• 14 hours ago
During Wednesday’s House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) discussed President Trump's rhetoric about Social Security and his claims that 300-year-old people are receiving checks.

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00:00I just want to point out that, you know, the righteous indignation that we heard from some
00:06of my colleagues on the Republican side of the dais just amazes me.
00:11You know, this idea that nothing was done in the dark in all of this.
00:16For crying out loud, you all heard the guy say that people 300 years old are collecting
00:22Social Security.
00:24That statement is made by someone who's absolutely full of prunes.
00:29The one gentleman who was referring to all this waste, fraud, and abuse is the chair
00:35of the Budget Committee.
00:37If there's all this waste, fraud, and abuse, why haven't you guys ferreted that out and
00:42brought it forward?
00:43You've been in charge for the last three years.
00:47I'm up pretty high on this dais, so I've been around a while.
00:50Seventy-four percent of the time that I've been in Congress, I've been in the minority.
00:55So are you saying that because there's all this waste, fraud, and abuse, you guys have
00:59been asleep at the switch?
01:02And I'll guarantee you, none of my constituents and none of your constituents voted the way
01:09they voted to end Medicare, Medicaid, to privatize Social Security, to fire thousands of veterans
01:17from the good jobs and the good work that they're doing.
01:21That is just absurd to think that that's the case.
01:25If there is waste, fraud, and abuse, we should be working together to find it.
01:30The inspectors general most certainly should not have been fired.
01:34They're the ones on the point of the spear who are charged with doing that.
01:40This empty witness seat in front of us speaks volumes towards the insincerity that we're
01:49seeing today.
01:50I yield back.
01:51The gentleman yields back and now recognizes Ms. Moore for five minutes.
