• 2 days ago
In this Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft season 10 episode, Mumbo makes massive progress on the Phase 3 survival mega base. Mumbo builds a giant working fan on the side of the Surplus Mega corp factory, animates some armour stands with the help of Xisumavoid, and adds some more animated elements to the mega build.


Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo
00:00Welcome back to Hermitcraft Season 10. In today's episode, we're going to be getting things started with potentially the coolest thing ever,
00:05and it's to do with the Surplus Megacorp Factory.
00:08For anyone who's seen my latest Redstone video, I'm sure you know what's about to arrive.
00:12This all starts with a YouTuber called Jake Kelton Crafts.
00:14He saw the fan that I built on the side of my Surplus Megacorp Factory and animated it using Redstone.
00:20And frankly, I could not have been more inspired.
00:24I watched it and immediately opened up a Redstone testing world and I built myself a bunch of fans.
00:28They make their way up in size from 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 7x7, and then this one right here is 9x9.
00:37That is the size of the fan that was on the side of my factory.
00:41Now, the reason that I did this is so that in the future, whenever I build something industrial,
00:45I now have a huge variety of different fans of different sizes and speeds to choose from.
00:50And this one right here is being constructed on the Hermitcraft server.
00:53So let's get the ball rolling.
00:55So first things first, I had to remove the static fan, which I have to say,
00:58looking at a static fan now feels really weird now that I've spent the past few days looking at a bunch of animated fans.
01:03It just looks like something's gone completely wrong.
01:05So I'm glad to see that gone.
01:06But I have to say, when I removed the static fan, it made me realize I don't actually have much space to work with.
01:10The kelp farm is right up against the build.
01:13So I'm incredibly glad that I actually made these things quite compact.
01:17You see, they're not too complicated.
01:19We've got a loop of observers going around.
01:22That's sending the pulse.
01:23We activate the pulse in two areas of the loop so that we get two pulses, one for each fan blade.
01:29And then from there, all we have to do is send redstone signals off of that initial loop to the various different trapdoors
01:36and sequence them so that the fan blades look good, which there is a little bit of an art to it.
01:41And there's also some creativity involved.
01:43For example, with this fan design, I really wanted it to look like the fan blades were sort of sweeping
01:50and there was some level of like motion blurriness going on.
01:53So they're not like direct straight fan blades.
01:56They've kind of got an edge and a swirl to them, which I personally really, really like.
02:00So this build is now all in place and you all know what I'm about to say, don't you?
02:04You all know what I'm about to say.
02:07This might be the coolest thing that I've ever built. Like, seriously.
02:11What on earth? This is ridiculous.
02:13I cannot wait. I cannot wait for Scar to come online and see this.
02:18He is going to be so excited.
02:19And frankly, this has got me excited. Like, this is a collision of worlds.
02:22I can't believe I never thought of doing this sort of thing.
02:25I'm enjoying building so much.
02:27But I also, I have a decent amount of redstone knowledge.
02:29Like, I could do more of this. What other building things could be animated using redstone?
02:35There's got to be loads of stuff. The only thing is, it's sitting a little bit low in the casing.
02:39So I think I'm going to add a few extra bits up at the top to sort of balance things out.
02:43And also, I think I'm going to do something about this.
02:47This is like the messiest, least thought-out part of the build.
02:51And I think we can do something better up at the top here.
02:53Listen. Listen to that glorious, glorious sound.
02:57My elytra just broke, so I'm having to walk to the shopping district.
02:59But again, I can't thank Jake Kelton Crafts for coming up with that idea enough.
03:04You are a legend. I will remember you forever.
03:06And of course, their fan video will be down in the description.
03:09Well, this is an interesting hazard.
03:11Yes. Okay. That is awesome.
03:14This is a very, very cool start.
03:15I really like these copper bits popping through the top of the fan and then coming out the top here.
03:21I think it looks great. It's a significant improvement over whatever this was.
03:24I think when I was building this, I was starting to get a little bit tired,
03:27and I was just kind of honking things down.
03:29So I'm going to try my best to do something a little bit better thought out in this area.
03:34And I would say we are potentially onto a winner here.
03:37We've got vents. We've got more vents, chains, wires, cables.
03:42I actually don't necessarily think it looks better from up close,
03:45but I do think it looks better from afar.
03:48Yes. Okay. Nice. Nice. Nice.
03:51I'm happy. I'm so happy with this.
03:53I want Scar to log in. I want Scar to log in so bad,
03:56but I know it's a crazy time for him.
03:57Absolutely chuffed to bits with this one.
03:59So now let's move on to my bulbous creation.
04:02My goal for this Hermitcraft episode is to get every single module in this build on the front side
04:08all fully completed apart from the face module,
04:11which reminds me, I've actually been doing some thinking about how this thing could function and work well,
04:15and I may need to spend a day or two refining some of the redstone to make this even better.
04:20But I guess that is besides the point.
04:21For the time being, I've got a module to build and you know what?
04:24I'm not even ashamed to admit it. It's gonna be a fan.
04:26I can't help it. Just prepare.
04:28Prepare for the fact that my builds are going to feature a large number of fans for the foreseeable future.
04:33Also, a few people in the previous Hermitcraft episode were mentioning that I am now using a chest monster
04:38instead of using my storage system.
04:40And while this is arguably the case,
04:42I have found with my building experience that this is the most efficient way of building.
04:48That was a terrible example because I couldn't find my terracotta.
04:50You have your storage system 95% of the time,
04:53but if you have a specific build that is going to require a bunch of specific blocks that you already know about,
04:59moving them into a chest monster close to the build is faster.
05:02The outer casing of our next module is in.
05:05It is yellow.
05:06I think I like it.
05:08So then our fan is going to go in this 5x5 hole.
05:11Ooh, it actually needs a tiny bit more space.
05:14Is there any way I can shave off the edge?
05:16With that being said, it's not actually that much poking out the side
05:19and I feel like with some smart building techniques, we could cover this up quite nicely.
05:23We'll work out what we can do once we get this build in place.
05:26Now, of course, to do this redstone contraption,
05:28because they're a bit strange and sequence-based,
05:31I am using Lightmatica.
05:32It just saves me a whole lot of pain and a whole lot of confusion.
05:35So I'm hoping all of the redstone for this thing should now all be in place
05:39so I can do all of the details and things.
05:41I don't think I need too much on the front of this.
05:44I think I'm just going to wrap a little bit of iron bar action.
05:48I kind of like the look of there being gaps.
05:51I think that looks really good.
05:52And then maybe just a couple of walls going up the front.
05:57This probably works out okay.
06:00Then a few of these little bits and maybe even some bamboo fences.
06:04Okay, let's flick this lever and see what happens.
06:08I can hear trapdoors, so that's good.
06:10Let's find out.
06:11Okay, we've got a single fan blade going around.
06:15Well, that is a good start.
06:18Why have we not got two?
06:19Oh, I actually hadn't connected up the bottom piston.
06:21Right, this should now all be good.
06:26Now we have two. That looks much faster.
06:29And this module should be all completed.
06:33Yes, okay, that is looking awesome.
06:35That little fan combined with this little piston as well is making the whole build look quite alive.
06:42And once we get the eyes moving around, I think that will do well.
06:47I also think this heart should be beating.
06:49But we will come on to that in a little bit.
06:50For now, it's time to move on to the next module.
06:53And by module, I mean modules,
06:54because I got a bit inspired to build a handful more of these,
06:57starting things off with the copper one because I knew that I wanted that color,
07:00but I had no idea what to put inside.
07:02So instead, I decided to build up this little orange structure off to the left while I was coming up with ideas.
07:07Looks kind of structural, kind of computery.
07:09I quite like it.
07:10And while I was doing that, I thought organic thoughts.
07:14A tree inside of a computer.
07:17Something about that is just awesome, is interesting.
07:20It's like a, I don't know.
07:21It seems like future technology.
07:23I love it.
07:23Then comes this little bricky module off to the left hand side,
07:26and I'm going to put something interesting in there.
07:28And yes, it is somewhat inspired by fans.
07:31But before I build that, I've got a bit of a situation.
07:34I have finally run out of my supply of rockets.
07:37I had like five shulker boxes worth,
07:38and I've just gradually worked my way through them.
07:40And it's made me realize I had no idea where the rocket shop is,
07:43but I believe it is somewhere up in the sky.
07:47It was built by Etho, and in typical Etho fashion,
07:50he hasn't provided any way to get up there.
07:52So you need rockets to be able to buy rockets.
07:55And I'm sure if I brought up this issue to Etho,
07:57he would just say it's a skill issue or something.
08:00And to be honest, I would agree.
08:01I've put a message into the Discord,
08:02and hopefully, hopefully somebody responds.
08:05Jevin, you absolute legend.
08:07He's dropped off 14 rockets.
08:09Hopefully this is enough.
08:09I still can't find the shop.
08:11Oh my goodness, my Elytra's almost run out.
08:13Seriously, where on earth is this thing?
08:16Jevin sent a screenshot of where it is,
08:17and I can't find it.
08:18I am so confused.
08:21This view is crazy though.
08:22Okay, I've analyzed the screenshot.
08:24I think it should be somewhere over here.
08:39It didn't exist for me.
08:41It didn't exist for me.
08:42I thought I was going crazy.
08:44It's because it's entirely made out of shulker boxes.
08:46For goodness sake, Etho.
08:49That means it disappears.
08:53As soon as you're far away from it,
08:54you can't actually see it.
08:55Oh my goodness, and I forgot to bring any diamonds with me.
08:58I'm the worst.
08:59Wait, has he built this out of shulker boxes
09:02because technically he doesn't have the permit
09:04for firework rockets?
09:05Because that is beyond hilarious.
09:07Look, it just disappears.
09:10That is ridiculous.
09:12Never change, Etho, never change.
09:14Right, my bulbous creation has got a few extra modules.
09:17I'm just working on this final one here,
09:19and I think I'm going to add
09:20some trapdoor animations to it.
09:21Also, by the way, check out this little custom tree
09:23that I've done.
09:24I really like this.
09:26Still can't get enough of this fan.
09:27Also still can't get enough of this fan either.
09:29So I've got a redstone clock that is currently running,
09:32and now I'm going to start placing in
09:34all of the observers facing downwards.
09:36They should power all of the blocks,
09:38which means that we will get a sort of wave
09:41of trapdoors closing around this loop.
09:45I really have no idea how this is going to look,
09:48but I have high hopes.
09:51As long as it looks like something interesting,
09:53which it does, then I'm happy, and I am happy.
09:57I think the only thing that I want to do
09:59is I think I'm going to flip what side the trapdoors are on
10:02because they're a little bit too prominent when they're off.
10:05I feel like if they're on the bottom side,
10:09then it will look a little bit better.
10:11This kind of looks really weird
10:13when you're sitting in the corner, doesn't it?
10:15You know what this has made me think, though?
10:17I think that maybe having that sort of thing
10:22happening behind the heart will look good
10:25because look how much that looks like a heartbeat.
10:28Does that not feel like the pulse of the build?
10:31That feels like a pulse,
10:32especially because of the way that the firing is sequenced.
10:36It feels like a pulsing heartbeat.
10:39So yeah, I think 100% that definitely needs to happen
10:42in this little squirrely bit back here,
10:45and I apologize to all of the Hermits
10:46for all of the redstone clocks
10:48that I'm gradually adding to my base.
10:49Okay, so I should be able to have a snake of observers
10:53just making its way around like this
10:56and then going up along like this.
10:59And what I'm kind of hoping is,
11:00so I've got it going down here and then up like this,
11:04and it should look like it connects up
11:05with the little piece over there.
11:07Hopefully I can get it
11:08so that the pulses are sequenced correctly.
11:11With that being said,
11:12this actually falls between chunk borders.
11:15Eventually it will get out of sequence,
11:17but regardless, I think it will still look cool.
11:19I've thought of a way for them not to get out of sync,
11:21which is to connect up this redstone clock
11:25that is doing this side up into these ones behind the heart.
11:29Surely this should work.
11:30I mean, there's not going to be any toggling issues
11:33that we would get with copper bulbs.
11:35So even if it does get out of sync,
11:37it should resynchronize itself and we should be all good.
11:40The sound of just constantly flapping trapdoors
11:43is going to become the chorus of my base.
11:45I have no idea how this looks from far away,
11:48but from up close, it does look pretty cool.
11:50I want to see it for the first time in daylight.
11:51I don't know why I'm nervous for this.
11:53Here goes.
11:57That looks really cool.
11:58It almost doesn't look like it's pulsing really
12:00because I think there's like a lot of things
12:03fighting with one another,
12:04but that doesn't mean it doesn't look interesting.
12:07It looks really cool.
12:09The only thing that's bothering me is of course
12:10this gap up at the top here.
12:12That looks sort of strange.
12:13So I think I need to connect that up,
12:14but it does actually,
12:16if you kind of watch this edge,
12:19it does feel like they are actually following on
12:22from one another, which is excellent.
12:23And I do think if we have another module,
12:25say somewhere up here,
12:26or potentially this one over here,
12:29also following that same pulsing,
12:32I think we will be onto a winner.
12:33Oh, I've also missed some trapdoors.
12:35Okay, I think that will also change things.
12:37There is something so unbelievably fun
12:39about animated Minecraft builds.
12:41This is something that I can really see myself
12:43getting into more often.
12:45Wow, for some reason that has made an enormous difference
12:47and has actually tied the entire thing together.
12:49Okay, really, really happy with that.
12:51And actually while we're on the topic of animated things,
12:53as you know, a few Hermitcraft episodes ago,
12:55I tried to make the little big Ron swapper
12:57and to be honest, it's gone Ron.
13:00Or should I say, Ron's gone.
13:02But a few of the comments and also Xisuma
13:05have told me that there is a way to animate armor stands.
13:09And now he's going to give me a private lesson.
13:11What's up with your hair, man?
13:13Oh, yeah, no, I'm just...
13:14Wait, hang on, hang on.
13:15You can't comment on my hair when you look like that.
13:18So if you want to step down past the map into this area,
13:24you will see some bizarreness here with the armor stands.
13:27This is incredible.
13:28This is so good.
13:30What I'm trying to do here is also learn armor stands
13:33and also introduce some statistics
13:35that are tracked across the season.
13:37I believe there's one over here that is you.
13:40Oh, there you go.
13:42Killed by Llama.
13:43But then for some reason it just says like everyone's zero.
13:47Oh, what?
13:48I know.
13:49But this one here, this one might interest you.
13:55So it is a proper like frame-by-frame animation.
13:58Yeah, unfortunately the rate,
14:00the speed of animation is rather slow.
14:03The concept here is that Zed is just throwing food back and forth.
14:08No, no, I can see it.
14:09I can see it.
14:10But no, but that like for doing simple stuff,
14:12I guess throwing is probably actually one of the weirdly hardest things
14:16you could possibly do.
14:18Yeah, I didn't.
14:21It was so tricky.
14:23There are actually two different armor stands here being animated.
14:26Yeah, because you're kind of like linking up.
14:29Yeah, you've got more than one thing going on there.
14:31Whereas I guess like all I kind of want to do is like somebody waving
14:35or like something along those lines.
14:37I feel like that's probably...
14:39That's going to be easy.
14:40That's got to be easier, right?
14:41This is so weird.
14:43So this is like a redstone clock
14:45that is gradually reducing the signal strength.
14:51I'm loving this.
14:53You're spot on so far.
14:55And then it's gradually increasing the amount of power.
14:59So it's gradually powering along this line of books.
15:03So yes, that makes a lot of sense.
15:04So I guess if I was to make an assumption as to how this works,
15:07then that each one of these books,
15:09which I'm not going to touch,
15:11correspond to a different frame of the animation.
15:14And then you're gradually powering along the redstone line.
15:18You totally got it.
15:19You totally got it.
15:20That hurt my brain a little bit.
15:21And so you've got the two.
15:23I see.
15:24I see.
15:25So I picked this spot because we're not really near any other armor stands.
15:28Although I am.
15:28I'm a little bit worried actually.
15:31Surely we'll go to this one.
15:33Some of these are really intricate.
15:35Yeah, this is a lot of armor stands.
15:36You first want to stand near it.
15:38And on the very first page when you open the book,
15:40there's check target,
15:41which is kind of handy because it'll make it glow.
15:44Okay, check target.
15:47So now you know you're going to interact with that one.
15:49You want to go to utilities.
15:51And then on there, there's copy.
15:53Yeah, you got it.
15:54You go ahead and place that in the second item frame here.
15:56Then we can just power them, right?
15:58So the redstone actually has to be in the item frame
16:00because I would have just assumed it could be,
16:02you can power the block,
16:03but that is actually,
16:04so that is slightly different.
16:06Yeah, I made that assumption too.
16:11The position has to stay the same, right?
16:12Like you can't, you can't have them move around.
16:15I don't think so.
16:15No, no, no.
16:16No, because your golden carrot was moving.
16:20I saw it.
16:22Wait, the timing's perfect.
16:24That's great.
16:24We've already timed it perfectly.
16:30That's brilliant.
16:32We've already made a piece of art.
16:34Well, that was incredibly interesting.
16:35I feel awful about what I'm about to do.
16:38But it has to be done.
16:39I'm sorry, Ron.
16:40No, seriously, Mike.
16:52On earth was that?
17:02Why did that happen?
17:03I now feel even more awful about the situation.
17:06I didn't know that the impulse and scares
17:08had infused with Ron's spirit.
17:10Okay, let's get Ron back.
17:11Get installed out here
17:12and we'll give him a cool pose.
17:14Something like this is looking pretty cool
17:16once it's animated.
17:17I think once we get a little swing in there,
17:19it will make it clear that he's waving.
17:20Okay, so I have to copy
17:23and that should be number one.
17:25Then I just have to move his arm a little bit.
17:27Copy it on this one
17:29and that is book number two
17:31and then I move his arm a little bit more.
17:33Okay, so this is the sequence.
17:35So I've set up this really strange
17:37little redstone clock here
17:39and it looks really weird
17:40but it's because we go through the first pose
17:43and then we go through the second pose
17:45and then we go to the third pose
17:49and then we have to go back through the second pose
17:51before we go back to the first pose.
17:53There was definitely a nicer,
17:54neater way of doing this,
17:55but this is almost like a test.
17:58Do we have a waving Ron?
18:04Well, we kind of do
18:06but we only have two of the poses,
18:08but you know what?
18:08Actually, if all else fails,
18:11this isn't bad.
18:11I've decided to make my life easier
18:13and I've made a copy of the book
18:15so we don't have to do the back and forth.
18:16We now have four poses.
18:18It goes between the end
18:20and the start with the bit in the middle
18:22and hopefully that should mean
18:25that everything works properly.
18:28That was a terrible start.
18:29Right, everything should now be working properly.
18:32Do we have a properly waving Ron?
18:35That is the big question.
18:39He's literally doing nothing.
18:43He's literally doing nothing.
18:44Are the books too far away?
18:45Do they need to be closer to him?
18:47This feels pretty close.
18:49I mean, how much closer can they be?
18:50I honestly don't know what the rules are
18:52for powering item frames.
18:54I don't know what sort of system they follow.
18:56Is this now working?
18:57There is zero movement.
18:58What on earth?
18:59I legitimately do not understand.
19:01Now, I think I've got something.
19:02Power this, first stage.
19:04Power this.
19:05That is the last stage.
19:07Power this.
19:08That is the middle stage.
19:10Quite possibly the worst piece of redstone
19:11I've ever done in my entire life.
19:13But I think it should...
19:16Are you...
19:23The what?
19:24Is this like a pulse length problem?
19:26How is this still going wrong?
19:29Oh my goodness.
19:30That's it.
19:30I'm sleeping this one off.
19:31All right.
19:32I'm gonna have to chill out in bed for a little while.
19:34Wait, what?
19:38Why does it not work?
19:41Like, I'm happy.
19:42I'm happy, but I'm completely miffed.
19:44Why is...
19:48This is good.
19:49No, I'm really...
19:50I am happy.
19:50Like, we've achieved our goal.
19:52I just...
19:52Oh, it drives me round the bend
19:54when things aren't consistent.
19:56Like, why is this...
19:57I just went to bed.
19:58I just went to sleep and now Ron's waving.
20:00Look, I'm so happy that he's waving.
20:03I've spent way too long on this.
20:04And he looks great.
20:05He looks great.
20:06I kind of want to add like a little bit of a head tilt
20:08as he's waving, but honestly,
20:10right now,
20:12I don't want to touch anything.
20:13I'm just going to cover up this mess
20:16and move on.
20:18you're the best.
20:19I doubted you for a second there, buddy.
20:20But you know what?
20:21It's come together and you look
20:23absolutely adorable.
20:25So now let's get to work on adding more bits
20:27to my bulbous creation.
20:28And here's the deal.
20:29I was speaking to Scar recently about idea density
20:32when it comes to building
20:33and how that is my limiting factor.
20:35Say, for example,
20:36we've got the Surplus Megacorp Factory.
20:38That thing is absolutely enormous.
20:40But in terms of actual build ideas required,
20:44it's not that many.
20:45A lot of the build is just large walls.
20:48Just, you can hold down the right click button
20:50and you can make tons of progress.
20:52This build is the complete and utter opposite.
20:55Every single block I place,
20:56I have to think about
20:57and every element of the build
20:59is different by design
21:02from the previous part.
21:03So everything that I do,
21:05I need more ideas.
21:06And unfortunately,
21:08my poor little brain
21:10is a little bit overloaded.
21:12In short,
21:13I've kind of run out of ideas for modules.
21:15This thing looks outrageously cool.
21:17I love how animated everything is.
21:19It feels so alive,
21:20which is exactly what I'm going for this season.
21:23And these two additions are fantastic.
21:24I like the little hint of smoke that you can see
21:27and obviously,
21:27I will always be a fan of fans.
21:29But I spent two days,
21:31two days,
21:32trying to think of what I was going to do
21:34for these top ones.
21:36And I'm really struggling.
21:38Obviously, there's like the pulse stuff.
21:40Maybe I could come up with some networking bits,
21:42potentially some flickering lights and things.
21:44But honestly,
21:44I want to come up with something fresh and something new
21:47and something a little bit different.
21:48Not just for these three,
21:49but every other module
21:51that I have to do on the other three sides of this build.
21:53Oh my goodness,
21:54that's a lot of thoughts.
21:56So I thought instead of chucking some ideas in
21:58that I wasn't 100% happy with,
21:59I would open this up to millions of thoughts.
22:02You're all smart.
22:03I'd love to hear your ideas
22:04for what modules you think would look good on this build.
22:09Like gas canisters,
22:10water pumps,
22:12pressure chambers,
22:13block movers,
22:15chain shifters.
22:16I don't know.
22:17I'm not meant to be coming up with the ideas.
22:18You are.
22:19Gosh, this thing looks cool at night, doesn't it?
22:21Drop them down in the comment section.
22:22I'll be reading all of them
22:23and I will get straight back to building
22:25once my brain is full of things.
