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00:00Finally, I get one clean program out of you.
00:12My double axel is totally under-rotated.
00:16I've got to fix that before regionals in five weeks.
00:19Don't be so hard on yourself, Callie. You're doing great.
00:22I personally thought it was amazing.
00:25Now why don't you two take a break for the rest of the day
00:29and we're going to practice again tomorrow.
00:31I think I might stay behind a little longer.
00:33I need to work on my toe loop.
00:54Can I get you anything?
00:59You know what, can I get a water and one of the soft ones?
01:10You're Callie Anderson, right?
01:14Ah, the girl who won all the pair skating competitions.
01:19I'm so sorry, I don't recognize you. Do you skate here?
01:24Yeah, yeah. Sorry, I'm actually on the college hockey team.
01:29Oh, yeah, cool. I haven't had a chance to go to any of the games,
01:33but I hear the school's team is pretty good.
01:36We are. You should definitely come by sometime.
01:38You know, I'm actually the starting winger,
01:40and I'd love for you to come by and see us practice or play one of the games sometime.
01:44Callie! Come quickly, something happened to Garrett.
01:48Oh, God.
01:53How are you?
01:55Oh, my God, what happened?
01:57He fell. He landed right on his knee. I heard it snap.
02:00We should take him to the hospital.
02:02Do you have your wallet, sweetie? You're going to need your ID to get into the checked-in.
02:06It's in my bag in the boys' locker room.
02:08Okay, well, let's get him out to the car, and then I'll go grab it from the locker room.
02:11Okay, okay. Watch out, watch out, watch out.
02:13Okay, just get slow.
02:22Just take him out to the car, okay? I'll be right there.
02:27Hey, hey, hey, what's going on? Is everything okay?
02:30I said, Garrett, he fell, and it's his knee. I don't know. I think it's broken.
02:34What can I do to help?
02:36He needs his bag. It's in the boys' locker room, but I don't know where it is.
02:41Okay, come on. Let's go.
02:46Um, do you know which one it could be?
02:49You think it's up here? I don't know.
02:54Oh, my God, it's locked. Why didn't you tell me it was locked?
02:57It might have been the broken knee.
03:01Bad joke, bad joke. Sorry.
03:04Guys usually do something pretty easy, like, um, his birthday. Do you know what his birthday is?
03:09Uh, five, six, zero, zero.
03:15Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh, my God. But I don't even know your name.
03:24Parker. Parker Highland.
03:27Parker Highland, I owe you one.
03:30Hey, just come to one of my hockey games, I guess. Watch me play some golf. We'll call you.
03:37I highly doubt that is even, but we've got a deal.
03:49I should get going. They're probably waiting for me.
03:53Absolutely not. You did not do that.
04:01I have to go.
04:04No, no, no, please don't let us stop you. I'm Monty, by the way.
04:10You know Callie? No, not really.
04:23Have a good practice, babe.
04:28It's definitely broken, but he's not going to need surgery.
04:32But it is going to take some time to heal.
04:35So he won't be able to skate?
04:37No skating for at least four months.
04:42But regionals is in a month, and nationals is all over summer.
04:47You'll be ready by nationals, but you're not going to be healed by regionals.
04:50And if you skate too soon, you're just going to make your injury even worse.
04:57I'm so sorry, Callie. I screwed this all up.
05:00No, no, Garrett, you didn't. It was just an accident.
05:05Garrett, don't worry. I'll fix this.
05:10This is our senior year of college. Maybe our last chance to skate together again.
05:15Don't worry. It's not like I can go to nationals without a partner for regionals.
05:21Okay, you two don't worry about that.
05:23I'm going to find a replacement for Callie for nationals.
05:27And Garrett, I want you to focus on getting better.
05:36So, Hyland, Hyland, inquiring minds want to know, what exactly did we walk in on this morning?
05:46What exactly did we walk in on this morning?
05:48Nothing, guys. I was just helping her out. Come on, man.
05:52Yeah, you were just helping her out?
05:56Look, man, her partner broke his damn knee.
06:01She needed to get into the locker so she could get the bag out. That's all it was. Nothing else.
06:07Better be careful. Conrad's got dibs on her.
06:11Yeah, no way. That's over.
06:15Conrad likes to keep his puck bunnies just that, puck bunnies.
06:19Big dogs gotta eat. Gotta hunt them puck bunnies.
06:22Man, like me, just needs more than one lady and she couldn't handle it.
06:25She was obsessed. It was kind of creepy.
06:27Yeah, sure she was.
06:31Hey, nice practice today, boys. You looked really great out there.
06:35Way to attack the ice and move the puck toward the goal.
06:38As you all know, the big conference game is coming up in a couple of weeks.
06:42This will determine whether or not we move on to the championships.
06:46And at this point, the way we're looking, we have a good chance of getting there!
07:02I need your help.
07:03Sure, what is it?
07:05Garrett's out.
07:06What happened?
07:07He fell, broke his knee. Four months.
07:10Who's going to skate with Callie?
07:12I don't know what I'm supposed to do, Mark.
07:14I called every rink in the Tri-State area. There's not one single male skater available.
07:21At this point, you might as well just use one of my players.
07:24One of your players?
07:27One of your players?
07:30That's it? We'll use one of your hockey players to skate with her?
07:34No, Darlene. They've got too much going on as it is. They've got important games coming up.
07:40I'm desperate. I'm at the end of my rope.
07:44I'll pay.
07:46Pay then? Don't waste your money.
07:50Mark, Callie's been working towards this her entire life.
07:55This is her last Nationals before she heads off to college. She's being desperate.
08:00This is her last Nationals before she heads off to college.
08:04How much are we talking here?
08:11Is that enough?
08:16You're crazy.
08:20Got anyone in mind?
08:24Coach Mike, I was just...oh.
08:26Sorry, I didn't realize you had a meeting going on right now.
08:32Need some extra cash, kid?
08:36Great. And be at the ice rink at 9am sharp Wednesday morning.
08:43And you'll be a hundred grand richer.
08:52Coach, is she serious? What's this all about?
08:57She is. One of her male skaters broke his knee and she needs a replacement.
09:02Now you don't have to do this.
09:04I'll do it.
09:06Are you serious?
09:11What are we waiting for?
09:13I told you. You're a new partner.
09:17It's hockey day. Nobody here even skates.
09:21In time.
09:28Parker, you remember Coach Anderson? Of course.
09:31Such the gentleman.
09:32Callie, good to see you too.
09:34I really hope I'm a good replacement for Garrett.
09:40You're Garrett's replacement?
09:44You don't even skate.
09:46What do you mean? Of course I skate. I just don't figure skate.
09:49Not yet, anyway.
09:52A bunch of really amazing hockey players took figure skating lessons.
09:56It makes them more agile.
09:58What do you think about that?
10:05Okay, fine. Screw it. I'm in.
10:09I'm not 100% sure this is going to work, but I guess I have no other choice.
10:14Alright, awesome. Let's do it.
10:20We have practice in a few minutes. Guys, stay and watch.
10:33Look at Parker go. He's already really graceful, isn't he?
10:37This is not going to be that difficult.
10:39I'm pretty sure I just saw him slam somebody up against a glass and then slide across the ice on his stomach.
10:45Room for growth, right? He's perfect.
