• 21 hours ago
Dear Traveler,
This special program will feature juicy details about new game content and developments in Version 5.5. It will also "drop" some redemption codes and other goodies!
Special thanks to Traveler for your support and company. We will bring you more updates and information as they become available~
Traveler, we'll see you there!
(The redemption codes from this special program will expire on March 17, 00:00 (UTC-4), so be quick and redeem them~)
*After using the redemption codes, the rewards will be sent to your in-game mailbox. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim your rewards in time.

*There will be a special standby animation before the Special Program begins. Traveler, stop by early to watch it!

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00:00Next time we'll be looking at a new feature.
00:04Until then, enjoy the rest of the show.
00:06And with that, I'll see you next time.
00:09Happy gaming.
00:11Bye bye.
00:12Bye bye.
03:59Phew, I made it. I'm not late, am I?
04:15Nope, it's just about to start. Oh, and speaking of…
04:20Hello everyone! Welcome to the Genshin Impact Version 5.5 Special Program.
04:27My name is Naomi MacDonald and I voice Yumemizuki Mizuki.
04:32As for my co-host, if you've checked out the bulletin board at the Weary Inn,
04:36you might have heard of a warrior from the Collective of Plenty
04:40who once ate 80 people's worth of food all by herself.
04:45I wonder who it could be?
04:47That would be my character.
04:49Hello everyone, my name is Jane Jackson and I'm the voice of Varesa.
04:53Exciting! We get to host the Special Program together.
04:58Although I was kind of surprised when I got the invite, I have to be honest.
05:01I mean, Mizuki's Natland Bathhouse isn't opening in Version 5.5.
05:06Well, actually, the theme of today's program is a travel guide
05:10and Mizuki is an experienced traveler, right? So I think it's a good match.
05:15Yeah, no, I guess you're actually right.
05:17So, to kick things off, does everyone remember how Eonsan
05:21invited the Traveler to check out her tribe, the Collective of Plenty?
05:24Well, in Version 5.5, Travelers will get to do just that.
05:28Awesome. The character you voice is from there, right?
05:32Doesn't that mean you have some inside scoop to share?
05:35Oh, it would be my pleasure. Hmm, let's see.
05:38Oh, let's start with the version trailer.
05:51The Collective of Plenty
06:21We made it! Welcome to the Collective of Plenty!
06:31What up, my dudes? The name's Aoife, a vet from the Flower Feather Clan.
06:37Nothing gets the blood pumping like a contest to see which tribe's the strongest, huh?
06:44Time for a real showdown!
06:50For first!
06:54Start the clock!
07:04Anyway, I'm sorry, but I gotta get some food in me.
07:12Get ready to feast!
07:19More, please!
07:25Catch me if you can! If you can figure out which way to go, of course!
07:30Let's do this!
07:36Evil jack of a mushroom!
07:39Let me show you instead. Here goes nothing!
07:44Look out below!
07:51Hero incoming!
07:53Ultimate Flying Kick!
08:01You're not getting away!
08:13Oh no, not good! The volcano is acting up again!
08:30Let's do this!
08:39No, not good!
08:42You're not getting away!
08:44You're not getting away!
08:52Let's do this!
08:54You're not getting away!
08:56You're not getting away!
09:00I'm grateful humans is there really some kind of evil power inside the sacred
09:23flame crystals I gotta think this through what should I do it would be
09:29great if we could get to the bottom of this but not every historical mystery
09:34can be unraveled
10:50this version looks so fun that seems to be the vibe of the collective of plenty
10:56in general so true the collective of plenty is the travelers final stop in
11:01their tribal tour of Natlan the tribe is located near the Great Volcano of Tolan
11:05which has been looming in the distance since version 5.0 the people of Natlan
11:10view the volcano as a sacred mountain Oh sacred mountain that sounds a bit cool
11:16yeah so for travelers who have played through the cinder city world quest the
11:20name might sound familiar it's the place we were told to take our
11:24companion so if you're planning to explore the volcano head to the tribe
11:28first and keep going from there whoa that platform looks like it has
11:32bullhorns kind of like Varesa must be one of the main attractions of the
11:38tribe huh did that volcano just erupt yeah the volcano is dormant most of the
11:45time but if the ground starts to shake it could be a sign that an eruption is
11:49imminent but if that happens you can just find somewhere safe and watch the
11:54volcanic rain it's actually really beautiful oh and you'll probably
11:59encounter falling rocks too but the tribe Saurians can help out with that oh
12:03nice like the other tribes the collective of plenty is home to a unique
12:07kind of Saurian that's Tonkasaur the little ones may look cute and innocent
12:12but don't be fooled adult to Tonkasaurs are powerful creatures they can smash
12:17rocks and other objects by sprinting at them striking something with their horns
12:21triggers their fighting spirit enabling them to perform a second sprint which is
12:25faster more powerful and allows them to briefly dash across water or liquid
12:30phlogiston to Tonkasaurs are gentle creatures at heart but when they get
12:34serious their brute strength is nothing to scoff at take advantage of the
12:39indwelling mechanic during exploration and no obstacle will be able to stand in
12:43your way sweet oh I should also mention Varesa has a
12:48Tonkasaur companion of her own her name is Vanana oh she even has a little bow
12:54on her leg what's she doing oh it looks like she's keeping watch over the
13:00orchard for Varesa and speaking of the orchard let's look at some of Varesa's
13:04food favorites okay Varesa's family owns the orchard so it looks like their fresh
13:09fruit made the top of the list being so close to the volcano makes the collective
13:14of plenty a great farming area so the fruit is even more delicious oh what
13:20about that what's the epic feast showdown it's
13:23actually a speed eating contest featuring a ton of delicious food the
13:27servings are that big how do people even finish something like that uh come
13:33hungry I guess Varesa will introduce the traveler to another one of her favorites
13:39during her tribal chronicle a fruit flavored mushroom and we're sure it's
13:44not poisonous um well just think of it as a regional delicacy it's supposed to
13:50taste really good but there's actually a legend about these mushrooms in the
13:54collective of plenty a legend yeah most of the mushrooms are red but according
13:59to the legend if you see a green one it must be picked and eaten right away wait
14:04what happened to the regular mushroom isn't that a fungus okay so this might
14:09sound weird but looks like that's all we can divulge for now but don't worry all
14:14will be revealed in Varesa's tribal chronicle whether you want to participate
14:18in the epic feast showdown unravel the mystery of the green mushrooms or learn
14:22more about Varesa herself be sure to check it out plus you don't have to
14:27progress through the whole Natland story to start her chronicle and if completed
14:31within a certain time frame travelers can earn primo gems and level up
14:35materials for Varesa during the abyss invasion Varesa was busy defending her
14:41tribe right the situation was so dangerous back then I hope she didn't
14:45get hurt well Varesa may seem to move at her own pace but don't be fooled she's a
14:52fierce warrior of her tribe as long as she can get herself in the zone oh you
14:56mean by eating 80 no a hundred servings no okay that is one way but she also has
15:04a different method so Varesa grew up reading stories about Natland's heroes
15:08and she always dreamed of following in their footsteps so she made herself a
15:12mask modeled after the one her idol Fiatena wore whenever she wears the mask
15:17it's like she can channel the hero she always wanted to be oh that's so sweet
15:22all right let's take a look at her combat abilities
15:52oh my god the heart effect she even falls down that's so adorable without
16:10the mask Varesa's movements can be a bit uncoordinated awkward and clumsy but
16:15once she has the mask on her demeanor does a complete 180 oh yeah this girl's
16:21got wrestling skills definitely but the core of her kit is actually her plunging
16:26attack oh really yeah kind of different right
16:29Varesa uses the momentum of her charged attack to leap into the air and then
16:33plunge toward her enemies after unleashing her elemental skill tapping
16:37her normal attack will allow her to quickly perform a charged attack and
16:41then attack with greater speed Wow she seems a lot more life and her moves seem
16:46more forceful forceful is right Varesa gains night soul points by hitting
16:51enemies with her plunging attack when her night soul points reach maximum
16:55level through this method Varesa can enter a special state and consume night
16:59soul points to unleash an even stronger plunging attack so this must be the hero
17:03state you mentioned before when she wears the mask and channels her idol Wow
17:08yeah her moves definitely look so much more confident now that's for sure the
17:14combination of her elemental skill charged attack and plunging attack is
17:17where her kit really shines plus when in this state for a brief period of time
17:22after performing a plunging attack Varesa can unleash a special elemental
17:26burst oh I get it so the on-screen indicator around her signals when you
17:31can unleash it yep and during her normal elemental burst Varesa dons her mask
17:36enters her special combat state and unleashes a powerful flying kick against
17:40her enemies whoo that's a strong kick of course adventuring isn't all about
17:46combat like the Saurians of her tribe Varesa is good at sprinting jumping and
17:51smashing through obstacles in her way yeah I was gonna say that leg spinning
17:55animation when she sprints is just so cute yeah plus if she encounters an
18:01obstacle on the road she can just leap right over it yeah she jumps pretty high
18:06Varesa's a great fighter when she needs to be but she doesn't do too well in a
18:12competition setting she's afraid of hurting other people ah okay so she's
18:17all raw power and no control huh I bet Yansan could help with that
18:21Varesa's one of her students right yes and Yansan's ancient name means power so
18:26if anyone can teach Varesa about wielding immense strength it's her mm-hmm
18:30oh speaking of Yansan it seems like our travel guide has some information about
18:35her yes these are some of Yansan's tips for a successful visit to the
18:41collective of plenty so let's take a look at some of the recommended
18:45activities around her tribe the collective of plenty is all about brute
18:49strength so wrestling matches are a popular activity especially between
18:53people and Saurians if you're interested head to the wrestling arena to check it
18:58out whoa that looks like a close match travelers might also spot matador
19:03monitors around the outskirts of the tribe I get the name now they definitely
19:08look like bullfighters or I guess Saurian fighters in this case anyway
19:14these little guys are pranksters that like to taunt the Tatanka swords with
19:18their banners in true collective of plenty fashion the best way to get rid
19:23of them is by charging straight at them of course we can't forget about the most
19:28popular pastime in the tribe exercise and since Yansan is a professional
19:33trainer a lot of people come to her for nutrition plans training plans and
19:38strength training exercises I mean she can do it all yeah but it's quite the
19:43contrast seeing her train people who are so much bigger than her but once you
19:48learn about her personality I feel like you don't even notice her height anymore
19:52she just definitely seems dependable and supportive definitely so let's take a
19:57look at how all that training plays out in combat
20:03hmm you haven't quite hit your reps for today come on one more set control
20:17start the clock
20:28as you can see Yansan is an electro polearm user polearm but isn't that a
20:34barbell hey a barbell can be an effective weapon but only in the hands
20:40of an experienced in-game professional of course so don't try this at home
20:44travelers yeah I think I'm gonna leave the barbell fighting to Yansan with her
20:48elemental skill Yansan gains night soul points and dashes forward a certain
20:53distance quick with her elemental burst Yansan unleashes a powerful ground
20:58pound and summons her a limited edition kinetic energy scale for workouts to the
21:03field wait what does that do the energy scale follows the active character and
21:07boost their attack based on Yansan's own attack and amount of night soul
21:11points the more night soul points she has the higher the boost ah okay so it's
21:17better for Yansan's night soul points to remain high yes exactly and that's where
21:22the energy scales other function comes in the energy scale locks the distance
21:27the active character has moved excluding Yansan herself the more Yansan's party
21:32members move the more night soul points she gains which means her attack buff is
21:36higher Wow okay so it all comes down to the amount of exercise very fitting for
21:42a trainer so Yansan probably works best with characters who use movement
21:47abilities in combat and that's true although because of that her buff isn't
21:51restricted to a specific AoE so moving around is kind of the point I'm sure
21:57travelers will figure out all sorts of cool team comps that's so nice also when
22:02a nearby party member triggers a night soul burst Yansan obtains the warming up
22:06effect through one of her talents allowing her to continuously restore HP
22:11to your current active character for a period of time oh I like that cuz
22:15recovery is definitely important in training to Yansan's training comes in
22:19handy for exploration as well in the night souls blessing state Yansan's
22:24movement speed is enhanced and holding the sprint button allows her to enter
22:29the even faster at rush state Wow that's lightning fast looks like Yansan's got
22:35some serious athletic ability I really like how all her skills suit her
22:40profession yeah I feel like her training philosophy really shines through it
22:44takes constant dedicated practice to truly harness your power and that's
22:48definitely what makes Yansan so effective against her enemies yeah oh
22:52speaking of enemies I see a danger notice here right well travelers need to
23:00defeat this creature to get Varesa's ascension materials it uses scalding
23:04lava and rocks to attack its foes so make sure you're prepared travelers this
23:09monster kind of reminds me of the lava enemies we faced before the ones afraid
23:13of pyro attacks oh you're right it's like an extreme version of those enemies
23:18and it works in a similar way hit it with enough pyro attacks and it will
23:23change form giving you an opportunity to strike now is also the perfect time to
23:29talk about an improvement to the boss tracking system starting in version 5.5
23:34clicking on a boss icon on the map will allow you to more quickly navigate to
23:38its location oh nice that should make farming a lot easier all right I'd say
23:43it's about time for our first break oh wait we forgot something important oh of
23:48course the event wishes in the first half of version 5.5 we'll have event
23:54wishes from Varesa and Xianyun Yansan will also enjoy a drop rate boost
23:59plus a new five star catalyst vivid notions will be featured on the weapon
24:04banner and in the second half of version 5.5 we'll have returning event wishes for
24:09Shilonan and Venti all right now we can actually take our first break see you
24:44I think if you run fast enough, you can fly smoothly. If you run fast enough, you can float on water. If you run fast enough, you can open a tunnel, change the terrain, and so on.
24:58So what's interesting about the people of Varesa in their daily lives?
25:02Oh, I remember there's a well-known flavor drink that's made from the fruit produced by Varesa and the pyro attacks.
25:10The impact of this drink is the key.
25:13After all, I think this is called a big...
25:16No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
25:46so important to show.
25:48She had to watch the food.
25:51She must have something old to the new
25:54She had none.
25:55he don't know.
25:56He have to.
25:56And he's off.
25:57They can shot at what it was.
25:59Tell me,
25:59I think I'm good and I know.
26:01How old are you?
26:01We did it?
26:02I'll call you.
26:03Now is the time that you don't have to go to the
26:05control cheap.
26:05Doesn't have a car.
26:07Why don't you want.
26:07Didn't know.
26:09you have to stick around with my man.
26:11You can make room.
26:12You actually don't know.
26:14I think you'll like it.
26:18Hello, travelers!
26:20Welcome back to the Version 5.5 Special Program.
26:23Welcome back!
26:24Does everyone still remember
26:26the volcanic eruption we saw earlier?
26:28Well, the eruptions are actually getting a lot more intense.
26:32Hmm, that seems like a bad omen.
26:34Yeah, travelers will need to investigate
26:37the volcano to learn more.
26:38And to do that, travelers will need to wait
26:41for the right moment and head to the very top
26:43of a circular aisle known as the Skyfire Circlet,
26:47which sits right above the volcano.
26:49You know, being so close to the crater
26:51really does look very dangerous,
26:53but wow, is it stunning!
26:55Once you make it to the top,
26:57you can use a special method to enter the volcano
27:00and follow a mechanical dragon into an underground ruin.
27:43Wow, it's so majestic. I thought the inside of a volcano would be nothing but lava and
28:11rock, but this place is more like a city.
28:14There have long been legends in Natlan that speak of a sacred city and a volcano.
28:19And that's exactly what this place is.
28:22It's the sacred city of Tolin, built by the Dragonborn of ages past.
28:26Wow, the shattered sky looks so cool.
28:29And these mechanisms look so advanced.
28:33Travelers might notice a certain resemblance to the Secret Source Automaton.
28:37And that's because everything you see here, the Secret Source Servants, the dragons circling
28:41the sky, the giant structures, are all relics from the age of the ancient dragons.
28:47Those flying ones are called Secret Source Dragon Idols, right?
28:51Wow, we can actually ride them!
28:54This dragon technology is really impressive.
28:56So unfortunately, due to the previous war between dragons and humans, along with years
29:01of abyssal corrosion, the city doesn't operate like it should.
29:06The war between dragons and humans?
29:08What happened?
29:09A few clues were revealed in Otkinatlan, but there are more secrets to uncover this time.
29:14And travelers will need the help of a very special Saurian along the way.
29:18Ooh, I'm guessing that means it's time for another adventure with little one?
29:23Absolutely, that's right!
29:26Travelers might remember that during the Cinder City World Quest in version 5.2, a mysterious
29:31Dragonborn said venturing to a sacred city was the key to dispelling the Flame Lord's
29:36blessing and unraveling the mysteries surrounding Little One.
29:40I know a lot of people can't wait to get to the bottom of that curse and learn more about
29:44the so-called Chosen of Dragons, and it looks like exploring this place might give you some
29:50Not just answers, but also rewards!
29:53A total of 400 primogems in Exploration Mission Rewards are up for grabs by exploring the
29:59new 5.5 regions.
30:02These rewards will be available through version 5.6, so don't miss out!
30:07All right, let's get into the version 5.5 event!
30:12Yes, similar to the Sacred Dragon City, our first event gives travelers the chance to
30:17learn about Natland's past.
30:20Hmm, Tournament of Glory and Bloom.
30:24So it's a competition?
30:26The name of the event is a reference to the Bloomflower Trials, a kind of competition
30:30that hasn't been held in Natland for a long time.
30:33Ooh, mysterious.
30:35So why is it being held now after so much time?
30:38Well, the main reason is to help an ailing Saurian.
30:42Oh, the little Tepetlasaur wearing the hat?
30:44Yeah, he's a brave little Saurian who contracted a rare illness during the fight against the
30:49Abyss, so the tribal chiefs enlisted the help of a professional Saurian vet, Aoife.
30:53Hey, Cuckoo's there too!
30:56Of course!
30:57He's Aoife's assistant after all, and a very capable one at that.
31:01No way, bro!
31:02Yes way, bro!
31:03According to Aoife, if we want to save this Saurian, we need to collect Sacred Flame Crystals,
31:09a special resource that can be obtained when tribes fight against each other during the
31:13Bloomflower Trials.
31:14Oh, I would do anything to help that little guy.
31:17I know.
31:18And luckily, the six tribal chiefs agree.
31:21But that's not the only purpose of the tournament.
31:24Mauika sees it as a chance for a different kind of competition to unite her people.
31:29And she's even funding the event herself.
31:32So if all six tribes are participating, I wonder which team the Traveler will join?
31:37How does that work?
31:38Oh, right.
31:39Let me explain the event gameplay.
31:41Take it away!
31:42This event has two different kinds of gameplay.
31:44The Bloomflower Trials and Saurian Treasure Seeker.
31:47In the Bloomflower Trials, Travelers will fight alongside their companions in an inter-tribal
31:52competition that puts their offensive and defensive capabilities to the test.
31:57For example, this is an offensive battle with Mualani.
32:01In offensive battles, you need to break through the enemy's defensive barriers to capture
32:05their stronghold.
32:07Your allies will provide valuable support on the battlefield.
32:10Use their skills to your advantage to complete various stage events and seize the enemy's
32:14main base.
32:15And this one with Varesa must be a defensive battle.
32:19That's right.
32:20In defensive battles, you need to prevent your flag from being destroyed and work with
32:24your allies to protect your base.
32:27So it's a true standoff between the tribes.
32:30In this event, when you're competing, you're having fun.
32:33Okay, so what about the Saurian Treasure Seeker?
32:36Basically, Travelers need to guide Saurians on a treasure hunt by switching the indicated
32:41direction at various intersections while collecting treasure and avoiding hazards along the route,
32:46like hilly trail patrols and lava eruptions.
32:49Ooh, looks fun.
32:50Plus, different Saurians have different abilities, so make sure to choose the best route.
32:55Oh, I should also mention, completing this event will give Travelers the chance to invite
32:59Auroran to their party.
33:03Version 5.5 also has other exciting events in store.
33:07The first one is a more light-hearted co-op event.
33:11Travelers can either randomly match with other players or team up with friends.
33:16Co-op with friends is always so fun.
33:19In this event, the goal is to collect as many Adventure Coins as possible.
33:23Interact with item boxes scattered around the challenge arena to obtain key resources
33:27to secure victory.
33:29Oh, so the items help you mess with other players and prevent them from earning points?
33:33Yeah, that's right.
33:35Plus, everyone has a designated character, so make sure to use their skills to your advantage.
33:41Whoa, four Mauikas?
33:45I can't even tell them apart.
33:48So, I guess if you're going to mess with another player, then you better target the right one.
33:51Oh, definitely.
33:52Especially because rewards are on the line.
33:55So, this next event looks like it takes place at the People of the Springs.
33:59That's right.
34:00It's called Rhythm Ball Metsli.
34:03Mualani invited the Traveler to her tribe for a special music festival.
34:07Shilonin and Mizuki are going to be there too.
34:10Sounds nice and relaxing.
34:12I feel like Shilonin needs that in her life.
34:16In this event, the goal is to strike incoming balls with the paddle to smash the blocks.
34:21The paddle's element changes based on your character's elemental type,
34:25so you can even trigger elemental reactions.
34:28All you need to do is hit the balls to the beat to defeat the boss.
34:32Oh, well, that doesn't seem too hard.
34:34No, but this next event might be.
34:37So, Unlimited Fighting Championship features five stages of high-difficulty combat challenges.
34:43Each stage is divided into two halves.
34:46In the first half, you need to follow the directions specified in the challenge to earn buffs,
34:51which should give you an edge in the second half as you face off against formidable bosses.
34:56Your chosen difficulty determines the max HP of the bosses.
35:00Wait, 9,999 times HP multiplier?
35:05Is that even possible to defeat?
35:08Well, let's just say the highest difficulty doesn't take the word challenge lightly.
35:13Okay, well, this next event has to do with artifacts.
35:18So, within the event period, you can earn double the artifact drops.
35:22So, if you need to do some artifact farming, don't miss out.
35:25Travelers can also look forward to a new artifact domain and two new artifact sets in version 5.5.
35:32Nice. Double drops are here just in time.
35:35And plus, I heard the Long Night's Oath set tells the story of light keepers who fought against the Abyss in Nod Cry.
35:42Light keepers? Wow, Nod Cry seems so mysterious.
35:46Lore keepers, get your pens ready.
35:49Absolutely. So, be sure to check out the story behind the artifact set if you're interested.
35:53Alright, moving on to Repertoire of Myriad Melodies.
35:57Ooh, are we getting a rhythm game update?
35:59Absolutely. Certain Natlan OSTs will now be available in the game.
36:04Cool. I'm sure people have been waiting for that.
36:06Future updates will continue to add more music.
36:09In addition, Natlan and Venti-inspired score themes will be added to the Treasure of Myriad Melodies shop.
36:15So, check them out if you're interested.
36:17Plus, in the new update, you can now play the rhythm game in the Serenity Pot.
36:22Version 5.5 is also adding new permanent Envisaged Echoes challenges for Venti and Dia.
36:28Complete them to earn their corresponding Echoes.
36:31Ooh, Dia's flames are so cool.
36:34Ooh, and Venti's Echoes look like feathers in Cecilia's. Very fitting.
36:38So, check them out if you're interested.
36:40Yeah, and good luck with the challenges.
36:42Travelers can also look forward to some Genius Invocation TCG updates, including new character and action cards.
36:49So don't miss out, Genius Invocation fans.
36:51Alright, next up on the agenda is...
36:55Our break for the third Redemption Code.
36:58See you on the other side, travelers.
37:07Today's goal is to get moving and burn fat.
37:11Just follow Coach Ian-san.
37:14Are we ready? Let's go.
37:17Gotta warm up those muscles, so let's get our bodies moving.
37:25Now, onto jump rope. Here we go.
37:28Keep pushing.
37:32Next up is high knees. Let's go.
37:36You got it, Coach.
37:40Now, increase the speed.
37:42Gotta sprint it out.
37:45Looking good.
37:47Now, into a wide squat.
37:56You're amazing, Coach.
37:59Keep it up. You can do it.
38:05Hang in there. We're gonna alternate punches and knee drives.
38:15Keep that core tight.
38:17Yes, Coach.
38:21Finally, stretch it out.
38:24Ah, cool down time.
38:29Alright, that's it for today's session. See you tomorrow.
38:33Don't miss out.
38:38Welcome back.
38:40Let's jump right into some system optimizations.
38:43First, the Sanctifying Elixir, which travelers can use to generate artifacts, now has a guarantee.
38:50Ooh, what kind of guarantee?
38:53Ooh, what kind of guarantee?
38:55So, starting in 5.5, for artifacts defined with Sanctifying Elixir, as you raise them to maximum level,
39:01at least two subset enhancements along the way are guaranteed to be applied to your targeted substats.
39:07Hopefully, this improves the leveling experience.
39:10Yeah, definitely sounds like it'll be easier to get the artifact you're aiming for.
39:14This next update should also be useful.
39:17In version 5.5, the Treasure Compass will now be able to detect more treasure locations,
39:22including the new kind of monitoos in the Collective of Plenty region.
39:26Oh, nice. So that should make it easier to farm those primogems.
39:30Exactly. Plus, in addition to the boss tracking update we mentioned earlier,
39:35there will also be updates to the mail system, so be sure to check out the developers' discussion for further details.
39:41And we also have a piece of out-of-game news to share.
39:46Genshin Impact is teaming up with Seagate to release an external SSD.
39:51Let's take a closer look at the collab.
40:16And with that...
40:17We've made it all the way through our version 5.5 travel guide.
40:21Oh, which means it's time for us to sign off.
40:24But guys, it's been so fun. We hope you've enjoyed it.
40:27We've really enjoyed seeing all of this new stuff that's about to come out.
40:31I'm really excited for the updates to the permaculture.
40:35I'm excited to see what's coming next.
40:37And we'll see you next time.
40:46Particularly the Echoes. I think that looks awesome.
40:50I'm really excited to see which other characters are going to have Echoes.
40:53I was thinking if Varesa has one, it's got to be food-themed, right?
40:59It's going to be like mini-donuts or...
41:02Yeah, Tacos. Just like flying out of the back of her pizza.
41:06I mean, that sounds delicious.
41:07You wouldn't want them to drop, though, you know?
41:09No, I'm sure she'll still eat them.
41:12Three-second rule.
41:13I am super excited for everyone to get the chance to meet Varesa and have fun with her in-game.
41:18Learn a little bit more about her.
41:20I don't know. Can't wait.
41:22And I'm still thinking a little bit about just that sacred city of Tolin.
41:26Learning more about that.
41:28It just seemed super interesting to just explore this whole different world within a world, in a way.
41:33So exciting.
41:35Well, it's time for us to say goodbye.
41:37So, bye, Travelers!
41:39See you in-game!
41:40Bye, guys!
