Trying to beat my record in 60 Seconds game is a little crazy...especially Dolores
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We're here to have fun and not take ourselves too seriously, so any negative comments will be automatically deleted! Thanks for watching!
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We're here to have fun and not take ourselves too seriously, so any negative comments will be automatically deleted! Thanks for watching!
00:00Welcome everybody to another episode of 60 seconds every year
00:03I try to come back to this game and survive like a hundred days 200 days this time. I'm surviving 500
00:09I'm kidding. I'm not doing that
00:10But I do want to revisit this game and I do want to try to make it to at least 200 days
00:15there's a memories thing right here, and I didn't know that the longest survival I've ever had is
00:22243 days it says average survival time 18 days my win ratio is 10%
00:28I need to stop looking at this because it's just making myself feel bad
00:30But we are gonna try to get over 200 days in 2025
00:34Let's see how far I can actually get right now if you guys cool day down with that
00:37Everybody get ready and buckle up cuz here we go. Okay, so we're going apocalypse
00:42we're gonna go with Dolores little boy, but don't ever call me that and
00:46What I need to do is I make sure that I just get like a bunch of soup a bunch of water
00:51Maybe something to protect myself
00:53I might take Ted send him out to go scavenge and then just let him die. So let's get the gas mask
01:00Let's get some water. I guess I'll get this and then maybe some cards
01:05I'm just gonna try to get everything that I can like why am I even trying to ration anything just get everything that you can
01:11so let's get that and
01:13Then I need to get the suitcase because the suitcase always gives you like extra items and then since we're playing on the easiest mode
01:20They usually kind of give you like a bunch of shit because they're like, here you go. You sad loser
01:24Let me get a little bit of that
01:26Okay, hold on. Wait, I need to get the med kits. Hold on. I need medical attention
01:32Where's that bitch? Where is it?
01:36Fuck Ted's big back cost me three people, but we got the med kit. Anyway, good job
01:41We got ammo the radio and the checkerboard and we got that and we got that
01:46So here we go everybody so food and water every five days and we are sending Ted out as soon as we can and the
01:53Reason why I'm doing that is because I think like after the second or third scavenge
01:57The Raiders are all up in your butthole. Our ammunition is missing. There's no way it was stolen
02:02So it has to be here somewhere. We need to find it. All right
02:04I don't think that it's gonna fuck up the flashlight, but if it does I'm coming for somebody's head top
02:09I'm coming for Ted's to pay but we got our ammo back. That's the most important thing. Let's send out Ted
02:14No gas masks
02:16We're just gonna let him raw dog the atomic blast raw dogging the atomic blast is not something that I thought would come out of
02:22My mouth today. What was that a rat rats are usually smaller than cats and what's with the double tail?
02:27We can't let that thing get to our supplies. Yep. Just take the ass
02:32I don't know. You might have to shish kebab that home
02:35Let's give some food and water and it's been a while since we showered the smell in this tiny shelter is as far from roses
02:41As it can get we have thought of washing ourselves too bad
02:44We didn't grab any soap along the way, but maybe we can do with something else, you know grabbing soap
02:49Maybe a stick of deodorant. That's the bare minimum Dolores like that's something that you need
02:54You don't want your armpits smelling like Taco Bell in a closed bunker. There's no windows
02:59No anything what doesn't kill you makes you stronger now that scent is pretty damn strong that scent goes to the gym
03:04We heard something about supply drops on the radio
03:08This just might be what we need to survive and it's supposed to happen near our house
03:12Shall we go out and find out if it's really happening? Oh, yeah, we're beating our score of 243 days
03:17Everybody we rarely get that scenario where we get the extra supplies. I think we're gonna get like a bunch of food and water
03:23So we have six and three quarters of the food and seven and three quarters of the water
03:30And I love that that gets me horny. Wait, we fucked up our gas mask
03:34Okay, whatever it's not the best time I'm not reading random notes everybody day nine
03:38We always steered away from casinos gambling dens and the like
03:42So when a man came to our door and told us he used to be a gambler. We were suspicious
03:46He invited us to play a game. He proposed a two water bottle bet in a card game of our choice
03:51I don't think that I'm gonna make it to 244 days without taking a chance like this. Come on
03:56Give me two bottles of water. Give me two balls of water mate. Can we do it? We didn't do it
04:01I'm a joke. That's not funny
04:02But let's give her those it's been a while
04:04We don't know much about what's happening on the surface
04:06If we only had a chance to tune into some emergency radio broadcast and learn a thing or two
04:11okay, so I think that once we click that the fallout outside is gonna be gone and
04:15Ted's cute ass is back. What'd you bring back? Teddy poo one soup one water and the gas mask
04:21I mean, that's not gonna earn you dinner and a sip of water
04:24So you're just gonna have to rot in the bunker for the rest of the time
04:27I don't know what to do. Actually everybody
04:29I don't know if I should keep him around one more time just in case
04:33So I'm just gonna feed him and give him water. There's an armed and dangerous woman outside
04:38Fortunately, she's out of ammo. She tells us she hunts the wild beasts of the waste and right now
04:43She's on a trail of a giant mutated spider. We're pretty sure she lost her mind
04:47What are you gonna do with that spider lady put on a leash?
04:50She promises that if we help her she will return the favor another day before I always said no to that cuz I'm like
04:57What good is that lady like we give her the ammo and then nothing happens if we have the radio
05:02She's gonna say something on the radio in maybe like 10 20 30 days and we're gonna get a shitload of supplies
05:08So she took our ammo and then somebody called us, but we're not gonna go outside
05:13And the state of the wasteland remains unknown to us. Maybe we should risk it and go out
05:16The one thing that I don't want is for Ted to come back the second time and then the Raiders know where our location is
05:22Like we definitely don't want that to happen and I'm trying to not go outside as much as possible
05:27I think that's the key to surviving as many days as we can day 17 at breakfast
05:31We heard a knock on our door. It was a man with a rather excessive number of arms
05:35He had told us his group was having a hard time finding supplies wherever they'd go
05:40They got shot at first sight and asked questions later
05:43It's probably because of their appearance the friendly million presented us with an offer in exchange for some supplies
05:49His folks would escort us on our next expedition and made sure we came back safely. Okay, so that's actually clutch
05:55That means I don't need Ted anymore
05:57So we don't have to stare at his ugly ass for any longer and we have seven cans of soup and six bottles of water
06:02So let's give some of our buddies that soup and Ted's dead
06:05It's a sacrifice that we needed to make everybody because we're trying to get where we need to go
06:10And sometimes we got to sacrifice people
06:12Sometimes a sudden urge to play an instrument takes over us to create beautiful sounds to be shared with the world around us
06:17To sing and play and have cute mutated animals come to our feet to listen like a post-apocalyptic snow white. Shall we I
06:24Think so because I think once we play that we actually get like one can of soup and one water
06:30I don't know if my memory is actually memory right now
06:34But I think that the cockroaches they give us some shit
06:37We communicated with their leader in the one language. We're sure roaches understand violence
06:42Dolores will not survive without water any longer. Don't worry
06:46I got your back like Cairo Prague and the funky roaches haven't really left us to be fair
06:51They aren't causing that much trouble. They even seem relatively friendly and curious just this morning when we opened our eyes
06:57We saw them standing in a perfect line right in front of us as if they're waiting for something
07:01They're waiting to shake that ass these sweet-ass tombs, man
07:04Go ahead Dolores let them know and there you go everybody. So one soup and one water
07:09So what we're gonna do now is
07:11Actually, absolutely nothing because we have enough to last us for a long time at least close to day 100
07:17If there's anyone who could rescue us, it's nobody. We are not getting rescued
07:21I need to get the mutant scenario
07:24That's gonna help us fight the next radar attack because we know that it's gonna come and then I also need
07:29What do I have? I have the axe. I have the gun. I have that's I have the padlock
07:34Okay, so we do have some protection because I don't like going through life unprotected
07:38So we had thought phone calls were a thing of the past
07:41We're not gonna answer anything that has to do with getting any type of endings
07:44I actually don't even know if I'm gonna make it to 244 days day 23
07:48We decided to take a peek outside for just a minute to see if the store around the corner was still standing
07:52When we were about to step out we heard a growl in the darkness and a pair of ferocious eyes appeared a few feet away
07:57We only had moments to decide what to do
08:00I think and I'm gonna make an executive decision everybody long time 60 seconds viewers know exactly what that scenario is about
08:08I'm gonna let pancake in the bunker only because pancake gives us like an extra layer of defense
08:14When and if the Raiders come the last thing we expected to hear while sitting in a fallout shelter was a trumpet
08:20It was played by someone who was clearly not a trumpet player and who had probably never heard a trumpet player in his entire life
08:26He came with a friend who knocked on the door and demanded that we let the Merrymen enter so they could take from the rich
08:31And give to the poor
08:32Should we let them in bro? Look at this. Look how rich I am. Look how much I have in this bunker
08:37They are going to rob the shit out of me. No, you can't come in and if you steal something from my bunker
08:43I will find you. I promise I'll find you
08:50Sorry everybody I have PTSD from when they would rob the Holy Ghost out of the bunker
08:55They were basically licking the asshole of the bunker clean because they left me nothing like they left not even a crumb
09:00We didn't answer those peculiar calls and kept the door locked until the noises outside faded away
09:05We're not exactly sure we want those people to come back. They sounded harmless enough. They're not I promise you they're harmful
09:12They're actually the opposite of harmless. They do lots and lots of harm, especially to my mental state
09:17We played a game of list of things you hate the most and our neighbor's name kept coming up for some reason
09:22That reminded us that that little weasel had a safe in his living room. We always wondered what's inside
09:27We'll keep wondering because we're not actually gonna do anything because I think that there's a chance that it's actually booby-trapped
09:31So we don't want Dolores's head blown clean off
09:34We decided against the risky endeavor
09:36Even if the safe is intact the contents are probably as boring and just as much of a waste of space as Ned was goddamn
09:42Bro, what did Ned do to you?
09:44But our supplies are scarce and our morale is low. You can almost smell the desperation in the shelter
09:49We're pretty sure there's a small group of survivors nearby mostly old folks from the retirement home
09:53You know what? Fuck those old people, but just leave them alone Dolores. We don't want that karma
09:58I feel like out of any game that I played this game has like a sneaky karma system or something like it has to have
10:04That we're no bandits. Sure. We need supplies, but not at the cost of others
10:09We won't bother these people a man who takes canned tomato soup from another is not worthy to taste that soup
10:15Let's just hope that everybody out there is as decent as our family and Dolores is saying again
10:19I told you everybody karma system cuz now Dolores is good a woman came by with the creature
10:24She claims is a camel provided that camels have five legs. Who's gonna tell her who's gonna tell her what that fifth leg is
10:30The animal is carrying a pack of goods for trade
10:33Okay, so one water in exchange for the checkerboard or waters in exchange for the radio
10:39Actually, they don't sound too bad because I feel like there's scenarios where we can actually get a radio
10:43But I'm gonna give the checkerboard for a bottle of water because that's what 5 10 15 20
10:49That's 20 extra days added on to my time. So, of course, I'm gonna make that trade every single time
10:54But where's the pancake scenario?
10:56We can keep sitting on our backsides ain't nobody on your backside your mom's on her backside barking at our doorstep
11:02Could only mean one thing our dog friend is back not caring for hazards of the wasteland
11:06We rushed to open it and there he was the poor thing seemed tired and starving
11:10Should we share some of our food with him? Of course because big he's a good boy
11:14He's a good boy. Somebody's knocking on our door date 33
11:19Please be the forearm people be the forearm freaks. There you go
11:23There's a man on our doorstep and he wants to be our friend. At least that's what he says
11:27He looks harmless. Although he seems to have acquired an extra pair of arms as a result of some weird mutation
11:32He assures us we will not get sick and asks us for help if we could provide him and his group with some supplies
11:38They would repay us by helping us fight off the next raiding party ABS of freakin Luli
11:44Okay, so I'm gonna give you a bottle of water because that's just what I do everybody like I'm trying to see the gates of
11:50Heaven one day and I just want to help a fellow person out. I'm kidding. I need you to help me fight the people
11:55I need you to beat their ass with all those arms and all those legs
11:57We can barely breathe in this damn shelter for the last couple of hours. The situation has been getting noticeably worse
12:02Do we use the book for that? She better not turn green
12:05She better not be on her Hulk shit because I actually don't remember. Oh, come on, bro
12:10I guess we'll use this because there's wait
12:14pancake, bro
12:17Okay. Now I can't get pancake now. I'm gonna be sad
12:21Fuck man, you don't want me to be sad. Do you?
12:24Dolores, why would you do this to me?
12:26I don't know what the right thing to do there was was I supposed to use like the flashlight or something?
12:32Bro, now I can't get pancake. What the hell are those sounds? Are they coming from the goddamn walls?
12:38They are driving us crazy calm down just count the cards actually wait
12:41I have the bug spray and I have the Boy Scout book
12:45So maybe we'll get the scenario where we can actually make the first aid kit. So let me calm down everybody when we heard barking
12:52No, I
12:54Didn't even make the first aid kit yet pancake. We're all the door in a moment's notice this time we were right
13:00It was pancake. He had come back but wasn't willing to enter instead
13:04He seemed very anxious to lead us somewhere. Should we grab any gear before we head out the axe?
13:09Maybe I think the axe gives us more water it better or else. I'm gonna slap myself right now. It gave us water
13:16Whoa, okay, cuz I lied. I wasn't actually gonna slap myself. We got four waters. That's very important
13:22That's muy importante as they say if there's one person we truly miss. It's our great uncle Terry
13:27I said it before I've said it every single year and I'll say it again fuck uncle Terry. I'll click the book though
13:33I will see all she needed to see was a photo of tear bear and now she's good
13:37I guess so whatever a knock on the door is not something we take lightly these days
13:42So when a man came to our doorstep today offering us a highly profitable game of cards
13:47We weren't convinced is a bet of two soup cans. Hold on. Let me rub my chin pubes five
13:53Hold on. I might have to do it. Come on. Talk to me speak my language
13:57Talk to me in tomato soup terms, come on now
14:01How am I gonna take two L's with this card game?
14:04This guy is running some kind of scheme with these cards. We can really use some more supplies
14:08We counted all of them today and the numbers did not make us happy time to do something about it
14:14We know that a teacher from a local school managed to rescue a bunch of kids. I need it more than the kids
14:19All right. I'm the future. They say kids are the future now. I'm the future. I need that
14:24Bro, I got blood on my hands to Dolores. What the did you do?
14:29We got a checkerboard you went to go get some supplies from a school and your first instinct was checkerboard. Who does that?
14:36Come on, man
14:37This is different our town used to be a very quaint and friendly place before the blast
14:41One of the townsfolk we often recall is the old man Jim bro, Terry Jim
14:46You're all in the same category to me. All right
14:49I'm gonna just drop the baddest f-bomb on your head top. Ain't nobody care about you guys. I'm sorry. Actually, you know what?
14:56I'm not sorry
14:57Apologize to me
15:09First of all, she couldn't properly rob a school and she also got sick
15:14She had the sniffles and I had to take care of that I'm so sorry pancake that's on me big dog
15:20What's that sound a galloping horse?
15:21We rushed to the door and were greeted by two men dressed like they'd come from a medieval fair
15:26We identified the source of the sound one of them was holding two rocks and hitting them against each other
15:30You know what? I'm gonna save you all the trouble. They always give you something good day 45 though
15:35We're like less than a quarter of the way there kind of yeah, they gave us ammo
15:40Hey, I'll take that we need some soup though everybody we can use some extra supplies the last time we want a supply run
15:47We noticed a damaged tank stuck in the rubble nearby. How about we send someone to investigate?
15:53I'm a risk it. You know what? I'd do it. You got to go big or you got to go home
16:00You got to go big I don't even have anything valuable the tank might have been badly damaged on the outside
16:06But we found a working radio inside and made contact with them. Really you make you make why would you make contact?
16:13Wait, hold on. They offer. They are whoa. Whoa. Hey
16:19Pancake come back. I got you a med kit big dog. Come back
16:23Dude, how are things going my way when I don't need it to go my way anymore
16:28Like make that make sense
16:31Another broadcast from the military not only about the military. We're good off that everybody but somebody's knocking on our door on day 48
16:39Please give me some good news. Like what are we on right now?
16:43I need somebody to stop by and offer some food and not water because I actually don't need any of these things right now
16:49Hey 51 when emptying our bucket in front of the shelter
16:52We discovered a hastily drawn map on one of the ruined walls
16:55Someone drew out a route and marked a spot at the end of it
16:59Maybe there are supplies hidden there. Should we check it out? Yeah, so they're emptying like a shit bucket, right or a peepee bucket
17:05So she was emptying it right in the corner of the bunker. So this whole bunker smells like Dolores's ass
17:12Unfortunately, it seems like it was a prank. You're the one who had the map
17:15So you marked a spot and then you went to it you are a different level of dumb Dolores during the night
17:21We heard some sus sounds coming from behind the door when we peeked out in the morning. We saw a leather suitcase
17:26I don't care if it was a gold suitcase. I don't care if it was a diamond plated suitcase
17:31Do not open that thing day 55 the more we know about what's going on outside the better for us
17:35Let's gather around the radio and see if we can tune into a station
17:38I think this might be the lady that we gave the ammo to earlier
17:41We need some supplies like any type of food or I don't actually see anything new
17:47Once we had waited through all the static we found a transmission that was hosted by some nut talking about conspiracy and saucer men from Mars
17:53Oh great. We've been hearing a lot of noises coming from our neighborhood today. Our guess is that there was a zoo escape
17:58You know what? Let's get some meat. Let's get some fresh meat. Bring the gun out
18:02Just shoot like maybe a zebra or something a hippo. I don't know if hippo meats good
18:07But hey anything goes right too bad. We never practiced sharpshooting. Okay, my bad. She missed every shot that she took
18:13I believe I survived
18:15243 days that's actually kind of insane. That's actually more nutty than the dude talking about the saucer men from Mars
18:21We felt that we should do something about our interior decoration
18:24The feng shui is really off in our fallout shelter while we're moving things around. We found a secret door. What's behind it?
18:28There's only one way to find out. Yeah, we just grab the good
18:33I didn't get anything. I have two waters. Hey shout out water man. Always keeping a body nice and clean
18:40These are dire circumstances. We found ourselves in supplies are running low
18:43And if we don't take care of ourselves, nobody else will we know for a fact that one of our neighbors had a shelter with?
18:48Broken-trap door and there might be some supplies inside. Of course, there's a chance the neighbor and her kids managed to get there in time
18:54I don't care. Do I look like I give one singular fuck? No, I want the food
19:01Bro, I'm not getting any food. We got a map though. Hey shout out maps getting us from point A to point B
19:08We were discussing plans for our first meal that didn't feature tomato soup when we heard yells outside
19:13We discovered they came from a small group of ragged survivors
19:16They were a sorry sight and we weren't surprised when they requested aid they asked us to provide anything water food or medical supplies
19:23I'll give them one bottle of water
19:24I feel kind of greedy with all the water that I have
19:27So we might as well help them because like I said, I feel like this game has like this sneaky karma system
19:32Our visitors had problems finding enough words to express their gratitude. Well, don't cuz I don't take compliments
19:39Some door-to-door salesman found his way to our shelter. No, please. Here we go. Everybody. I knew this day was coming
19:45I just didn't know when we were about to go to sleep when we heard scratching from the door at first
19:50It sounded like an angry rat trying to eat the damn thing
19:52We soon discovered it was something much worse
19:55Someone is on the other side of the door trying to pry it open. We need to act
19:57Okay, so I'm going to use the axe cuz I believe actually I don't believe anything
20:04There's nothing that I believe anymore. I just need to get to day
20:07244 please, but we lost the axe and I'm pretty sure that they're coming back. I'm like a million percent sure they're coming back
20:12Well, let's give her this and we're running out of soup. Everybody. We're running out of soup big-time
20:16The more we know about what's going on outside the better for us. Let's gather around the radio
20:20See if we can tune into a station. Okay, I think this is gonna be the lady the one that got the ammo from us
20:26She's gonna give us something. I think she just gave us something
20:29She gave us two waters and one soup some friendly soul on the radio was talking about a supply pack
20:34She'd lost during a trip through our town. We immediately realized she must have driven through our street
20:39We rushed out and got to the package before anyone else
20:41All right, cool open in the name of freedom came a shot from outside our door
20:45We weren't sure who claimed to be representing freedom, but we could hear was a group of people probably armed
20:49You know what? They're actually friendly
20:51I don't think that there's ever been a scenario where they did anything bad to us and then watch it be the first time
20:57They gave us the axe dude. We got an axe back
21:00We use the axe on the people and then we got the axe back that karma system is real
21:04I'm telling you and look at karma blessing us again. Everybody. We are going to offer the card in exchange for one soup
21:10Wait, why is she sick?
21:11Wait, we just made a trade and then she came down with a sickness. What was it little bitch itis?
21:18We got scared a little bit today when all of a sudden our map just fell off the wall
21:21She's suffering from little bitch itis. Just go to sleep and then you'll wake up back to normal
21:27Dolores don't do this to me girl
21:29We got the cards back. Okay, so let's give her this and I don't know what to do
21:35They offer water for the suitcase and they offer. You know what? I'm gonna keep the suitcase
21:41Cuz we actually don't need to give that up. I don't know what to do though. Everybody. I don't know what to do
21:46I don't know if I should use the med kit because I feel like if we use the med kit now
21:51We're gonna get sick eventually and then I don't know. This is insane. We keep finding spiders everywhere
21:58Okay, let's smash the spiders if I had mutant Mary Jane. Oh, this would be so freaking easy
22:03This would be so easy. You know what? Maybe I should get mutant Mary Jane one time
22:07You know what everybody I'm gonna just give her the med kit
22:10I don't want to risk it whoever designed this fallout shelter was a genius, but we can't really tell if that green stuff
22:15You know what? Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on before that booger green stuff drops down. Let me do this real quick
22:21Let's just use the book. I guess we'll just read it a chapter of the book and scare it away or something
22:26I still don't understand that because even if we get that thing away
22:30Learning something from the book does not make us not get sick. So let's use the med kit now and
22:36Today we were visited by a strange-looking little man who introduced himself as a trader
22:41He offers the ammo for the book. No, the book is valuable
22:44The book actually fixes so many scenarios day 79 our first aid kit is of no use and we need to do something about it
22:52I'm not even gonna read the rest because that is actually one of the best scenarios that you can get to fix the med kit
22:57With the bug spray, that's one of the best scenarios that you can get but let's feed Dolores and we're 20 days away from 100
23:04When we look closely at our map
23:05We noticed someone had written a set of mysterious directions in one of the corners. Will it lead to some kind of treasure?
23:10We might as well check everybody because we're not doing shit else with our time in this bunker
23:15So, let's see if we can get like I don't see anything new
23:19We didn't get anything bro, we have done all those scenarios and almost every single time
23:25We don't come back with shit. Dolores sucks day 82. There's a small muddy pond in the park nearby too bad
23:31We forgot our fishing rod. Perhaps we could try to fish something out of the nasty water using the old suitcase
23:37I think that's the only reason why I kept the suitcase and didn't trade it for that water is
23:41Because I think that we're gonna get something even better. I think we got some soup. Yes, we got ammo
23:46Okay, I mean I can eat ammo if it ever came down to it I guess there is
23:51Something down below the bunker, you know
23:53It'd be cool if they made like a second version of this game
23:55If you could flip the perspective a little bit and see the other side of the bunker because for some reason there's a lot more
24:02To this bunker than what we're seeing we went down with our hearts in our throats, but nothing happened
24:07We found the tiny passage block. I'm telling you everybody Dolores is never getting anything
24:13She's always doing these scenarios, but shit's happening. Like how do you suck that bad Dolores? It's actually pissing me right off
24:20But let's give her these things and we really missed the life we had
24:25I miss when you were actually doing something Dolores
24:27I miss when you were the real MVP and now somebody's knocking on our door day 92, but we're gonna use the axe again and
24:35Did somebody shoot us some axe action was enough to send those cowards running bet your ass they will come back
24:40Vermin like that are never long gone. They crawl out of shadows when the night comes
24:44Let's keep our axe sharp as we lost the axe. We need to keep it sharp, but we lost that bitch
24:50Okay, and they just came back again
24:52Not even a day later
24:54Like what do you mean? This is why I can't make it to day
24:58244 like they came on back-to-back days
25:01They did that shit back-to-back. Are you playing with my ass right now?
25:06Wait, wait, wait, wait, this might be the the ammo lady the ammunition lady
25:10I can't think right now because they came on back-to-back days if they come back to back-to-back on some human centipede shit
25:17I'm gonna be pissed. I really am nothing nothing and nothing, bro
25:21How am I gonna listen to the radio to nothing and nothing and nothing Wow. All right now, I'm really mad now
25:26I'm really mad that I'm not gonna make it today
25:29244 wait Dolores got sick again from what Dolores came down with a sickness. I'm sick of your sicknesses Dolores
25:35I really am you making me sick with your sicknesses
25:38I guess we'll use the gas mask because you know, obviously her breaths hot her armpits
25:44Thank everything is stinky, but we made it to day 100. No, we're talking about stinking
25:48We're winning right now day 100 everybody lock in look at this. Look at this bullshit. What am I gonna do?
25:56What do you want me to do about this game?
25:58Stop playing with me and then Dolores is not sick no more. Dolores has to be on one of the most confusing runs
26:04She's sick again, bro
26:07What are you doing? Dolores came down with a sickness again?
26:10What are you doing Dolores? Do you want to piss me off? I'm sorry
26:14How do you get sick and then un-sick and then sick again?
26:18How does that happen? I might have to give her the med kit
26:21Cuz I don't know what's happening. She coughing up a storm to not even covering her mouth. That's the worst part
26:27alright fine here give you that and
26:32Random notes. Alright, let's just pray everybody
26:35Let's just hope for good luck up to day 200. Come on day 114
26:40They came back to spank that ass and I have nothing but I have the mutant friends
26:46So I'm just gonna let them handle that just gonna let them handle that and she got sick again
26:53Hold on
26:53It's hard to tell who was more surprised us or the bandits on the other side of our door when our mutated friends jumped out
26:58Of their hiding spots and came to our aid. Okay, so basically they whooped that ass and it just said Dolores got ill
27:04They said you know what? We're not providing you any more information. She just got sick. What are you gonna do about it, bitch?
27:10So let me prepare to scavenge and I'm just gonna try to get some supplies
27:15Maybe I'll get like a new gun axe the whole shebang. Maybe I won't get anything
27:20I mean Dolores has been on a crazy run of not getting anything
27:24So I'm just gonna send her out and wait we don't have the padlock. Oh
27:31Hold on, but they're gonna make sure we come back safely, right?
27:36the mutant people
27:39Right. I have no idea. I
27:41Actually have no idea
27:42I'm just gonna do it. Please. Don't come on. I think we might need the padlock. I
27:49Might be screwed. They promised us. We're gonna make it back safely. Yay
27:54We didn't get shit though
27:55Bro, are you serious two waters and the padlock? Okay, cool
28:00I was gonna say you want me to throw the waters at the Raiders or something, but let's give her this and
28:05Then we received another transmission from the army. No, we gotta survive everybody. We gotta lock in. Please
28:12I'm begging you Dolores make it to
28:15244 days if you don't I mean I won't do anything cuz I can't do anything
28:19But the trash can is becoming full of empty suit cans, can she go back out? No, she can't she's too exhausted
28:25Okay, we might not survive everybody. It's looking pretty nasty and that cough sounds ridiculous. There we go. Everybody they're back
28:32Not even a few days later. They are so
28:35Freaking lame. I hate this. We lost the padlock too. We got ammo though
28:42But like I said, we can't just throw it at him
28:45We had to put it inside the gun, but it's not gonna do anything
28:47I feel like there's no more scenarios everybody
28:50Cuz nothing's happening for me the days just pass and then the Raiders attack and that's it
28:55Like I'm not getting any like radio
28:57or anything
28:59So I guess we just got to keep going. We just got to keep doing what we do. Hold on. Wait the radio
29:08They're gonna repair the rate. Oh, no, it's the army. Damn
29:12Okay, I don't know what to do
29:14I'm nervous everybody because it's inevitable that the Raiders come back and at that point I'm dead
29:19So we just got to see what day we can make it to we actually didn't even make it that far day 134
29:25All right, so I just wanted to try this out one more date 135 day 135
29:31What happened? Did they take all my food? They took all my food. It was two cans of food, bro
29:36Like why would you do that to me?
29:38So I think that they're just gonna keep taking our supplies little by little is it the karma system of me going to that school?
29:44She's fine now
29:45Cool. She's no longer thirsty. No longer hungry
29:49Dolores's health has not improved, but she's not green anymore
29:52Okay, as long as she's not green. I think I'll be alright, but oh the people that came in the lab coats
29:59They actually healed me. They couldn't have protected me a little bit
30:03They like like wait outside the bunker and then whoop somebody's ass if they decided to come no
30:07All right, everybody day 145. I'm on my last can of soup and
30:12Yeah, I think I'm only gonna survive a few more days unless I can eat the rats, please
30:17Let me eat some rats. You know what? I might as well do this transmission for the army
30:23Maybe we'll get a new scenario. Maybe I'd unlock something or maybe we get some food. I have no idea
30:28I'm just trying anything at this point because I have nothing left. I have no food. They took my food
30:35I wish I could eat the freaking rats
30:38I'll eat that rat. I'll eat that rat right now. I'll eat that rat in real life. Wait, what is day 155?
30:43I think that Dolores is about to die. So
30:46What I'm gonna do is prepare to scavenge and let's see if I can at least make it to day 160
30:53Come on, Jay
30:55Please this is so sad. I know I could have beat my old score. I know I could have let's bring this with us
31:02Let's see what happens. I don't know
31:04Maybe if we play like some music we'll come back
31:07And they won't rob us on our shelter
31:09Come on, come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Yes, we made it back
31:14No freaking way. Oh
31:17My god, no, please. No
31:21Okay. Okay. Okay. We're good. We're good. We're good. We're good. I did not know that we got the padlock
31:26Holy crap
31:27Yo, we live we move everybody we move we do this
31:34Cannot believe that I did that
31:37Let's freaking go dude
31:39Raiders, please. I beg you leave me alone. I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything to you. Never mind everybody. We're dead
31:46We're cooked flip us over. We're well done. We're
31:49Congratulations. No, we're not just take the waters. Don't take anything else
31:55They took nothing. We got a nasty injury, but they didn't take anything else. All right, cool. Cool. Cool. Cool
32:01We kept dreaming about the day our brave American soldiers show up to rescue us from this mess alas
32:06This is not happening anytime soon unless not according to the military broadcast
32:09Oh, I thought maybe we could get like a new weapon or something. I'm so freaking nervous. Don't come back
32:14Please please please day 170 everybody we can make it to day 200
32:19I know we can they just can't come anymore. The Raiders cannot come here anymore, please
32:26I'm begging you
32:28Come on come on. Come on. Hopefully Dolores killed them
32:31I know that she got a nasty injury, but hopefully like she snapped their necks or something
32:35I don't know. She seems like she could be kind of vicious. Wait, what?
32:40Bond memories are one thing but we need to be ready. Wait Dolores suffered with her injuries for far too long. Oh, wow
32:52Don't say
32:54Don't don't don't say that I died from some injuries
32:57Don't tell me that I died from some boo-boos
33:00Don't tell me I died from some ouchies put a band-aid on that shit and keep it moving
33:06We didn't make it to day 200. We sure as hell did not beat
33:10243 days my win ratio is still 10% and that makes me sad. But hey, it is what it is everybody
33:17I just want to try this out one more time, you know attempted the 200 days challenge in big 2025
33:23Hopefully I'll enjoy it though. Dolores. What are you looking at? Don't look at me like I did it you did it
33:27Well, yeah, hopefully you all enjoyed this video
33:29If you did make sure you give this video one big fat like and tell a friend today that Jake from the Cobe
33:37Scouts is that dude