• 2 days ago
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00:00Hello, trouble...
00:02Hello, troublemakers!
00:03Things are floating in the air.
00:04My excitement!
00:05Look at that segue.
00:06Watching Moana.
00:08I couldn't get through the segue without talking about how excited I was about the segue.
00:12I could have finished the segue and then been like,
00:14Hey, what a great segue.
00:16But I had to stop and be like,
00:17What a great segue.
00:17Oh my God, this is a mess.
00:19I think it was last year,
00:21right before I went back for the holidays,
00:23for Christmas,
00:24I recorded Moana.
00:25And I remember it being like one of my favorite videos I've ever made.
00:28So now I am equally as excited to do Moana 2,
00:31as well as nervous,
00:33because I don't want to screw this up.
00:35And I'm willing to make a financial commitment to this film.
00:43Okay, yeah.
00:43So $30, I'm paying.
00:44You might laugh at me,
00:45but at some point,
00:46they're gonna start using AI.
00:47And I'm gonna ask nicely and the AI is gonna give it to me.
00:54I don't remember anything about the original.
00:56They're an island peoples.
00:59Oh, the pig.
01:02I remember the pig almost drowned in the first one.
01:04That pig was adrift at sea.
01:06We were this close to having ham for dinner.
01:08Well-moistured ham.
01:12Okay, there's no way that that shell is that loud.
01:17Gotta be other people out here.
01:20Let him go.
01:21No, you're gonna go surfing down the side of the hill there.
01:26That was part of the first one.
01:28She's searching for other people.
01:33Is that The Rock's character?
01:35I'm almost positive that's his name.
01:37It sounds right.
01:38I'm Mondo, he says.
01:40What are you waiting for?
01:41Let's go home.
01:42Sailing from the horizon.
01:45Was the first one a musical?
01:48Is this a musical?
01:52The ocean is alive.
01:53I forgot about that.
01:54I can't believe she went out solo to try to explore other islands.
01:58Because this is like someone who's very precious to your island.
02:03In song, they said like she's like the most amazing person of all time, basically.
02:06What if you come across people who are a little bit less happy to see you?
02:09Where do you come from?
02:10How about you eat the spear?
02:11You're friends with a pig?
02:13You know, something.
02:14We even got our own pillow.
02:17His name is Bua.
02:18Hi, pig.
02:21You didn't think I was gonna skip past that?
02:23You heard that?
02:23His name is Bua.
02:25Hi, pig.
02:27Cute child.
02:28Watch it.
02:29It's proof.
02:30Other people out there.
02:31Oh my god.
02:32They believe that they're the only ones that exist?
02:35Or that was the belief?
02:36That everyone on this island is the only people that have ever lived?
02:41So little things like this.
02:44Like her hand hitting that and then them having to put the sound effect in as well.
02:49I can't tell you how much I appreciate a little touch like that.
02:52That, to me, does more for this world.
02:56Making it feel real than almost anything else could.
02:59You don't have to do obvious overtures.
03:01When you are moving around, sometimes your hand will hit something and it'll roll just a little bit.
03:06And there's no consequence to it.
03:07That's such a small, niche, little touch.
03:10They had to specifically animate this.
03:12Do you know how much easier?
03:13I don't know how much easier.
03:14It would have been easier, though, certainly, if they had just left this as a still object.
03:18But instead, they had to have the animation of it rolling, the light changing on it.
03:22And again, it's probably not a crazy amount of work, but it's more work than you need it to.
03:26And then the sound of it moving as well.
03:31Little touches like that make something feel so much more special.
03:34Because, at least to me, because it's like, you didn't have to do that.
03:37So I think that's cool.
03:38That's longer than forever.
03:40I know.
03:41Someone tells me this little child's getting kidnapped.
03:43There was a second, there was another child that had a cute voice.
03:45And now we have too many children with cute voices.
03:48There can only ever be one.
03:49My guess for the plot, Mondo is feeling left out because she's doing all this wayfinding.
03:53And Mondo just wants a way of finding someone to love.
03:57But as a god, I don't think he can procreate.
04:01But he can kidnap.
04:02Now open the portal to the island.
04:03And why would I risk breaking the rules for you?
04:06Team up with your precious human again.
04:10Oh, I think he's gonna fall in love.
04:13Ow. Ow.
04:14Try to reconnect the people of the ocean.
04:17Oh, I just heard Australian to the max.
04:20Reconnect. Reconnect.
04:22What are you talking about?
04:24If you try to reconnect the-
04:27Damn Australian.
04:28And then he'll destroy her too.
04:30Oh, no.
04:34Oh, get out of here, dude.
04:38I don't know what she's trying to do, but she did not need to sexually-
04:43What do you want to do with me, Mondo?
04:45Watch it. Watch it. Watch it.
04:46Yeah, watch it. See it?
04:50He has everything to do-
04:51Oh, you're gonna be beautiful.
04:52Mondo is not gonna get enough of you.
04:55I'm not even worried.
04:56They're hooking up for sure.
04:57Eat up. We don't want the pork getting cold.
05:00They do be eating the pigs.
05:02You- Yeah, you gotta eat this one.
05:04You got- Like, oh my god.
05:06This'll feed a village for a month.
05:07I get that these island people, they live more of a primitive lifestyle than we know.
05:11But I feel like a canoe isn't the fastest way to move across the sea.
05:15They have an inventor.
05:17Why couldn't they create a rocket?
05:20Now that's a money idea.
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05:38I shouldn't say which one.
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05:54I didn't try to get my voice that high.
05:56I'm so sorry.
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07:07Thank you to Rocket Money for sponsoring this video.
07:09There was a title given to the last great wayfinder.
07:12Oh, they're bestowing a title upon her.
07:15May the ancestors continue to guide us.
07:20That is not a good sign, man.
07:28What is happening right now?
07:30Oh my god.
07:33You better hope that thing is friendly.
07:42Are they just trying to put stakes on her going out and adventuring and searching for other people?
07:47Which she's already doing.
07:48But now they're trying to add urgency.
07:50Being like, hey, everyone's gonna die.
07:52How? It doesn't matter. They just will.
07:56Well, that's stupid though.
07:57You'd want to give her a mission that she is reticent to accept.
08:01Like, oh, I just did the wayfinding. I almost died and I want to spend time with my sister.
08:05That would be like a personal character choice.
08:08But now like the fates conspire to push her back out into the world to continue, you know, for the betterment of her people.
08:14But she's already going out sailing looking for other people.
08:16And now the old wayfinding guy, the guy of legend, is like, hey, you got to go find people.
08:21She's like, I'm already trying.
08:23What are you talking about?
08:24What a weird thing.
08:26Took some searching in ancient island, connecting the people of the entire sea.
08:31A power-hungry god.
08:33By separating the people of the ocean, reaching Motu Fetu would break Nalo's curse.
08:39How is this information she doesn't know?
08:42This is her mission, is to go out and find other people in a world where they know gods exist.
08:48And in a community of at most a few hundred,
08:52you would think your top wayfinder would know the story about how the god is separating people and the island that they need to get to
09:00in order to undo that god's interference in keeping the people from each other.
09:05Why wouldn't she know this already?
09:06Again, it's not like they have a grand civilization that she just happened to not come across the few people that knew this secret.
09:12Only way to bring our people together again.
09:16What are you talking about?
09:18There's only one way to bring the people together.
09:19And the person that you have sent out to go search for other people, she doesn't know this information.
09:24Something about this shot I don't like.
09:30Something about the focus of it.
09:32I wish there was just like a general blur on everybody except Moana.
09:36I was waiting for that shot to turn into something a little bit cooler.
09:38What if we never see her again?
09:40What do you mean never see you again?
09:43I don't want you to leave!
09:46Too bad, bitch!
09:49Can someone kidnap this little child, please?
09:51For some things, we never feel ready.
09:54I definitely feel like that's a huge misstep.
09:56Plot hole aside, the fact that she is already someone who wants to journey, wants to find other people,
10:02and now she's given the mission to go find other people and she's like,
10:06I don't know if I'm ready.
10:07What were you just doing?
10:09I understand this place that you have to go is further than every other place you've explored,
10:13but that's a small ask further than what you're already doing.
10:16It doesn't go against your beliefs and your desires.
10:18She doesn't want to stay here.
10:19She wants to explore and now she can go do that.
10:22So her hesitance doesn't feel like our heart doesn't ache for all the things she has to sacrifice
10:28because if given the choice, even without this grand vision, she probably would have made this choice anyways.
10:32If I was this movie, I would have started with Moana having a reason to stay here
10:38and putting aside her explorer ways while, you know,
10:40she basically set up the environment so that the people of her island can go explore,
10:45but she doesn't because she wants to, you know, stay around her family and stuff,
10:49but only she is the one destined to go farther than they've ever gone before.
10:54Kingdom Hearts ice tree.
10:56There's just more interesting things to do with her character.
10:58Like you could also make her like super excited about being called for a greater mission
11:02in her haste to heed that call and be someone of note
11:06or to, I guess, accomplish things that have never been accomplished before.
11:10She finds herself in trouble.
11:11There's different story arcs you could find based on her feeling towards this.
11:16This is just like the worst one.
11:17It's not a sacrifice when you receive a call to go out and live your dream.
11:23Oh, Grandma!
11:26Oh, goop, goop, goop.
11:27Oh, that's true.
11:28I'm saying like it's good if she had a safety net, like someone to go with her,
11:32just in case something happens to her boat,
11:34but I forgot the ocean is her friend in a very literal way.
11:37Like the ocean god would always protect her.
11:39Plus, her grandma is like a sea spirit.
11:41Yeah, I thought she could have shook her hips there a little bit, you know?
11:43It just feels like a little hip shake right there.
11:47Oh, what do I know about Grandma's looking sexy?
11:49It's kind of like my area of expertise, actually.
11:50So I will sail to this new sky.
11:53Oh, you're going to take upon this mission?
12:03I'm going with Moana on a call from the ancestors!
12:06I'm coming with you.
12:08I'll be back as soon as I can.
12:10My hope, since she didn't get kidnapped,
12:12is that she is going to be abandoned,
12:15and then she's going to take that out on Moana
12:19when she gets back like a decade from now.
12:21She's going to be a teenager, but she's going to be evil.
12:23You abandon me?
12:24How about I destroy your world?
12:27Love that plot.
12:28But if you don't come back, so you can take a piece from home.
12:33I don't know. I'm souring up.
12:35I don't know. I'm souring on this child.
12:37It feels like they know that it's cute,
12:39and then they're trying so hard to keep it cute
12:42that it becomes cringy.
12:44Now I'm hoping for a kidnapping storyline,
12:45but it's a little darker.
12:50Is he in the stomach of something?
12:56I would lead to a...
12:58Come on, dude.
12:59Come on. They want you to like her.
13:01Keep it here in Shattered Blue.
13:04Keeping her in shadow, but only showing her feet.
13:06What audience are you trying to appeal to here, Disney?
13:12I'm not into it. I like grandmas.
13:16Yeah, everything Moana has learned so far
13:19has been given to her.
13:20Where she needed to go, she was told the name
13:23by having a vision.
13:25It needed to be explained to her by like the town historian.
13:29And then the comet in the sky guides the way.
13:31What about Moana has propelled anything in the story?
13:35We found it.
13:36That's not it. That's not it. That's not it.
13:45It's the damn coconuts.
13:46They thought in Moana 1
13:48that the little coconut army was going to be so cute,
13:51everyone was going to love them, all kids.
13:53It was the absolute worst part of that movie.
13:56And I thought, oh, that was just...
13:58They've listened to the audience.
14:00They've adapted and evolved.
14:01They found something better.
14:03But no, here we go.
14:04Round two. Worst scene in the movie.
14:06Right here. Get ready for it.
14:14Oh, okay.
14:16Oh, this is so much better than the coconuts being villains.
14:18Bring it on, coconuts.
14:24Oh, it's the same gag as last time.
14:26A whole island is in the same sea as Motu Fetu.
14:30They need to accompany the coconuts.
14:33What is that?
14:40All right. Okay.
14:41I got so demoralized as soon as I saw these coconuts.
14:43I just don't care.
14:46I'm so curious about the rating of this film.
14:49I feel so disengaged at this moment.
14:50There's less than an hour left of this film.
14:52Moana and Mondo haven't even interacted once yet.
14:55We have a whole new cast of like side characters
14:57and I'm not connected with any of them.
14:59This is hard.
15:14I can't believe a Disney movie of this stature
15:18is turned into an Until I Hate Myself.
15:21How did we get here?
15:22I started this video by being like,
15:24oh, I don't want to ruin this.
15:25The first film and commentary was such a joy
15:27and now we have this.
15:28None of the songs are as fun.
15:30I know that much.
15:31There's way less grandma.
15:33Always the negative.
15:35Is this Monsters, Inc.?
15:38And everything's a gag as well.
15:40Everything's a joke.
15:42Can I get a Chi-Hoo?
15:46That was the trailer.
15:49That's your line?
15:50That's your like, hey, we got the rock back.
15:51The rock's back.
15:52Can I get a Chi-Hoo?
15:53Man, you want to try to do a Ka-Chow so bad.
15:56I said, you want to Ka-Chow so bad,
15:58which is one of the funniest things
16:00I feel like I've ever said.
16:01But then people in the comments were like,
16:02no, no, no, Dylan, you don't understand
16:04the cultural significance of a Chi-Hoo.
16:06And I said, don't bring facts into this, okay?
16:08The less we know, the funnier my line is.
16:10I want to operate from a place of complete ignorance.
16:15Even though I still look very cool.
16:17You look like a kidney stone.
16:19You look like someone who would know what that is.
16:23We're having fun.
16:24We're having fun.
16:25What a great line that was.
16:26They both had the best lines.
16:29Pig in the face.
16:30Maui, out.
16:32Are you sure?
16:33Mondo, right?
16:35So much to learn.
16:37This theatrical ass bitch.
16:39You got to stop playing it safe.
16:41Get a little lost.
16:43I want you to beat Nana.
16:44It's real old Mati.
16:47I kind of hope she is actually evil.
16:50I don't think she's going to be
16:51because everything in this film is like simplicity dialed up to 10.
16:56The easiest way to get to A to B in the plot points,
16:59that's what they've taken.
17:00How does Moana get the mission?
17:02Well, she just has like a premonition from a lightning strike.
17:04How does Moana know the way to go?
17:06Dial it up to 10.
17:07She just follows the thing in the sky.
17:08Now I feel like we have a character who's been presented as evil.
17:12And if she just ends up being good,
17:14it's like, oh, she's just misunderstood.
17:16It's going to be so boring.
17:20All right, show off.
17:22She opened it?
17:25Shall we?
17:27Oh, she's not going.
17:28Break Nala's curse and maybe one day we'll see each other again.
17:31Shut up. You better be a villain.
17:33There's always another way, even if you have to get lost to find it.
17:37I hate that song and message.
17:39Sometimes you got to get lost to find your way.
17:41It's too vague.
17:41Usually there's like a some message in a song
17:44and that's what's fun about it.
17:46But that one's just like, hey, sometimes you just got to get lost.
17:48It's like, what the fuck are you talking?
17:50How can I apply this to my life?
17:51If Nala finds out I helped Will die by lightning.
17:54Ah, you're a good person.
17:55That sucks.
17:56Maui looked good.
18:02I mean, at least my skills at calling shit is still clearly.
18:07You're all going to die.
18:08Oh, please.
18:09Don't tease me with a good time, Mondo.
18:11Your crew's going to die and this time so is the chicken.
18:24This is how thin your ice is, Moana 2.
18:27There have been a few good jokes in this movie,
18:29but that was one of the best parts about the first Moana.
18:31But now it feels like it's expected of them.
18:33So now they're trying to force it every opportunity they can.
18:36And this is what happens when you write for the audience
18:39rather than for the story.
18:40The ancestors wouldn't have called.
18:42Unless it was a butt dial.
18:43That'll make sense in 2,000 years.
18:47So right now they're all freaking out
18:49because the place that she's looking for,
18:52it's like super cursed.
18:54It's almost impossible to get near it.
18:56And even if you do get near it,
18:57guess what?
18:58The gods sunk the island to the bottom of the ocean.
19:01So good luck.
19:01Wouldn't it be so much better if she found a clue
19:04that she was supposed to be doing this?
19:06Instead of getting like a godly premonition,
19:08instead she tries to puzzle clues together.
19:10She did the exploring at the beginning of the movie.
19:12If she just found clues and was like,
19:13oh my god, I think I'm onto something.
19:15And all this was a giant risk.
19:16That would put so much extra stakes on all this
19:19because not only is it her,
19:20she is risking three other people,
19:22three other islanders.
19:23And they're all trusting in her
19:25because of all the good she did in the first movie.
19:28But now she's put them in a position
19:30where they are all at risk.
19:31They're not sure if they're going the right way
19:33in everything.
19:33Like that would be so much more fulfilling.
19:35Where even Moana doubts herself.
19:37But no, why would she doubt herself?
19:39Because like the old best wayfinder of all time
19:42literally led her down this path.
19:47Here we go.
19:48This is exciting for the first time.
19:50Get to your positions and let's do this.
19:54See, okay.
19:55All right, I'm back in a little bit.
19:56This is funny.
20:00All right, here we go.
20:01I have faith.
20:02We're getting back on track.
20:05Leave him, leave him, leave him, leave him, leave him.
20:10No, no, no, you don't gotta.
20:12No, don't do it.
20:13Don't, don't bring him up.
20:16We had a chance to trim the fat a little bit.
20:20And again, if this wasn't a grand mission,
20:22I forget what they called it.
20:23They call it something specific.
20:24Kind of like a call from the ancestors.
20:27A call from the ancestors.
20:29Because it's this big grand mission,
20:30a call from the ancestors.
20:32Everyone has a certain level of commitment.
20:34Moana bears basically no responsibility
20:37because this is a life and death of their village.
20:40But if it was just her own personal gut feeling
20:42that propelled this whole journey,
20:44it would put a lot more on her shoulders.
20:47Eat that fucking pig.
20:48Walk it off camp.
20:50Ow, ow.
20:51Moni almost died.
20:53I've been low before and then someone came along
20:56and she lifted me up.
20:57You want to get through it?
20:58You just gotta chi-hoo it.
21:00You want a good chow so bad.
21:05I can't believe it.
21:06Can I get a choo-hoo?
21:07What was it?
21:08Can I get a chi-hoo?
21:09That ain't catching on, dawg.
21:10Can I get a choo-hoo?
21:12Catch on.
21:13See, now this is a song with a message, right?
21:15This is what I mean.
21:16Show up, go show up.
21:17Go get your destiny.
21:19There's 30 minutes left.
21:21So they got to topple the villain,
21:22connect all the worlds
21:23because if she doesn't accomplish this,
21:26her people die somehow.
21:27I believe that together...
21:30Damn, she must have been sulking for a long time.
21:33They went and fixed up the canoe?
21:34This should have taken weeks.
21:36We found a way to fix it.
21:38A little help from the ancestors, yeah.
21:40So that would have been a nice moment to be like,
21:42hey, Moana, we still believe in you.
21:43You brought us on this journey
21:45because really, she didn't.
21:46I mean, she did, but it was a call from the ancestors.
21:48This is like the greatest honor
21:49that the people could have to come on this trip.
21:51But it would have been a way for them
21:53if this was all Moana's mission
21:54based on the clues that she compiled
21:57to be like, hey, no, we still believe in you.
21:58Even after some setbacks,
22:01we still have faith in you,
22:02which would have been nice.
22:03Nala wants to end our story.
22:05Oh, by the way, this villain...
22:07We haven't met them.
22:09That's dope.
22:10Now we have a real trial ahead of us.
22:14Look, I could pull up a million islands,
22:15but if you're not there to land on them, then...
22:18Oh, God.
22:19See you up there, Moe.
22:20Were you guys that close?
22:22Like, I knew they liked each other,
22:23but like, not to that degree.
22:25All right, now he's gonna dive down
22:27and pull the island up.
22:37Oh, relax.
22:39Is he being stripped of his tattoo power now?
22:42How does that make sense?
22:43Why does he have that power to strip him of that?
22:46Interesting choice of the sound.
22:48Just, you can hear the...
22:49Very faintly, a heartbeat.
22:51Sometimes you just gotta get lost,
22:52you know what I mean?
22:54Just get lost down there, girl.
22:59Damn, she got great breath control.
23:01Big-ass lungs.
23:02And that's one of the big errors of this film.
23:04It's like, the villain, what?
23:08You know?
23:09What are you?
23:10What do you look like?
23:11Just like, personify the villain.
23:12We have not even seen the villain.
23:14It's just like, it could be Zeus, for all we know.
23:16Just shooting lightning out of the sky.
23:18Is she reaching for the end zone?
23:19No, it's gonna zap her first.
23:23No, okay.
23:24Here I thought, you know,
23:25maybe we'd have to struggle a little bit more.
23:26And just simply touching the island
23:29destroys the god's curse?
23:31And maybe the god himself?
23:33Guarantee he gets his tattoos back.
23:34Before the end of this movie,
23:36he's getting his tattoos back.
23:37Oh, she don't float?
23:39What, are you gonna hang out down there?
23:40Get to the surface.
23:43Have you heard of CPR, dude?
23:45You can't.
23:46She's not, though.
23:48Although, wouldn't that be satisfying?
23:49Oh, wait.
23:50I was gonna say, his tears aren't bringing her back to life, right?
24:00The reason I knew he's getting his tattoos back for sure
24:02is because we've come to really like his tattoos.
24:04They've been, like, um,
24:05a comedic foil for him.
24:07Where his tattoos would give him attitude
24:08or he'd give his tattoo attitude.
24:10Um, so as soon as you made that really likable,
24:13you can't kill off the tattoo.
24:15Because it's like a person.
24:17And then it was the same with the first one, too, wasn't it?
24:19Where, like, he lost his powers or his abilities
24:22and then he got the hook back and he was fine.
24:23He resurged with power and it's like,
24:25oh, I got the hook, then I'm good again.
24:27That's like, you're just lowered.
24:28If you make any more Moana movies,
24:29you've lowered the stakes to the floor.
24:31If anyone loses any of their powers,
24:32they just get it back super easy.
24:34Moana dies, she drowns,
24:36gets zapped by electricity.
24:37A godbolt.
24:38She just gets a tattoo and she's, like, alive again.
24:40Now the pathways are opened.
24:42So now all the people can find each other.
24:44Which maybe that's the third-
24:45Maybe it's happening now.
24:46Maybe all the people are coming now.
24:48I hope one of these civilizations is evil.
24:50That'd be such a fun little turn of events.
24:52If they meet other people and they find out,
24:55hey, guess what?
24:56Uh, not everyone's friendly.
24:58Were they all just waiting around?
25:00Were they all just hanging around
25:01in the nearby waters,
25:03ready for her to come this day?
25:05Was it foretold?
25:06God, this film is so terrible.
25:08What were they thinking?
25:09You're not even kidnapped.
25:12Oh, and I do love that they're like,
25:13hey, she's gotta go farther than she's ever been before.
25:15She might not ever come back.
25:18She might be gone for life.
25:19And it's like a week later she's back.
25:21All right, good for you guys.
25:24All alive.
25:26All alive.
25:28They brought a lot.
25:30That could be an invading army.
25:32Wow, you shouldn't be happy.
25:34You should just get some weapons ready just in case.
25:36This is just the beginning.
25:37Okay, Moana 3.
25:39You know what I kept thinking?
25:40This isn't until I hate myself.
25:43And I got there.
25:45And I thought,
25:46trust Disney.
25:48They'll pull it out.
25:51That's a lot of credits, man.
25:54Oh, here we go.
25:56Or break my curse.
26:03In the post-credit scene,
26:05that's the first time
26:07we are seeing the villain.
26:11You have got to be kidding me.
26:12Post-credit scene.
26:13Not everyone, people are leaving the theaters right now.
26:15And you buried this after a good number of credits.
26:18No, we're just getting started.
26:22Oh, sorry, are we not doing evil laughs?
26:24Too soon.
26:25Do you want to hear a song?
26:26Funky crab legs.
26:28Funky crab legs.
26:30That's the perfect way to end this film.
26:31You have a moment where you
26:33could deliver something that's actually interesting.
26:35A little bait for next film.
26:37And instead, you
26:38completely suck all of the tension out of that moment
26:41to do a joke that doesn't even land.
26:44Honestly, it is genuinely
26:46the perfect way to end the film.
26:47It completely encapsulates what this film is.
26:50The conception of the story,
26:51Moana's journey,
26:52keeping her and Mondo apart for as long as they did.
26:55Because then they just fell back into a rhythm like,
26:56oh yeah, we're actually like super close.
26:58And maybe it is my memory.
26:59Maybe, I thought they ended the first Moana,
27:02like they're on good terms.
27:04But I didn't realize that they were like
27:06super duper best friends.
27:08Moana not really having any agency,
27:10she was just like told to go on this mission
27:11and then guided.
27:12She did swim down to touch the island,
27:14which is...
27:16What did she accomplish?
27:16Well, she touched land.
27:18She went, boop, to land.
27:20And that was her great accomplishment.
27:21They blunted all the serious moments with jokes.
27:23And I would let this go if this film was better.
27:26But there were a couple of times
27:27where the animation,
27:29they looked like character models.
27:31Maybe that's because I was less invested in the story.
27:34And I'm starting to like,
27:35you know, focus on other things, I guess,
27:36to hold my interest.
27:37And the character design,
27:39they felt like clay molds.
27:41I don't know how to describe it.
27:43But that shot before where I was like,
27:44oh, Moana and she should have been the only one in focus
27:47and everyone else light out of focus.
27:48In that scene, I was like,
27:50oh, they just look like clay.
27:51They don't look like real, you know?
27:53And I didn't feel that way in the first one.
27:54Maybe the models are the same.
27:55Maybe it's the same technology, same everything.
27:57But it just felt a little different.
27:59Let me know how you guys felt about this movie.
28:01I did the trailers for this,
28:02but I don't remember what it came...
28:03Oh, 61.
28:03Yeah, yeesh.
28:06That's pretty bad.
28:07Hey, voiceover Dylan here.
28:09Not gonna give more opinions on the movie.
28:11That's done.
28:12I wanted to avoid Disney Plus
28:13because of the damn space bar.
28:14You know how that thing is.
28:15So I purchased it on YouTube.
28:17That's where I watched it.
28:18But almost immediately on starting the movie,
28:19I realized it was in 480p.
28:21So then I went to Disney Plus,
28:22signed up,
28:23and then I...
28:24It occurred to me,
28:25Moana 2 might not be on Disney Plus.
28:30$16 a month.
28:34I'm doing it.
28:35I am making a further financial commitment
28:38to this film.
28:39Another $16.
28:40All because I want the best for you.
28:42Because apparently when you buy something on YouTube,
28:43it only comes in 480.
28:45And I hate how they wait until after you buy it
28:48to like relay that information to you.
28:49It better be on...
28:50Oh my god.
28:52Oh, thank you.
28:53I was so nervous.
29:02I just spent...
29:03I just spent an extra $16
29:05so that I can watch Moana 2 in HD.
29:08All right.
29:08Well, guess what?
29:09I'm probably gonna watch in Kanto
29:11before this month's subscription is over.
29:13But anyways, thank you guys for watching.
29:15Don't worry.
29:15We got it.
29:15We'll have a brand new one next Monday.
29:17So I'll see you guys then.
