• 3 days ago
Acclaimed actors and Black Bag stars Cate Blanchett (Kathryn St. Jean) and Michael Fassbender (George Woodhouse) visit with Condé Nast Traveler to test their movie location knowledge. From Peter Jackson's Lord Of The Rings Trilogy to Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds, can the pair remember locations from some of the most famous roles of their careers?Cate Blanchett and Michael Fassbender star in Steven Soderbergh's BLACK BAG. Only in theaters March 14, https://focusfeatures.com/black-bag/
00:00Just remember it's my daughter's birthday this weekend, you can keep them if you want to.
00:04She's turning 10.
00:05Does she like Tim Tams?
00:06Yes, she does.
00:07I'm definitely going to keep them.
00:08I hate them, but I'm going to keep them anyway, just for that.
00:11That's the kind of guy you are.
00:12I like to upset children.
00:13We're about to find out who knows their film locations better, Michael or me.
00:19I'm Kate, apparently.
00:21Let's find out.
00:26Can you remember the film and the location?
00:30Australian, I don't know.
00:31I mean, my geography is so terrible.
00:33That could be the Bellingen River.
00:35It could be the Rio Grande.
00:38I'm just trying to think when I was on a river.
00:40Think mountains, maybe.
00:41Think mountains?
00:42One of those two?
00:43Can I have two guesses?
00:44I don't know what it is myself.
00:46You can't see it?
00:47I can see it.
00:48Oh, wait a second.
00:50Oh, I can see it.
00:51It's on the back.
00:52But I don't know the movie.
00:54If that was the case, it would either be Oscar and Lucinda or The Missing.
00:59Two films that probably no one has ever seen.
01:01What countries do you reckon you could narrow it down to?
01:03Well, isn't this terrible being Australian?
01:05I'm thinking, well, God, could that be?
01:07The mountains are too mountainous for Australia, but it's neither of them.
01:14It's The Lord of the Rings.
01:15There can be only one ring to rule them all.
01:18New Zealand.
01:19New Zealand.
01:20Oh, New Zealand.
01:21That was my third guess.
01:22So obviously New Zealand.
01:23What are these three things in the water?
01:25I thought that was a clue.
01:26It's me swimming away from Peter Jackson.
01:28No, but in my defense, I was only ever filming in the studio.
01:34So that doesn't count.
01:36I remember Viggo Mortensen and Pete, every Saturday, they would go out to battle the orcs.
01:43It was literally like they were going to be playing rugby,
01:46because they'd have to shoot another sequence or a few frames of this battle,
01:50which would go on for, I think it was the third installment.
01:54Because you filmed all three of them at the same time.
01:57Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's intense.
01:58It was intense.
01:59Which battle is this?
02:01I was an elf.
02:02Did you want to battle the orcs?
02:04I did.
02:05I actually, when they were doing The Hobbit, I said to Pete,
02:07look, I'll just come back and I'll be your hairy wife.
02:10He was going to be in a banquet sequence.
02:12And I said, I'll come and play Galadriel for a few frames and then I'll be one of the dwarves.
02:18But I wanted facial hair.
02:20What did he say?
02:21He said yes.
02:22Of course he said yes.
02:23No, but then I had to go back.
02:25You're like, I'm joking.
02:27No, I wasn't.
02:28Not really.
02:29I wasn't. My agent was not too happy.
02:31But I think her suit woman is a great thing.
02:35For sure.
02:37If any of those parts come your way, just send them to me.
02:40I will.
02:41You're the dwarf, ladies.
02:42Here we go.
02:44You get that one.
02:45Inglourious Basterds.
02:47We did go to Germany.
02:49That was a studio set up. It was Babelsberg, Berlin.
02:52And that is outside the tavern scene.
02:55You know, fighting in a basement offers a lot of difficulties.
02:58Number one being, you're fighting in a basement.
03:01See, this is not fair.
03:02Or I make the fatal error of this.
03:04I get a random.
03:06Me neither. I'll stay at the Shampoos.
03:08Three glasses.
03:12That was easy.
03:13That was easy, I've got to say.
03:14Yours was harder.
03:15I know.
03:16But that was Babelsberg when it was still...
03:17I don't think it's in operation anymore.
03:18You told me that today.
03:19I was very sad to hear that.
03:20Yeah, it's really sad.
03:21That's a great film.
03:22You look fantastic in it.
03:23Oh, thanks.
03:24Okay, this one?
03:26Okay, it's Italy.
03:29Is it?
03:30I don't think I've ever made a movie before in my life.
03:32Where is that?
03:34It looks like Italian light, doesn't it?
03:36Has to be somewhere.
03:38In Italy?
03:39Could it be south of France?
03:40Is it south of France?
03:41I didn't shoot in south of France.
03:43Not that I was awake for.
03:45Do you think it's south of France?
03:46I have no idea.
03:47I'm just saying, looking at the picture,
03:48it could be either of those.
03:49But then again, what are we...
03:50Is that Blue Jasmine?
03:51It's Blue Jasmine.
03:52I remember I was with Peter Sarsgaard on the...
03:55Did he propose to me on that balcony?
03:58I think he did.
03:59It's the Ray area in San Francisco.
04:00Well, my reaction is you can do it again if you want.
04:04Okay, you know this one.
04:07That is Montreal and that's X-Men
04:10and that is Beast in the fountain, I believe.
04:13And it stays a future past.
04:18Yes, yes, it is.
04:20A hundred percent.
04:24Great city, Montreal.
04:26Great for food, nightlife, super friendly people.
04:30Great cruise.
04:31I've actually shot there, I think four films there.
04:34Three of the X-Men and 300.
04:37There's just a bunch of really good restaurants there.
04:40Great jazz festival.
04:41Jazz festival, comedy festival, just for laughs.
04:45I actually saw Dave Chappelle live there, which was amazing.
04:48Great shoes.
04:50Yeah, good shoes.
04:51I didn't know that.
04:52There's also a maple syrup place that I went to outside Montreal,
04:57which was very rich.
05:00Everything had maple syrup and foie gras.
05:02They love foie gras there.
05:03Foie gras was an option on everything.
05:05So that was breakfast every Sunday.
05:07Like a slab of it.
05:10That's easy, there's only one place in the world.
05:13It looks like that.
05:14Why don't I know where it is?
05:16Does it look Scottish to you?
05:19It's not New Zealand, is it?
05:21I don't think it's New Zealand.
05:23But also similar sort of climate.
05:24I haven't lived in Iceland.
05:25Similar climate.
05:26Kind of, yeah.
05:31Lund? Any other Lund?
05:32Yeah, a Lund.
05:36It's a Lund.
05:40Where else have I filmed?
05:42That's the one.
05:43That's in Ireland.
05:44I love it.
05:45Or Ireland.
05:46Or Ireland.
05:47Or era.
05:49That was in Ireland.
05:50Oh, was that Veronica Guerin?
05:52Yes, and she drove a red car.
05:53So, I don't remember that though.
05:56I remember the scene at the doorstep where he punches you.
06:00He punched me in the face.
06:01But not for real?
06:02For real.
06:03For real?
06:04We didn't judge.
06:05We didn't have a stunt coordinator.
06:06It's Ireland!
06:07Yeah, and he just swung me.
06:10Start by telling me where you get the money.
06:15It was real.
06:16I mean, at least they used it.
06:17But yeah, I really got punched in the face.
06:20Did it draw blood?
06:21From memory, yeah, it did.
06:23He felt so terrible.
06:24Yeah, and rightly so.
06:25I know.
06:26It was an accident.
06:27I don't think he did it deliberately.
06:29My eldest son had just been born,
06:32and I remember my husband and I saying,
06:34we were staying in Dorky,
06:36and we thought, we'll drive to Galway.
06:38We're Australian, we looked at the map,
06:40and we went, that's not too far.
06:41But the highway to Galway...
06:42There's no highway.
06:44It's literally like a tractor path.
06:47And we got stuck behind a tractor for the whole time
06:49with a screaming baby.
06:51But if you like going into the 40 foot,
06:54if you like jumping into the ocean,
06:56when I was there recently...
06:58Famous spot.
07:00So jumping in the ocean there was unbeatable,
07:03and it's such a great community.
07:07Do you know what you shot there?
07:09It's a guess.
07:10I shot the snowman there, if it is Norway.
07:14Black bag.
07:15Oh, but I was never there.
07:17Is that Zurich then?
07:18I was there.
07:19My devotion to my marriage
07:21is my professional weakness.
07:24Love you.
07:25Doesn't look like Vienna.
07:26I went to the lake and swam there too.
07:27Did you?
07:28Yeah, it was great.
07:29And clean water, of course.
07:31We went a bit further out of the town,
07:33but it was amazing,
07:34swimming with the mountains in the background.
07:36If she's in trouble, even of her own making,
07:39I will do everything in my power to extricate her.
07:44No matter what that means.
07:46I think...
07:47Wow, that is brutal.
07:49I participated.
07:50I felt like I had a little bit of backup there.
07:52I showed up.
07:53But you did lose.
07:54I won.
07:55I get the Tim Tams.
07:56But it's my daughter's birthday.
07:59Your daughter's Tim's birthday.
08:00Thanks, Mike.
08:02I don't really know if I believe that.
08:03It is.
08:04Someone's daughter's.
