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#naiki #iqrarulhasan #WMO

Naiki | LRBT (Layton Rahmatullah Benevolent Trust) | Iqrar Ul Hassan | Waseem Badami | 13 March 2025 | #shaneiftar #shaneramazan

A highly appreciated daily segment featuring Iqrar-ul-Hassan. It has become a helping hand for different NGO’s in their philanthropic cause to make life easier for the less fortunate.

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #ShaneRamazan #Shaneiftaar #naiki ##LRBT


00:30In today's segment, the institution that is with us is not in need of any introduction.
00:34The rest of the introductions will be made by Mr. Iqbal.
00:36Yes, you will be able to guess from the numbers.
00:38And as I say, every institution, every department is providing services individually.
00:44So when it comes to eye related diseases or services in this department in Pakistan,
00:49there is no other second to LRBT.
00:51In the last 39 years, if we talk about it, there are about 61 clinics in the country
00:56and 20 hospitals that are working.
00:58Mr. Hussain, if you look at the numbers,
01:01on a daily basis, 10,500 patients visit these centers.
01:071,100 surgeries are performed daily.
01:11Today, when we are talking, 1,100 people have undergone surgeries.
01:1558 million people, who are 39 years old, have undergone LRBT.
01:19That is, about 60 million people have benefited from LRBT.
01:22What are you talking about?
01:24And about 5.7 million, that is, 5.7 million people have undergone minor or major surgeries.
01:327 million people.
01:34So, of course, it is a very big number, a very big contribution.
01:37The establishment of this institution itself took place in a very magnificent way.
01:41And the way its journey is going is itself a great story.
01:47And the guest with us is Mr. Tahir Abbasi.
01:49You are the Head of Resource Development in LRBT.
01:53What do you have to say?
01:54Sir, this is a brief introduction.
01:56But if I may ask you to define this institution in a minute, in a different way.
02:01What does LRBT do?
02:03So, in what words?
02:04Okay, I will give a little background about LRBT.
02:06First of all, thank you very much for inviting me and giving such a good introduction to this institution.
02:11The foundation of this institution was laid in 1984.
02:13There were two friends, Zakar Ahmedullah and Graham Layton.
02:17They were retiring from their successful business.
02:20So, they thought that now that this country has given them so much,
02:24it is time to return this country as well.
02:27So, in 1984, they laid the foundation of an institution.
02:29Now, what did that institution do?
02:31They said that it will treat the eyes.
02:34Because Zakar Ahmedullah's one eye was weak.
02:38And he had problems in his treatment.
02:40So, he said that when I belong to a class where there are facilities,
02:46and I have such a problem, then what is the problem for a poor person?
02:50So, in 1984, they planted a seed.
02:53It became a mobile unit in Tandoo Bagh.
02:55It is about 200 km from here.
02:57Yes, exactly.
02:58And in 1985, the mobile clinic of Tandoo Bagh started its work.
03:03Approximately a few thousand people were benefited that year.
03:07Now, this year, as they told the numbers, 5.8 crore people have benefited in a total of 49 years.
03:17In those 49 years, there have been 20 hospitals.
03:19Today, there are 20 hospitals in a mobile unit, full-fledged.
03:23Apart from that, there are 61 clinics in Pakistan.
03:25In Pakistan, there is the largest institution for the eyes.
03:29That means, 1100 surgeries are done in a day.
03:32That means, 1100 operations are being done in a country under one institution.
03:37This is a very big number.
03:38Yes, this is a very big number.
03:41LRBT treats 17% of the diseases related to the eyes.
03:48In the whole country?
03:49Yes, in the whole country.
03:50That means, every 5th patient is a patient of LRBT.
03:54That means, if 100 people are suffering from eye disease,
03:56then out of 100, 17 people are treated in the same institution?
03:59Yes, in the same institution.
04:00There are government hospitals, private hospitals.
04:04Yes, and what makes LRBT unique from other institutions is that
04:09there is no institution bigger than this, including the government of Pakistan.
04:13What to say?
04:14Whether they are loyalists or ministers,
04:16if someone is working on the eyes, including the government,
04:21it is LRBT.
04:22Wow, that's great.
04:23Sir, please tell us,
04:26in which areas, are there more hospitals and clinics in cities?
04:30Are there more hospitals and clinics in villages?
04:33In which areas is LRBT more focused?
04:36Again, I will share some statistics with you and then I will tell you.
04:39Like I said, 86% of Pakistan is covered by LRBT.
04:45No LRBT facility is more than a 2-hour drive from any part of Pakistan,
04:49whether it is Balochistan, or Northern areas, or any area.
04:54If you want to start in Karachi, there are two hospitals in Karachi,
04:58Tando Bago, Rashtabad, Gambat, Rahim Yar Khan,
05:02and then if you go from here, you reach Kala Kale, Odigram, Quetta,
05:07so it is spread in length and breadth.
05:10And the model basically is that clinics feed you in your hospitals.
05:14So clinics are treated by people, and if they need an operation,
05:18they are bused to hospitals and treated there.
05:21Sir, the eyes are such a great blessing of God.
05:24If we just close our eyes for a moment and think that we won't be able to see after this,
05:30then we might realize that seeing the colors of Allah's universe,
05:33seeing His blessings, seeing the scenes around us,
05:36seeing our children, seeing our parents,
05:38how great is this blessing of Allah.
05:41And if till now, approximately 6 crore people have been somehow connected to this blessing,
05:48and Allah has made LRBT a means, then it is a great thing.
05:50By the way, I am sorry to say this,
05:51if we make this as a basis, it will become a public service message.
05:54Can you tell that there are many reasons for eye problems.
05:58But what is the biggest reason?
06:00Can you give us some awareness?
06:01Yes, awareness is very important.
06:03Let me tell you that in Pakistan, the three major reasons,
06:07or the three major diseases related to the eyes,
06:10the biggest one is cataract, which we call white eye.
06:13The biggest cause of blindness is cataract in Pakistan.
06:16After that comes glaucoma, which we call black eye.
06:19After that comes diabetes.
06:2130% of our population is diabetic.
06:25Every second or third person is diabetic.
06:27Now the biggest outfall of that is blindness.
06:31Now, where you are saying that 6 crore people have been treated in LRBT,
06:352 crore 60 lakh people are still present who are waiting for treatment.
06:42And 90% of them can be restored completely without treatment.
06:47So, if 90% of the 2 crore 60 lakh people are treated, they can be cured.
06:52And they can increase the GDP by 1% in Pakistan.
06:57So, these are the numbers.
06:59And one cataract surgery can be done for Rs. 10,400.
07:03This is very easy.
07:04The viewers, you can see the details of LRBT,
07:08contact details, bank details, everything is coming.
07:11So, you are saying that one surgery can be done for Rs. 10,400.
07:13One cataract surgery can be done for Rs. 10,400.
07:15So, if a person is in a position to pay Rs. 10,400,
07:18then a person's life can change.
07:19It can change forever.
07:21The second thing is,
07:22whether the patient is a newborn or an 80-year-old person,
07:28it can happen to anyone.
07:30In fact, when we were looking at the package,
07:32there was a very cute baby at the end of the package,
07:34who was moved by the baby.
07:37He is wearing glasses.
07:38So, obviously, people of all ages are involved in this.
07:41Basically, we have a very good department of PEDS.
07:44And it is the biggest department of PEDS in Pakistan.
07:48It has seven sub-specialties.
07:50I just want to tell you that
07:52if a premature baby is kept in an incubator,
07:57where his lungs are affected because of oxygen,
08:01there is a side effect on his eyes.
08:04Because he gets a lot of oxygen.
08:05And it is important for the doctor to consult an ophthalmologist.
08:09He should consult an ophthalmologist.
08:10Otherwise, his eyes can be permanently blind.
08:15Absolutely right.
08:15So, as I was saying,
08:17people from the ages of 9 to 80 years of age
08:21benefit from LRBT.
08:22Do you have any idea
08:24how much budget is required per month?
08:28Or what kind of people do you support?
08:31It is a big operation that is going on nationwide.
08:35And I would like you to tell LRBT people who want to support it.
08:40To run this institution,
08:42we need around 4 billion rupees annually.
08:44Long live.
08:45Around 3 million people benefit from it.
08:48Around 3 million surgeries are done annually.
08:51And if you build a new hospital,
08:54the expenses will be different.
08:55Absolutely right.
08:56So, this is your expenditure.
08:57But where does it come from?
08:59I am not doing this.
09:00People like you are doing this.
09:02Only Pakistanis are doing this.
09:04They are either in Pakistan
09:05or outside of Pakistan.
09:07Long live.
09:08In these 49 years,
09:09there has never been a time
09:11where LRBT has shut down a small clinic or a hospital
09:17to give us funds.
09:18Okay, Alhamdulillah.
09:19These Pakistanis have held our hands.
09:21What can I say?
09:22And I hope...
09:23Whether it is COVID-19,
09:24whether it is an economic crisis,
09:26whatever it is,
09:26people have not stopped supporting us.
09:28And I hope that Inshallah,
09:30they will continue to hold our hands
09:32and we will keep moving forward in the same way.
09:34We have more guests.
09:35Please bring them.
09:36Yes, please.
09:37This is Dr. Sabrina from LRBT.
09:39Due to the traffic in Karachi,
09:41we are a little late.
09:43But please come.
09:47Assalamualaikum, Dr. Sabra.
09:48How are you?
09:48Please have a seat.
09:51How are you?
09:51I am fine.
09:52Please have a seat.
09:54I think we should start from here.
09:58How are you?
10:00What is your name?
10:01Please come a little closer.
10:04What is your name?
10:07Okay, we will talk to Hamdan.
10:08Thank you so much.
10:09Thank you very much.
10:10And we know what the situation is right now.
10:11Let's start with you, Dr. Sabra.
10:12Then we will give Dr. Sabra some time to breathe.
10:16You were saying that the annual budget is around 4 billion rupees.
10:19And till now, Alhamdulillah, people have not stopped the movement anywhere.
10:23Yes, and the way inflation is increasing in our country,
10:27or the rupees are being devalued,
10:29this will double very soon.
10:33But I have a strong hope that
10:35where we, Pakistanis, have supported this institution for 49 years,
10:40we will support this institution for the next 100 years.
10:43And I am sitting here with the same hope.
10:45And I am also sitting with the hope that if we cover 86% of Pakistan,
10:50then when I come next year, InshaAllah, we will cover 100% of Pakistan.
10:54And then may Allah grant us a time when there is no need for such institutions.
10:58And people become so aware of eye diseases that
11:04firstly, these diseases are less and secondly, people become self-dependent.
11:08Dr. Sabra, thank you so much.
11:09We would like to ask you about Hamdan.
11:12I think she told us everything in the conversation with Mr. Badami.
11:15Please tell us about this and also share your experience about LRBT.
11:19First of all, I would like to tell you about the history of Hamdan.
11:21Hamdan has told me about the whole incident that happened there.
11:26Five years ago, he had an accident.
11:29And after the accident, he had such a severe injury in his eye that his eye was torn.
11:33After the tear, his mother took him to many hospitals.
11:37But in every hospital, they were telling him to pay more money.
11:40In some hospitals, treatment was not possible.
11:43So ultimately, he reached LRBT.
11:45In LRBT, his treatment was done very soon.
11:50The next day, his cornea was repaired, which was damaged.
11:55After that, after a while, after six months, he developed cataract in that eye.
12:00That is, his eye was pierced.
12:02After six months, he underwent surgery for cataract.
12:05After a while, the vision of that eye was damaged.
12:11Challenges upon challenges.
12:13He had so many problems in one eye.
12:15Then he underwent surgery.
12:17And all these surgeries in LRBT have been done totally free of cost.
12:21Hamdan, can you tell us about the incident that happened there?
12:24Where were you going?
12:26You were going there.
12:27I'll hold the mic.
12:29I was coming back from tuition.
12:30You were coming back from tuition.
12:32I was coming back from tuition.
12:33A bike came from behind.
12:35It hit me and left.
12:36I was taking my uncle's rizqa.
12:39The bike went inside my uncle's rizqa.
12:43It went inside my uncle's rizqa.
12:47Did you have any problem in seeing at that time?
12:50I couldn't see anything.
12:51You couldn't see anything.
12:53And after that, he underwent surgery.
12:55And now, Mashallah, he is completely fine.
12:58Yes, I asked him.
12:59And these glasses suit you very well.
13:02Mashallah, Mashallah.
13:03Anything else you want to say?
13:05He is in the fourth class.
13:06So, you are happy with the set, right?
13:09Okay, sir, there is one thing that we talk about every year.
13:12The importance of the eyes.
13:14In that regard, please tell us how much importance is needed?
13:18And how many people can regain their eyesight if they get the importance?
13:22Okay, the supply-demand gap is about 1 to 10.
13:26If we have 1 cornea, then we need 10.
13:31Is there a queue or a list for that?
13:33Yes, there is a complete list.
13:34We make a complete list of cornea patients.
13:38And as and when the cornea comes to us, we apply them.
13:42But my request and request to the Pakistanis is that
13:49they should donate more cornea in the future.
13:51Okay, we import it from foreign countries.
13:53And Sri Lanka comes to us from?
13:55Yes, it comes to us from America.
13:57But it comes to us very little from Pakistan.
14:00There can be many reasons for this.
14:02But I believe legally and I also believe that
14:07we should donate our cornea because it can change the life of a family.
14:13Yes, it is not just one person who will be able to see it.
14:15Obviously, the life of a whole family is changed.
14:18Mr. Wasim, if we have some time...
14:20Yes, brother, one or two minutes.
14:21Absolutely right.
14:22Sir, again, the people who are watching, I want...
14:24First of all, what would you like to say to those who have supported you so far?
14:28And how will you guide those who are being inspired by the story of LRBT
14:35to support LRBT?
14:37I just want to say that this is an institution that was created by the Pakistanis
14:42because of Pakistan and for the Pakistanis.
14:44Until today, Pakistan has supported it.
14:48And I request you to continue to support it because we need you.
14:54We need to reach those 26 million people, 2.6 crore people
15:00who are not able to see it right now.
15:02And we need to treat them.
15:04I believe that when we can treat 5 crore people or 6 crore people today,
15:10then we can also treat those 2.6 crore people if you support us.
15:16Thank you so much.
15:17Thank you very much to the entire team of LRBT.
15:20At this time, 84% of Pakistan is serving there.
15:24Dr. Sabreena, thank you so much.
15:26Thank you very much.
15:27Nandan, specially thank you for coming.
15:29And I hope you liked our set.
15:33Thank you so much.
15:33Thank you very much.
15:34As Mr. Iqra said, Allah's universe is so beautiful.
15:36And to see it, to see your relatives, to see everyone,
15:39what can be a more fundamental blessing than this?
15:42Just think, this is one example in front of us.
15:44May Allah not do that, that the accident that happened to him, it happened.
15:47If he hadn't reached the right place at the right time,
15:51then today, a child who was medically capable of seeing Allah's universe,
15:56he wouldn't have been able to see it.
15:57This is one example.
15:59There are countless examples like this.
16:00So just think, with a small contribution from you and me,
16:03if a person is enjoying seeing Allah's universe in his life,
16:09then I don't think we can expect such a reward.
16:13So come, let's strengthen our hands.
16:14Let's all light our own candles.
16:16Inshallah, there will be a lot of light.
16:18And then we will all see this light together, Inshallah.
16:21Thank you very much, sir.
16:22Thank you very much.
16:23We will send a lot of blessings and applause to LRBT, Inshallah.
16:26And we will be back after the break, Inshallah.
16:29Rasim, what a talk.
