10 minutes
09:36and let this continue to cook
09:38until we get a deep caramelized color.
09:40Let that go and you'll have the best
09:42caramelized onions you've ever had.
09:44All right, while everything finishes cooking,
09:46we're gonna make our little crouton of bread
09:48for the French onion soup.
09:49So I have a French baguette here.
09:52I'm gonna slice just a couple of pieces on a diagonal
09:55so you get the most surface area.
10:02A little bit of olive oil.
10:03And then these can just toast up on a robot.
10:11Okay, the beef stock has finished cooking
10:13in the pressure cooker.
10:14I've just taken the lid off.
10:15What I'm gonna do now is any of those big chunks of beef,
10:17I'm gonna take out and save
10:18because that's delicious stewed beef right there.
10:21We're not gonna let that go to waste.
10:23Even the bone, you can get good stuff off of that.
10:25So get your big pieces out if you use beef cubes.
10:28And now we have all this fat on top of it.
10:32All that fat needs to come off.
10:34There's two ways to do this.
10:35You can take it with a ladle and gently skim it like so,
10:40and you get all that that comes off.
10:42But the easiest way is to let this cool down
10:44and that fat will solidify on top
10:46and you can just literally lift it right off
10:48with your hands.
10:49I'm gonna strain this now.
10:53And just because I have the time,
10:54because there's a lot of noise going on,
10:55this is a basketball tournament,
10:56I'm gonna put this in the fridge just to cool
10:59so that I can get the rest of that fat off
11:00just solidified by hand.
11:01So that's the next step in this process.
11:03Okay, the beef stock cooled
11:06and I went ahead and skimmed all the fat off.
11:08So that is what we're left with.
11:09Here, you can see the onions.
11:11It's after about two and a half hours.
11:13They're looking phenomenal.
11:14If that's what you want, it just takes time, honestly.
11:17So now, I'm gonna put this back in the fridge
11:20and I'm gonna let it cool down.
11:21This takes time, honestly.
11:22So now, we're gonna do a splash of,
11:24if you've ever caramelized onions, taste them.
11:27Adds a little bit of vinegar, a little apple cider vinegar.
11:30It's just gonna round out the flavor in those onions now.
11:32Just a little bit of acidity in there,
11:34a little bit more bite
11:35and that, the flavor changes completely here.
11:38It's barely noticeable, but it's fantastic.
11:40It's all you need.
11:41Just a little swig, just a splash.
11:43Okay, all the hard work is done.
11:45Now, just to finish it off, take our beef stock.
11:48It goes in right over those onions
11:51until they're covered.
11:52And then, this, we're gonna bring up to a simmer.
11:56Now, the ratio is up to you.
11:57If you like it where you have more onions to broth ratio
12:00or it's very, very oniony,
12:02by all means, add as much as you want.
12:03I'm gonna go a little bit more broth.
12:07Now, here's where we taste and see if it needs any salt,
12:09any pepper, any seasoning.
12:11I want some pepper.
12:13Touch of salt.
12:14And now, this, you can let simmer.
12:16It's good to let simmer for like 20, 30 minutes
12:18just to get everything melded together.
12:20And then, we go into our bowl.
12:21It's that easy.
12:27Right up to the brim there
12:30to finish that baguette we toasted earlier.
12:33A nice, crispy baguette that's gonna soak up.
12:36I'm gonna go two pieces right across the top.
12:39And then, our shredded Gruyere cheese.
12:41The shredded Gruyere goes right on top.
12:44And this finishes under the broiler.
12:46We need a good amount of cheese.
12:48We want this bubbling over.
12:52Broiler, two minutes.
12:59All right, and it finishes with this blowtorch.
13:07All right, we got special guest, Rone,
13:09who's not in the kitchen a lot.
13:10He's in Chicago.
13:10We have Big Cat.
13:11He's always in the kitchen.
13:13Who's always in the kitchen, but that's what I like.
13:14It's either him or Brandon Walker.
13:16And today, you guys had a little French onion soup.
13:18The stock is homemade.
13:19Everything is from scratch.
13:20This is hot, so be careful.
13:22But you guys can just dive in there.
13:23Go ahead.
13:25No, no.
13:26I can't go, I can't go, I can't go.
13:29Look at that cheese.
13:30Look how melty that cheese is.
13:32It was just onions?
13:33French onion, yeah.
13:34You've had French onion soup.
13:35Yeah, I have.
13:36Onions and beef broth, cheese.
13:38It's so flavorful.
13:40You like that?
13:40It's so...
13:41Wait, so you said there's beef stock?
13:43Beef stock, yeah.
13:44I made the stock.
13:45You taste the beef.
13:46It's very beef-tasty.
13:47So a bunch of beef bones in the Instant Pot
13:49for like an hour and a half.
13:50Made the stock.
13:51Onions cook for like two and a half, three hours.
13:53Oh, that's so good.
13:54Finishes it off.
13:55Not too oniony either.
13:56Is there any smell better?
13:58Is there any smell better than caramelized onions?
14:00No, onions and butter.
14:01That's if your kitchen ever smells bad,
14:02just put onions and butter,
14:03which I probably should have done after the fish, but.
14:06Yeah, do you hear that?
14:07He came in on Sunday night.
14:09So Sunday night, no one's here except PMT.
14:11We came in to record.
14:13I come in.
14:14I actually thought we had a plumbing leak.
14:16He came in, he just cooked a shitload of cod and left.
14:20And he's like, what?
14:21I don't think it smelled.
14:21It didn't.
14:22I thought, I legitimately thought we had a plumbing leak.
14:25I was like, this smells so horrific.
14:27You can't say it didn't if he smoked.
14:28I know, but I didn't smell the muse.
14:31He was like, this is all.
14:32It didn't, maybe because I was around all night.
14:34But you guys also came in early,
14:36so the timing was all for the stream.
14:37But yeah, no more fish on Sunday.
14:39No fish Sunday.
14:40No fish Sundays.
14:41It was fish and Brussels sprouts.
14:42The combo, the combo of those are great.
14:43Oh, I didn't know what Brussels sprouts were.
14:45Anyway, back to the soup.
14:47Back to something that smells good.
14:48Do you think that too many basic bitches
14:50have taken over French onion soup
14:51or can just a regular guy like me enjoy it still?
14:53Even a bad French onion soup is still, is good.
14:55So yeah, I think a guy like you should enjoy it.
14:57But it's my favorite.
14:58You're a French onion soup guy, Roland.
15:00Appetizer at a steakhouse is a nice French onion soup.
15:02I love French onion soup.
15:03I'm just scared of like,
15:04when the whole table gets French onion soup,
15:06I'm like, am I basic?
15:08You know what I mean? I don't think so.
15:09I'm a chili chowder guy.
15:10You're a chili chowder?
15:12Chili or chowder.
15:13I was going to say that combo is great.
15:14No, no, no.
15:15Like when I go to a restaurant and it's like soup,
15:17if it's a chili or a chowder, I'm in.
15:19French onion, it's like maybe 50-50.
15:22But if you have an option, are you doing a soup?
15:24Usually when you're getting a full meal,
15:26you're going to-
15:27It's chili or chowder.
15:27It's chili or chowder?
15:29That's, I could have been more clear about-
15:30Well, I-
15:31Chili and chowder guy.
15:32I meant, but is that every-
15:33You would not follow me being a chili and chowder guy.
15:33But that, I know, that could have meant for your main course.
15:35I didn't know if it was an appetizer.
15:37I'm asking if it's-
15:38No, I'm a chili chowder guy.
15:39He's a chili chowder guy.
15:40Either way, you caught it.
15:41French onion soup goes better with a little Pepsi.
15:43Zero sugar here.
15:45I think this food deserves some Pepsi.
15:46So I'm going to crack one open.
15:47I'm going to have a bite.
15:49I'm going to have a bite myself.
15:50Hell yeah, dude.
15:51You got to get it all.
15:52It's delicious.
15:53Well, you're going to like that.
15:54You're going to like it.
15:55It's a Gruyere cheese that I prepared.
15:56Look at the stock.
15:57And a little bit of my saliva.
15:59It's a little bit of backwash from me and Big Cat.
16:01It's very good.
16:02It's very good.
16:03Well done, brother.
16:04Congrats, Chef.
16:05Thank you, Chef.
16:05See you guys next time.
16:07Hell yeah.
16:08It's good.
16:09It's literally good.