Moment UN judge who forced woman to work as slave claims ‘immunity’ to policeSource: Thames Valley Police
00:00So unfortunately, I'm gonna have to now arrest you on suspicion of keeping somebody in in slavery and
00:07Servitude under the Modern Slavery Act, so you'd have to say anything
00:10But it may harm your defense if you do not mention my question something which later on in court
00:14Anything you do say may be used as evidence
00:17Sorry, I am a judge in my country. I even have immunity
00:20I am NOT a criminal. You've got immunity in this country. Yes, I have a diplomatic passport
00:28You're a diplomat yes, so we'll need to see that then yes
00:32And then we'll need to speak to the embassy if you are if you are a diplomat
00:36I came here as a student. I don't need to work for me. I didn't come with her
00:41She asked me because she has worked at my home before she asked me