• yesterday
Plans for a 12-storey hotel alongside a four-floor aparthotel in the heart of Old Trafford have been given the go-ahead despite a councillor’s warnings over the potential for traffic issues, a lack of parking and loss of privacy for nearby residents.

Trafford’s planning committee had twice refused the Novotel bid at 701 Chester Road and their rejection of the scheme had been supported on appeal by a planning inspector.

However, when the developer returned for a third time with plans for a larger footprint of the building between 701 and 709 but ‘less massing’, the entire committee, apart from Coun Simon Thomas, voted in favour of approval.


00:00Councillor Simon Thomas, can you explain your reasons for objecting to the
00:03application for 701 to 709 Stretford Road, effectively a Nova Hotel and a
00:11part hotel? Certainly, I mean the application has come before the committee before, it was
00:19rejected for the reasons I outlined in my speech. We have to take concerns of
00:24residents living locally and nearby to every application and we have to put
00:30forward relevant objections to it, such as the parking using a dual carriageway,
00:36such as the mass of the building overlooking the properties and the
00:40addition of the apart hotel. In line with that, I objected. I proposed it,
00:48unfortunately it wasn't seconded and it got passed on a democratic vote.
00:51However, we are as councillors here to represent the residents and put forward
00:57their objections as well. And it was Holmby Road, wasn't it, that you were alluding to, is that right?
01:01That's correct, yeah, it backs on to the scheme. That's the main reason it was
01:06rejected in previous applications, but on this time, unfortunately from my point of
01:11view, that it has been passed and that's democracy in action. Thank you Simon, cheers.
