• 17 hours ago
So... Princess Leia is British now?


00:00In the case of some of these particularly puzzling small and big screen occurrences,
00:05some dedicated fans obviously have their theories as to what the real answers to the questions
00:09sent the following scene's way actually are.
00:12But that still doesn't change the fact that each of these rather odd Star Wars moments
00:16inspired more confusion than space-age joy when all was said and done.
00:20Gareth here from What Culture Star Wars and here are the 10 most confusing scenes in Star
00:25Wars history.
00:2610. Why did Padme possess a magic button? Episode 2, Attack of the Clones
00:32Even with this being the same galaxy that boasts eternally cool lightsabers, healing
00:36bacta tanks and cybernetic limbs, some still struggle to understand how Padme Amidala managed
00:41to come into possession of a magic all-in-one button during the events of Attack of the
00:46With Obi-Wan Kenobi asking Padawan Anakin Skywalker and Padme to patch him through to
00:51the Jedi Council whilst the pair aboard a Naboo Yacht, Amidala does so by pressing a
00:55specific button on the ship's control panel.
00:58But then, moments later, Padme presses the exact same button to perform an entirely different
01:03command, that being to bring up a map of the galaxy highlighting how far away Geonosis
01:09Is this the most convenient ship ever created, or perhaps Lucas simply hoped fans wouldn't
01:13notice that Natalie Portman tapped the exact same key for two different shots?
01:189. How could Han Solo not believe in the Force? Episode 4, A New Hope
01:23This particular fantasy galaxy is a rather massive place, don't you know? So it made
01:27sense that there would be some corners of this sprawling universe that may not have
01:30actually come into contact with the Force or the Jedi for that matter.
01:34But even with that possibly being the case, Han Solo not believing in the Jedi by the
01:38time of A New Hope still seems a little odd upon a rewatch.
01:42With Solo being around 9 years old at the time of Order 66 being put into motion, there's
01:47a pretty solid chance he would have been made aware of the Jedi's part in the Clone Wars.
01:51But with his homeworld of Corellia very much finding itself in the middle of the galaxy
01:55changing action, and even if he didn't come into physical contact with the Jedi, there's
01:59a strong possibility he would have at least stumbled upon the odd Inquisitor or Force
02:04user during his time smuggling across the galaxy.
02:07Perhaps Solo was just being his typically defiant self in the face of a space wizard,
02:11or maybe he had actually only ever heard of Force users and simply chose to only believe
02:16what he saw with his own two eyes.
02:18He does seem like that kind of bloke, though the latter still feels like a bit of a stretch
02:21given how much of a presence the Force still ultimately had in the galaxy in the years
02:25post-Order 66.
02:28Why did Princess Leia suddenly become British?
02:31Episode 4, A New Hope
02:33Carrie Fisher's Princess Leia Organa had little problem going toe-to-toe with the galaxy's
02:38biggest bads out of the gates.
02:39Yet it's during one of those early appearances opposite the likes of Grand Moff Tarkin and
02:44Darth Vader that a rather bizarre occurrence comes to light, and then quickly vanishes.
02:49I'm talking about the brief exchange between Leia and Peter Cushing's Tarkin that sees
02:53Fisher suddenly revert to an RP British accent for a few lines in A New Hope.
02:58However, the second Leia finds her home planet of Alderaan being threatened, Fisher reverts
03:02back to an American twang and maintains said way of speaking for the rest of her time in
03:07the series.
03:08What gives?
03:09Well, it has been claimed in an attempted retcon of sorts that this was merely Leia's
03:13way of mocking the Grand Moff in canon.
03:15But in reality, Fisher's odd British switch was more a combination of the star struggling
03:20to deliver these particular lines in an American accent, being advised to add more emotion
03:24to the moment by George Lucas, learning her acting trade in London, and being a little
03:29bit intimidated by the mighty British thespian Cushing.
03:32Those revelations don't stop the whole sudden vocal switch still feeling a little bizarre,
03:38So we can just light-speed skip now?
03:40Episode 9, The Rise of Skywalker
03:43There's nothing quite like the sight of witnessing a spaceship make the epic jump
03:47into light-speed air.
03:48But it's shown on more than a few occasions throughout the Skywalker saga in particular
03:52that executing this highly intricate act isn't as simple as yanking forward a lever and bashing
03:57a few buttons real quick.
03:59Only contrary to what Han Solo declared to Luke Skywalker during A New Hope, claiming
04:03without precise calculations we could fly right through a star, it actually is just
04:08that easy for some.
04:09Go figure.
04:10What will likely wind up being a deliver a mind-boggling visual first and think-about-the-logic
04:14later development, when crafting The Rise of Skywalker, Poe Dameron helps the gang escape
04:18incoming TIE fighter peril by light-speed skipping across the galaxy.
04:22And regardless of Solo's surprisingly sensible warnings against trying to rush the process,
04:27the crew bafflingly proceed to suddenly blast off into hyperspace at the pull of a switch
04:32and tap of the odd button.
04:33Making matters even more confusing, the team then wind up rocking up on numerous different
04:37planets upon bursting out of hyperspace, despite this never actually being a thing
04:41at any other point in the saga.
04:45How did Poe survive that crash?
04:47Episode 7, The Force Awakens
04:49Pretty early into The Force Awakens, it actually looked like fans had been robbed of a multi-film
04:53showing from the always compelling Oscar Isaac early on, with Poe Dameron being assumed dead
04:58in the wake of crash landing on Jakku with Finn in the first act.
05:02It's well known how the original plan was to actually kiss goodbye to Poe after that
05:05dramatic escape from the First Order's clutches, which probably explains why the nature of
05:10his eventual survival was quickly skipped over in the film itself.
05:13And for a while, fans were merely left to speculate precisely how Poe was somehow able
05:18to survive being thrown from a crash and find his way back to the Resistance, but then Alan
05:22Dean Foster's eventual novelization of the flick shed a bit more light on this slightly
05:27unclear turn of events.
05:29Upon waking up from being launched far away from the crash, Dameron actually encountered
05:33a scavenger who helped him reconnect with his allies.
05:36Simple as that, really.
05:37But for those who haven't found the time to pick up Foster's book, Poe's convenient
05:41re-emergence definitely came across as a little suspicious partway through Episode 7.
05:47What can Force Ghosts do, and do not, again?
05:50Episode 9, The Rise of Skywalker
05:52By the time of the sequel trilogy, the sight of a Force ghost-slash-spirit eventually rocking
05:57up to offer some sage advice to a struggling protagonist was almost inevitable.
06:02But the visual of Master Yoda and Luke Skywalker performing everything from stick wax to the
06:06noggin to lifting entire X-Wings after death definitely left more than a few fans with
06:11a rather puzzled expression on their mugs over the course of Episode 8 and 9.
06:16Now some could easily point to the fact that a Force spirit Obi-Wan physically interacted
06:20with the living world on Dagobah back in the original trilogy, but there's definitely
06:24a rather significant difference between taking a breather on some wood and using the Force
06:28to perform mind-blowing acts upon biting the dust.
06:32Perhaps the all-powerful duo were simply able to execute these frankly insane acts
06:36due to the fact that Ak-To was particularly strong with the Force, similarly to Dagobah.
06:41But that's still not exactly clearly explained on the big screen during the two Masters'
06:45Force charge returns.
06:48Droids can't feel pain?
06:50Episode 6, Return of the Jedi
06:51It's pretty tough to even feel a little bit of sympathy for the waves of generic battle
06:56droids routinely found being slaughtered by the Jedi and clones throughout the devastating
07:01Clone Wars.
07:02It's not as though the annoying collection of circuits suffer any feeling of real pain
07:05upon being blasted to smithereens, or do they?
07:08Admittedly, the likes of said battle droids and C-3PO routinely letting loose cries of
07:12fear does suggest that many of these bots across the galaxy had been programmed to replicate
07:17living beings' emotions.
07:19But even if that is the case, that doesn't necessarily mean the bots would have any concept
07:23of actual pain.
07:25What a bit of use in that.
07:26And that's what makes a sequence during Return of the Jedi's opening moments so
07:29strange to behold, with Jabba's palace containing a droid torture chamber that sees a gonk
07:35bot getting its feet horrifically scorched to the sound of screams.
07:39So this was excruciating for that droid, but an arm-and-legless 3PO was absolutely fine
07:44in the immediate aftermath of being blown to bits by stormtroopers one film earlier?
07:49Seems a bit weird.
07:51Why didn't they scan the ship?
07:52Episode 4, A New Hope
07:54With C-3PO and R2-D2 looking to make a sneaky escape from the action during the film's
07:59opening stages, the Imperial forces soon scan their escape pod and come to the conclusion
08:04that there are no lifeforms on board.
08:06How rude.
08:07Why didn't the Empire use this exact same piece of kit during the moment the protagonist
08:12landed inside of the Death Star later in that very film?
08:15Instead of putting this pretty effective piece of tech to work once again, the decision is
08:19made to simply send in a human scanning crew after reading the Millennium Falcon's log
08:24and deducing that the ship must have been abandoned.
08:27Admittedly, the heroes hiding in Han Solo's secret compartments could have possibly helped
08:31them literally stay under the radar, but even Solo himself notes how he uses them for smuggling
08:36and not for hiding himself, so there's no guarantee lifeforms wouldn't be picked up
08:40on scanners even in those secret spots.
08:43All in all, someone clearly figured it'd be a somewhat anticlimactic end to the flick
08:46if the team were also quickly captured and dumped into a cell to rot with later.
08:52Why didn't Obi-Wan go around the laser gate?
08:54Obi-Wan Kenobi
08:56Even with Obi-Wan Kenobi being out of the action-packed adventure game for quite some
09:00time heading into the events of his own titular Disney Plus series, that still doesn't excuse
09:05his complete lack of awareness when faced with a somewhat simple obstacle on Mapuzo.
09:10After managing to stave off the danger brought on by a group of stormtroopers with a little
09:14help from an uncivilised blaster, the one-time master of Anakin Skywalker looked to make
09:19his escape alongside his former padawan's daughter Leia.
09:22But oh no!
09:23A laser gate stands between our heroes and freedom!
09:26If only there was a pretty obvious gap on each side of the laser fence for these two
09:30quick-thinking protagonists to take advantage of in the moment.
09:33Oh wait, there was, there was, yeah.
09:36Had the two heroes opted to hop inside of the transport and continue their journey,
09:40then this would have made a bit more sense.
09:42But the fact they resumed the mission on foot paved the way for one of the most confusing
09:45pieces of decision-making ever unleashed into this galaxy far, far away.
09:51How does Din Djarin not know who Bo-Katan is, the Mandalorian?
09:55It's not all that hard to understand why even some of the most well-known faces from
09:59across the galaxy never actually came into contact with one another.
10:03Again, it's rather big.
10:04However, one eventual first interaction that still didn't quite add up came in the form
10:08of the moment Din Djarin finally came face-to-face with the almost mythical Bo-Katan of Clan
10:13Kryze during Season 2 of The Mandalorian.
10:16Mando quickly pushes back against these apparent strangers, asking them where they got their
10:20armour upon Kryze's night owls taking off their helmets.
10:25He even goes as far as to claim that Kryze is not Mandalorian, before Bo-Katan explains
10:29exactly who she is.
10:30You know, the person who once ruled Mandalore in the lead-up to the Great Purge.
10:34But Djarin was no doubt aware of the Night of a Thousand Tears that saw the Mandalorian's
10:38homeworld be massacred.
10:39So did the cloistered Children of the Watch and the tribe just choose to leave the Bo-Katan
10:43part out of the story?
10:44And even if that was the case, cults are a bit weird to be honest.
10:47The fact Mando acts as a bounty hunter would have probably led to him at least hearing
10:51about other Mandalorians and or Bo-Katan's attempts to fight off the Empire during his
10:55travels, right?
10:56In all honesty, this tense initial meet was likely brought about as a way of simply letting
11:00the audience know a little more about the backgrounds of all on screen, with Djarin
11:04being revealed as a Child of the Watch and Bo-Katan getting the chance to read off her
11:08resume on the live-action stage for the very first time.
11:11Yet even with that in mind, it still ended up throwing up a few more questions than answers
11:15in the end.
11:16And that's our list over the other confusing scenes in Star Wars.
11:20Let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and do not forget
11:23to like, share and click on that subscribe button while you're at it.
11:26Also if you like this kind of thing then please head on over to WhatCulture.com and find some
11:30more incredible articles just like the one this video you're watching right now is
11:33based on and I'd know because this Padawan wrote it.
11:36I've been Gareth from WhatCulture Star Wars, may the Force be with you as always, thanks
11:40for clicking on this video today and hopefully I'll see your faces very, very soon.
11:45Bye bye!
