• 7 hours ago
50,000 likes for part 2
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Joe Maine

Production Team:
Assistant Creative Director: Luis Conte
Production Assistant: Ben Manning


00:00Today we will mix LEGO and alcohol and show you a better build than Theo after a Christmas dinner.
00:06Some of you may know that two years ago, I lost a best friend in a breakup.
00:09Tanner, too.
00:11Projecting. You're really sad still.
00:12Today I might not have a katto, but I do have some LEGO.
00:16Have you got to the point in your life now where you're like an actor?
00:18Like, have you recited these lines all day?
00:20Did he recite these before?
00:23Was that a catch?
00:25Oh my…
00:25This is our actual studio that we use every day.
00:32You almost caught it.
00:33We're not even drunk.
00:34We're so silly and goofy.
00:37I actually didn't see it.
00:38My hat was blocking.
00:39The hair was in your eyes.
00:41We are going to put this together and every 20 minutes there's going to be a sort of buzzer
00:44that goes off.
00:45We're going to have to do some sort of challenge which will basically decide if we have to
00:49do shots or not.
00:50Oh, okay.
00:51It's like dummy juggler.
00:52And there's also a secret rule in the video which I don't know and none of these two know
00:56and they'll basically just tell us to drink at some point.
00:58We've got to figure it out.
01:00Oh, I like that.
01:06Oh, look, another glass.
01:08I actually don't know how to do Lego.
01:09Should we get a drink first?
01:12Did you ever finger your cat?
01:13Oh, my God.
01:15Should I get some shots for us to start off with?
01:18What do you mean?
01:19Should we have a little shot to start off with, guys?
01:23Oh, you are such a freak.
01:25To Smudge and to Terrence.
01:27Can I add a toast to my other dog, Toffee?
01:30We have to put him down.
01:31Oh, that's a bit sad.
01:32What did he have?
01:33No, he went mental.
01:34He just started biting everyone so we sent him to this dog training bit and then he attacked
01:37the dog trainer.
01:38Well, cheers.
01:41Guys, I don't know where I'm at on this now.
01:43A lot of people have heard a lot about my single life recently but I was wondering what
01:48are your best single stories, guys?
01:51Oh, I've travelled borders to see people.
01:55More than that.
01:56Oh, my God.
01:59During COVID, I wanted to go and see someone.
02:00You could go if you were a journalist.
02:01Just tell me.
02:02Just tell me.
02:03Oh, my God.
02:04Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:05I had a whole packet of saying what I was going to film and everything.
02:10Can we even say this?
02:11I got turned away at the border.
02:12Did you?
02:13I got turned away at the border.
02:14Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:15Oh, that's quite sweet.
02:16I bet she appreciated it, though.
02:17I didn't see her.
02:18Was she like, yeah, sure you did, mate.
02:19Sure you did.
02:20She was like, yeah, you're back in London just getting your willy wet, aren't you?
02:23And I was like, yes, I am.
02:24Hang on a minute.
02:25Whoa, whoa, whoa.
02:26Hang on.
02:27This has transitioned from this to this.
02:28Oh, my God.
02:29How's it done that?
02:30How's that?
02:31Yeah, but obviously you need to make that five times and put it on top of each other.
02:35Is that actually what it...
02:36Speaking of putting on top of each other, Theo, would you like to tell us about your
02:38single stories?
02:40When you traversed borders and a few species.
02:43Time to time.
02:44Jesus Christ.
02:46Well, it's a bit disrespectful, my single stories.
02:48Not really.
02:50Oh, I think that's a buzzer.
02:53Time for the first challenge, guys.
02:54We're going to play a game of who tweeted this.
02:56Oh, okay.
02:57Well, how far back did we go?
02:58That's the question.
02:59I don't fucking know.
03:00The first tweet is, you ever think about how we can almost land on Mars, but it still takes
03:05three years for a printer to turn on?
03:07That's me.
03:08I think that's the kind of cringe thing that you would tweet.
03:10Yeah, so do I.
03:11It has to be Theo, doesn't it?
03:12Okay, ready?
03:14Three, two, one.
03:16Oh, no.
03:17It's definitely me.
03:18I remember the tweet.
03:20What was it?
03:21Chris tweeted that one.
03:23He played it like a fiddle.
03:24I can't help but notice how slim in the face you're looking.
03:27Thank you very much.
03:29Harry's looking very good, isn't he?
03:30It's working.
03:31Now, down that shot, fat boy.
03:33Theo, come on, man.
03:35Have some self-respect.
03:37Wait, I'm confused.
03:39Shut up.
03:40Boys, boys, the more you eat, the more you fart.
03:42You eat little boys?
03:43Who doesn't?
03:44How many pieces of Lego can you stuff in one?
03:46There's nothing better than sitting down with a fresh cup of tea and seeing Chris MD
03:49pop up in the sub box.
03:51That's not me.
03:53That has to be you, Chris.
03:54I would never.
03:55I don't drink tea.
03:56Yeah, no, it would be him.
03:57He'll quote in his new video or something.
03:59All right.
04:00Three, two, one.
04:03Oh, no.
04:04We got you.
04:05We got you.
04:06We got you.
04:07I definitely tweeted that.
04:08I remember that.
04:09I remember thinking, wow, what a great day.
04:10I just got the W2S shout out.
04:11Another agave tequila, please, sir.
04:14Oh, I just feel so alive.
04:19No, this is too much.
04:20This is way too many shots.
04:21What is wrong with you?
04:22Stop getting these tweets wrong.
04:23I'm on level one out of 20 and I've done four shots.
04:28Third tweet is Uruguay.
04:31Dot, dot, dot.
04:32More like you're a loser.
04:36That is absolutely you.
04:38What do you mean that is me?
04:40I would not tweet that.
04:41Yeah, I think that's a Chris MD one.
04:42That is you.
04:43That could be me, actually.
04:44Also, the fact that I pissed myself laughing when it was run out.
04:48All right.
04:50All right.
04:51Three, two, one.
04:52Oh, we got him.
04:53We got him.
04:54I laughed at a Theo Baker tweet and I got a good pantsing.
04:57Whoa, buddy.
04:58Harry, I low key think I might be cooking here.
05:01I think I'm done.
05:02Oh, we good.
05:03Well, that means we can combine then.
05:05So what stage are you at there?
05:07How is it this complicated to make a fucking cat?
05:09He doesn't even have his fucking smudge as well.
05:13He left out the most important part.
05:14He got Sharpie.
05:15Fucking bang.
05:16And we're waiting for Theo's legs.
05:18Are you done?
05:20No, you're not.
05:21There's so many pieces left.
05:22Look at all this shit on the fucking table, man.
05:24I've got more parts than you.
05:25Wait, what are you going to do if I just...
05:27Oh, no.
05:29Doesn't bother me.
05:31Please get it.
05:33It bothers him, though.
05:34Please get it.
05:35All right.
05:36What the fuck is that?
05:37What is that?
05:38That's nothing.
05:39I'm your mum.
05:40So I guess I don't need this anymore, do I?
05:41Number five.
05:42Oh, no.
05:43We need the one you scrunched up.
05:45The one you scrunched up.
05:46We need it.
05:48You can...
05:49One of us...
05:50Oh, no.
05:51Harry, what am I doing here?
05:52You're getting number five and starting that.
05:53Oh, am I?
05:55Do you want me to give you the five?
05:56I like how Harry has already transitioned
05:57into sort of being the dad of the cat.
05:58I want to go home at some point.
06:01Oh, is that done yet?
06:03What's that?
06:04What are the bits that are left?
06:05Just that.
06:06Where do they go?
06:07I don't know.
06:08It doesn't really matter.
06:09That's not good.
06:10Well, it does matter a bit, doesn't it?
06:13I think they're just spare bits.
06:14I think they're spare bits.
06:15There's never spare bits.
06:16Oh, no.
06:17That's a loser's mentality, mate.
06:18They're spare bits.
06:19No, they're not spare bits.
06:20I think they're spare bits.
06:21I genuinely think they're spare bits.
06:22We're whacking it on without it, mate.
06:23Oh, no.
06:24Can you give me six then?
06:25Can you give me number six?
06:26You've got to write it.
06:27Round two challenge is going to be throwing Lego into the cup.
06:33So we all have to throw a piece of Lego into that mug.
06:36First person who does it doesn't have to drink.
06:38This is going to be harder than you think, by the way.
06:39Oh, absolutely.
06:41I'm going to have to put my head on top of a couple of national athletes.
06:46Will that go down as Theo Baker's coldest moments on a YouTube edit?
06:50It's a tricky one, isn't it?
06:54Oh, shit.
07:00Shot buddies!
07:01Shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot.
07:06Hurry up.
07:07By the way, we cannot start a new one until we've all finished these ones now because we're gonna get to a point
07:12We're like the cats out the back fucked. Yes. Yeah
07:17Theo I feel like you're doing a lot of eating compared to look of building the ratio seems a little bit off at the moment
07:22Meanwhile, my driller over here is the game what I actually can't go any further now, but so I have to just sit
07:27That's why I've really got a lot to do here. Oh, look, this is what it clips in like this
07:31Oh guys, there's the buzzer. That means another challenge. We have a game of categories now
07:37Oh, yeah
07:39If the safe things that
07:42Memorable things that one of us has done on a night out. Oh
07:45Whoever messes up does a drink slash shot shot. I will go
07:50Went live on Instagram
07:56Theo got really drunk and just so you just went live on Instagram. Yeah, I was Australian on it as well. I'd I get I Harry
08:03Stood on a table and sang his diss track at my 21st birthday party
08:10Oh, I was on the table as well. Shut up
08:12Whilst the hotel manager was screaming his bald head off for you. He was not a member wasn't happy. It was a mad night
08:19Never have I ever no, no, no, it's things we've done a night out five
08:22Oh for pulled a beautiful lady, but then had my friends better to make sure she's good enough for him
08:29We've came up to this poor girl and went what do you want? What do you want? He literally said, what do you want?
08:41It way where wait, what happens if it's wrong do they have to do a shot? No, that's not true. No one's done that
08:48That's on no one's done. I know
08:50Drink it was on the sun bed. Wasn't it?
08:54Allegedly. Yeah
08:56I've been done on a
08:58Technicality there guys, even if we can't show the story we are approaching halfway through boys. Oh, yes now
09:14Chris could for the love of God, I'm getting there. I'm getting there
09:17You guys are just distracting me of your hilarious story. This is look like that last 10 minutes
09:21What the fuck because you're stressing me out
09:23I've done something wrong and I'm trying to work out what again got it wrong again
09:26Um, I need a wee wee should we do a bubbly right don't lose this start there do that
09:31But don't lose that fear lock in yet lock in
09:45Round four until the next round you each get to make a rule. Oh
09:50No, not a rule. I am now called
09:53Paul you are now called Frank and you are now called Jeffrey
09:59Paul Frank Jeffrey, what's your rule Frank?
10:02My rule is that you cannot say any words that would be deemed offensive in a year for classroom
10:09Wait, say your rule theory. Ah
10:13Every time Paul
10:15Or Jeffrey drinks so much Frank
10:18Do you want this Lego finished or not? It's good boy. He's still on this one though far behind. I need a wee
10:24Yeah, I could do it. Should we do a group wee?
10:29Chris talking stuff in the mirror saver up Chrissy. You've got this you've got this. Come on
10:38You bastard bloody hell, there's so many bags of Lego we've got down here, right?
10:43We need to hurry this up to a seagull Chris. Oh no
10:48We got it, but we got it good no point telling that secret now, isn't it?
10:56I can't lie my drillers. I might be done
11:00What are you doing I
11:03Think this rum and coke needs a bit more coke in it
11:10Frank we're gonna put you on the sidelines for a little bit now while me
11:13Me and Jeffrey finish our ones. All right, the fact that this took you so long is bad news
11:18So we're gonna finish our bits and we're gonna combine them and then we'll move on. Okay, we're doing all right here
11:22It's got a decent bulk of smudge. We're ready to go Chris. Sorry
11:28Frank it's not
11:39Can deal with you being slow at building it that's okay. You stop breaking the object now, I'm gonna lose my head
11:46You better hope it's an easy thing. Honestly, that was a hundred percent accidental. It was really quite poorly constructed together. I will say that
11:54Didn't require any sort of force at all. Give me beers
12:00So did you
12:09Drink what did he just do that made it better rule? Oh, he was a bit cringe complaining. He said something without saying please maybe yeah
12:15Oh, okay
12:17Chris a winner's anymore. Sorry
12:26No, no, no, no
12:32Fuck fuck shit poo. Yeah, smelly bum poo poo Theo fuck
12:35It's very if you're fucking can't run five off the TV recently posted
12:40We got brutally roasted by a professional looks max up where people were assigned scores out of ten based on their attractiveness
12:47Assign these scores to the corresponding youtuber four point five five and six point five
12:53And the youtubers are free Z
12:56Simon and will I know I know I know what's gonna be. I know what's gonna be. It must be
13:00There's only one answer here, right? Yeah, I think there's only one answer
13:04I'm pretty sure cow got five which means oh, no, that's ruined my thing there. I think Simon will be first
13:08No, I thought will was first. I'm pretty sure will was strongest. Is it height involved?
13:13It's done on like like strong facial features. So I feel like will was gonna be first Simon cow Will Simon be in the top
13:20No, no
13:22Will stop will stop. I think we give our own answers. Uh, what will
13:29Simon cow, I will go the same as that. I'll be different. I'll go Simon top cow middle will bottom correct order is
13:37Will six point five
13:39Cow, oh, we're all wrong. Fuck's a idiot
13:43Idiot idiots hold you cow got five. I knew it. I bloody knew it. Should we all just do a shot now?
13:49I think this might send me over the edge. So guys Simon scored the same as Danny Aaron's. Oh my god
13:54I thought Simon would have been like very average looking face, right? Well cows an average cow is not an average face
13:59Well, it is five out of ten
14:03That's not an average face
14:05I feel like maybe like three more drinks and I'm gonna be useless to this whole Chris
14:09I've never known such a fucking pussy in my life. We could do a part two
14:14Anyway, cheers boys to enjoyable time
14:20Right, okay, this is this time to come together. So you just built this right show me to hold on to it for safekeeping
14:28No, right. We've done it. That's looking quite good. I can't lie. Can I stop this restaurant for a cup of that, please?
14:40It could be asking for a drink asking for a drink
14:43We won't tell you immediately after it happens because then it'd be obvious. All right, should we uh, should you fucking lock in boys?
14:54Okay, next challenge round six is a try not to laugh round so you each take it in turns to make each other laugh
15:02That never works. Oh, this is the cringiest thing I've ever had in my life. Yeah
15:06You know what? I would do right? I would just get my fucking like I'd stretch my arse all out
15:10But like like if you don't laugh, that's it's the worst thing ever that you start looking at me
15:15Alright wait, and you're I'll make you love you close your eyes and then the threes won't open your eyes
15:20No, cuz I don't want your penis in my face. Just fucking do it close your eyes and open three two one
15:35Chris and Theo, please. Thank you. I'm not a fucking shot
15:42Break the rule again
15:46What is this rule that I keep breaking I don't know my play was do something cringe cringe myself then it will laugh
15:54Bit of strawberry juice for you. Yeah, let's go to make us laugh
16:13Do actually love a Theo Baker scream lots of iconic moments in my career
16:17Yeah, mainly where you are the boss of the joke though to Carly
16:22I am genuinely stumped by this. Why am I the only one who could just follow simple instructions around here?
16:27You're not even close to being done. How are you chatting right now? You?
16:31Because the craziest thing I've heard all leave. I haven't made a mistake yet. You boys have what was the mistake filming this video?
16:43What's happened to you, what?
16:45When did the turn occur make us laugh right three? Oh, it is me
16:48Oh, you got just tell us about your fucking chat on night out. We'll off
16:52Sorry, okay. There's a there's a family checking into a hotel. So there's a dad. There's a mom and they've got two kids
17:01the dad walks up and he goes I just want to check that the pawns disabled and
17:08The reception looks him and goes it's just it's just regular porn you sick fuck
17:15Chris you have broken the special rule. I
17:18Know what the rule is. So do I cuz I'm broken here? Yeah, I've known the rule
17:22Yeah, you've known the rule this whole time. I feel like I'm actually like I am not an architect
17:26But more of like a builder, you know, I mean like I'm actually building. Yeah, I get that. You've got the sort of
17:32What? Oh
17:35No, oh
17:37Guys, oh we thought we were safe. But here comes the buzzer again and it's time for another challenge
17:44It comes a choo-choo train
17:46So round seven is a round of say it or shot it. Oh, that's fun
17:50I love that me and you Harry need to think of a question
17:54We could ask Leo and then he has to truth it or shot it
17:57Can I get him to get a rank the podcast? He's on doesn't what how much potential you think they have for commercial success?
18:03Pitch side top waffling and then backside
18:09Okay, part two
18:12My turn now, it should have been part of that. What's your favorite? I'm calling. Which one do you wake up being a fuck?
18:16I'm gonna go. Yeah
18:20We're going for Harry now, what's something Harry would be uncomfortable out have you ever
18:27What's his body count no, no, oh we could ask that what's your body count
18:3310 my fucking G
18:43When was the last time you legitimately
18:47missed Shannon
18:49Before we answer that my things fucked that's me. Oh, he's done a shot. He's done this
18:55Wow, that means it was recently
18:59Take a drink, please
19:03Right, we've got a massive issue on our hands here. Do you boys notice how I'm following instructions and everything's going, right?
19:09That cannot be right. I couldn't have made a mistake. It must be Legos fault. No, we've had a hole up
19:14How I've built this and it works so it can't be wrong
19:19But it is wrong
19:21Okay, God, I think we build this it should be fine. Even if smudges a little lopsided. That's that's fine
19:26Should we play more say or show it? Yeah, it's ready. Have you ever put anything sexually up your bum? Yes
19:33Yes, and you shot it yeah good point, what is it? What did you pop there?
19:42Well, I actually don't want to say I've already done my shots
19:51Off camera was it carrot? Oh, I'm not you know
19:56I know babes
19:58Don't work on where this goes
20:01I'd say where it goes right up the bum
20:09Right see who's built this wrong, but I know I haven't right explain to me explain to me how this becomes this, please
20:16You see how that edge is touching that edge. It's not though
20:20Okay, how does yours at any point become that it can't? Oh
20:26No, not on the leg. Oh Theo stop. I didn't I didn't make a mistake. I promise. There we go
20:30See told you didn't make my face wall off. And now it's it's over to me is for me. I
20:36Don't trust Chris doing this
20:39Round eight is a question round. The question is who out of the three of you has posted the most main channel YouTube videos. I
20:49Think you're the least I
20:50Think you're the least I believe stuff like four times a week. It's gotta be you isn't it?
20:54But it's gotta be it's incredibly close by there. Yeah
20:59It might be you when did you start though 10 years ago? I don't think it's you
21:03I just don't I haven't maybe I've come to see them. I think I'll be number one. You're number one
21:08I think I'm number one. I think I'm the one don't cuz you the first time I would go with
21:13Harry W to s second I will go with
21:17Theo Baker third, I will go with Chris MD. I've gone with me first
21:22Chris second Theo last I've gone for Harry first
21:28me second Chris last so with
21:31516 main channel videos in third place is Chris. Okay first has
21:39675 videos
21:43But second has 653
21:47I'm second. He's lost. Oh, he's lost. Okay, so it's you than me. Yeah, I'm I have no idea. Yeah second is Harry. Yeah
21:59Idiot idiot idiot are we finishing this cat? Yeah, I think we are. Yeah, I think you broke the rule again
22:06It wasn't even then it was like a minute before but
22:09Yeah, Harry doesn't actually know the rule brilliant when I pretend I need the rule they they agreed under the rules
22:15So, what did I say? Oh should we play umbrella? Oh
22:18Yes, we could actually couldn't we Theo have you played umbrella before the rule game? Yes. Yes
22:23I have is it though. I went to a party and so-and-so came in. Oh, oh, he hasn't played
22:32Okay, you start you start Chris you start let's go with
22:37current Premier League
22:38So I will say if they're a good Premier League footballer or the or either they are a bad Premier League footballer
22:45William Saliba good Premier League footballer Gabrielle good Premier League footballer
22:50Unfortunately, he's not Cole Palmer really bad make a lien Mbappé
22:55A good Premier League footballer. No, he's not. I was a bit of a honky one
22:59and I
23:02Have a t-shirt
23:04Maze absolute honker soccer. I see you guys. Come on. What are we doing here? But Kyra soccer is good Premier League footballer
23:11No, he's not
23:13Enzo Fernandez
23:16Good Premier League footballer. You have no idea why I'm thinking it's like over worth over a certain amount kukurella
23:24Sorry, man, I hate it when I turn on a roll. I'm good with double Louise. It's bad. I'm late. I'm sorry. Fabergast. No
23:32cereal Rick
23:34Good Premier League footballer think how loud it will help you. Yes
23:39Great Premier League football. Yeah, they're all Solomon clue
23:44You said look at him fuck the end solo solo Solomon Solomon clue
23:55Solomon clue
24:01I guess you'll never know you'll never know or I always knew
24:22Not even halfway that is done by the way, so we need to move on to the next. What does it go though?
24:27I'm not sure
24:29Right, we are we're three quarters of the way through here lads. Well more like two birds
24:34Look we're getting there. I need a weed. We'll force and on party. How do you do better?
24:38That's part one. We'll say Chris will get naked in part two Chris. We got bad news to you, mate
24:42Yeah, Chris, we're gonna have to be part two. Yeah. No, no, we'll just lock into me. Okay, hear me out
24:46We're not doing a part two. We can't finish the video with smudge left like this. Look at the poor lad
24:51Where's bag number 14?
24:57Breaking the rule is breaking the fourth wall
25:00The bald man has done a funny you must smash the cat to end the video. No, no, I don't want to smash the cat
25:07No, I don't want you to smash the note if part one of the a million views in a month and a half
25:12It will get more views if we finish the cat
25:14Would get the payoff at the end of the video and then continue watching for longer. Yes, they would
25:19That's not true. Of course. That's true. What's your saying of a video where we finish the cat like this doesn't
25:24What's that what's that what's that fix then how are we gonna party now? Oh my god, you bought
25:33We'll come back for this one pixel cat. No, no part two. We start with scratch
25:38No, you think oh, I'm a millionaire. I bought a private jet. I can do whatever I want. How about this?
25:42I'm gonna sit here now. I'm gonna sit here and do this cat until 4 a.m. How about that then?
25:47How about that then mate? Yeah in in two weeks time when you're sat thinking. Yeah, I've got everything
25:53You don't really do you because you got a bit in the back of your mind thinking Chris MD's put this cat back together
25:58I don't had no input in it. I
26:04Wanted to color in his smudge, okay. Okay. Sue me. I wanted a cat rebuilt. Why did I know you had to cry?
26:11I'm gonna stay and fix the cat, but then we'll do part two next year
26:15Okay, I could I could strike a I could strike a deal
26:18Why wouldn't you strike the deal before he broke the car?
26:20Can we at least put him together before we end the video?
26:23Let me go for a win over there. Yeah. No, you're gonna escape out the window. Oh, it's actually gone everywhere
26:28Isn't it? How do we even go about putting him back together now?
26:33Difficult, I think this might be a we start it next time
26:39You don't know him like I did then surely there's just no way that you can put this back together at this point
26:45Genuinely think there is though us building the cat part two
26:48It's gonna bang. There's no part two guys. If this gets 50,000 likes, we'll do a part two part two. We will do it
26:55Thanks for watching guys. We will be making this cat once again and
27:01Finding out if we can put this together without a breakdown. Thank you for watching
27:05You know how you said you were gonna build the cat when we go, you know clean up as well when we go
27:14We have great fun what a brilliant channel
