Sehri Ka Dastarkhwan & Azaan e Fajar | Shan-e- Sehr | Waseem Badami | 13 March 2025 | ARY Digital
Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi , Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi , Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
00:00The mercy of the mind has spread again, how can I face you?
00:11I am falling, please hold me
00:16Once again, we welcome you with anger.
00:18We know that such things are not appreciated morally.
00:21But let's try to understand it from the lens of Shariah.
00:24What has Shariah said about it?
00:26How wrong has it been understood?
00:27In which words has it been condemned?
00:28What has not been done?
00:29Let's start with Maulana Kamal Mahdi.
00:31Huzoor, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said to Maulana Ali Murtaza
00:35O Ali, when you are angry, sit down and think
00:39that when Allah, despite His limitless power, still has so much wisdom
00:44His limitless power, despite that He still takes action with wisdom
00:48So you also take action with wisdom and pass.
00:51If you really reach this level, then He is Waliullah.
00:54This is a big thing.
00:55And believe me that many people,
00:59after fighting and arguing, when they are alive,
01:05they can live a very good life by putting mud on things.
01:09I wish I could live like this.
01:11When this situation comes, there is a Quranic remedy for it.
01:14Let me give you an example of a bottle.
01:16There is something in it that you don't want to drink.
01:19So until you empty it, you will fill it with some good water.
01:24If there is anger in the heart, what is the remedy for it?
01:28Allah has given it to Huzoor in Surah Hijr.
01:31Allah says,
01:34We know that your heart also gets upset when you say such things.
01:37Makkah did not say anything to Huzoor.
01:39We know that your heart also gets upset when you say such things.
01:44What should you do now?
01:45We do this, we flip the bottle.
01:47How will the heart flip?
01:49The name of that flip is prostration.
01:51Wow, wow, wow.
01:55When your heart gets upset like this,
01:57then you should praise Allah and become one of those who prostrate.
02:00You should flip the bottle in front of Allah.
02:02This is a wazifa.
02:03This is a wazifa and you will become relaxed.
02:05Wow, wow, what to say?
02:07What does Qibla Mufti Amir Sahib have to say?
02:08What to say?
02:09Waseem Bhai, the topic of anger is such that it is a big problem in our society.
02:13Yes, yes, yes.
02:14And in fasting, there is no problem at all.
02:15It is very easy to get angry.
02:17But to get angry at the right place, at the right time and on the right person.
02:23This is a very difficult task.
02:25People easily get angry everywhere.
02:29Hazrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said that controlling anger is the task of the powerful.
02:36A weak person can never control anger.
02:39Because this is an emotional reaction,
02:43which we call in our terminology, shoran-e-nafs.
02:46Someone heard something against your temperament.
02:48Someone hurts your ego.
02:51The reaction that a person gives at that time, we call it an emotional reaction.
02:56Because of this, a person cannot control himself.
02:59We say Ghazali, who cannot control himself,
03:01what will he control in the world?
03:04Who will he control?
03:05May Allah protect us all from the evil of anger.
03:10Because in the Holy Qur'an, Allah gives the glad tidings of the people of Paradise.
03:14He said,
03:15Those who control anger and forgive others.
03:21What to say? JazakAllah.
03:23In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
03:25Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his companions.
03:28Look, you will see anger behind taking revenge.
03:32And you will not see anger behind forgiveness.
03:35Where there is anger,
03:38Okay, in religious matters, Allah's disobedience is happening.
03:42His Prophet's Sunnah is being violated.
03:45So there can be anger.
03:47Where it is right to be angry.
03:49But to be angry there, where it is against your ego.
03:54Anger is a natural thing.
03:56Anger will come.
03:58But it is your job to keep it under control.
04:01Like Mufti Sahib gave a reference to the holy verse.
04:04And second, if this anger is under control,
04:06Then it will be very easy to forgive and forgive.
04:08That you forgive others.
04:10He said,
04:12You do not like Allah to forgive you on the Day of Judgment.
04:17Before that, he said,
04:19You should forgive people.
04:23And I will say a brief thing here.
04:25When someone gets angry,
04:27Then change your attitude.
04:29He is sitting, he is standing, he is standing.
04:31So get out a little.
04:33And the second is that anger is from Satan.
04:36And Satan is made of fire.
04:38So if you do ablution, then the anger will be forgiven.
04:41Wow, wow, wow.
04:42Qibla and many times,
04:44Later, a person becomes ashamed.
04:46So save yourself from that shame.
04:48If you take out that moment when anger is coming.
04:50In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
04:52Peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Beloved, Muhammad and his family and companions.
04:54The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
04:57It is a Hadith of Bukhari.
04:59A wrestler is not one who beats the other.
05:02A wrestler is one who keeps his ego under control when angry.
05:07Wow, wow.
05:08It is a Hadith of Bukhari.
05:09A man said, in the message of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
05:12That give me some will.
05:14So he said, do not get angry.
05:16He said again, give me a will.
05:18The Holy Prophet said again, do not get angry.
05:20That is, many times he repeated the question that give me a will.
05:22He wanted to ask for some other will, some other.
05:24Every time the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
05:26In response, he said, do not get angry.
05:28Do not get angry.
05:30Do not get angry.
05:32That is, how important it is to avoid anger.
05:35Because the expression of anger,
05:37The expression of anger,
05:39The expression of anger is a sin in some cases.
05:42And in some cases, it even leads to disbelief.
05:44At times, people because of this anger,
05:46Even the words of disbelief.
05:48Allah, Allah.
05:49At the time of anger, the tongue should be in control.
05:51That is why the elders always explained that
05:53At the time of anger, no decision should be made.
05:55Wow, wow.
05:56Whether the person is angry or very happy.
05:59Over excited.
06:00In such a condition, in such a state,
06:03In such a state, the decision is often such that
06:05The person regrets later.
06:07So do not make a decision at that time.
06:09The ratio of divorce is also increasing.
06:11There is also a fundamental factor in it, anger.
06:13Anger comes and you can't control that anger.
06:15And immediately what they say.
06:17So at such times, we often give advice.
06:19That when this happens, either the husband goes out.
06:22Or the woman gets out of the room for a while.
06:24Because when they live face to face.
06:26And sometimes the tongue is out of control.
06:28And the tongue of both is out of control.
06:30Then they get angry and say 1, 2, 3.
06:32And then later they say that I said it in anger.
06:35So the divorce that is given in anger, it also happens.
06:38Divorce is anyway given in anger.
06:40No one divorces with love.
06:42So at the time of anger, your tongue should always be in control.
06:45I mean, there is a recommendation from all sides.
06:47This is the last 20 seconds.
06:49That time should be taken out somehow.
06:51It should be taken out.
06:52Because the treatment of anger is that
06:54If a person does a little physical exercise.
06:56Remove yourself.
06:58Automatically his reaction comes.
07:00Huzoor said, stand up and sit down.
07:02Sit down and lie down.
07:04To distract.
07:05Someone said that take a slow long breath.
07:08And then release it.
07:10So that anger ends.
07:12In the last 30 seconds, you have any final words.
07:15Maulana Ali A.S. is on the heart of the disbeliever.
07:17He insulted.
07:18Yes, wow, wow, wow, wow.
07:20He got down.
07:21Because I didn't want that.
07:23In the way of Allah.
07:25Whatever is being killed on the way.
07:27I have no personal anger in it.
07:29Wow, wow, wow.
07:30Thank you very much.
07:31All the fights.
07:33There is anger behind it.
07:35And look at this.
07:36The principle that the Shariah has taught.
07:38Change the place.
07:39Change the place.
07:40After half an hour, you will come to the same place.
07:42Your anger will cool down.
07:44So leave the anger.
07:45End the fights.
07:47Thank you very much.
07:48Thank you very much to all the scholars.
07:50When I was changing places on the set again and again.
07:52It is because of the segments.
07:54It is no less than a miracle.
07:56Two rounds in a five-minute segment.
07:58See, this is also amazing.
08:01This is also an example.
08:04After a break, we will come with Adhan-e-Fajr.
08:20I want other people in other cities.
08:22According to their local time.
08:24Intend to fast.
08:30Pray for fasting.
08:39I intend to fast for tomorrow's Ramadan.
08:50I intend to fast for tomorrow's Ramadan.
09:20I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah
09:42I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah
09:44I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah
09:58I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
10:17I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
10:30Come to Prayer
10:56Come to success
11:20Prayer is better than death
11:46Allah is the Greatest
11:56There is none worthy of worship except Allah
12:10Allahumma rabba hadihi al-da'wati al-daam
12:14wa al-salati al-qa'ima
12:17aati sayyidina muhammadan wasilata wa al-fadila
12:21wa al-darajata al-rafi'a
12:23wa ab'asahu maqaman mahmudan lillathi yu'adda
12:27wa razuqna shafa'atahu yawman al-qiyamah
12:32innaka la tukhlifu al-mi'ad
12:35bi rahmatika ya rahmatan muhammad
13:06Allahumma jarna minal naar ya mujheer
13:10InshaAllah, Basharat-e-Sihat-e-Salamat-e-Zindagi, 2pm
13:13Till then, Allah Hafiz