El chaleco sastre es la pieza clave que eleva cualquier outfit. Desde un look casual con jeans y tenis, hasta un estilo elegante con blazer y tacones. ¡Esta prenda se adapta a todo! ¿Lista para llevarlo con estilo?
#chalecosastre #ArmaelLook #M10
#chalecosastre #ArmaelLook #M10
00:00The Sastre vests arrived to stay and here you have three ideas to take them to the office.
00:05So that it does not give you a lot of heat, you can combine it with a formal shirt, but if you prefer to use pants, remember to choose fabrics that are fresh for this spring.
00:12And if they let you wear jeans at the office, do not miss the opportunity to combine your vest with some flats because they are in trend and you will be super comfortable.