• vorgestern
Die deutsche Doku An Hour from the Middle of Nowhere reist nach Stewart County, einem Landstrich im Südwesten des US-Bundesstaats Georgia. Hier befindet sich das größte Abschiebegefängnis der USA, wo bis zu 2000 Menschen ohne juristischen Beistand auf ihren Prozess warten. Im Umkreis von 200 Kilometern existieren keine Asyl- und Migrationsanwälte – außer Marty Rosenbluth, der allein auf weiter Flur Menschenrechte vertritt, wenn Gerichtsverhandlungen zum Härtetest werden.

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00:00So there's a parable about a little girl who's walking along the beach at low tide and she's
00:15picking up starfish one by one and tossing them back into the ocean and there's this
00:22old man who's watching her very diligently and he says, little girl, you know, why are
00:28you bothering to do that? You can't possibly make a difference. There's thousands of starfish
00:34on the beach. And she said, well, it made a difference to that one.
00:48But I'm doing everything I can to get you out before your next turn.
00:52I can't save everybody and sometimes we lose, but the people who we do manage to save,
00:59the people we do manage to rescue, I mean, that's what it's all about.
01:17Well, if you're gonna release her, I promise not to call back.
01:21You too, ma'am. Have a good day. Bye.
