• 3 days ago
Hennys out of town so I have an open crib let’s goooooo. I have a bestie in town visiting for a lil girls weekend in Scottsdale, I scout locations for the next hot girl walk, and we do a very juicy Q&A. All the relationship tea you’ve been asking for. Excited to hang with you I’ll be talking to you in the comments as usual Xo





00:00Hello, I got to give credit where credit is due girls. Thank you for giving me the courage in the comments to
00:08Go pop it spread eagle and get my first Brazilian
00:13The comments were like you literally gave birth
00:18Which I literally gave birth the least we could do is take care of George W
00:23I took my own advice today and took the extra 10 minutes
00:27This literally took 10 minutes
00:29To choose a bit of a cuter outfit rather than just going for like sweatpants
00:35athleisure, which is what I always do out of sheer
00:41Slash convenience this took me 10 minutes to put on I am wearing
00:47In our crop top these silver
00:54Little kitten heels and really it's these jeans that are so
00:58Nice you really do
01:00Need these jeans like if you're into this style, I will link them for you 90 bucks
01:06From Abercrombie. They're a low-waist
01:10Super baggy jean. They're so cute
01:13they're like the perfect amount of
01:17Gen Z baggy without being OD when it's
01:25It's getting too much she was a skater girl talk to you later girl, these are good in the middle
01:29It's like the perfect little in-between. All right, let's go take this
01:33George W
01:35to Brazil
01:40Why didn't
01:43Why didn't nobody
01:46Not one of you commented or told me or let me know how excruciatingly painful that was I wasn't
01:52Worried about the pain going into it. I just didn't even think about it
01:54It was more the mental thing like popping it spread eagle the second she ripped that first
02:00wax, I could care less about
02:04The little butterfly position which that's also crazy. I kept looking at her and being like this is torture. This is awful
02:11She was so nice. She was so sweet. She was so cute
02:14She was keeping the convo going trying to make it a little bit easier. She was so sweet
02:19That was wild, but I'm glad I did it
02:22Bald eagle stunning. Let's get these nails done. Oh my gosh
02:27I'm so lazy with my nails to like I don't even have the patience to get French these days
02:31I'm just like pink get me in get me out. Whatever is quickest. Let's get these nails done. I brought a hoodie
02:38I have a friend coming and staying with me this weekend. I'm so excited
02:45Time I have to go home and prep everything
02:49It's gonna be the least climactic before and after it's gonna be like pink and it's gonna be like pink
03:05Another temper tantrum
03:10It's okay, you want me to cut you up a little bit of an apple, would you like this?
03:16Ah, it's not cold that cold
03:21Apple I gotta cut it for you. He is
03:25In it be oh
03:27Let me cut it for you. Okay, let me leave you in your toddler tower
03:31Is that allowed or are you gonna get super mad at me?
03:40He has been entering his temper tantrum era
03:45It's actually so funny because I would do the most minimal thing like put down his water and he will
03:51Ball his eyes out and throw himself on the floor, right? But I feel him like dude without my emotions regulated
03:58That's what I would be doing too
04:00Sometimes that is how I feel on the inside
04:02So I don't even judge him because it's so relatable the way you act because I want to act like that
04:06I got a gift for
04:09His babysitter and it just came in. Do you want to see what I get?
04:12His babysitter has a gift
04:18She always comes here and
04:21obviously like the most work-appropriate outfit she's a
04:25Nanny like she works with kids like she's gonna dress cool some but I figured she could use a little sexiness
04:32For the weekends. Fancyest toddler meal ever ground beef
04:37and white rice
04:39And white rice
04:41I know the toddler moms probably already know what's good with the ground beef with pasta sauce and white rice
04:48It's very easy to make and you love it, right? What is that thing?
05:10I'm putting together this room
05:14For her to come stay
05:16And it kind of looks like a like a jail room
05:20Or like a hospital bed. Is this crazy? We don't really have a guest bedroom in this house
05:26So what we have to work with I mean, I think she'll be comfortable in this room
05:31It's a cozy quiet room. This is a little crazy though. I'm gonna have to warn her like this room
05:37Looks like you're about to give birth
05:39It is really cozy
05:41And I'm making her a cute little
05:48Welcome basket
05:50so far I have a
05:52Drunk elephant moisturizer
05:55It's an Opti crystal eye serum
05:58Got it. There weren't a couple more goodies in there. It's really cute. I do want this for myself. Damn vitamin masks
06:05Can you send me another one?
06:07These look really good these almost look like dupes to the
06:13Lip oils, but I have to overcompensate for this crazy setup. So all the vitamin masks will be going to Annie
06:24Penny is out of town on a bachelor trip. He's skiing with his friends in
06:32Lake Tahoe, so I have an open crib all weekend, baby
06:38To be honest
06:41Cuz Annie's about to
06:43Get married. She just got engaged. So initially she reached out and I was like, hey me and Jake want to come
06:49To Arizona for spring training. He's a baseball guy
06:54And when I had her send me some date options, she literally sent me the dates of this weekend and I'm like Annie
07:00Penny's not gonna be here. He's gonna be at a bachelor trip
07:03But what if you just came solo but the spring training
07:07And we just have a little girls weekend in Scottsdale and she said yes, and I'm so excited
07:12This is much needed and I want to do this more often. I need to figure out more ways
07:16For I need to leave the house
07:19For me to have my friends come stay you just have a little Scottsdale weekend
07:22Not that my friends can't stay when Henny's here because obviously they can but it's not as fun
07:28It's really not we're gonna have to get creative with ways for honey to take more trips
07:32I feel bad for him. He's never even like taking a trip after
07:36We had Rio not one. I feel like that
07:40Bopped and bopped all over. I've been to New York. It is so needed. It is so needed nothing hits
07:48Like solo travel
07:50Once you have a kid cuz it's just a break. It's literally a I am 100% off. Don't talk to me about a diaper
07:57Don't talk to me about this and talk to me about that. I'm off
08:00So I think this will be very healthy for honey to
08:05Go somewhere fun
08:07Welcome to Scottsdale. I've been looking forward to this all week grateful. You came all this way. We are about to have a time
08:14Sorry, the bed set up is giving hospital bed, but I swear it's cozy
08:17Feel free to use any makeup or skincare in here me tosses suit costs. I really hope you love Scottsdale
08:22So you bless me with your presence?
08:24Again, love you
08:27Lola if you already know this about me, then you are so loyal
08:31No, I could kiss you but growing up
08:34I had all my friends call me Lola and my family still calls me Lola to this day
08:38Ever since I met honey, my name has been saved as Lola on his phone
08:44It's just like my not my alter ego, but it's like my childhood name, you know
08:49Honestly, if I could have done it differently what I would have done
08:52And not actually because you know, everything happens for a reason and things stick
08:57but I
08:59Have sometimes fantasized about a life where I did not choose
09:04princess Lauren as my vine username and
09:08I chose Lola Aldo because that was my og stage name
09:15Stage name sounds crazy, but I definitely feel more Lola vibes
09:18And if I had a daughter one day I've thought about it like what I name her Lola
09:23And I feel like that's weird because I don't want that dynamic of like you're me. You're mini me
09:27I feel like that puts pressure on to the
09:29Daughter of being like not being their own person and not having their own identity. Like it's weird
09:34I wouldn't want my mom to name me her childhood nickname
09:38But I do have an idea to use that name for something
09:42That I can't talk about yet. And if I decide to go with naming that thing Lola
09:47I think it could be iconic
10:28Told you that she's getting married, right? Look at this hair. I love it. Actually. Thanks. Do I look like George Washington?
10:33Yes, and he's getting married
10:35So this is like her private bachelorette
10:38We're doing like a real one, but Scott's was such a black bachelorette zone that I figured I would give her the tour
10:43It's in the air today. We are going to the W for a massage. We need to go home and shower like quickly
10:49Yeah, it would be diabolical for us to go like this
10:55For a rubdown is nasty. We're gonna go home. We're gonna shower. We're gonna
11:02W penny and I used to take pictures of each other for our
11:13She had the most iconic tumblr username to date. I'll never live it down. I think it was my claim of fame
11:19I really am upset that I
11:22Didn't do something with that if I was like two years older. I feel like I would have made it like my whole personality
11:27Yeah, it's a good thing. You were a millennial
11:30That would have stayed
11:31Your Gen Z. I've had like a whole line of like bathing suits tanning lotion
11:35It was BRB tanning tumblr.com. It was kind of the moment. Is it still live?
11:40Is it still live no, you know that point where you like think you're embarrassed of your like middle school self and you like
11:46You scrubbed it. I scrubbed the internet. Yeah, and it's really unfortunate because I also had my YouTube cool tigger 101
11:54Any you have a YouTube? No, I don't anymore. We've collabed
12:00Tigger because it was like my webkinz name at the time Annie
12:04We're talking we're talking alone
12:06This is it last week
12:08My favorite is when you did that tick-tock recently and everyone was like the planking and the grocery store is crazy
12:15We did that we planks everywhere. We planked at arcades all over Lincoln Road. Like every inch of that road was covered by us
12:24Flashback I don't know why my mom took me to like Lincoln Road to meet up with a lily pumps
12:28We were like doing vines whatever and then Lily's like let's jump into the water fountain
12:34What water on Lincoln Road? There's a water fountain and I'm like, yeah, let's do it
12:43We were just
12:48It was just like the internet was born we would do like Facebook photo shoots
12:52It was all about getting our profile pictures to a hundred likes
12:57number like for like, you know that Jake is
13:01Literally like at our engagement party. I printed out on napkins the first
13:07What are you to be honest you're hot
13:13He was really honest
13:31'm sad. I came here to check out this hike out
13:34Totally do a hot girl walk here for Scottsdale whenever and there's not enough parking. How many cars do we think?
13:39Not very many. I think you're close with the 30
13:44You could probably like I think it would fit like 50 people sideways. You know, maybe anyways, it's a beautiful hike
13:52I think we're gonna have a time
13:56Tell them the cactus for you last time I was in Arizona taking my self on a hike having a great dandy time on a
14:03rocky road slipped
14:05ass in the cactus
14:07Full ass to cactus. Can I say that? Yeah, we're trying to not do that again today
14:14We were about to pop a squat
14:16In there to be in and he was responsible like PTSD
14:19There's a couple things I look for when picking a location for the 12 330 hot girl walks
14:24Honestly with this one. I'm concerned about the width
14:26Is this a little bit too narrow of a trail like if hundreds of girls come that's another thing like I never really know how
14:31Many girls are gonna come so maybe Scottsdale is a bit more low-key
14:34I'm not sure but I do think there's something really special about hiking and getting in the mountains
14:39I took Instagram's there and they came out fire
14:43That's another thing I look for like when the girls come are they gonna get good pictures and this is definitely a photo moment
14:50So the 12 330 hot girl walks Scottsdale will be on Sunday March 23rd
14:55So I will see you there at 10 a.m. Come come alone. Come with your friends. Come with your man
15:00Doesn't matter just come get yourself out of your comfort zone
15:03If you're looking to make new friends in the area and get yourself walking get yourself moving and get yourself
15:09Outside baby, I will post the full final details at some point but that's the date and the time Sunday March 23rd
15:17Scottsdale, Arizona, baby 10 a.m. This is girlhood. I was gonna clean for the sake of this video
15:24And I'm like, you know what?
15:27Leave a comment if your beauty table looks exactly like this right now
15:33It's a vibe
15:54That looks cute
16:00Very cute. I'm gonna do my makeup quick and let's
16:03Hit the town. I asked for you to ask me any question
16:07I'm filming a little get ready with me, and I figured I can answer some little questions while we film it.
16:12Bag is Dolce Vita. I'll link it for you. Dress is Outkast.
16:18Leggings are...
16:19Something. I'll also link them.
16:22And the black pumps are Femme LA.
16:26Shout out Charlotte Tilbury for being so loyal and sending me all this fabulous PR.
16:34I told Henny to come and read these questions while I do my makeup.
16:39So it's gonna be a couple of Q&A, I suppose.
16:42You ready, baby? You could choose the juicy ones.
16:45Are you guys planning for baby number two? Do you think you and Henny will have more kids?
16:54Na-na-na-na-nerda. Na-na-na-no. Na-no. Na-no.
16:58Let's talk about it, baby. You can also be a part of the answering.
17:02Yeah, give me your phone.
17:03Do you want more kids with me?
17:04I make it personal, I make it charged.
17:08Well, the question is,
17:09do you think you and Henny will have more kids?
17:12I think we will have more at some point,
17:14when I'm 30 to 35 years old.
17:17Far future, we can't even think about it right now.
17:19We are very definitely in the trenches of the first kid.
17:23We thought there was a chance maybe we would have
17:26like that big ass family, you know,
17:27like back to back to back to back.
17:30That's what we fully thought.
17:31Yeah, but then we had the first one
17:33and we're like, let's slow this down.
17:35Like, wait, this is really hard.
17:37Yeah, how has it been to grow
17:39with your audience in a public way?
17:42It's been really good.
17:44My digital footprint is absolutely crazy.
17:47I Googled myself the other day for another reason
17:50and I was shocked at how long I really have been
17:53posting myself and just what's out there of me.
17:56But it's been nice, it's been good.
17:57I really don't know anything different at this point.
18:00I like it personally.
18:02I hope that I'm still doing this when I'm 55
18:04and you're still not sick of me.
18:05How do you balance sleep with your first baby?
18:07Do you have help or have you found a good something?
18:11First two months we did it all by ourselves.
18:14That was, I'm glad we did it.
18:17I'm proud of us for doing it.
18:19We did get some help.
18:20We got some night nurses, some of the nights,
18:23which saved my ass, dude.
18:25Especially because we were still working
18:27and like didn't take off work.
18:28So that was good.
18:31But you kind of just have to get through it
18:33and it takes a year.
18:34I don't know, like I don't know
18:35how long I thought it was gonna take.
18:36I remember people would be like,
18:37yeah, I sleep trained him by four months.
18:40Sleep training, sleep training.
18:41Dude, it takes a year.
18:43It takes a year.
18:44You can either get nannies or lose sleep.
18:48It's just one or the other.
18:49How do you feel about your nose now?
18:51I got mine done five years ago and I want another one.
18:54Another one?
18:56Honestly, I have the same thoughts sometimes too,
18:57that you always tell me that I'm crazy.
19:00You want another one?
19:01Not another one, but like sometimes I'm like,
19:03if we did a little like.
19:05No, stop.
19:07Before pictures, I can definitely clock
19:09like before and after just by the photo.
19:12Do you ever feel like partying or not really?
19:15I do feel like partying.
19:17I'm a mother now, so you know,
19:18it doesn't come as easily.
19:20But I do feel like it.
19:22But I just don't do it.
19:23Has Henny ever considered modeling?
19:25He is gorgeous, funny, humble, smart, nice, kind.
19:34I don't know how much of that you've made up.
19:36Henny was trying to be a model, right?
19:39Didn't Marcel do like a photo shoot of you for modeling?
19:42No, he was selling some stuff.
19:44He needed someone to hold the thing.
19:46I saw the modeling pictures.
19:47I stepped in and held the thing.
19:48Henny, I've seen your head shots.
19:51Yes, you have.
19:51I don't have a head shot.
19:52I've seen.
19:53I don't have a head shot.
19:54I've seen your head shots.
19:55Spill the tea on the Miami apartment
19:57and tour design situation.
20:00That bitch had me fucked up.
20:01Like, yeah, it's all good.
20:03I saw her recently in Miami and I complimented her outfit.
20:06Did I tell you I saw her?
20:07I saw her at the Like to Know It event.
20:11And it was like, cute outfit.
20:14And that's it?
20:15That's it.
20:16I mean, there's not really much tea there.
20:18She just had me 50 shades of fucked up, pregnant.
20:21That's it.
20:22How to handle the identity crisis
20:23that comes with having your first child?
20:26Identity crisis is becoming parents, how to deal with it.
20:29Oh my God.
20:30I don't even know.
20:32Friends help me a lot.
20:33Like, I find that when I spend time with my friends,
20:36it reminds me of who I was.
20:39But the whole thing is such a trip.
20:40It's such a, such a, such a, such a trip.
20:42I deal with so much guilt on the regular.
20:45Work stuff, I just always feel like I could be doing
20:47so much more than I'm doing with mom stuff.
20:50It's a whole fucking identity crisis.
20:51How do you deal with it?
20:52I don't know.
20:54How am I dealing with it?
20:54Is there a way to deal with the identity crisis?
20:56I don't know.
20:57Keep going?
20:59Hire more nannies?
21:01Did you focus on 12-3-30 during postpartum?
21:04And then there was another one saying,
21:05did you do 12-3-30 during pregnancy?
21:07I did 12-3-30 basically every single day of my pregnancy.
21:11It was the only workout that was like easy enough
21:12for me to do every day.
21:14And it made me feel good.
21:17After, how long did I wait after to start?
21:20I don't remember.
21:21You maybe took a couple weeks or something.
21:24I think you got back.
21:25As soon as you could kind of walk,
21:26you kind of started walking.
21:27Like, this one's rough.
21:28Do you feel like you've become less attractive
21:30after giving birth?
21:33Why would that be rough?
21:35I don't know.
21:36I feel like it's a fucking hard question.
21:38I actually think I got more beautiful.
21:41I've never gotten more compliments in my life.
21:45You haven't peeped?
21:47You're gorgeous.
21:49Random people on the road.
21:52I swear.
21:53In my life?
21:56I feel like I've gotten cuter.
21:57If you weren't an influencer, what would you be?
22:01Maybe like stay-at-home mom.
22:03I think so.
22:05Probably do like,
22:06if I'm looking at my group of friends
22:07and what they ended up doing,
22:08I'd probably do something along a similar path to them.
22:11Cause we had similar upbringing, similar interests.
22:13So I would probably do some sort of media
22:15just in a different format.
22:17So if not forward facing,
22:18I'd probably do something on the back end.
22:20Yeah, the corporate stuff.
22:23I'd be a little office siren on work from home.
22:26The little work husband?
22:28Work husband?
22:30Why are you jealous of this theater?
22:32Can you start a hot moms club
22:33where AZ moms get to hang out with you and make friends?
22:37Yes, come to the walk.
22:38But don't bring your kids though,
22:39because it's not a good walk for kids.
22:41Yeah, I'm gonna have to plan like a similar,
22:43a separate thing.
22:44AZ moms?
22:45No, it has to be like a good name.
22:47I know.
22:48Like a little mom club would be cool.
22:50Can we name it?
22:51Leave a name.
22:51What attributes of Henya would you like Rio to inherit?
22:55Oh, hey, done.
22:58No, I'm just kidding.
22:59Is your life repetitive or does it change all the time?
23:03Sometimes I feel like I live the same day 80 times.
23:06That's just having like a small child.
23:09Do you get FOMO with events?
23:11So bad.
23:12Yes, the answer is yes.
23:13So bad.
23:14She's the first one in her friend group
23:17that had a kid and she doesn't seem to realize it.
23:20I look at Henya and I'm like,
23:21why is everybody at Carnival right now?
23:22Everybody's in Brazil for Carnival
23:24and we're going to Brazil in the winter?
23:27And just overall, like this friend's doing this,
23:29this friend's doing that.
23:30I'm like, they don't have kids.
23:31What do you want me to do?
23:32FOMO is really unhealthy and it's actually really bad
23:35for you to have FOMO, to have like those thoughts.
23:37I just can't control them.
23:38Most worth it beauty treatments and favorite perfumes?
23:42Ooh, right, my favorite, favorite perfume at the moment
23:44is the Jelena perfume from this brand.
23:48What's this brand?
23:50This brand with the pink bottle is insane.
23:53Gets so many compliments on it.
23:55I'm big into perfume, beauty thing that's worth it.
24:01I've been into this recently.
24:03The Benetint makeup artist, Nat, showed it to me.
24:06She was like, you need to start using it.
24:08I mean, I know people use this.
24:09I just never really got the appeal.
24:10The appeal is you line your lips,
24:12you put a dot of this in the middle,
24:15you smudge it around and this really will keep
24:17your lip liner and your lips on like all night
24:20and even to the point where I wash my makeup off,
24:22wake up in the morning,
24:24and my lips still have a little pink from the Benetint.
24:26How do you get your protein in it?
24:29You have a husband.
24:32I have a husband.
24:32Because then I feel like you eat more like boy stuff.
24:35If you weren't around, I would eat butter noodles all day.
24:37Yeah, I know, that's so gross.
24:38Like literally eat and then like some popcorn.
24:43Yeah, like when you were just out of town,
24:45like I was just snacking on cheese and like.
24:47Yeah, all day?
24:50What's your biggest secret to weight loss?
24:5312, 330, honey.
24:54But that's not a secret.
24:55Everybody knows that I do that.
24:56The secret to losing weight is to find something
24:59that you can easily be consistent with
25:00so you're not doing like big life changes
25:04that are overwhelming that you're either
25:05like 100% in, 100% out.
25:07That's why like I've never dieted
25:09and I don't like things that are like too intense
25:13or too like on or off.
25:15I try to look for things that I enjoy doing anyways
25:18and I can form a little routine
25:19and I can build some momentum.
25:21That's why like 12, 330 is absolutely perfect
25:23because once I start doing it,
25:25I'm like okay, I feel some momentum growing
25:27but it's not something that's so intense
25:29where it's unsustainable and you do it for two weeks
25:31and you're like oh wait, I'm not gonna do this
25:33for the next two weeks and I'm just gonna go do nothing.
25:36How do I get over my fear of flying?
25:38You can't go under it.
25:40You can't go over it.
25:42You have to go through it.
25:44You have to just get on a plane, dude.
25:45Like once they close the doors,
25:46you realize you can't get off the plane.
25:49Like there's nothing you can do to get off the plane
25:50so just like get your body on the flight
25:53and then you're stuck there
25:54and then you have no choice but to go up and down.
25:57A lot of people are asking about the breast reduction update.
26:00How do you feel about it?
26:01How has it changed?
26:02Do you feel like you've lost a part of you?
26:04A bunch of questions.
26:05I feel good about it because I can wear
26:07my tiny little tops with no bras.
26:11I can't believe that you had big ass boobs.
26:15I know, do you miss them?
26:16It doesn't even feel like it's you though.
26:18I'm just so used to this now.
26:20Do you miss them?
26:22I mean you kind of had them when I was pregnant there
26:24for a little, the junga jungs.
26:25No, not like they used to be.
26:29But to me it's like everything else.
26:30I just feel like you always look the same
26:32because I see you every day.
26:33Like in tops like this, I'm like damn,
26:35it really just evaporated.
26:38Yeah, tops like that, yeah.
26:39Like what, am I what?
26:41Where'd it go?
26:42No, but I love it.
26:43I love my breast reduction.
26:44I would do it again.
26:44If it got undid, I would make an appointment
26:46for next week and redo it.
26:48Tight, tight beat.
26:49How's sex life after pregnancy?
26:52It is good.
26:55Girl, you should have seen the things we did this morning.
27:02Who's your favorite influencer?
27:04Right now?
27:05That's a really good question.
27:06Who's yours?
27:07And then that was probably mine.
27:08My least favorite influencer is anyone
27:12whenever I see them like just really filming their kids.
27:17Oh, T.
27:18Like when I'm like, again,
27:19cause I know the.
27:20I know who you're thinking, say it.
27:22I don't have anybody.
27:23But I just know how the cookie crumbles.
27:26You get what I'm saying?
27:29So like as everybody else is like,
27:30aw, cute kid, whatever, and all these comments,
27:34I'm thinking about like,
27:36hmm, was this really authentic?
27:38How many takes did this take?
27:40Like, you know, and then.
27:42So what do you think separates us from those people?
27:45Well, I think.
27:46Or couldn't you make the argument
27:47that like we show him online?
27:49Cause like I battle with that in my head too.
27:51I just think we do it in the most minimal way.
27:53And again, all my judgment comes from knowing
27:57how like the industry works.
28:00That kind of stuff.
28:01Yeah, there's people that are clearly like.
28:03Yeah, like promoting your kid.
28:05You know which ones get me, and I fucking hate.
28:09I don't even have to say the name
28:10cause they'll know who I'm talking about.
28:12But the moms who post their little girls,
28:15like in their little ballet outfits,
28:17like pop leg popped up to here,
28:19like split, like just posting
28:21like the most like inappropriate stuff.
28:24Yeah, me too.
28:25Those are my least favorite too.
28:26How'd you invest so young for home owning?
28:30So how'd you invest so young in buying a home?
28:33Everybody told us not to do it.
28:35Funny enough.
28:36I mean, obviously if I didn't do what I do,
28:38if I didn't make videos,
28:39if I didn't make internet money,
28:41I would not be able to afford a house.
28:42Starting on the internet at 16.
28:45So by the time it was time to buy a house,
28:4816, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
28:50that was a solid six years of internet,
28:56Advice slash regrets for first time home buyers.
29:00I don't even know.
29:00Good luck.
29:01Good luck with these interest rates.
29:04We got lucky.
29:05What do you do that irritates honey and vice versa?
29:08Well, why don't we ask the audience?
29:10What do I do to irritate you?
