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Die Netflix-Serie In seinen Händen (Originaltitel: Atrapados, englischer Titel: Caught) ist eine Adaption des gleichnamigen Romans von Harlan Coben und handelt von einer Musterschülerin, die eines Tages spurlos verschwindet. Nun beginnt die Suche nach ihr, die dunkle Abgründe im Vorstadtidyll offenbart.

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00:00Guys, I need all of your attention for a minute.
00:03My name is Emma Garay, I'm a journalist.
00:05First thing I want to know is, have you ever felt like a user was trying to groom you?
00:10Sometimes I'd send him photos.
00:11He told me he was a little older than me, but I didn't care.
00:14Was is his username?
00:19According to the criminal code, the police cannot intervene without acquiring conclusive and irrefutable evidence.
00:28He's here.
00:31Martina Schulz?
00:38This guy figures out that we're chasing after him, he'll disappear.
00:41For good, understand?
00:44I'm bored.
00:45You don't seem bored.
00:56Turn that thing off!
00:57He wasn't here, but we found this in his bedroom.
01:00It's him.
01:02My daughter is not...
01:08So where's the girl?
01:09I told you, I don't know.
01:11I want to know what you were thinking.
01:12I want to leave.
01:14That was the first time I met Martina.
01:17I knew this would happen.
01:19There's a setup, Emma.
01:20I won't be manipulated by you anymore.
01:27To be continued...