• 3 hours ago
Every 5 minutes, everyone gets a new legendary weapon so this video was chaos...

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#minecraft #hungergames #sword4000
00:00Today, I put 100 players into this giant Minecraft Hunger Games
00:03where every five minutes, players are given a brand new
00:07random legendary weapon, which made this one of the most
00:10chaotic and OP games I have ever played in.
00:13How many kills will I be able to collect with an inventory
00:15filled with legendary weapons?
00:17And will I be strong enough to be the last player standing
00:20in this arena?
00:21Well, as I spawned in with only one life,
00:23it was time to find out.
00:25Let's go!
00:28Oh my god.
00:28All right, I'm just going to rush straight for a chest.
00:30This is a sick mid.
00:32Let's go for that barrel right there.
00:34OK, no.
00:36OK, this is not good.
00:38This is really not good.
00:40Oh no.
00:43OK, I got absolutely nothing.
00:45I got two steak.
00:46That's crazy.
00:47I'm just going to run straight away.
00:49There is no way this guy is already here following me.
00:52How'd someone die already?
00:54Someone just got larvaed.
00:55Hi, Fallen.
00:58Are you following me?
00:59No, no, you're following me.
01:00You're behind me.
01:02Stay away.
01:03Wait, wait there.
01:03Wait there.
01:04Stay with me.
01:04Stay with me.
01:06Someone's already shouting my name.
01:08You have a weapon.
01:09Come here, come here.
01:10I got a wooden sword.
01:12I looked in the chest, and everything got, like, sucked.
01:14Literally everybody went to mid.
01:15I don't know.
01:16What are the team sizes?
01:17It's three, it's three.
01:18It's three, it's three.
01:19Oh, wait, there's three of us.
01:20OK, right, let's stick with those three.
01:22Let's stick with those three.
01:23OK, just be careful.
01:25Just be careful.
01:25Hey, if we can survive for three minutes, we get a legendary.
01:28OK, OK, guys, we got to lock in, we got to lock in.
01:30Is that someone there, someone there?
01:33If we kill people, by the way, we get their legendary,
01:36but we can't drop them.
01:37So if we can, like, kill these poor people before,
01:40as soon as they get one, we get an extra legendary.
01:42We're all so poor, by the way.
01:44Yeah, we're all poor.
01:44Three minutes, no.
01:45OK, yeah, and there's also no trees.
01:48There's nothing here.
01:49We're in a bad land.
01:51I've got three stick.
01:52Oh, a bone.
01:52What the hell?
01:53Wait, why'd they drop it bones?
01:55I have no idea.
01:56Hey, I'm going to abuse this anyway.
01:57Hey, just run this way, run this way.
01:59See if we can find anything.
02:00Everybody's going to be struggling.
02:01I've got two stakes, so I can share it out
02:03if desperately, desperately needed.
02:04There'll be something over here, I feel it.
02:06Have optimism.
02:07The chunks aren't loading, but wait for it.
02:09Do you want a stake?
02:10I'll take one.
02:12No, please.
02:13There you go.
02:14Oh, guys, there's a building, there's a building down there.
02:15Oh, there is something, let's go.
02:17Good job, Rhys, you called it.
02:18Hell yeah.
02:19OK, oh, I shouldn't probably fall when I've got one piece of stake left.
02:22Oh, there's iron in that cave as well.
02:23Wait, is this the saloon that has the bank and like the, yeah,
02:26the Western village with the bank?
02:28Oh, nice.
02:29There is, oh, apples, golden apples.
02:31Hold on.
02:31Oh, nice.
02:32Yeah, snowballs.
02:34Yeah, check upstairs.
02:35Oh, yeah, it's huge.
02:36It's all loading in now.
02:37This is perfect.
02:38I see someone's inside, by the way.
02:39S'mores or something down there.
02:41It's already, never mind.
02:43OK, well, we'll kill him for his legendary.
02:45Anything, OK, some bread.
02:46Oh, he's right there.
02:49Why don't we jump him?
02:50Wait, wait, wait until we get legendaries.
02:52Yeah, you're right, you're right.
02:53But then you, what if he gets double legendaries?
02:55Yeah, well, he'll be getting something that's on us.
02:57But if we got arrow, if he's got arrows, that's only a good thing he's got arrows.
03:01Oh, true, true.
03:02Dude, if we all get bow weapons, we're actually done.
03:06One minute.
03:06Oh, lordy.
03:08Right, well, I've got carrots, which means we can get the magic sword
03:10if we really wanted.
03:11I need some wood real quick.
03:13Oh, wait, guys, there's more houses over here.
03:14Yeah, yeah.
03:15Oh, I see a mine, I see a mineshaft.
03:16What, where?
03:17Oh, my.
03:18I see a mineshaft just in the distance.
03:19Over there, over there, over there.
03:21How much time is left?
03:21This guy here, let's get this guy, it's less than a minute.
03:24Hello, how's it going?
03:25Oh, no, I'm going to run.
03:27Why are you running?
03:28What's to run for?
03:30Um, I don't want to.
03:32You're going to get a legendary in like five seconds.
03:35I don't want to interact with you quite yet.
03:37Sword, I do not want to.
03:38You could be cut.
03:40What, so could I, depending on what you get in like two seconds.
03:42You could just leave me be.
03:44No, I can't, unfortunately.
03:46Yeah, yeah, you can.
03:49Now, go get RT or something.
03:50Now, RT is too good, unfortunately.
03:53Oh, wait, I got a snowball on you.
03:55I got an advanced pickaxe.
03:57You could have, could have, could have.
03:58Oh, dude, I got an explosive sword, but it went away.
04:01Nice, nice.
04:02Explosive sword.
04:04So I got two legendaries now.
04:05Let's go.
04:06OK, I got the advanced pickaxe.
04:07We can get full diamond, maybe?
04:08Get Mori a weapon, bro.
04:09Mori has like the advanced pickaxe.
04:10Wait, you can't drop the legendary.
04:12It's not bad, though.
04:14Oh, wait, I can drop the explosive one,
04:15because I got it from a kill.
04:16Oh, nice.
04:17I got advanced pickaxe, which is really good.
04:18He's got advanced pick.
04:19Should we go back to that western village,
04:20see if we can pick off a couple more people for legendaries?
04:223-2-2, OK.
04:23I mean, I don't have a weapon.
04:23The explosive sword could do crazy damage against nakeds.
04:26Yeah, and I got magic sword, so maybe if we can get like-
04:28Wait, hit Mori with it, see what happens.
04:31I don't want to hit Mori.
04:32But it could be a positive effect.
04:33He could get strength.
04:34Positive or negative, bro.
04:36Yeah, but no one's thinking about the negative.
04:37It's just so pessimistic, bonkers.
04:39We don't, we don't gamble on the sword 4,000.
04:41We love gambling.
04:42We love gambling.
04:44Well, snowball launcher.
04:46This is kind of OP.
04:47There's coal down here if you want to grab that.
04:49Oh, there's iron in here as well, actually.
04:51I think just on this wall.
04:52Yeah, yeah, there's iron there if you want to grab it.
04:53I kind of want to test how much the explosive sword does,
04:55but I could one-hit you.
04:57We don't, we don't want to test that right now.
04:58Oh, right.
04:59Well, is there anyone here?
05:00I don't think so.
05:02Didn't you say RT was here?
05:04I didn't see RT.
05:06He's, someone said he was.
05:07Where, though?
05:08He was here, I believe.
05:09That's what Mori said.
05:10Mori said he saw him.
05:11We could, we're going to get a new-
05:11Wait, Mori needs to make the most of that legendary
05:13because he's going to go in five.
05:14Yeah, he's going to abuse it.
05:16So we're going to get Mori in like a big cave
05:17and get worse for us.
05:18Yeah, yeah.
05:19Well, as soon as he's, if he gets one Advanced Pickaxe,
05:20he can make three more anyway.
05:22Let me, let me tell him that real quick.
05:23Yo, Mori.
05:24We should all go mining, I think.
05:26Because you've got the, the Advanced Pickaxe,
05:29make the most of it and craft three more before he goes.
05:32Because you're going to lose that in like five minutes,
05:34remember? So...
05:35What? Oh, it's, it switches?
05:37Yeah. It swaps every five minutes.
05:38You get a new legendary every five.
05:39Oh, okay.
05:41All right. Let me use it as much as I can, then.
05:42Yeah, yeah. Make the most of it.
05:44I'll grab, I'll grab this coal.
05:49Oh, it's a dripstone cave down here.
05:51Should we just try and start hunting people down?
05:53I feel like we should.
05:54We should like take advantage of people
05:56not getting that much gear.
05:57Yeah, yeah.
05:58But we don't know what legendaries they've got.
06:00Like I'm saying, oh, I've got the Explosive Sword
06:01so I can kill them.
06:02But like, they could have the Explosive Sword as well.
06:06Or Explosive Bone.
06:06They managed to get arrows, which is not great.
06:08Oh, but look, look, think about this now
06:09because I killed that guy,
06:11Snowball Launcher and Explosive Sword combo.
06:15That's like an instant kill, surely.
06:16Unless they got like armor,
06:18but either way it would still chunk their health by a lot.
06:20That'd be, yeah, I mean, we could try it, right?
06:23Where did Mori go?
06:24This guy disappeared. He went down.
06:25He's trying to make the most of his advanced pickaxe
06:26before he goes.
06:27I think there's like a gold,
06:29like a bank in that Western village there
06:31that we were just in that we didn't loot.
06:33Should we go check it out?
06:34Yeah, yeah, we may as well.
06:35There might be people here.
06:36I want to try, I want to try the weapon out.
06:37You like my skin?
06:38Oh, we've got one minute.
06:39Yeah, you are me, but with like,
06:41I don't even know, you're on Adderall.
06:45Oh, player, player, name tag?
06:46Down there, let's jump him, let's jump him.
06:48I'm just going to mine straight down and jump on him.
06:51Shh, be quiet.
06:53All right, hopefully this person isn't geared
06:55or else I could be cocked.
06:57It was slightly to the left here.
06:59My legendary is going to change any second now though.
07:05He's in this cave.
07:06Legendary is about to change.
07:09I got, wait, what did you get?
07:10I got the harpoon.
07:11I got the snowball launcher again, I think.
07:14I still have it.
07:15Wait, what if I pulled him in
07:16and then after you shoot him with the snowball launcher?
07:17Okay, yeah, let's try it, let's try it.
07:19Where did he go though?
07:20Oh, this way.
07:21He's gone to the surface, bro, what is he doing?
07:23Okay, hopefully we can still jump this guy
07:25if he's on the surface near us.
07:29Bro, he's here.
07:32No way this is sword, bro.
07:34Oh my God, that was so quick.
07:38I got a magic sword.
07:40Come here.
07:40Oh, nice.
07:41Oh, okay, I got darkness.
07:44Darkness for 10 seconds.
07:45Okay, okay, I wanted to test it, I wanted to test it.
07:47Dude, that's still like five hearts.
07:50The magic sword I've never got before.
07:52So he does a positive or a negative effect for 15 seconds.
07:54That's obvious, bro.
07:56I'm gonna go in.
07:57Does he have a cool down?
07:58Yeah, 30 seconds.
07:59Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:00I'm gonna go into a fight.
08:01I'm gonna snowball launch explosive sword
08:04and magic sword people.
08:05Yeah, but then again, we could get them.
08:07Watch out, kid spider.
08:09I just saved you.
08:12I'm gonna go ahead.
08:13Wait, you've not used the harpoon yet.
08:14Give it a try, like grapple to a wall or something.
08:16All right.
08:20There you go.
08:21Okay, that's actually a good way to hunt people down.
08:23Wait, I'm actually getting kind of low, hold on.
08:25Yeah, yeah, be careful.
08:26And Mori asked where we were, by the way.
08:27We should probably meet up with him.
08:29He's probably back at that Western village.
08:31We got a bit of gold, by the way.
08:33Actually, Badlands is so good for getting gold.
08:35I forgot about that.
08:36Bro, four legendary weapons within like 10 minutes.
08:38What is happening?
08:39Well, I'm on 14 diamonds here,
08:41so I may as well just get four diamond real quick.
08:44Yeah, might as well, right?
08:45No harm.
08:46I'm gonna make some iron just in case we get jumped.
08:47Yeah, I'm gonna make a diamond chest plate
08:50and I'll do leggings as well.
08:53I think it's all the dumb boots.
08:54Does this do damage, by the way?
08:56Or is it?
08:57Hit me with it.
09:00No, not really.
09:00I think it's just a fishing rod,
09:01but if you grapple me and pull me in.
09:04Oh, oh!
09:05Oh my God, that was a jump scare.
09:06Oh, that is a big pull.
09:07That is a big pull.
09:08Yeah, that is a pretty nice pull.
09:10Wait, we can use that.
09:11If I'm like in front,
09:12I can fish him back and then you can like hit him.
09:14Yeah, yeah.
09:15But you've only got five minutes of that.
09:16Either way.
09:17Remember, these change every five minutes.
09:18We gotta lock in.
09:18I'm kinda lucky I got the snowball launcher again.
09:20Okay, three minutes until the next one.
09:21Three minutes.
09:22Right, I'm good.
09:23I'm good to meet up with Mori, if you are.
09:25Do you have any webs?
09:27Yes, the guy dropped with 27.
09:29Oh, okay.
09:30Half those, half those for sure.
09:31Yeah, I'll just give you them.
09:32Oh, okay, thank you.
09:33They call you cowboy 4000 for a reason, guys.
09:35Yeah, because I'm usually in them.
09:38That's not because of my ability with them.
09:40No, it is because of your ability, all right?
09:42Well, there's a bunch of webs up here as well.
09:44Bring the spawner, bring the spawner.
09:45I don't want case spiders spawning.
09:47Do you have food, by the way?
09:47Yeah, I've also got one golden apple.
09:49So I'm gonna make a couple of golden apples
09:51while we're here.
09:52Do you have apples?
09:53Yeah, I've got 10 somehow.
09:55Oh, yeah, it was in this village.
09:56Yeah, it was in the village.
09:58I'm just gonna stack up on webs.
10:00All right.
10:01A bunch of flint.
10:02You know what?
10:03I'm gonna take it.
10:04I think I just saw a name behind me.
10:04Behind you?
10:07Yeah, it's falling.
10:08It could be Mori.
10:09Yo, we killed a guy.
10:10I've got four legendaries.
10:11Who'd you kill?
10:12Oh my.
10:13I still kept my advanced pickaxe from earlier.
10:14Yeah, I kept my snowball launcher as well,
10:16but now I've got an explosive sword and a magic sword,
10:18and Bonkers has the harpoon.
10:20You got decent gear.
10:21Are you ready to start hunting people down?
10:23Yeah, I'm ready.
10:23I've got magic sword and explosive sword,
10:26and those aren't gonna disappear.
10:28You need webs, by the way, Mori?
10:29I got webs if you need some.
10:30I don't have any.
10:32I also have some as well.
10:33Here, we can like split some of ours.
10:35Oh, new legendary has been given.
10:36What did you get?
10:37Oh, I got the advanced pickaxe.
10:39I got the harpoon again.
10:41Double-edged blade.
10:42Bro, they took my snowball launcher
10:43and gave me the advanced pickaxe.
10:45You kidding me?
10:46We gotta start killing people now, Mori.
10:48He's got the double-edged sword.
10:49Okay, well I've got the explosive sword
10:50and the magic sword.
10:51I'm fine with something good.
10:53I still have the harpoon, so.
10:54I'm going in swinging, bro.
10:55I'm going in swinging if we find anyone.
10:57This grappler's amazing.
10:59There's a little structure here.
11:01Structure where?
11:02Right in front of us.
11:03Oh, that renders.
11:04Oh, yeah.
11:05What the hell?
11:06That was not loaded in for me.
11:07Should we get more cobwebs, I guess?
11:09There's a 32 limit.
11:10I mean, I'll grab them.
11:11I only have 20, though.
11:12I might just need a new pair of shears, bro.
11:14What is going on?
11:15Is this even looted?
11:16It's rolling.
11:17Wait, oh, there's a Fletcher thing here.
11:18Is there arrows anywhere?
11:20Because if we get a bow legendary,
11:22we're going to want arrows.
11:23Is there a villager or something that we can trade with?
11:25Hmm, I don't think so.
11:26I don't think so.
11:28Someone definitely killed it.
11:28I hear more.
11:31There's a chest in this one.
11:34Just a suspicious stew.
11:36Oh, villagers.
11:37Here you go.
11:38Oh, snap.
11:39Wait, wait.
11:39Oh, wait.
11:40We can get easy emeralds.
11:41Yeah, yeah.
11:42Well, I'm just going to,
11:43I'm going to quickly do a Fletcher trade.
11:44Hopefully these guys actually want an employment.
11:46Bro, they're all unemployed.
11:48Are you kidding me?
11:48The green one, no, it's only the green one.
11:50It's unemployed.
11:51What are they looking for?
11:52What are they looking for?
11:53Oh, wait, no, this guy.
11:54No, Reece, this one's going.
11:54This guy wants it.
11:55This guy wants it.
11:56Oh, you see.
11:57He's strutting.
11:58He's looking for a job.
11:59Watch, he's going to get it.
12:00Come on, bro.
12:01Stick trade.
12:02Oh, wow.
12:03I've got 15 emeralds.
12:04Hell yeah.
12:05Wait, take a stack of arrows each.
12:07Just in case.
12:08All right.
12:09That's mid, by the way.
12:09We're right next to mid.
12:10You want a stack of arrows?
12:11You see the mid, by the way.
12:12Kind of fire, right?
12:14Take those arrows.
12:14Take those arrows.
12:15Take the arrows.
12:19Oh, me?
12:19Oh, shit.
12:20Wait, how many apples did you just get from that?
12:21What the hell?
12:22I had 15 emeralds,
12:23so I got three stacks.
12:24How did you have that?
12:25What, the emeralds?
12:27From the Wild West.
12:28Bro, you got the Fletcher.
12:28You just hold on to emeralds.
12:30All right, bro, my inventory.
12:31You want to know what's in my inventory right now?
12:33I've got 20 terracotta.
12:34I've got three pairs of shears.
12:36I've got a bed.
12:37I carry the most trash ever.
12:39Oh, there's a barrel here.
12:39Has this been looted?
12:41Two apples?
12:42Oh, okay.
12:43Oh, there's got to be some people around here, right?
12:45That we can find.
12:45Surely, right?
12:47Oh, oak biome.
12:49No, we're like.
12:50I've got 48 raw gold that I could actually cook up.
12:53Yeah, I have 35.
12:55Should we do that?
12:56I mean, let's just.
12:57Wait, here, let's get a couple furnaces going.
13:01Ray sometimes says hi, bonkers.
13:04No one said hi.
13:05Oh, people, people, people, people, people.
13:07Oh, they're broke, they're broke, they're broke.
13:09All right, let's kill them.
13:11Watch out, explosive bow.
13:14Yo, use that thing, bonkers.
13:15Use it.
13:16Oh, he's got two legendaries.
13:17He's got two legendaries.
13:20Right, they're running into unloaded chunks
13:22and I can't chase that.
13:23All of our gold's back here.
13:24Stop putting in unloaded chunks.
13:27Did they run into them?
13:27What the f you mean?
13:28I was talking to them.
13:30Calm down, bonkers.
13:31Yeah, bonkers.
13:32It's not that deep, bro.
13:33Why are you?
13:34Sorry, sorry.
13:35Oh, I got the harpoon.
13:36No, it got rid of my double edge.
13:36How did I get the harpoon again?
13:38I'm gonna crash now.
13:39It got rid of my double edge.
13:41That's actually so bad.
13:42What did you get instead?
13:44Oh, wait.
13:44No, I got.
13:45Teleportation bow.
13:46I got samurai katana.
13:47Oh, that's not bad.
13:48Oh, that is fire.
13:49That is fire.
13:49This is really good.
13:50If only we had it to chase those people earlier.
13:52Oh, I got shot.
13:53Someone shot me.
13:54I'm sorry.
13:55I was testing it.
13:56Teleportation bow is kind of valid.
13:57Yeah, but not compared to the one I just had.
13:59But it's all right.
14:00Yo, I gotta abuse this.
14:02I got a harpoon.
14:03Wait, what did you?
14:04You got the, yeah, you got the katana.
14:05Well, you can only use that every like three minutes anyway.
14:07So you may as well.
14:08Either way.
14:09We find people, we just drop them.
14:11How does a katana do?
14:13You can go.
14:14Go on, bonkers.
14:15Right click.
14:16Right click it.
14:17No, that's just gonna.
14:18Oh yeah, it's a two minute cool down.
14:19Maybe not.
14:20It gives you invis for 15 seconds.
14:23Does this harpoon do damage?
14:24No, no, no.
14:25No, it's a fishing one.
14:26Okay, so I don't have a weapon.
14:27I don't have a weapon then.
14:28Oh, the hell?
14:30Wait, I have the magic sword if you want the magic sword.
14:32I can drop you this.
14:33This is it.
14:34Can I like crypt people out with that?
14:38I'll take it.
14:39Why are you so hesitant, bro?
14:39I'll just give you a legendary weapon.
14:41Well, I didn't know if some of these don't,
14:43you know, like the ice sword,
14:44you can't crypt people out with that.
14:45Oh, you can do that now as well.
14:46Wait, there's a present over there.
14:47I see that, yeah.
14:49Has that just spawned in?
14:50Why is there a present?
14:52The present launcher.
14:53Do we abandon the gold?
14:55There's not much gold left.
14:56I say we go mid.
14:57Let's go mid.
14:57Let's go mid to see if there's people there.
14:58Wait, I just realized people are gonna be like,
15:00oh, that's how he was in Shayna earlier.
15:02Someone had the present launcher.
15:04Oh, there's people, people, people.
15:05Yo, Mori, TP in, TP in.
15:07How do I do it?
15:10I can...
15:16Oh my God.
15:18Hey, sir.
15:19I'm laggy.
15:22Oh my God, he's got the explosive bow.
15:23He's got the explosive bow.
15:25Yo, where are you?
15:26Wait, where are you going?
15:28Where are you going?
15:30Bunkers, bunkers, bunkers!
15:34No, Mori died.
15:35Oh my God, we got them all.
15:36I dropped the cart.
15:37Why would I die?
15:38Zacarian's got three shots.
15:39Holy, he's got prop four.
15:41Dude, he's got a prop four.
15:42This guy sucks.
15:44I'm taking that.
15:45No, give it me!
15:48What do you mean?
15:49This is my kill, bro.
15:50Your kill?
15:52Bro, I killed Zacarian, what do you mean?
15:54No, you didn't.
15:56Oh my God, he's got the bomb.
15:57No, I saw a sword kill him, I'm not gonna lie.
15:59Oh my God, what a loadout I've got right now.
16:02Teleportation bow, piercing sword,
16:05explosive sword, and the Poseidon Harpoon.
16:08As soon as I ran in there with my magic sword,
16:11trying to crit them out, and it did not do anything.
16:13Okay, do you want the piercing sword?
16:15No, I got one, I got one, I got one.
16:16Oh, okay.
16:17Dude, Zacarian's just standing still,
16:19taking crits for no reason.
16:21Dude, I was like, run, and it just looked...
16:23Well, there's people, people, people, people, people.
16:25Here we go, I'm going in.
16:26Wait, what effect did I give you, Varkus?
16:31It's sword 4000, bro, he's got the explosive bow!
16:36I'm here with you, I'm here with you.
16:37Watch out, you're getting crit.
16:37Yeah, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.
16:39Not again!
16:40Oh, I forget, I can't let you run.
16:44I don't know who just died, but this is insane.
16:46Taurus, you can't go anywhere.
16:49Yes, no, leave me alone!
16:53No, four seconds, four seconds.
16:57Oh my God, this guy is actually a bot.
16:59Come on, come on, come on, come on.
17:04Yo, bonkers, bonkers, perfect game, bonkers, bonkers, bonkers.
17:07He's gonna drop, he's gonna drop, he's gonna drop!
17:07Yes, let's go!
17:09Wait, what legendary?
17:10You got the harpoon.
17:11Where did Chug go?
17:11Chug was here.
17:12He had a double-edge, he had a double-edge.
17:13You should give it to Sword.
17:14Chug was just here.
17:15Oh, I've got the double-edge.
17:16I've got five legendaries!
17:19What is going on?
17:20Sword, I have 11.
17:21What, which ones have you got?
17:22Like, let's analyze the inventory right now.
17:25Let's analyze the inventory.
17:27Dude, I feel like this is a great game.
17:29This is a great game.
17:30I don't even know how many kills we've got.
17:31Bro, the teleportation bow, plus,
17:33wait, one of them had an explosive bow, by the way.
17:35Who picked, oh.
17:37Hi, bonkers.
17:40I would like that bow.
17:41You want it?
17:42Here you go.
17:43Oh, oh, thank you, thank you.
17:44All right, so I've got explosive sword, explosive bow.
17:45I keep chasing people, forgetting I can just pull them back.
17:48Oh, I forgot.
17:49Yo, Reece, I also got this.
17:50Damn, bro's got everything.
17:52I got the War Hammer, Double Split, Explosive Sword.
17:55Crit Morial with that, Shift-Hit him.
17:57Oh, shit.
18:00Yo, that hit you.
18:02Whoa, my Evso is three for five seconds?
18:05Okay, I gotta hit someone with that.
18:05I gotta hit someone with that.
18:06It's kind of brutal, that one.
18:07They're kind of dead if you kill them with that.
18:08It's a 30-second cooldown?
18:10Oh, they're finished.
18:11Should we go back across busy if we can find it?
18:12Oh, also, I'm good on gaps.
18:14Ikari has dropped with 20 gaps.
18:16Okay, I'm on 12.
18:17Wait, these chunks are loaded over here,
18:19so let's check these ones.
18:20I got the Snowball Launcher.
18:21What did I get now?
18:22Oh, my God, I got Present Launcher.
18:23And that was my new Legendary.
18:24Try it.
18:25I got the Ice Blade.
18:26I'm dropping it.
18:27Come on, please give me a chest.
18:28Please give me a chest.
18:31Chest, come on, chest, chest, chest.
18:35Prop 4 chest plate.
18:36Oh, wow, that's lucky.
18:37Who wants it?
18:37Oh, wait, I'll take it, I'll take it.
18:38There you go, loot pool.
18:39Oh, yeah, I got that.
18:40No, he does that every time.
18:41You mother, you have two enchanted.
18:42Yo, take three enchanted, then.
18:43Take three enchanted, no problem.
18:45Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
18:46I know, I know.
18:47I saw you didn't have an enchanted chest.
18:49Wait, Sword needs boots, bro.
18:51Oh, I got that.
18:53I'm colorblind, I can't tell I've got iron on, sorry.
18:55All right, two seconds, and I'm gonna use this.
18:57Oh, I'm gonna use Emeralds.
18:59Oh, come on.
19:00It's Emeralds.
19:01Ah, okay.
19:02It used to be the opposite.
19:03It used to be like, you get the chest,
19:04and you're like, oh.
19:05Well, we could just lurk around mid,
19:06because people are definitely just gonna keep coming in.
19:08Does everybody have an explosive?
19:09Oh, not an explosive, sorry.
19:10A teleportation bow.
19:12Yeah, I have one.
19:12Anybody have food?
19:14I got 12 bread.
19:15People, people, people, people, people.
19:16Arrow gun.
19:17Hopefully these guys have food.
19:18Oh, wait, we gotta kill Arrow.
19:19Low key.
19:20Hi, Arrow.
19:21What's happened?
19:23There's a sound before it, I think.
19:26Oh, wait, what?
19:28I can't flip and save.
19:29What's happening?
19:30No, wait, he just shot me.
19:32Who just did that?
19:33I can't flip and save.
19:34That's Arrow, he's invisible.
19:35Arrow's invisible.
19:36Oh, Arrow's invis.
19:36Okay, he's used piercing sword.
19:37Watch out.
19:40Oh, Bonkers did the same.
19:41Bonkers did the same.
19:43Oh, he's running, he's running.
19:43Okay, stay on him.
19:45Whatever the fuck that thing is.
19:46Yeah, yeah, pull yourself towards him.
19:48I'm out.
19:50Is he invisible?
19:51No, no, no, he's visible, he's visible.
19:53He used the katana.
19:58No, you.
20:00Whoa, okay, calm down, calm down.
20:03Yeah, go away.
20:06Yo, we don't have to do this this way, you know?
20:09It's already happened in this way, Arrow.
20:10There's no other choice.
20:11I'm here, Arrow.
20:13The chunk better spot the key.
20:15Yes, yes.
20:18I tiny my gaps.
20:19Wait, what?
20:23Don't let him.
20:24Don't let him.
20:27Yes, explosive sword.
20:29He's got it.
20:30Yes, yes.
20:31Oh my God, bro.
20:32He had to have been weak.
20:33Couldn't freaking crude him.
20:34Jesus Christ, bro.
20:36We're dominating this game.
20:38Arrow, this is really GGQ.
20:41I dropped GGQ.
20:42Wait, where's the samurai katana?
20:44I want that.
20:45Oh my God, I can give it to you, though.
20:46Yeah, that's fine.
20:47GGQ was like, what?
20:48What's going on?
20:49Yeah, she was running away from me.
20:50Like, I can't see anything.
20:52She's just like, she's like an NPC.
20:54Yo, look at this, bro.
20:55I got two explosive bows.
20:57Damn, give one to Mori.
20:59You need one.
20:59Yo, Mori, you want one?
21:00Yeah, I'll take one.
21:01You need more.
21:02Anyone need more arrows?
21:03Fine, give him more stacks there.
21:04There you go.
21:05Yeah, we don't need these.
21:07I'm gonna take them, bro.
21:08You never know, you never know.
21:09Oh my, look at that.
21:10There's still so many people alive somehow.
21:12150 people, bro.
21:15I can use a person.
21:17King is going down.
21:19Teleportation bow.
21:21Oh my God.
21:26Nope, come here.
21:27Come here.
21:30I did it with the hammer.
21:32Oh, wow.
21:35What the fuck, man?
21:36Oh my God.
21:38There's a lot of loot in there.
21:39I'm just gonna grab a cake spread.
21:41How is this fair for people?
21:42Well, I don't understand this, right?
21:44But everybody's had the same treatment as us.
21:46How are we so strong?
21:48Well, we do have enchanted gear, so.
21:49Should we just kill bonkers to make it fair?
21:53Yeah, yeah.
21:54Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
21:56We can't do that.
21:57Wait, Greninja's still alive, isn't he?
21:58Yeah, yeah, we still have a challenge.
22:02Bro, I'm actually,
22:03I might, if we see people,
22:05pop the katana, teleport bow in,
22:08explosive sword and explosive bow.
22:10Do we all have it?
22:11I don't have a katana.
22:12Yeah, yeah, I have.
22:13Oh, wait, Mori, I got a spare one for you here.
22:14This guy.
22:15Did you get a spare one this whole time?
22:16This guy.
22:17The harpoon, I actually really like.
22:20Yeah, the harpoon is good
22:21if you wanna travel short distances.
22:22New legendary.
22:23Oh, teleportation bow again.
22:25Oh, whoops.
22:26I got another advanced pickaxe, so that's great.
22:28Oh, nice.
22:29I've still got so much gold.
22:30I've got two stacks of gold.
22:31Who's got apples?
22:34I have 36 gaps, so I think I'm good.
22:36Share them out, maybe?
22:38I've got 11.
22:40I reached, take my five apples.
22:41Oh, okay, thank you.
22:42Has border even started shrinking yet?
22:43I don't think it has.
22:44I don't think so.
22:45No, it has not.
22:46So should we stick around mid
22:47and see if we can find people, or should we?
22:49I feel like we should wait for our present launcher
22:51to see if we can get better gear,
22:53because we're not-
22:53Better gear?
22:55Brother, no one's standing a chance against us.
22:57We could just go out
22:58and see if we can hunt people down there,
22:59because there's clearly no one here.
23:00You wanna do that?
23:01I mean, I'm down.
23:02Yeah, go on.
23:03May as well.
23:04Zacarian's messaged me.
23:06Fuck you, bonkers.
23:07I was AFK.
23:08Oh, no, there's no excuse.
23:10You can't go AFK in a Hunger Games.
23:11Here we go.
23:12Okay, right.
23:13A few videos ago, when this goes out,
23:15I beat the record for the most kills in a game.
23:17How much was that?
23:20In a game?
23:21In a single game.
23:22Yeah, in one game, yeah.
23:23I feel like we've already got at least 10.
23:24If we go straight up WK and just wait around mid,
23:27I reckon we could clean up probably 40 kills here.
23:30Do you wanna go for it?
23:31Look how many people are still left, bro.
23:33Let's go for it.
23:34Yeah, let's go for it.
23:35Beat the record again.
23:36Pearl and over.
23:37Everyone's coming over, bro.
23:38They're now on their way.
23:40Hopefully, they strategically don't kill each other.
23:41We could strategically kill everyone.
23:44Yes, bang.
23:45Okay, new legend.
23:46Oh, I got the wither sword now.
23:46Oh, I'm gonna terrorize people.
23:49We have to find people.
23:50Bro, invis, katana, explosive sword, wither sword.
23:53Then I'm gonna explosive bow.
23:55Where is everyone though?
23:57Oh, there they are.
23:58There they are.
23:59Wait, wait, go, go, go.
23:59Hit people.
24:00I don't have an ender bow, so I can't.
24:01Oh, you fuck.
24:03Oh my God.
24:03I just hit this fucking guy with the bow.
24:05Oh, they're running.
24:06They're running.
24:07Yeah, Mori actually just sold that whole operation on me.
24:10All right, well, this guy might get hit by this at least.
24:12All right, hold on.
24:12Mori, you fucking idiot.
24:16Bro, you blocked my, you blocked my bow.
24:18My ender pearl bow.
24:19I just hit you straight away.
24:20You think I meant to do that?
24:21You just ran in front of me.
24:23Dude, I can't see you.
24:24I don't know what you're about to do.
24:25Hey, John Cena, what are you talking about?
24:27Okay, that was funny as fuck.
24:30Bro, why can't I shoot the bow?
24:34There we go.
24:3510-2, 10-2.
24:36Hey, big dog.
24:38Yo, chill, bro, chill.
24:44Oh no, oh no.
24:46I'm gonna boost you, sword, if I can.
24:47Yes, got him with the bow.
24:48Got him with the explosive bow.
24:49What a shot.
24:50Hell yeah.
24:52Okay, is there another one nearby?
24:53Where, where, where, where?
24:54Oh shit, he's got, okay, he's doing the glitch again.
24:57Well, the board is shrinking right here anyway.
24:59I'm blocking my shot, bro.
25:00God, I'm pissed about that still.
25:01Okay, I actually didn't even like know you were behind me.
25:04I thought you were ahead of me.
25:05That's not my fault.
25:06God, I kill pandas better.
25:07He's fully in Shannon, unless he got an E table.
25:08Did he go this way?
25:09Yeah, he went this way.
25:10He boated away, he boated away.
25:12Let's chase.
25:14Straight ahead, I think.
25:15Where did he go?
25:16There's some, there's a guy right there.
25:20That's him, I think, right?
25:21That's him, that's him, yeah.
25:26We need to kill this guy.
25:27Watch the shot, watch the shot.
25:29Okay, I'm gonna, I've wasted the katana low-key.
25:33If I can end a bow onto the side.
25:42I'm not gonna chase that.
25:43I'm not chasing it, I'm not chasing it.
25:46Yeah, we'll kill him eventually.
25:47Should we go mid now?
25:48Yeah, yeah, we should.
25:49If we all hit them with explosive bow,
25:51I feel like we can one tap someone,
25:52even if they're in full prop four.
25:55I mean, that guy dropped pretty,
25:56it was quite high.
25:58It was quite a satisfying kill, actually,
26:00in the water there.
26:01Dude, I don't know why,
26:02but killing people with ledgers is just so satisfying.
26:04It really is.
26:05People are dying.
26:07We need to kill them.
26:08We need to get kills.
26:09Oh, people, people.
26:10Here, here, people.
26:11Here we go.
26:12Oh, wait, they're kind of stacked.
26:13They have enchanted gear.
26:14We've got every legendary under the sun.
26:17Either way, there's a team of three.
26:19One of them's got, oh, they have enchanted weapons.
26:21Double-edged sword was my new weapon.
26:25Okay, I've used the katana,
26:26so I'm now completely invisible to these players,
26:29which means this guy's got no idea I'm right here.
26:32There we go.
26:32People down here.
26:34Run this way.
26:39What the hell?
26:41Oh, damn.
26:42Let's go, geyser.
26:43Nice shot, nice shot.
26:44Oh, God, don't hit me.
26:47Get over here.
26:48Oh, no, no, no.
26:49One of them.
26:50Come back here.
26:54Oh, he's gone.
26:55He pulled.
26:57Where did he pull?
26:59Where did he go?
27:01Oh, he's over there.
27:02He's over there.
27:03He's over there.
27:03They're fighting over here.
27:04Oh, I'm out of arrows.
27:05No, I'm not out of arrows.
27:06What's going on?
27:08Okay, they got that guy.
27:09Did this guy just go down here?
27:11I think he did.
27:16Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
27:18There's a load of people down here.
27:19There's a load of people down here.
27:20A load of people down here.
27:22Okay, these guys are all a part of different teams.
27:26I need to end a bow in there.
27:29One sec.
27:30Right, let's go.
27:35Oh, they're running the opposite way now.
27:36No way.
27:38I just know he might be holding.
27:39Oh, yeah, because you don't want to.
27:40Because you don't want to.
27:42That did no damage.
27:43No, no.
27:45Use your samurai sword.
27:47Oh, of course.
27:47No, no, no.
27:48He hit me as well, bro.
27:49Oh, my God.
27:50Toxicity here is crazy.
27:51Oh, my bad.
27:52My bad.
27:53I just hate this.
27:55Who, me?
27:56It's all right, you'll have to see him in a second.
27:59Oh, okay, that's kind of mean.
28:00Get off him.
28:00Oh, he's teammates to the rescue.
28:03Yeah, bro.
28:05Okay, I can use my samurai katana,
28:06which is going to be huge.
28:09Right, let's go.
28:11Oh, I'm still on full health, bro.
28:12I'm full protoc.
28:14Okay, I'm just going to push him.
28:15He doesn't know I'm here.
28:17Here, come here.
28:19He doesn't, he's got no idea I'm here.
28:21Oh, oh, oh.
28:22Actually, don't want to go.
28:23That hurts, right?
28:23That hurts, right?
28:24That hurts.
28:27Yeah, samurai katana.
28:28Yeah, it's gameplay.
28:29Yeah, I'm good.
28:30I'm good.
28:31I tanked this.
28:32I tanked this.
28:33You win this.
28:34That was short.
28:34Guys, guys.
28:35Oh, no.
28:36Oh, yeah, Bradbury's there.
28:37Oh, that's bonkers.
28:38I'll consider it but a drop.
28:39I'll consider it but a drop.
28:40Yeah, he's.
28:40I'm not.
28:41Explosive bow him in there.
28:43Oh, my God.
28:44There's so many people.
28:45There's so many people.
28:45Come here, endgame.
28:46Wait, what?
28:47Yo, yo, yo.
28:48He said he was in full prot 4, he said.
28:49Oh, he did have an EGAP.
28:51Yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:56Wait, wait, wait.
28:57There's still some stuff here, though.
28:58Wait, there's a load of gear on the floor.
28:59He might have actually been in prot 4.
29:00One sec.
29:01Prot 2, actually.
29:02This isn't bad.
29:03Oh, prot 3, prot 4.
29:05Here we go.
29:06He wasn't lying.
29:07Oh, and he's got the piercing sword.
29:08Oh, it's sharp 3 as well.
29:10Okay, prot 4 boots I picked up.
29:11Prot 2 leggings.
29:13I have two snowball launchers.
29:14They're stacked.
29:15Oh, what?
29:16Let's split them up and then just.
29:18Use them both at the same time, maybe.
29:20I'm gonna make an anvil.
29:20I don't think it works like that.
29:21Bro, that was crazy.
29:22I don't even know what just happened.
29:24Double snowball launcher?
29:25Like, is this Fortnite or something?
29:25The fact that they ran from us.
29:27Wait, is that piercing sword?
29:28That's piercing sword.
29:28Yeah, I got piercing sword sharp 3 as well.
29:30Oh my.
29:31Do we have, like, prot 1?
29:32Rhys, I feel like you should use that.
29:33It's gonna do a lot of damage.
29:34Fuck it.
29:35Yeah, I got some prot 1.
29:36Wait, pull the anvil back down, please.
29:37Yeah, let's get away from.
29:38Wait, wait, wait.
29:39One of them had an E table.
29:40We can enchant our weapons.
29:41Just put it down right here.
29:42Put it down right here.
29:43Fuck, where's he going?
29:43Where you going, bro?
29:44I need the anvil.
29:45Yeah, he's moving it like a centimeter a second.
29:48I just need to combine two leggings.
29:50We could enchant a table.
29:50Did no one drop an ender bow?
29:51I don't know.
29:52It's all on the ground, but.
29:54No one drops an ender bow now.
29:55Okay, I've got prot 3 leggings as well.
29:57Right, we can still get crazy amount of kills here.
30:00Still quite a lot of people left.
30:01Yeah, if you're gonna use your weapons,
30:03do teleportation boat first before the explosive boat.
30:07Oh, there's people to the left, people to the left.
30:09Loads of people.
30:10We could katana in.
30:11You wanna go invis and then just jump on?
30:12Yeah, let's go.
30:15Protect the base.
30:19Oh, what the fuck?
30:20Oh, he doesn't know I'm here.
30:21Oh, this guy's got no idea I'm here.
30:23Yes, I got him.
30:24I got him.
30:25Nice, nice.
30:26He had no idea.
30:26Oh, he's invisible.
30:27He's invisible.
30:28He is invisible.
30:29Oh, hello.
30:30Oh, they still can't see me.
30:31Oh, he's got invisible.
30:32Fuck, no way.
30:33Oh no, I've actually just been double baited.
30:35This is crazy.
30:36I killed one.
30:37I killed one.
30:37Yo, they're all invis.
30:38They're all invis.
30:39Somehow still webbed him though.
30:41I don't think I'm invis.
30:41Oh, I'm not invis.
30:43I think I'm the only one that's not invis.
30:45Come here, Barry.
30:46Why is it not exploding, bro?
30:47What's going on?
30:48Oh, there you are.
30:49Barry, just die.
30:52Did I get you in that web?
30:56Are you kidding me?
31:01Come on.
31:02I can't see anything.
31:03I can't move.
31:08Come on.
31:09Come on.
31:12Come on.
31:13Come on.
31:14I'm here to help.
31:17Let's go.
31:18Oh, he had the hammer.
31:19Grab that.
31:20Grab that.
31:21I don't want that.
31:21I'm not a big fan.
31:22Oh, I got an ender bow.
31:24Oh, finally.
31:25We got Zelda.
31:26Dude, Barry was running and he tried to put a web,
31:28but he put a web in front of him
31:29and jumped in his own web and I killed him.
31:30Do you want to tighten it?
31:32No, I'm good.
31:33Bro, do you know what I put?
31:34I shot in the bow on those guys with the katana.
31:37I exploded bow him.
31:38I hit him with the explosive sword as well.
31:40And he was running.
31:41I two tapped him with the piercing sword.
31:42He had no idea what happened.
31:44Oh my.
31:45Oh, they're all fighting.
31:45They're all fighting.
31:46We clean that.
31:47The piercing sword is good though.
31:49It's a stone sword though.
31:51Oh, there's people too.
31:51All right.
31:52We can take these.
31:53We can take these.
31:54All right.
31:55Explosive bow.
31:56Finish the kill.
31:57There's people behind us.
31:58Pen did well.
31:59The pierce though, yeah.
32:01I did somebody and this is on me guys.
32:06Guys, guys.
32:07And this person on me.
32:09Watch out for sword.
32:09Watch out for sword.
32:13Oh, Panda was so low bro.
32:16That's another teammate dead.
32:16Yeah, how is it?
32:17Maybe, maybe.
32:18But it actually does damage.
32:19Wait, what?
32:21I've been gotten for about 10 minutes.
32:23It's crazy.
32:24I've been gotten for 10 minutes.
32:25Nice, nice, nice.
32:27Well, there's so many people here.
32:28Oh my God.
32:29Just let it happen.
32:30There is.
32:30Wait, wait.
32:31I've got 56 golden apples, bro.
32:32What the fuck is going on?
32:34I've got a minute until my katana runs out or is back.
32:37We should probably hold off.
32:38Oh, there's people over here as well.
32:39Who are these guys?
32:41And super has to die.
32:43I have to kill super.
32:44Why do you have to?
32:45Because I keep killing him and it's hilarious.
32:48Oh my God.
32:49There's so many people here.
32:50Watch out.
32:50Whoa, whoa, whoa.
32:51Wait, should we back off?
32:52Oh, geezer.
32:53Now look, they're forming an alliance.
32:59Whoa, Stranzo, Stranzo.
33:00Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
33:04Hey, we're up to 11.
33:06Hey, Stranzo.
33:07I'll try and pull him back.
33:09He did it.
33:11That's right.
33:14Please weapons.
33:15Can you boost me?
33:19Okay, I'm slowed.
33:19I'm slowed.
33:21I can't see anything either.
33:22Is everyone here?
33:23I'm right next to you.
33:24It's okay.
33:24Okay, yep.
33:25Should have got milk.
33:26There's people, a lot of people are here.
33:27Oh my God.
33:28There's loads of people here.
33:29What is going on?
33:29Oh, I just used the katana.
33:30I've got to use it.
33:32You should probably go for elemental
33:33because he has 18 legendaries.
33:35That sounds like a good idea.
33:37Who is getting, who is hitting me?
33:40Is this someone's work?
33:41Oh my God.
33:42Aubrey has got to die.
33:42He's got to die.
33:43Oh my God.
33:44Samurai Katana boy.
33:46Oh, he used his shit.
33:49Oh, dog's dead.
33:50Dog's dead.
33:51Nice, nice, nice.
33:53I got a guy invis on me,
33:54but he's doing like no damage.
33:55So it's like, and he's in that web right now.
33:56I can't hit him.
33:57Oh, he walked out of the web.
33:59I can't even see him.
34:00He's stuck in a web.
34:01That's embarrassing, Aubrey.
34:05Bro, uninstall the game, please.
34:08Uninstall the game.
34:09Bro, what can I do?
34:10What can I do?
34:11Get out the border.
34:11Watch out, watch out, watch out.
34:12Another guy here.
34:13Yeah, there's another team.
34:15Nice, nice.
34:16Good stuff, good stuff, good stuff.
34:18Right, let's have a look.
34:19What's going on here?
34:20I've got one pearl.
34:20Okay, you're about to get swallowed by the border.
34:22Yeah, no, I'm good.
34:23I'm good, I'm good.
34:23The border, what are you doing?
34:25Trying to get better boots.
34:26I got pop one, that's all I got.
34:30Oh my God, there's so many people dying.
34:31Oh, there's people to the left.
34:32Pop more boots.
34:33There we go.
34:34We're not here.
34:34We're not here.
34:35No, go away.
34:37I hit him.
34:38Oh, is that super?
34:39He went invis.
34:40Oh, they both did.
34:40Okay, fuck.
34:41The end line.
34:42That's fine, that's fine.
34:43All right, we can wait in this corner.
34:44We can wait in this corner.
34:45The border stopped.
34:46Oh, I got magic sword.
34:47Let me just, let me go swing it in there.
34:48How many kills have we gotten?
34:49I don't know.
34:50I don't know.
34:51I'm gonna have to check afterwards.
34:54I dropped the present launcher.
34:55Why am I the only one that's not?
34:57Oh, great.
34:58Oh, they're fighting them.
34:59Oh, look, there's two.
35:00I don't have them.
35:00Okay, no, okay.
35:01That is a...
35:02Yes, nice, nice.
35:03Oh, Kirk.
35:04That was so good.
35:05Hit straight, though.
35:06Hit straight.
35:08Oh, Kirk, bro.
35:13What's going on?
35:15Oh, yes.
35:16There's another one.
35:17Oh, baby.
35:17What is the flip?
35:18Oh, I'm getting hit by...
35:19Oh, he's used his.
35:20No, okay.
35:21Wait, what?
35:23Josh is legendary.
35:24How am I dying?
35:25I was working for Saarinen,
35:25but it didn't work for me.
35:28Yo, what are we taking damage from?
35:32Oh, no, I'm getting hit by an invis person.
35:34Oh, shit.
35:36Bro, that's why I'm confused.
35:41Oh, no.
35:42Are you certain?
35:43Yeah, I'm good.
35:44I've got two gaps on my house.
35:48Oh, there we go.
35:48You only have two gaps?
35:50Two god apples, sorry.
35:51I misspoke.
35:52Oh, what?
35:54Wait, nice sword, bro.
35:56Oh, no.
35:57That's not ideal.
35:58Oh, what is this thing?
35:59No, it didn't let me...
36:00How much damage is Chris?
36:00There we go.
36:01I got 3v1.
36:02I got 3v1.
36:03I'm almost done.
36:04We might have to get out of here.
36:06Oh, my God.
36:07That's not showing the way out.
36:08How's Greninja alive?
36:09Bro, I'm on full health.
36:12Yo, we need to take...
36:13Oh, look, you got a change, Greninja.
36:15They all might be low.
36:16They all might be low.
36:17Oh, no.
36:18Hey, boy.
36:19You scared?
36:20Greninja, Arthur, let me join you, mate.
36:22Oh, it's...
36:23Wait, it did already...
36:26No time to wait, Leo.
36:27What is this?
36:30Try and get him down if you can.
36:32How did that not do any damage?
36:34He's got to be low, bro.
36:35There's no way.
36:36Oh, my.
36:39Oh, my God.
36:40Oh, my God, sword.
36:41Wrong dude.
36:42Hello, I'm getting sword.
36:43You hit me.
36:44All right, there you go.
36:45Come over here.
36:45Come over here.
36:46Come over here.
36:47I just got so many kills.
36:48I'm not even going to lie.
36:49Oh, my God.
36:50Oh, my goodness.
36:53Okay, piercing sword.
36:54There's a guy down there.
36:54What the fuck?
36:55What is it?
36:56Oh, man.
36:57He's staying down there, buddy.
36:58How are we going to kill him?
37:00Well, you've got a border, right?
37:01No, border.
37:02How do you see the border moving?
37:04There's a hole right here if you want to go in.
37:05Okay, yeah, yeah.
37:06Let's kill him.
37:07All right.
37:08What the hell?
37:08How are you going to kill him?
37:09I'm trying to beat that record, bro.
37:10What are you talking about?
37:11Right here, right here.
37:12Don't let it get out.
37:15You're trolling.
37:19Oh, my God.
37:20You reckon double edge is better than sharp piercing?
37:26I'm lucky getting cocked.
37:28Woo-hoo, you guys got this.
37:30Explosive arrow for fun.
37:33James, James.
37:34James, come over here.
37:35Let's fight.
37:36Let's fight James over there.
37:40Oh, he's gone.
37:40Oh, he's gone.
37:42He's gone.
37:42He is.
37:43Panty, hold on.
37:47Is that not his name?
37:48Am I wrong?
37:49Panty, bro.
37:49No, it's not panties.
37:50Why is that not working for me?
37:53Like, mm, mm, mm.
37:54It's not.
37:55I shit.
37:56Oh, wait, what?
37:57How are you not dead, mate?
37:58Oh, my God.
37:59Oh, my God.
38:00They're kind of all stacked.
38:01Yeah, they are.
38:02Pull back, pull back, pull back again.
38:04What do we do?
38:05What do we do?
38:06Holy shit, bro.
38:07This is insane.
38:08Oh, my God.
38:09Let's just wait.
38:10Let's just wait.
38:11Oh, yeah, let's wait.
38:12I'm gonna take a drink.
38:13Sit and wait.
38:14I think there's diamond on my ear.
38:15Oh, motherfucker.
38:15Okay, well, they won't let us.
38:16No, the diamond.
38:17I love it.
38:18I feel like it's gonna be a...
38:20Are you fucking kidding?
38:21All right, we need to fight them.
38:22Should we focus one team, then?
38:23We need a titan's whammer, kid, and a murderer.
38:26Right, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
38:28Let's focus.
38:29Maybe piercing sword's good here.
38:31I think he's on his own on the left there.
38:33I say we just jump him, drop him,
38:35because he's got no teammates.
38:36Let's drag him down.
38:38Okay, yeah, let's do that.
38:39Okay, wait.
38:40Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
38:43Oh, we did a little bit too much.
38:46Where am I?
38:47Why can I not hit him?
38:48Where am I?
38:49I can't hit him.
38:50There we go.
38:51I can't hit him either.
38:52I got him.
38:52Oh, I can't see anything.
38:53Oh, I'm blind.
38:55Shiny, this is your game mode.
38:56Get him.
38:57Yeah, I know.
38:58Any of you guys got some...
38:59Dude, I have 10 teammates.
39:01I'm such a bad teammate, I think.
39:03Oh, I'm cooked.
39:06GG, guys.
39:07As soon as he dies, bro.
39:08Oh, nice.
39:09Good job, bro.
39:10Watch out, watch out, watch out.
39:11What the hell?
39:12All right, I'm in.
39:14What the fuck?
39:15This is probably the most stacked
39:16I've ever been in an end fight.
39:19Oh, Ornn's gonna die, maybe.
39:21No, this is a part of the lore, Mor.
39:27Oh, wow.
39:28I cool down pretty fast.
39:47Here we go.
39:48Here we go.
39:49Oh, no.
39:49How'd the turrets table?
39:52Oh, come on.
39:53Get back here.
39:54Oh, no.
39:54Oh, no.
39:55Oh, no.
39:56Oh, no.
39:57Oh, no.
39:58Oh, no.
39:59Oh, no.
39:59Oh, no.
40:00Get back here.
40:01You can't see me.
40:03I need to make the most of it.
40:04Come on.
40:05I don't die, bro.
40:07It's time to go.
40:08Bro, that's stupid.
40:08In a minute.
40:11I'm watching this web spam.
40:12It's not great.
40:12Oh, no.
40:13Oh, shit.
40:17Mori, I need that helmet back.
40:20You're gonna need it.
40:21Do you want to take the helmet?
40:21Come here.
40:22Mori, I need the helmet back.
40:23Jordan, your helmet's dropped.
40:24Your helmet's dropped.
40:25I know, I need it back.
40:26I gave you it.
40:27I don't have one.
40:28You want my normal one?
40:30I'm so cucked, bro.
40:32We need to drop Greninja now if this is gonna happen.
40:35Okay, okay, okay.
40:35It's not gonna happen.
40:38I got the wrong guy.
40:42Oh, no.
40:43Everything is popping.
40:44Run away.
40:45I'm cucked, bro.
40:46It's over.
40:47No, I got you.
40:48I got your back.
40:48I got your back.
40:50Just, you want, you need to.
40:51I'm changing stuff out.
40:52I'm changing stuff out.
40:53I'm changing stuff out.
40:53Yeah, yeah, yeah.
40:54You can craft them over.
40:55Come here.
40:57Oh, my God, bro.
40:58Holy shit.
40:58Yeah, yeah, yeah.
40:59Oh, he might be dead.
41:01Oh, nice, nice.
41:02Did you get spare helmet?
41:03Please, please.
41:03I got it.
41:04I dropped it.
41:05I got one.
41:07This one's enchanted.
41:08This one's enchanted.
41:12How am I alive, bro?
41:13My piercing sword is almost done.
41:14My armor is dying, dude.
41:19This is insane.
41:19You want a spare piercing sword?
41:21It's so sharp, too.
41:22It's almost broke during the last fight.
41:23Actually, I don't have any.
41:26I say we Samurai Katana,
41:27and then we just go for it again.
41:28Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
41:29Who are we going for?
41:34Oh, I'm 17 seconds.
41:36I can't believe I killed Artie, dude.
41:37Oh, my days.
41:39It's okay, Greninja.
41:40Your knight in shining armor is here to save the day.
41:52There we go.
41:53Oh, I'm dead.
41:54Oh, no, I'm not.
41:54I'm fine.
41:56Oh, what the freak?
41:58Got him.
41:59Got him.
42:04We can't third party.
42:05Oh, okay.
42:06You know, that's fine.
42:07Do you want me to third party?
42:08That's fine.
42:09You definitely should.
42:09I was going to not third party, you know?
42:10Do you want a chance to win?
42:13I guess.
42:15Yes, we're fine.
42:16Oh, no.
42:17I can't do this.
42:20Oh, my God.
42:22I dropped so fast at the end.
42:24I dropped so fast at the end.