When the Titanic sank, millionaire John Jacob Astor IV was on board. He had enough money in his bank accounts to build 30 such Titanics.
However, when faced with mortal danger, he chose what he believed was morally right and gave up his place in a lifeboat to two frightened children.
However, when faced with mortal danger, he chose what he believed was morally right and gave up his place in a lifeboat to two frightened children.
00:00When the Titanic sank, millionaire John Jacob Ashter Ford was on board.
00:09He had enough money in his bank account to build 30 such Titanics.
00:16However, when faced with mortal danger, he chose what he believed was morally right and
00:27gave up his place in a lifeboat to two frightened children.
00:37He told Strauss' co-owner of the largest American department, Sturgeon Macy's, who was also
00:47on the Titanic's side.
00:50I will never get into a lifeboat before other men.
00:58His wife also refused to get into the boat, giving up her place to the maid she just hired,
01:08Helen Burke.
01:10She decided to live the last minute of her life with her husband.
01:19These rich people prefer to remain without their wealth and even life, but not to compromise
01:29their moral principles, so wealth is not a reason to behave inhumanely.