• 2 days ago
wemmbu and egg get stranded on deserted islands

How I Survived the Pirate Islands

Thanks to @nombra101 for composing the final track of this video! (not the outro song lol). Full song will be releasing on his channel soon :D

Thank you to: egg, @loppezz, @JadenMAN, @LettuceK, @ArcnMC, @TheobaldTheBird, @LuckyMix, @mixiku_, @TaiMC, Pro4D, @Hexatope (I think this is the right channel), @Wato-1876 probably at some point, if I forgot anyone LMK sorry

This is episode 3 of season 2 of my series on the Unstable SMP.

This is a Minecraft video recorded in the Unstable Universe that is staged for story-telling purposes; any more staged videos I upload will have a disclaimer in the description saying that they are also staged.

music from official minecraft soundtrack, @AZALI00013, official elder scrolls soundtracks, epidemic sound (https://www.epidemicsound.com), storyblocks (https://www.storyblocks.com), artlist (https://artlist.io), and soundstripe (https://www.soundstripe.com)

we wa we wa
00:00My friend Egg and I made a Minecraft civilization, until this player Jadenman pulled up,
00:04griefed everything, robbed us, and then kidnapped us. Obviously, I want to kill him,
00:08but that's not really possible in this situation.
00:17The cannon fired my enderpearl millions of blocks out, to a set of coordinates chosen by Jaden. It
00:23looked like I was on some sort of island, and Jaden had said that he'd be coming here as well
00:28but if I wanted to actually kill Jaden, I would need better gear than two bread.
00:32So I began exploring the island I had been dropped off on, until I spotted two other players.
01:27Hit him with your eggs, hit him with your eggs, hit him, hit him, hit him!
01:34Dude, I'm not- NOOOOOO! You killed my partner, now you're trying to run?
01:41You're the one attacking me!
01:51Oh, you think you can tank me, huh?
01:55You're not!
01:56I can play an Aggie too, Bill!
01:58Screw you, man!
01:59You think Aggie, you think you're the only- WHOA WHOA WHOA!
02:04Yeah, okay, dude.
02:07After whatever that was, I took everything that they had, since they wouldn't be needing it
02:11anymore, and I explored the rest of the island I was on, which was completely empty. I also realized
02:15that the ocean stretched out literally as far as the eye could see. The only thing I saw was another
02:20island in the distance, so I set sail towards it. You see, I got kidnapped here with a friend. A
02:25friend who's not as good at PvP as I am, so it was kind of my priority to find him as soon as possible.
02:30How did you end up in this situation?
02:33Dude, they put me in this cage and took me hostage, yo.
02:36Hey, who are you?
02:37We just got taken hostage, how did you get taken hostage again?
02:40Well, because the first time I was weaker after the first time-
02:43Hey, hey, hey, hey!
02:44Bro, I'm having a con- bro, I'm having a conversation.
02:47I asked you a question, I asked you a question.
02:49Why do you have this dude in a cage?
02:51Well, we put him in the cage because he didn't give us anything, so.
02:55Oh, yeah, that's why we put him in the cage.
02:58I have nothing.
03:00So, are you gonna give us anything?
03:06You can just put me in the cage too, bro.
03:11Okay, dude, your mic is so terrible.
03:13Yeah, just-
03:14Okay, do you have a chest or something? I have a lot of items, so I can put them all in the chest.
03:19Yeah, let me- let me look.
03:20I think I have one.
03:21I got you.
03:23Yo, oh my god, they just got banned.
03:30Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
03:33Let's calm down, let's calm down, let's calm down, let's calm down.
03:35Wait, oh my god, you just got an upgrade.
03:38Wait, how new are you to the server?
03:44Those guys were bums, yo.
03:45Yo, you just- how did you get out of the- hey, bro, great work, bro.
03:48We haven't been here for like five minutes, and you already got kidnapped again.
03:51In the kidnapping.
03:52We got kidnapped, and then you got kidnapped again.
03:55Dude, you're asking too many questions.
03:57Bro, why couldn't you have just been a fisherman, bro?
03:58Why did we have to do all that empire stuff, bro?
04:00Man, I'm sorry.
04:01We explored the island a little bit, and we found a map.
04:03Presumably of all of the islands.
04:05This looks like a castle, so this is probably Jaden's island.
04:08Dude, that's not a castle, bro.
04:10What? Then what is it?
04:12It's just a bunch of dirt in a circle, bro.
04:15Wait, are you stupid?
04:16I wanted to fight and kill Jaden for revenge as soon as possible,
04:20but the last time we saw him, he had full enchanted netherite armor.
04:23And needless to say, we do not have that right now.
04:25If we went to his island in our current state, it probably wouldn't go very well.
04:29I mean, okay, I could probably take him as long as I get brought for diamond.
04:32So we need to- we need to go mining.
04:33Or if I just have my mace, but we don't have an ender chest.
04:36So we began mining, but we weren't finding any ores.
04:40Literally nothing.
04:41It was just stone.
04:41I decided to dig down even further to see if I could find anything, which is when-
04:45You gotta analyze the topography of this place, bro.
04:47What the hell does topography mean?
04:52Dude, why are you like more puzzled by the fact that you can't pronounce it?
04:55I just got mining fatigue.
04:58Oh man.
05:00Anyway, topography is basically the lay of the land.
05:02No, shut up, bro.
05:03Why'd you say that, dude?
05:03Bro, I can't mine for five minutes, bro.
05:05Well, there's elder guardians below here, so we can't mine.
05:09And this is all freaking stone, so.
05:10With mining completely out of the window and the rest of the island containing nothing of value,
05:14Why did you box me in?
05:16We decided that we would have to set sail to another island.
05:18So we began storing our items, which is when, for some reason completely beyond me,
05:22Egg decided to just dig down, but he actually found something underneath the hut we were in.
05:27You first, bro.
05:27Why did you just-
05:28Dude, I was trying to mine the freaking plank in front of me, and then you walked in my hitbox.
05:33OP loot.
05:35Wait, is it good?
05:36Hey, bro, take this, bro.
05:37You need this one.
05:37Yo, you took everything, yo.
05:40Aside from the chest, we were just in an obsidian box with a strange pattern.
05:43Wait, why is it-
05:44Wait, wait, wait, wait.
05:45Symbol on the top.
05:45Bro, free escape, bro.
05:46We had the idea to try and light a nether portal and escape,
05:49but we realized that the pattern was constructed in such a way
05:51that there was no spot for us to actually make a nether portal.
05:54Having no idea what this even was or what it even meant,
05:57we decided to just set sail for the third island, hoping to get some better items.
06:01It's a house.
06:03The house appeared to be completely abandoned.
06:05Dude, I got stuck in the cobweb.
06:06I'm breaking.
06:07So I began collecting up the cobwebs for future use, but that got me kind of thinking.
06:10If this house was actually abandoned,
06:12why would someone go through the trouble of making it look abandoned?
06:15So egg dug down again.
06:16Someone go from a scholar to an archaeologist.
06:18And sure enough, secret base.
06:19There didn't seem to be any players anywhere,
06:21and the base was completely abandoned aside from a maxed e-table, but we had no lapis.
06:25So we decided to just head to the fourth island.
06:27Yep, this lump right here looks a little suspicious.
06:30Yo, I found something.
06:32Wait, actually?
06:34W troll, bro.
06:36Wait, copper.
06:37There's something here.
06:37Dude, copper is not useful in the slightest.
06:39No, like it's like copper-
06:41Oh, oh, oh.
06:42Trial chambers typically contain a bunch of OP loot.
06:44So egg and I began exploring.
06:46Okay, bro, help me, bro.
06:47I got a bow.
06:48I got a bow.
06:48I'm about to die.
06:49How the hell did you get all the way down there, bro?
06:50Okay, break all the pots.
06:52The pots can have useful items.
06:54Oh, actually?
06:55Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:56Yo, I got iron.
06:57Okay, so the vaults are broken.
06:59There's supposed to be a vault here, but this must be from when the mafia broke all the vaults.
07:03I'm tired of this mafia.
07:04Well, they're already dead, so it's okay.
07:06Here, come with me.
07:06It's here.
07:07So in this vent, there's a secret room.
07:14All right, uh, iron pants time.
07:16By clearing the trial chamber, we were each able to get full iron armor and a bunch of
07:20other useful items like potions of swiftness, arrows of slowness, and wind charges.
07:24All items that would be very helpful in taking down Jaden.
07:26We headed back to our hut and began fishing.
07:28Oh, bro.
07:30Yo, dude, it's crazy.
07:33Oh, yeah, okay.
07:34Oh, yeah, okay.
07:35We were able to catch some powerful enchanted bows, but our gear was still a far cry from
07:39what we would need to take down a netherite player.
07:41So we set out towards the fifth island.
07:43Can you point me in the direction?
07:44Which, unlike the first four, appeared to be clearly inhabited just by looking at the map.
07:48If we run into anyone, we could probably just take them.
07:51Unless they're in like full enchanted diamond.
07:54Oh, there's a house.
07:56There's a settlement.
07:57Okay, there's two people fishing there.
07:58Dude, we gotta join them.
07:59I wanna fish.
08:00No, no, no, they're in diamond, bro.
08:02Wait, let's loot their house.
08:04That's actually a great idea.
08:06Stay crouched, bro.
08:11Shall I break in, sir?
08:12Commence with the robbery.
08:14We're breaking into the banks.
08:23Okay, they're genuinely just poor.
08:24This is this is like a base for show.
08:26Wait, what's above?
08:27What's above?
08:29Okay, so we got some redstone in the ceiling.
08:32Incredibly suspicious.
08:33Yo, I don't like that, though.
08:34This looks like a little advanced.
08:37Okay, well, they have literally nothing for us to rob.
08:38Let me check underground real quick.
08:41Oh, we're entering the dungeon, bro.
08:48This is not a torture dungeon.
08:50What the?
08:51There is no way they built this.
08:52This is a track.
08:54Uh, crouch, crouch, crouch.
08:57Dude, look above you.
08:59Yeah, I'm good.
09:00They definitely saw me.
09:02Oh, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run.
09:03They're at full diamond, bro.
09:07Yo, you're a noob.
09:09Yo, go, go, just run, just run, just run, just run, dude.
09:12Hop in, hop in, hop in the whip.
09:15Hello, bros.
09:19Dude, I can't drive.
09:22You, dude, you are spinning out.
09:23I'm spinning out.
09:24Okay, just jump down, jump down, jump down, bro.
09:26Yo, I'm still, I'm getting used to it.
09:29You don't gotta miss me, bro.
09:30Why are you shooting at me?
09:31I don't want-
09:32Why are you so poor right now, bro?
09:34Why are you attacking me?
09:36What did I do to you?
09:38What do you mean?
09:38What did you do?
09:39You just, you killed like half my people.
09:41Egg, I need a drive-by.
09:42Egg, I need a drive-by.
09:46Yo, yo, I'm cooked.
09:48What the heck is this?
09:50They're over here.
09:50I'm definitely dead.
09:52Wait, chill.
09:54Hey, what are we doing?
09:57Why are you fishing?
09:58Egg, egg, get a boat, egg, get a boat.
10:01I have a boat, I'm ready.
10:02Okay, okay, okay.
10:03Because when do you wear iron, bro?
10:04Bro, pick it up, bro.
10:06Go, go, go, go, go.
10:11Yo, I'm terrible.
10:12I'm terrible.
10:12You're so bad at this.
10:15Go, go, go, go, go.
10:16I'm out.
10:17I'm stuck in the barrel.
10:18I'm not out.
10:21Oh, great.
10:22Fuck away.
10:23What the heck?
10:25Oh, I just got egged.
10:27Why are you fishing right up there?
10:30Yo, why am I kind of crazy with this?
10:33Why are you attacking me?
10:35Egg, go, egg, egg, egg, egg, go, go, go.
10:41Egg, I need to heal, I need to heal.
10:42Go, go.
10:50Just run, just run, just run.
10:51On foot, bro.
10:54Just run on foot.
10:57Yeah, what the?
10:58Slowness arrows.
11:00Just slowness arrows with iron armor?
11:02I made it back.
11:03What kind of whacking situation are you in?
11:07Why are you guys attacking?
11:09I don't, hey, bro, hey, hey, hey, hey.
11:10What are you?
11:11I got them on the fishing rod.
11:12I'm just confused.
11:15You won't elaborate.
11:16Well, because your friend here is trying to kill me.
11:20Are you, are you chill?
11:20Are we, where's she going?
11:23I don't know.
11:25I just don't know what's going on.
11:26Okay, well, your friend is trying to blow me.
11:27Can you get him?
11:29Since joining the pirates, he's killed like 15 people.
11:37Yo, I'm dead, bro.
11:38Let us go.
11:41Egg, bro, egg, bro.
11:42Egg, please do something.
11:44Save me, bro.
11:46I'm, I'm.
11:46Why are you?
11:47Okay, you actually might be the goat.
11:49What did I do?
11:52All right.
11:53Now you've done it.
11:57This is so trenches.
12:01Why are you guys here?
12:02What do you, why are you trying to kill me, bro?
12:07Bro, please, bro, please, bro.
12:08Please vote.
12:09Vote. Okay.
12:11You drive, you drive, you drive.
12:17It has to be an exit somewhere.
12:20Wait, I have the boat.
12:24Why is there a block?
12:26Welcome to God.
12:26Why are you so just run?
12:28Just genuinely run, run, run, run.
12:31No, you're just terrible.
12:32Oh my God.
12:33Actually, you know what?
12:33No, get out.
12:34Get out.
12:35I don't want you here.
12:37Yo, I'm running, bro.
12:38I will hold them off, bro.
12:39Just run.
12:40It's right at the end of the track.
12:42I just took like a trillion of parts of damage.
12:45Get out.
12:46Oh my God.
12:47Goodbye, Wendy.
12:48I hate you.
12:51Oh, this is the most does not have a family.
12:54That's gotta be doing the most.
12:55Go, go, go, go, go.
12:57Oh my God.
12:58I had the most lonest go.
12:59I don't know.
13:00Just keep following the ice path.
13:03Where are we?
13:03Oh, let us run on the eyes.
13:05This might be faster than the boats.
13:10Let's just chill out for a minute.
13:12Are you making shortcuts?
13:13Watch the row official.
13:17Oh, we're at a dead end.
13:19No, there's a way.
13:19Oh, okay.
13:27Oh, I got stuck.
13:30Back the other way, bro.
13:32Oh, wait, this is the exit.
13:34Wait, what?
13:35Okay, go, go, go.
13:36Dude, I'm at it.
13:38Hey, drop food.
13:39Drop food.
13:39Drop food right now.
13:40Right now.
13:40Right now.
13:40They're leaving.
13:41They're leaving to massive manner.
13:48Hey, just go.
13:48Just go.
13:48I'll make it out.
13:50Bro, you need to leave.
13:52That's actually what I'm trying to do right now.
13:53If you haven't noticed.
13:54I'm coming.
13:56I'm coming.
13:58Oh, what the fuck?
14:00Oh, hi, bro.
14:02What the fuck?
14:04Wembley's coming up the ladder.
14:06Get him.
14:08I'm getting him.
14:14Hey, dude.
14:15You're just pulling away from me without actually getting me.
14:20Hey, bro.
14:21Come here.
14:23Yo, I think I got him in.
14:25No, no.
14:29Hey, I got any more.
14:31I'm behind you though.
14:32I can't.
14:35Go, go.
14:35Just go.
14:35Go, go, go, go, go.
14:37I leave.
14:38This doesn't matter anymore.
14:41Well, leave massive.
14:42Dude, why am I getting FaceTime?
14:43Run, run, run, run, run.
14:44Why am I getting FaceTime?
14:45Hang up the FaceTime.
14:47No, like it's on my computer too.
14:51I don't understand you.
14:54Yo, press the lever.
14:58What the hell is this?
15:08It's literally connected to TNT under the entire island.
15:12If you break it, everyone here is literally dead.
15:15And who came up with that?
15:17It was meant to be like a shield to protect.
15:20Oh, wait.
15:21Oh, so if I break this, everything blows up.
15:24You will die as well, you idiot.
15:28Wait, do you want my totem?
15:28Stop, stop, stop.
15:30Yo, like food, please.
15:31Can we just go around?
15:32Dude, damn it.
15:32Oh, they're realizing.
15:33If you go around and break this.
15:34I'm going to break it.
15:35I'm literally going to do it.
15:37Let me do it.
15:38Can I break it?
15:39No, no, no.
15:40Yeah, we're going to break it if you...
15:45If you guys are going to kill me anyways,
15:47I see a solution to this situation that benefits all parties.
15:51Lettuce, go to the window over there.
15:53And yeah, okay.
15:54If you guys don't listen to what I'm going to say, I'm just killing us all.
15:56Lettuce, give me all your armor and your sword.
16:02Just like that?
16:03No, like what?
16:04No, like take off all your items.
16:06Lopez, I need all your items too.
16:08Why, bro?
16:09I'm not dropping you anything.
16:10Okay, now I'm blowing this up.
16:12Bro, why?
16:15Because you're being robbed.
16:16You're being robbed.
16:17I'm a robber and this is a mugging.
16:20Yeah, give us your stuff.
16:23Most broken robber I've ever seen.
16:25Eat this.
16:27I'm going to do it.
16:30Give me the totem.
16:32Oh, fiddlesticks.
16:35Okay, now you can just blow it up.
16:38No, hey, we died too.
16:38You wouldn't do that.
16:40Wait, so what's stopping me from just like...
16:42...killing you right now?
16:43Take it.
16:43Because I'll break the block.
16:44I didn't want it anyways.
16:45I'll break the block and we'll all die.
16:49Oh, wait, can I have that fishing rod?
16:51Is it good?
16:52Now you live in poverty for the rest of your days.
16:55I was already doing that.
16:56After robbing the two pirates,
16:57Egg and I headed back into the underground area
16:59just in case they decided to blow up the bomb themselves.
17:02Yo, we actually got our bread up.
17:04What even is this?
17:05It's clearly a race check, bro.
17:07I actually want to try to beat it, but you know.
17:09Dude, should we try to race, bro?
17:10Wait, we should race.
17:11No, we should actually like get out of here
17:13before they like actually blow it up.
17:15Okay, but it'd be low-key tough if we raced.
17:18It would be a little tough.
17:19So Egg and I had a boat race to the exit.
17:21Yo, I'm spinning out.
17:22I'm spinning out.
17:22At one point of the race, I like got distracted or something.
17:25I mean, these were clearly not built by Lopez and Lettuce.
17:28And there was a statue of a trident.
17:30Bro, I'm like mad distracted right now.
17:32You're the hare, I'm the tortoise.
17:36Then we found the exit to the ruins
17:37and sailed back to our home island.
17:39At this point, I had full diamond now,
17:40but it only had protection one.
17:42Egg had the idea of using the anvils
17:44we had just stolen to fish up enchanted books
17:46and combine them with our armor
17:48in order to get better levels of protection.
17:49Honestly, if curse of vanishing doesn't really matter
17:51because if I die, no one can have my stuff anyway.
17:53So we fished, upgraded our armor,
17:55as well as I cleared out the trial chamber again
17:57for even more arrows and breeze rods.
17:58Then we went back to fishing
18:00since I was only able to get protection three
18:02on two pieces of my armor so far.
18:03And if I wanted to ensure that I could win any battle,
18:06I would need at least full prop three.
18:07Anything good?
18:09No, bro.
18:10We need prop three, bro.
18:10Bro, get some prop three, bro.
18:13Dude, as soon as he started talking,
18:14it just like escaped me.
18:16No, I'm trash.
18:19Dude, I gotta stop talking.
18:19We're being rolled up on.
18:20There is a pirate attack.
18:22Don't get any closer.
18:23It's Arkin, bro.
18:24Get the hell out of here, bro.
18:25The pirates had gone on the offensive,
18:26attacking us for what we had stolen from Lettuce and Lopez.
18:29Being led by Arkin, a player I have a grudge with.
18:35They are on the land.
18:36You guys, I'm gonna take this.
18:37Just stop fighting.
18:39Oh my God, bro.
18:40What is...
18:41Why do you have a flaming bow, Ember?
18:43It's a normal bow enchant.
18:45Oh my days.
18:45You freaking suck, bro.
18:46Give me a-
18:47I'll give you a flaming bow.
18:48Okay, take out some of the iron people, bro.
18:51The fight was winnable until Arkin drank a potion.
18:54Two pots, right, bro?
18:58Yo, like, egg, it's time to fold.
19:01It's time to fold.
19:04Yes, he has strength.
19:05All right, surround him.
19:06Surround him now.
19:07What the hell is happening to your armor?
19:09Lopez, before it...
19:11You broke my netherite.
19:12Ember, stop.
19:12Stop fighting, Ember.
19:14You're gonna die here and now if you keep fighting.
19:18Okay, so leave him, leave him, leave him.
19:20Let it go, bro.
19:25I could pretty easily escape this situation just by pearling away.
19:28But then I would constantly be on the run from these players who are now hunting me
19:32while trying to gear up to defeat Jaden.
19:33The smartest thing to do here was to allow myself to be captured
19:36and see if I could find an opening to kill them.
19:39I mean, yeah, we just kill you.
19:40We get revenge for the lattes and loafers.
19:41I don't care.
19:43I mean, uh, we deserve all the stuff you took from us, bro.
19:46Well, I mean, it'll be boring to just kill you here, so...
19:48Let's start sailing, Wamboo.
19:51Uh, one of you guys, can you guys, like, go find the other guy, Egg?
19:54We sailed for a bit until we arrived at a new island.
19:59The clash of the titans.
20:01I'm about to be executed.
20:02I'm really scared.
20:03You see this, um, wonderful little boss in here?
20:06What's that doing here?
20:10Look at this lovely little staircase we have here.
20:13Why did someone just try mowing me?
20:15Do we even stop him?
20:23Egg, bro, how the hell-
20:25How did you even end up here?
20:27All right, everyone, stop moving around.
20:29Go out to the sides.
20:30For peace.
20:31Uh, wait, this is unfair now.
20:33Wait, why is it unfair?
20:37Is this your execution chamber?
20:40You about to execute me?
20:41No, that's too boring.
20:42I would rather, um, have a little fun, little fight.
20:46Oh, okay, okay, okay.
20:48So, wait, when I kill you, does that mean that I get, like,
20:50commanding over all of your, like, pirates and troops and stuff?
20:52Yeah, sure, if you ever do kill me.
20:54Yo, we can get XP.
20:56Uh, we'll fight to a totem pop, since once I beat you,
20:59I'd rather you join me than just die.
21:01Regardless of Arkhan's confidence and potential strength potions,
21:04in a one-versus-one, I was confident that I could beat him.
21:08You ready?
21:10Now go.
21:13Oh, and you've got speed pots, wonderful.
21:16No, it's fine, bro, I don't need them.
21:18Don't need them, I have some.
21:21Come on, my big guy, just put it to your job.
21:28Oh, your shield's gone?
21:30Wait, what?
21:31I didn't realize that my shield was about to break.
21:33This was going to be a lot harder than I thought.
21:47Get on the tree, get on the tree.
21:49Yeah, that's what I'm doing, bro.
22:04Yeah, I have enough salmon to...
22:10This has got to be interference.
22:11This has got to be interference.
22:14I think it's about to be fine.
22:25I'm killing the next person that shoots me.
22:31Let me save my shots.
22:34If that helps the tree, go.
22:42See, like, my sword right inside this pot right now, yeah, yeah.
22:50I mean, you lost the fight.
22:53Well, there we go.
22:55And now we get egg-chan, too.
22:59Yeah, so joining you, that's what you want me to do right now.
23:02That's actually like what you want to occur at this present moment in time.
23:06Oh, yeah.
23:09Yeah, dude, I'm joining you.
23:11Why are you keep printing me?
23:12Yeah, okay.
23:13You just sound pretty unconvinced.
23:19Wrong item!
23:22Egg, bro, run!
23:22Egg, bro, run!
23:23Just run!
23:23Egg, run!
23:24Egg, run!
23:24Egg, run!
23:25Egg, run!
23:25Egg, run!
23:26Wait, how many undergrows does he have?
23:30And this is the part where I run away now.
23:33Egg, can you drop me food, bro?
23:36Someone with speed.
23:37It seems to be, like, losing a little distance, my bro.
23:40He was right by the staircase.
23:40Yeah, because I just ate.
23:43I didn't realize he was.
23:44I wasn't looking at the staircase.
23:46Yo, Egg, I don't know where you are, but just keep running, bro.
23:50I'm already, I'm already in a boat.
23:52Okay, okay.
23:54Am I a track athlete?
23:55What is, what is the plan?
23:56You're not going to escape me, I'm sorry.
23:57Like, it's just not happening.
23:59Are you pros, too?
24:08Hey, bro.
24:16Dude, your mic is just terrible.
24:19Bro, I, I, okay, so what?
24:23There's a detour.
24:31Why does my dog keep barking, man?
24:40Bro, you are not tough.
24:41You are not good at PVP.
24:43Yeah, that's why I'm actually running, so bye.
24:48He knows he's going to lose.
24:54This is amazing.
25:07I'm sure I do more damage to you with my sword than you do with the mace.
25:17Okay, Egg, I need that boat.
25:23You, you tell me where, where are you?
25:25I have no helmet.
25:26I need a helmet.
25:26Please, anything.
25:27He's wearing a bear.
25:28There's a helmet.
25:29Hand off, first successful one.
25:31First documented case.
25:34This is pot four.
25:35What the hell?
25:35Why is your helmet so good?
25:37Just run, just go.
25:38I have HP, just boat.
25:39I'm being shot.
25:40Just regroup.
25:41It's not worth all people getting missed.
25:42Are we out of here, bro?
25:44Oh, bro.
25:45Okay, I'm sorry.
25:46Let me talk to you later.
25:48Wait, so why did you never tell me that you had this?
25:50What, the helmet?
25:52Yes, with prop four.
25:53I was in prop one.
25:56I didn't even know it had prop four, to be honest.
25:58Do you have any other prop four pieces?
26:00Should I check right now?
26:01Yes, you should.
26:02Should I stop boating now?
26:03Yes, yeah, no, no, yes, yes.
26:06All right, here, let me read my enchantments.
26:09Prop four, I'm breaking three.
26:10Protection four, I'm breaking three.
26:13Protection four, depth strider three, I'm breaking three.
26:15I could have, bro, give me, give me those, give me, give.
26:18Give me those, give me, trade armor.
26:21Okay, I got you.
26:35Okay, let's spin back.
26:37Yo, yo, chill, chill, chill.
26:38Dude, where are my boots?
26:40You gave me crappy armor.
26:41I'm not spinning back, yo.
26:42No, bro, stop being weird.
26:43No, you stop being weird.
26:46Dude, just listen to me.
26:47When they're regrouping, man, we can,
26:48we can just sneak Jayden, man, right now.
26:50Hit him with a crazy left hook.
26:53Genius idea, bro.
26:55Do you have any pearls left?
26:58Let's just go to the pearl cannon Jayden told us about
27:01and just leave and then get some stuff
27:04and then spin back and just kill everyone here
27:06and be done with this.
27:07I get an elytra, a firework rocket,
27:09I just mace everyone and then we win
27:11and then end of the pirates.
27:14And I can return to my mage tower.
27:16Yeah, sure.
27:17Before embarking on the stealth mission, though,
27:19we headed back to our island to grab anything that we missed,
27:21as well as Egg somehow acquired 64 lapis,
27:23so we were able to enchant even more
27:25and make even more preparations.
27:27Finally, I learned my lesson from the Arkhan fight
27:29and crafted a ton of shields,
27:31which is when Egg somehow found
27:32two invisibility potions on the ground.
27:35Throw me one.
27:37I got you, bro.
27:39God bless you, bro.
27:39These are the treasure islands right here.
27:41For Loki pirates.
27:42This was just on the ground?
27:44It was on the ground.
27:45Okay, well.
27:46Invisibility potions would be very useful
27:48for sneaking to the teleporter.
27:49And after all their preparations were done,
27:51we set sail for the final island,
27:53hoping to avoid a fight at all costs.
27:55To the right, bro.
27:56The island's to the right.
28:00Would you rather be feared or loved, bro?
28:06Dude, I don't know.
28:10I'd rather be feared.
28:11Okay, how many ender pearls do you have?
28:14Okay, can I get four?
28:17All right.
28:18Because we're gonna need to sneak through this.
28:21Okay, like why do you throw them?
28:22Why do you make me swim to them?
28:24You think we should pop the invis now?
28:26No, let's get a vantage point.
28:27We want to like invis as late as possible,
28:29I feel like, because we only have one each.
28:31We need to get to the cannon and activate it.
28:35Well, we have to figure out how it works.
28:36Get to the cannon, activate it,
28:38and put our pearls in it.
28:41Dude, this terrain is just so-
28:42Wait, leave that there, leave that there.
28:43So, dude, just, you have a water bucket.
28:45Also, okay, when we're invis,
28:47we're not really gonna be able to communicate.
28:48So just always follow me and do whatever I do, basically.
28:50Bro, I won't be able to follow you, bro.
28:51You're invis.
28:52Oh, I see people.
28:53You see my particles, bro.
28:55Dude, they're like tiny little pixels on my screen, bro.
28:57We need to get closer.
28:59Wait, they're about to go in.
29:00They're about to go in.
29:01We should follow them.
29:01We should follow them.
29:02Okay, okay, okay.
29:04Drink invis.
29:04Drink invis and take everything off.
29:09Make sure you're not holding anything.
29:10Let's go, let's go, let's go.
29:11Hurry, hurry, hurry.
29:12We can follow them in
29:13and then we can find a pathway or something in the cannon.
29:27Echo Nova 7.
29:28I hope you get a promotion.
29:29Getting a promotion, yeah.
29:44I have news.
29:45I have good news.
29:45I have bad news.
29:46I've got all kinds of news.
29:48First of all, we did find Bamboo.
29:50We found him on one of the islands out in the archipelago.
29:54However, Bamboo robbed Lopez and Lattice.
29:59That's how I got all those items.
30:00And obviously he wants to take revenge for that.
30:04So yeah, we pulled up on him.
30:07Lopez, who that is?
30:09Lopez built a bomb.
30:11Why are you throwing me under the bus already?
30:13Lopez put a bomb under the whole island and he used it.
30:15The bomb was to protect it.
30:17It was to protect us.
30:18And it got us hooked.
30:19But Bamboo got to it first.
30:20How did he rob you?
30:23Oh my god.
30:24Listen, it's complicated.
30:25It's complicated.
30:26It's fine, it's fine.
30:27You know, they help, they help.
30:29No, no, no, they help.
30:31I'm sure they just have second chance.
30:32Lopez, honestly, you're useless.
30:36Like, I don't know what to do.
30:38We were put in a tough position.
30:40It was either like, we all die or it was our armor.
30:43Okay, like what else did you do?
30:45He had a mace, okay?
30:47He had a mace.
30:48He pulled out a mace.
30:50Well, apparently he had another one.
30:52I mean, you can see by our numbers.
30:53He killed a ton of us.
30:54Like, this is a small amount of civilians.
30:58We lost Genji, guys.
31:00The only person we've got left is your boy, Boozer.
31:03We're supposed to be robbing people.
31:04We're supposed to be powerful.
31:06You can't just let this happen.
31:08Against a mace, like, even you would probably want to like,
31:12spare lives, right?
31:13If we kept fighting him, then more of us would have died.
31:16To be fair, it's not worth fighting a mace without a mace.
31:22Lopez, you, you especially.
31:25Like, you're supposed to be a-
31:26What do you want from me?
31:28What do you want from me, Tayden?
31:30If you never put me on like that stupid dinky island.
31:33You guys for a shulker box?
31:42I can move out of the way.
31:43Lopez, you, I can't.
31:47You're just a failure.
31:49I'm done.
31:52You need a new captain?
31:53How am I even a failure?
31:54I helped you make this whole thing.
31:57Do you not-
32:02A strand of a cartoon.
32:07That would be you guys if you messed up like Lopez.
32:09No, Tayden, what was the point of that?
32:12No, you just, you just got rid of whatever.
32:14Okay, I'm just, okay.
32:15I realize you're, you're mad at Lopez, okay?
32:17But what is the point of getting rid of more civilians who can help you now?
32:20Wait, before you, before you talk, stand right there.
32:26So, well, since that captain is gone, I know I just got here, but...
32:32No promotion.
32:33That was, that was purely out of like anger.
32:36That just had no, like, political value.
32:39Because now we've lost another person who can help us kill-
32:42Do you need-
32:42Get to the second floor.
32:44There's a spot here that they're not going to be able to hear us from.
32:49That's the second floor now.
32:51Are you outside?
32:52Oh, I see you.
32:53Wait, really?
32:55Okay, we're-
32:56Okay, okay, see you, see you.
32:57Okay, okay, follow me now.
32:58We're going to enter an area where we can't talk.
33:00You're going to have to do exactly what I do, okay?
33:01I think I know where the parole can is.
33:25Can we make it?
33:26Can we even do it?
33:27We need to-
33:28Okay, well, we need to get down there without being seen by anyone.
33:30We could just kill them, apparently.
33:32Yeah, I know, but the issue is, I don't know how to operate the parole can.
33:35If we kill them, the other people-
33:36Like, Jane's going to immediately-
33:38And Theo as well, bro.
33:39Theo's going to pull up on us.
33:40I didn't even realize he was here, dude.
33:42Dude, now there's three!
33:43There's three.
33:46Bro, what are we going to do?
33:47We can't hear them.
33:48They can't hear us, bro.
33:49Yeah, I know.
33:50That's why I'm talking.
33:52Oh, yeah, we're-
33:53I think our only option is genuinely just kill those two guards
33:57and then figure out how the machine works before more guards enter the room.
34:01How about you kill them all?
34:02I'll try figuring it out.
34:04Yeah, but you're terrible with redstone.
34:07I know, but I'm even worse at PUP, so.
34:10I think that's actually-
34:13Like, if you have the mace, I'll probably just get in the way if I try to fight them.
34:16That's true.
34:17Hey, do you have literally anything in your inventory?
34:22Uh, anything?
34:23For PUP.
34:24Oh, anvil.
34:25Do you have any tipped arrows or anything?
34:28I mean, I have slowness.
34:34You think you can come to my castle?
34:37Okay, well, uh, plan B.
34:39Kill this dude.
34:41Wait, you're all alone.
34:44Yo, remember how this went for you last time?
34:47Okay, well, it's gonna go a little different.
34:50Will it now?
34:50Because I have a mace, too.
34:52Will it now?
34:53Oh, this guy.
34:54Okay, well.
34:56Were you trained by Lord Mayfair, though?
34:57Wait, he just cobwebbed himself!
35:02Oh, okay.
35:05Hey, get him off me.
35:05Egg, egg, egg, egg.
35:06You like your mace, Wimps?
35:09I knocked him off the couch.
35:09Okay, okay.
35:11Where is he? Where is he? Where is he?
35:12He's down there.
35:15Oh my god!
35:18Yo, help Arken.
35:20Wimpus here. Wimpus here.
35:22Guys, keep-
35:23Don't follow me.
35:24Keep going.
35:24Don't follow me.
35:25Don't follow me.
35:25Don't follow me.
35:26Don't follow me.
35:26Keep going with the gun.
35:35Uh, no.
35:35Where are you going, Wimpus?
35:37Dude, Ar-
35:38Okay, Arken and, like,
35:39can't even 1v1 me, bro.
35:41Can't even 1v1 me, bro.
35:42It's not a 1v1, Eggshan.
35:44Dude, it's Eggshan, bro.
35:46Dude, I'm like half way.
35:47Yep, I'm playing with Cook-san on my main.
35:51Oh, you dropped gas.
35:52You know, you gotta run out of wind charge eventually.
35:55I don't think so.
35:56Oh, you guys just left me a-
36:07You left you a what?
36:12Oh, that's all you can do, I guess.
36:18All right, you know what?
36:18We can just run for all eternity then.
36:24Dude, Ar-
36:27Go get Dio, go get Dio.
36:29So we can finish.
36:31Bro, it's just Bob-omb.
36:34Go get Dio.
36:37You sure you can take this alone?
36:56I forgot you had that.
36:57Come on.
37:01Damn it.
37:03I almost had him.
37:04Oh my god.
37:05You want to fight this fight over here?
37:08Oh, if you insist.
37:09Can't miss me in the water.
37:11Bro, there's no way we're doing this.
37:13But I can still breach above you.
37:16You know what?
37:16Fine, bro.
37:20Dude, why are you following the enemy's plan?
37:22Just shut up, bro.
37:24Because he's ass, bro.
37:25You can't aim.
37:28Dude, this has got to be the most scuffed fight in all of Minecraft, bro.
37:31Like, like.
37:38Okay, so we got-
37:39We got literally everyone here.
37:41Just to kill one dude, not even to fall in the netherite.
37:45Yo, take these.
37:46Arken said he needed help, so.
37:49All right.
37:49Come on, man.
37:54Yo, this is awesome.
37:56You can't shoot me like this, dude.
37:58Yeah, nice.
37:59I get the effect, too.
38:02You still can't shoot me.
38:05No, you're not killing them.
38:11Hey, screw you, bro.
38:12Why are you even here?
38:16Yo, Embu.
38:16Punch 2 was the best enchantment ever made, bro.
38:18I'm helping you, bro.
38:22Where's freaking-
38:23Jayden, let's get a little leggy.
38:26You're going leggy?
38:27He's been shooting me with punch 2 this whole time.
38:29What is happening?
38:31Someone kill this guy.
38:33I can't take him anymore.
38:38Egg, don't shoot me.
38:40I don't want to kill you.
38:42Yes, sir.
38:49Okay, so-
38:52Hey, bro.
38:52Can I have a normal fight?
38:53You cannot be losing to someone without pants.
38:56No, dude.
38:56He has punch.
38:57And I don't know-
38:58Just dodge the arrow.
39:00I can.
39:00He has like 82% accuracy.
39:05Yo, Jayden.
39:06Okay, I have the gen-
39:06Can we just-
39:08Can we just take them hostage again?
39:10Bro, I'm not getting taken hostage again.
39:13Okay, that would be-
39:14That would be more-
39:15You're just gonna die again, though?
39:16We at least kill Egg.
39:17Yeah, wait.
39:18Wait, wait, wait.
39:18Embu, Embu.
39:21Okay, Embu, stop.
39:22This is your choice.
39:24Dude, Embu.
39:25Did you think you could mess with me, bro?
39:26I'm the pirate king.
39:28All right?
39:30But it's funny, bro.
39:31Drop your mace.
39:32Drop your mace.
39:33I'm not giving you my mace again.
39:35Drop your mace, bro.
39:36We're gonna go through everything you went through all over again.
39:40Dude, you're getting taken hostage again.
39:41All right, so I'm just gonna kill you.
39:42Uh, hey.
39:43So I think something massive-
39:45What the-
39:47The top one.
39:48Wait, what happened?
39:48Egg, run.
39:49Run, Egg.
39:50Oh my god.
39:52So bad, bro.
39:58Pearl, Pearl, Pearl, Pearl, Pearl.
39:59Pearl to the ocean.
40:00They're coming, they're coming.
40:00Just go, go, go, go, go.
40:03Bro, someone just like bombed the entire castle.
40:07That's what I like to see.
40:08Wait, that was the pearl cannon, bro.
40:10We're actually stranded.
40:12Oh man, they just-
40:15Well, now we gotta beat them.
40:17Okay, well now it's time for us to-
40:18Now it's time for us to live a nomadic lifestyle, bro.
40:20Like you always wanted.
40:23Fishing civilization.
40:25We're screwed, bro.
40:26Egg and I decided to regroup in the only place that Jayden didn't know about.
40:30The secret base on the third island.
40:33We just need a way-
40:35Damn, okay.
40:35We actually just like can't leave.
40:37Unless we get enough food to sail for like literally 50 hours.
40:41Every time I'm at the brink of death, everyone just takes me hostage.
40:44So at this point, I'm basically the immortal like-
40:46The immortal hostage.
40:48Yeah, we luckily are the immortal hostages now.
40:50How do we get in here?
40:51Me specifically.
40:53How do-
40:53Okay, whatever.
40:54How is this like supposed to be opened?
40:59All right.
41:00Don't forget.
41:02I guess-
41:02Do you have iron on you?
41:03I guess we-
41:04I need-
41:04I need to make an iron helmet.
41:06I mean prop four iron is better than nothing.
41:08Thanks, bro.
41:09All right, make some pants, bro.
41:12Oh, she's crashing.
41:33You guys are really bad at stealth.
41:35How do you find the secret basement in my house?
41:39But you don't find any of the other stuff that I've left you?
41:45Dude, like-
41:47Dude, he isn't telling me.
41:49You guys are really bad at stealth.
41:51Oh my god.
41:52Like, what do you mean, bro?
41:53Yo, how'd you see me, bro?
41:56Okay, uh, well this is the part where we run away, I think.
41:58So, goodbye.
41:59No, dude.
42:00Okay, I'm not-
42:01I'm not trying to kill you.
42:02I know-
42:03I know I've been doing that.
42:05But we can just talk for now.
42:07We can just talk for now.
42:08Even though I could kill you in a second if I wanted to.
42:11In a second if you wanted to?
42:13Yeah, we just ran away from you.
42:15Okay, now that I say all that, that's really not like an accomplishment, I guess, but-
42:19Yeah, okay, that Jaiden guy, like-
42:23Okay, okay, first of all, how do you not find any of the stuff that I've left?
42:27I left you that trident.
42:28I left you, like, the secret base.
42:33I went to all of this effort making a little treasure hunt for you guys,
42:37and you guys saw none of it.
42:38Why did you make us a treasure hunt?
42:40Just so Jaiden wouldn't find out that I was helping you guys.
42:44When were you helping us?
42:47Like, all the time, bro.
42:48I was, like, full invis.
42:54Do you think these things just, like, generate naturally?
42:56Like, invis pots?
42:58Ender chest?
42:59Like, you just have a totem in gaps under your house?
43:01Okay, so you've been helping us secretly, but why-
43:06Dude, I joined the pirates because I thought they were just, like, a small time, like,
43:11gaggle of, you know, people.
43:15But, I don't know.
43:15It's boring.
43:17It is just so boring.
43:18They just have me, like, sit in a throne room.
43:20Like, come on, man.
43:21I mean, okay, you're maybe, like, slightly weaker than me.
43:24Maybe just a little bit.
43:25So, you probably could have killed Jaiden.
43:26Why didn't you just go-
43:28Kill him yourself?
43:29What did you just say?
43:30I said that you're slightly weaker than me.
43:33Look, this is not a very contra-
43:34Oh, man.
43:35I almost died.
43:39Don't you ever say that in my house again.
43:41You just blew up your own house, bro.
43:44You need to remember.
43:45Get it in your stupid head.
43:47I'm the biggest bird, okay?
43:51You're the biggest bird, bro.
43:53Say it one more time.
43:55I was a douche a lot, yo.
43:58Okay, whatever.
44:01Being completely honest, I'm kind of broke.
44:03Anyway, it's just not worth trying to kill him when there's so many people around.
44:08Like, I just don't have the stuff to do it with Arken and, like, all of the guards and
44:12But, I already dealt with Arken.
44:14And right now, it's just Jaden and Lettuce.
44:18Wait, so it's literally just Jaden and Lettuce?
44:20That was literally all of his guards?
44:23Okay, so let's just go kill him.
44:26Oh, my God.
44:27Took you long enough, bro.
44:29What do you mean, took me long enough?
44:31Took you long enough to figure it out, bro.
44:34I left all the clues.
44:35Okay, I guess-
44:36I left all the clues.
44:38I guess next time I have to be dead obvious, bro.
44:42Dude, I don't-
44:46Okay, let's go kill him.
44:46Next time, I'll leave signs around saying,
44:48I have, like, no armor durability.
44:51Let's just get the trident first that I left for you guys.
44:55Dude, I, like, made a whole shrine for it, bro.
44:59Like, you were digging to find my secret base.
45:01You were digging to find the gaps or whatever.
45:03But you don't break one block?
45:08Dead obvious, bro.
45:10Like, I built the whole trident and everything.
45:13Like, I-
45:14Dude, I had to look up a build for this, man.
45:16I'm not good at this.
45:17You're supposed to use Riptide against Jaiden.
45:19You know, all the enchantment particles.
45:22Dude, this is the-
45:25This doesn't even look like-
45:26Why wouldn't you-
45:27Okay, so-
45:27Dude, I worked so hard on this.
45:29Come on.
45:29And you didn't even find the trident.
45:31It just feels like it's all-
45:32Dude, okay.
45:33Dude, it was a waste of time.
45:34Let's just go drop him already.
45:36You could have just told me.
45:36Okay, yeah.
45:37Let's just go kill him, bro.
45:38Damn, you guys are slow.
45:41Bro, you're-
45:42What do you mean?
45:42You're barely keeping up even with Riptide.
45:45Yeah, bye.
45:48I just did a 360.
45:50So I just should Riptide spam him?
45:52Because, like, I got no gaps.
45:53I got no armor.
45:54I'm the man that I ever lost to you, bro.
45:55Even with a mace.
45:56That is just incredible.
45:58Damn, you really just obliterated his castle.
46:03Yeah, I placed a lot more TNT than I thought.
46:06No wonder I'm low.
46:08Hey, so-
46:09Oh, what?
46:09Oh, wait, what are you?
46:12Yeah, so we're about to kill-
46:16Instant violence.
46:17Wait, armor.
46:19See ya.
46:20Damn, so you really just do no yowling.
46:22You just kind of kill your enemies here.
46:23I was a little bored sitting in this castle.
46:24You monster!
46:27Oh, Lettuce K has something to say.
46:29Damn, bro.
46:30The last remains of the pirates.
46:33Oh, I'm in a cobweb.
46:34This is embarrassing.
46:36Dude, you're gonna 2v1 me, man.
46:39Yes, we are actually gonna do that.
46:40Wait, what happened to the-
46:41I thought we were having a fair 1v1, man.
46:43A fair 1v1 where I-
46:44Oh, a fair 1v1 where I have, like, 3 fourths of diamond.
46:52Okay, I actually just cannot sit here.
46:56I need to go to the shoreline.
47:00Like, dude, Minecraft's the most terrible enchant.
47:09We have terrible synergy.
47:11I don't know, man.
47:12I'm not really a strategist.
47:14I get you.
47:16Dude, I can't do anything.
47:18Okay, you are gonna kill me with the card, bro.
47:20Please don't do that.
47:21Just crit him out, bro.
47:28Hey, I can do things now.
47:30Okay, my armor is-
47:33Okay, I can't do this.
47:34Yeah, how does it feel, bro?
47:36Get him!
47:39I missed.
47:41You know how bad it would be if you followed me down there, so.
47:46Oh, wow.
47:47He's really going for it.
47:48Bro, it's a hole, bro.
47:49I'm gonna go kill him.
