• yesterday


00:00She was sleeping in the woods alone with two dogs in Ohio and immediately after setting up camp,
00:05one of the dogs stared at something for 15 minutes without reacting to her commands.
00:09And since the area isn't completely isolated, she didn't care and thought it was probably a hiker,
00:14but it turned out to be a calm moment foreshadowing what happened later that night,
00:18and she caught it all on camera. After putting her dogs inside the tent,
00:21she went out by herself in the direction Sumara was looking at to investigate.
00:25After seeing the bat, she decided to come back to her camp and read scary stories to her viewers
00:33when she started hearing strange noises outside her tent. After these noises, one of her dogs
00:42named Mia started shaking and nervously licking, which is a sign of distress. And sadly, it wasn't
00:47the end of horror experiences for them that night. She tried to see it through the mesh,
00:53but didn't notice anything, so she decided to leave. And while she was packing her stuff,
00:58she saw a man driving by.
