Une météorite percute et s'écrase sur la Lune, provoquant la sortie de son axe. Les scientifiques constatent avec effroi que la gravité terrestre attire la Lune vers la Terre et qu'un impact est inévitable. Ils mettent tout en oeuvre avant qu'il ne soit trop tard...
Court métrageTranscription
00:00pandémonium has swept across the globe as reports come in that an asteroid has collided with the moon
00:05knocking it on a trajectory towards earth we have one hour and 42 minutes so the moon reaches
00:10the atmosphere how did you could have stopped we have a spacecraft with an engine on it with
00:14special fuel called antimatter it's dead in space on the edge of the moon's far side they need
00:18someone to react now they need you to reactivate we're about a mile from george's mechanic we grab
00:27one of his cars I got just the one the Colossus dish has sustained heavy damage that antimatter
00:40engine is strong enough to create a temporary black hole pulling the moon back into orbit
00:45they might be driving right into a volcanic eruption get lost in in the air now
00:49income meter has damage above ground support what is our ETA to the moon's impact six minutes
01:03ma'am and how much nuclear missiles are approaching the debris field
01:09l'intégration des
01:20Des scratches éminents.
01:21On ne peut pas rester sur le bateau.
01:23Allez, allez, allez !