#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
00:00Yo, yo, Nico. Oh, what's good? I don't think the substitute teacher is paying attention. What do you mean?
00:04Well, the sub hasn't really done much but sit around and play with string that he found on the table
00:09I don't think that's a teacher dude. Well, it's our substitute shady. Did you even complete your assignment up there?
00:14Yeah, I did. But why do I feel like things are switched? Normally you guys sit in the front nice in the back. Oh
00:19Yeah, that is true. I don't know why I'm sitting in the back. Well, look at the substitute teacher
00:22Yeah, I know. He's just like been making some noises and like eating things
00:25I don't even think he knows how to teach a class
00:27Hey, buddy, are we free to leave after we finish the assignment? I don't know if he speaks English
00:31I'm pretty sure he's just a monkey. Oh, wait, is he leaving the class? Where's he going? Well, what's he doing?
00:36He's playing around. Yeah. No, this definitely does not matter for our grade
00:39I feel like we could just leave the class and not get anything deducted. Yeah, I think we're good chat
00:43This is a waste of my time. Well, thanks. Mr. Substitute. I'm out of here. Oh, what's the peanut doing?
00:52You were sad about what
00:54I don't like this school anymore. Why don't you like this school? It's kind of awesome
01:00That is true I was kind of thinking that for a while but I didn't want to offend the school
01:03Also, the substitute teachers running down the hallway. Nah, they did not hire a monkey. That's crazy
01:09We left our class because we didn't really care about the assignment and we wanted to leave
01:15Yeah, sure, but aren't you a little hungry peanut it's been a while since all of us have eaten
01:20I'm thinking about eating the peanut right now. He's looking real good. I know me too
01:24Nothing peanut. I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to take a bite of your shell
01:28Maybe we could just go to the lunchroom. You know, I'm the only one that can crack the peanut. Hey, do not do that
01:34I'm just kidding. I wouldn't do that. He's my little bro. He's my baby
01:37We can go to the cafeteria and grab some food before we leave
01:40Well, are you guys not tired of the cafeteria food?
01:42Like what if we just snuck out and like went to block Donald or something? I guess that's true
01:46We could go to block Donald's think that's kind of genius
01:48I'm tired of eating like moldy pizza and like nasty pineapples and stuff like it gross
01:53That's true. Do mess with that plan. All right block Donald's and then to the Peanuts house by mr. Substitute teacher
01:58I don't think he speaks English still. Oh, yeah. What's the order today? Shady? We get in the Big Mac or what?
02:02Do we should get the a hundred piece nugget? Oh, that sounds good. We could all share it, too
02:06Yeah, I know the sweet sour sauce. All right, let's see. Wait, what closed for renovations?
02:11They renovate in the block Donald's
02:20It's okay, it's okay. It's not the end of the world. Okay
02:30Okay, I don't want to say it but all of you guys are overreacting it's really not that big of a deal
02:34It's a big deal. No, we know exactly what block Donald's makes we could just remake it ourselves, you know
02:40It's just buns patties chicken nuggets, but I want the seed oils
02:47Well, we can get that especially with the peanut here we could use his seed oils nothing. No, he has peanut oils not seed oils
02:55Right. Well, I still know how to make a mean burger. I could just make it at my house if y'all want
02:59Oh, you know I can chef up a mean burger too, baby. Okay. Well, let's go cook
03:03I'll make us lunch and you guys will see that I'm really good at it. I bet
03:06All right, y'all ready for the best hamburgers of your life. I'm ready. I made one for each of us
03:10It's a hamburger and it's exactly like McDonald's makes it. Okay, these better be good cash. It's gonna be amazing. All right
03:16There you go
03:21Like a Big Mac, that's what I'm saying. Wow
03:24I could have probably gotten like money out of you guys, but don't worry. I'll do it for free for the first time
03:29Well, yeah, obviously we're your friends. But if you didn't know us then we would definitely pay
03:33Yeah, you know how we were complaining about that nasty school food
03:35Yeah, what if we just like open like our secret like restaurant in there a secret restaurant?
03:39Yeah, I think we would earn so much in sales because nobody wants to eat that nasty cafeteria food
03:44That is true. If you guys really like that burger, then that means everybody else would probably like him
03:49But there's only one issue if we go to the school to build our own McDonald's, they're definitely gonna stop us
03:54Maybe we can have somebody distract or we could just go on a Saturday. Yeah, let's go on a Saturday
03:59Yeah, we could do that. I guess we wait. Are you really sleeping down here? I'm going upstairs. I'm gonna sleep in my bed
04:04All right, I'll join you what?
04:07Huh? Oh, oh wait, I sent my alarm. It's 6 a.m. This is perfect
04:11I think that nap was well needed because we got a lot of work to do I gotta wake everybody else up because we need
04:15To be early to this school. Oh, no shady really slept on my couch down here. I guess I'll wake him up. Yo, bro
04:21What yo wake up 6 a.m. So early. It's Saturday. I know but if we want to get started on this McDonald's
04:27We need to go quick. Also Nico is asleep outside. I don't know how he didn't get cold. Wake up
04:34Nico it's early morning. We got to go to the school ruining my beauty sleep always, huh?
04:39Sorry, you know where Zoe's staying at is she at her house? They should sleep it downstairs. Of course she is
04:47Okay, that was not gentle whoa, whoa, whoa
04:52That scream was uncalled for Zoe. We have to wake up early if we want to go to the school
04:57Guys no lock-in. We got to go very quickly. Oh now what is it? Hey, stop licking a peanut. Hey
05:03Stop licking a peanut. Nobody eats the peanut
05:07Scram duck. That's a cat Zoe. Oh, I don't have my contacts in yo peanut
05:11You know, you could have just slept at my house dude. Is he still asleep?
05:16Wake up wake up, you know, you know, you could have just slept at my house
05:20Sorry, I probably should have there was a cat kind of like nibbling on you. I don't worry about it
05:27Anyways, it's early in the morning and you said we can go to the school now, right? Yeah. Okay. Well, we better hurry
05:32I don't want this to take too long and then we have to wait until Monday and then everybody comes to school and stops us
05:37No, that would be puns. It's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission usually
05:41Okay, this is perfect. The entire school is empty, but we got one issue issue being we don't have any materials
05:51Anybody got any ideas chosen anybody literally anybody
05:56I'll peanut you have an idea. Yeah, yo, the substitute is here. What?
06:01That's bubbles. Oh, that's not bubbles. Oh, sorry Albert. I don't think that substitute teacher will stop us. They don't really know English
06:07Yeah, bros, just chillin. Nice. Oh, wait, that's all fun. So breath. No, that's Albert. It's different. Well, what's your idea peanut?
06:16Did you just say hidden stash of creative keys is it in the school? Oh my goodness back here over at the principal's office
06:25I don't think we have to be quiet. Nobody's here. Oh
06:28Right here. No, this thing's empty gross. Not at all right here bro. That's right here. Oh
06:33Wait, I got it creative key
06:35No, this is overpowered. Give me that. Oh my goodness. I didn't know the peanut had this here
06:40What if somebody finds it dude, that's literally next to the principal
06:45That is true there is way too many cobwebs here which means nobody goes inside those barrels
06:50Okay, well this is perfect now we can use whatever we want to build this school
06:54But if we want it to look like a McDonald's we really have to change a lot of things up
06:58I think the kitchen should be back here in the locker room where the sub is coming out from. Oh
07:02Alright, should we just cover the cafeteria or what to make it like a big sitting area?
07:06We can use it later on if we want a basement, but that's a good idea
07:09All right, but I'm gonna clear out the entire main room so that we have space to work with
07:13Let me get rid of this so shady can cover the bottom. You know what? I'll work on the play place
07:16Okay, now I know exactly where to do that you put it upstairs. Yeah, I'm putting upstairs make it a double floors
07:21It's gonna look sick when it's done. Oh, yeah, that's an amazing idea
07:24I'll finish clearing out the rest of this so we got space to work with I'll work on the main seating area for now
07:28Okay, bet. Let me just go here and cut that out of the way
07:31I know this is too plain looking right now, but I'm just making sure we have a blank canvas
07:35You know what? I mean? You need a blank canvas to start working. Oh exactly
07:38Gotta be able to cook exactly clear this side out boom and get rid of all this and I think for now
07:43I'm gonna cover this back wall just to square it off
07:45But we can make a new entrance whenever we want set that and set that there we go
07:50Now the back wall is covered and if the front desk is gonna be over there and the play place will be in the back
07:54I'm guessing this side will probably be bathroom. So the main sitting area needs to be away from that spot first
07:59Let's change the floor of this place. The floor of a McDonald's is usually like wooden or like a stone color
08:03So maybe I'll use a mix of different blocks. We'll do this one this one
08:07Maybe some coconut wood once you switch up the blocks and I'll start working on the play place. Okay?
08:12Okay, if I run this command, it should change the entire floor and oh that looks kind of buns. Ew, that's so ugly. Wow
08:18No, no. No, I am NOT rocking with that. I'm gonna try something else
08:21Let's try and change this to maybe birch and then we'll remove the mud bricks because they don't fit like that
08:26I think that looks a little better a little better definitely with some decoration
08:29It could work a lot better. But let me try something else real quick. Boom. How's that? Oh, that's much better
08:33Oh, yeah, I like that. It definitely looks like a wooden floor
08:36All right
08:36Let me make sure to get every corner of this though because we can't have any gaps boom
08:39There's that make sure to get this little line right here
08:42That's missing and do you want me to set the floor in here to shady or do you want to make it your own?
08:45You can change it to whatever you want. Whatever you think is good
08:47I was just gonna make it the same as mine. I do it in but you can always change it do it
08:51They love player. I'm doing it. There we go. And boom, that's a kitchen floor, too
08:54I'll probably change that to like a stone color thing and we'll leave the bathrooms how they are
08:58So now that we have this center area made of a bunch of wood
09:01I need to make the actual tables for you to sit on and for now
09:03We're just gonna say the front counter is here where Shady's making the kitchen just in the meantime
09:07I'll play some slabs. So I have an idea of where it'll be
09:10I'm guessing the front counter will kind of go like this and it'll be huge
09:13It'll come around this way and then probably loop around back here
09:17So I won't build anything in this area just yet. And then I'm probably gonna have some ordering stations over here
09:22So I'm gonna block this area off too. I don't want to mess with it for now. There we go
09:25Now that we got our sections
09:26I'm gonna remove these stairs and then start placing some tables in I think some red tables would fit the vibe the most as long
09:31As they look good and then the chairs can also just be a regular Oh color like that
09:35We could also get yellow since McDonald's logo is pretty much red and yellow. Let's see how this looks real quick
09:40Oh, yeah, that looks amazing. And I think the oak chairs probably will fit better because they don't blend in as much
09:44So we're definitely gonna go with that
09:46The first thing I'll do is place the booths which will require us to get some chairs like this and maybe some yellow ones, too
09:51Now we'll just go here and we'll place red on one side with yellow on the other and then put the table in the middle
09:55Like this, let's just go in and place the yellow ones first and then I'll come back around with the red
09:59It'll probably end right here
10:00Then the red will go on this side like this all the way along the back finish it off with the tables in the center
10:05Here and there we go. Now. We have a few booths. Although this space in the back is a little weird
10:08Maybe I should move this whole thing over just a little bit and make you go all the way to the wall
10:12So we'll cut that paste it here and that should allow us to have a little bit more room to place one more booth at
10:17The end like this and that looks way better. Let me just get rid of this pillar on the side
10:20It looks kind of off. Okay booths look good over there
10:22Now we just need some regular tables for people to set at if they don't want to go to a booth and I think a three
10:26By three table will definitely be nice enough for the people with the larger parties, you know, I do know that's not me
10:31I don't got that many friends, but party for two then nah, he forgot about me potty for two
10:37Party for five then
10:39Okay, I think for design. I actually prefer this table a little more just because it looks more like the McDonald's vibe
10:44I'm gonna copy this table over here and then we're gonna place it everywhere like here this one back here
10:49Did you guys realize the substitute teacher is actually helping us? Yeah, I did notice that. Yes sub is the goat
10:55Maybe he is bubbles
11:02I don't know who Albert is. I've never heard of that. Oh, you don't know. Sorry. You don't know
11:08Okay, I got the big tables pretty much made over there now for our smaller parties like Nico
11:12We just need to make the smaller ones. The color is diabolical. What do you mean? You just said you have no friends
11:17It's all good. Maintain that energy word
11:19I don't want to put them right in front of the stairs and block this entrance here
11:22So I think I'm gonna keep this as a clear path
11:23Although I can place them along here and kind of cut into this area just a little bit. Let's try it out
11:28We'll play some smaller tables here and here maybe put two chairs on them instead of four
11:33That looks pretty good
11:34And I just need to make sure there's a four block gap in between each one because we don't want things to be unsymmetrical here
11:38Or maybe we can put them a little closer together like this now
11:41I'll copy that go this way and we'll paste another layer here and then another layer here
11:46Now we got a bunch of tables small tables have been complete now
11:49Like I said, I do want to have some ordering stations so that you can actually get your food
11:52And I think those would fit perfectly right over here
11:54I'm gonna place them along the wall and to do that. I'm gonna grab some
11:58TVs some red blocks and some yellow blocks
12:01Let's make the bottom come out like this and then we're gonna place the TV in the middle and then it'll come up and around
12:06Yo cash come check out the kitchen bro. Me and the peanut been cooking. All right
12:10I just finished one of my ordering stations. It's a little big though. Oh, this kitchen looks nice
12:15Oh my goodness, we're gonna get so much food made in here
12:17Although I don't know if it's sanitary to have a monkey in here guys. It's just the sub. He's chill. He's chill relax
12:23I guess he's chill. But what if he has like something on his hands?
12:28Okay, I guess washing him helps wash the monkey in the sink where he washed the place is crazy do monkeys eat their own poop
12:35Yeah, I think so. Yeah
12:37Dude, I'm pretty sure I watched like a monkey throw dung at Zoe once. Oh, yeah, that's true
12:45They do like to throw their own poop sometimes it's gross poopoo
12:48Oh, I actually found a better spot for the ordering stations
12:51I expanded in on this a little bit and I think a better design would probably look like this
12:56It's the white concrete here make it a little tall and then we place a TV in the middle
12:59And then we just got to set the rotation of it. We'll set the rotation to zero. Oh, no, that's weird
13:0390 perfect and then we'll make the scale of it 1.2. Uh-huh. I think that's a little too big though. Uh-huh
13:09I think I found a way better design. Oh, yeah, I like that a lot more
13:12What happened peanut?
13:15He's stuck
13:17Yo, yo get him out get him. I got you. Oh gosh. Oh my gosh, that could have been bad
13:22Oh, we might need to wash him again
13:26We cannot have him climbing into that stuff, how do you even make it in there? He's got char marks on his butt now
13:33I feel like monkeys can crawl through tiny spaces whenever they want. That's kind of scary
13:38It's okay you guys deal with him. I'll keep working on these ordering stations. I got it pretty much down now
13:42I just need to copy these we'll copy that one. They stay here and here
13:46No place some more back here like this now
13:48We just need to place the screens on each of them like that and then we're just gonna get some slabs to go on the
13:53Top of them. I think something like this would look good. Oh, yeah, and now the ordering stations are complete
13:57So if you don't like talking to people and you don't want to go up to the cashier
14:00You can just order there and wait for it over on this side
14:02We just need to make sure there's a spot for you to watch where your orders are. Yo, what's you drinking?
14:07What's you drinking in here? If you got the choice Pepsi? No, come look we got options in here, bro. We got options. Wow
14:12Oh my goodness. There's a bunch of different things. Yes, sir. We got what is that bro?
14:17Coffee poop water fire water and throw up. I'm really hoping those aren't the actual options. No, I'm just kidding
14:23Nobody's gonna buy that if they hear that
14:26What is your favorite soda Pepsi trick question water? What that's not even a soda breath water is busin, bro
14:32Okay. Well, I placed the TVs for our orders so that you can see when your order is actually ready
14:37I'm gonna change the slabs of this just cuz I think we could find a better one that actually fits
14:41Maybe some regular terracotta would look cool. Oh, yeah, I definitely like that
14:44I'm just gonna make you come all the way across. Sorry. We had to get some makeshift registers, bro
14:48We don't have registers. You don't use laptops for them. They're way quicker and they got good processing
14:52Well, I mean this is just connected to our system, bro. Okay, fine. Sorry, dude. I guess it'll have to work it better
14:59McDonald's kiosk redesign concept. Hey, don't make fun of my screens. Once you tap it. It'll switch to the ordering thing
15:06Okay. Oh, man, does this middle space look a little empty to you guys? Yeah a little bit
15:10It's just because it's so big there's just like not a lot of things to put here though
15:13That is true. I do like the kitchen area though. I should go check on what Nico did
15:17Did you build the play place you always put a big M in the middle? Oh, I like this play place working on it
15:22Still noise. Oh, this is nice. That's definitely gonna come together. Really? Well, what did Zoe build?
15:27So you didn't do the bathrooms?
15:30Yeah, but I think we can make do with porta potties for now. I mean, we're kind of a startup company. So
15:38Imagine like eating your amazing food and then going to have to pee in a porta potty, bro
15:42Okay, we'll fix it at some point, but we need to get started as soon as possible
15:46We should probably go out and get some customers true. Let's do it
15:48Okay, somebody go do that for me and I'll build the sign on the front. So, you know where to go
15:52I always have to be the advertiser
15:54It's not that hard. All right, Peter Peter you're coming with me, bro. I'm sorry
15:59Me and the sub and the peanut will go get people bro. Okay. Okay. Sounds good Nico's
16:03Oh, I need you guys to work the kitchen if I'm gonna be bringing people into okay bet I'll be the delivery guy
16:09I'll bring the food from the kitchen to their tables whenever it's ready
16:11Okay, the last thing I need a place on this entire McDonald's is a sign so you know where you're going
16:16We're going back to the red and yellow the golden arches and then we're just gonna make a big square here in the front
16:20And you know what? Let's actually just make it ginormous. Why not?
16:23This place looks sick. Yeah. Oh, hey Tanner. Yeah. What's up? Where you at, bro? I can hear you, but I can't see you
16:29Oh, well, I'm above you. I'm building a McDonald's sign. So it's a little easier to recognize what yo, how are you flying, bro?
16:35Well, because I used a creative key. We found it at the bottom of the school or the McDonald's wait
16:39So the shady guy wasn't lying. No. Yeah, he was telling you the truth. We definitely do serve burgers and stuff
16:45Oh my gosh, this is perfect. I just got off of work. Oh, okay. Yo, Nico's. Oh, we've got a customer coming in
16:49Okay. Okay. Okay. I just built the McDonald's sign. Although it looks kind of buns. Let me fix this. Oh, that looks much better
16:55I like it. We'll rock with that for now
16:56Maybe we could play some stairs at the bottom here. So it goes outwards most definitely
17:00Okay, the sign on the front of the McDonald's is pretty much done. Hey, is this where the McDonald's is supposed to be?
17:05I'm starving. Oh
17:07Hey Barry, yeah, just follow me this way. I'll take you in. Oh, perfect. Did Tanner get his food to go?
17:12Yeah, this is actually so bus and bro. Oh
17:16Zoe I think we did a good job. Yeah, I gave him the subway. Why is this girl wearing a subway outfit?
17:22Isn't this a McDonald's? Don't worry about that. She definitely works here. No, Zoe. What is with your outfit?
17:28Where do I order my food hurry up, I'm starving. Okay. Okay, just order at the front there
17:34I think so. Oh, geez. I lost my creative mode. I can't fly anymore. What would you like to eat, sir?
17:39I want a number one make that whoa
17:42What yo, sir, you cannot have any weapons in the restaurant not at our McDonald's this McDonald's fights back
17:49Yo, Nico, that was a paying customer. Hey, man, what the heck? All right next customer. Sorry, ignore that
17:55I didn't know y'all shoot people up in here, man. No, no, we don't Nico. Give me the weapon
17:59Take it no more use of that. Oh, of course, it's you a DS running this McDonald's. What do you mean?
18:04No wonder there's nobody here. We run a great McDonald's. We literally just started. That's why there's nobody here
18:09Hey, man, can I get a double cheeseburger with a large fry in a bulk?
18:12Yes here to the double cheeseburger Zoe shouldn't you be in the back working?
18:17Who's making the food?
18:19It's coming out of my pocket. I just left all the food in my pocket. Okay. Well Zoe will be in the kitchen Nico
18:23I can handle the ordering if you want
18:25Okay, you could just go in the back and get it all ready and stuff. Okay, sounds good. Hey, man. Thank you, man
18:30Thanks Clyde. Come again, please. All right, Frank. What do you want?
18:33What do you guys have here? It's McDonald's. You should already know the menu. You guys have like an axolotl burger
18:38Yeah, I mean, would you pay for that? Yeah, obviously. Okay. Well, give me one second. Okay, Nico
18:43We need an axolotl burger the one axolotl burger coming up. Oh, yeah. Nice. Cool. All right
18:47We're getting it ready for you Frank. That'll be a stack of diamonds. What? Yeah, I should be at least half of that
18:53Okay, here take my little mushroom. No, are you serious? Yes. Is this even worth anything? Yes, it is
18:58Just sell it on Facebook marketplaces. Um, okay. Well, I guess I'll take it your food will be out shortly
19:02You can go have a seat until it's ready. Okay, it better not be any axolotl burgers, bro. Okay
19:08We got a caveman here, I'm not really sure how to take his order guys
19:11I got the axolotl burger. Who do you wanting me to give it to Frank? He's over there. Okay, I
19:17Don't know what you're saying dude, can you make a regular order?
19:21Yo, Zoe, can you understand him?
19:27I think he's pointing at Frank the mushroom. We got Waka. Oh bull. Oh, are you serious? I want protein now
19:35Oh, geez, we have protein
19:38Give me ten quarter pounders five Big Macs and a 700 large fries now
19:43Okay, ten quarter pounders seven Big Macs. And what'd you say? How many fries a hundred a hundred fries?
19:50Wait, ten fries? A hundred now!
19:52Bull, it's gonna take a while to make all of that. Okay, coming right up. Boom. Oh what? How did y'all make that so fast?
19:58Oh, yes, we work very hard. I'm leaving. I'm out of here. That burger is disgusting. Frank. Are you serious?
20:04We can make you another one. Oh, man. Oh, here take all of my money. Holy smokes. Thanks bull
20:10Wow, you actually enjoyed it
20:12I work at the McDonald's at the pentagon
20:14Hello, can I have what he had please? Jai, are you serious? Bull just ordered like hundreds of stuff
20:19Yeah, I want it. Can you make it for me? I want to be like him
20:21Well Jai, maybe you can order a little less. Why? I have money, you know, I can pay for it
20:25Do you have five stacks of diamonds? Yes, I do here. I have blocks. You want it? Okay. Yeah guys
20:29I need you to remake the same order go in the kitchen
20:34Oh no, bull ate way too much. Did he die because he ate your burger?
20:38Just take it! Just take it!
20:40Oh, okay
20:42Zoe, stop interrupting me. Okay. Well, I guess I'll just take it and go. Thank you. You're welcome Jai
20:46I guess I'm not really sure how they're making the food that fast
20:49Oh, geez toast miner. He's gonna ask for cookies, isn't he?
20:51Do we even make cookies? What is it miner? What do you want? I knew it. Okay, do we make cookies back there?
20:56Uh, we can microwave one
20:58We can microwave one!
21:00I don't think he'll notice Zoe, just do it. Okay
21:02Cookies coming up!
21:04Okay, how are you getting it so quickly?
21:06Don't worry about it Cash
21:08Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom
21:10Miner, that'll cost you a stack of diamonds for all those
21:14You're telling me you don't have diamonds?
21:16Redstone! Actually, I like redstone
21:18Okay, but you only gave me four!
21:20Are you cereal, bruh?
21:22I don't know if we're even making a profit here. Who is that?
21:24I would like a burger
21:26Is that all?
21:28And, uh, french fries
21:30Okay, I was honestly expecting a lot more
21:32And, uh, two waters
21:34Two waters? Okay
21:36And that's all
21:38We can get that out to you, but it'll cost ten diamonds
21:40Oh, can we make it seven?
21:42I guess we can make that work. Just hand it over
21:46Wait, what?
21:48But I thought those chairs were comfortable!
21:50Don't worry about what happened in the back. We'll get your food out shortly, ma'am
21:52Oh, okay
21:54I need to tell Nico and Zoe about this
21:56Yo, Jai just died from sitting on the chair
21:58Wait, what?
22:00I don't know if this is a good idea anymore, to be honest
22:02Yo, I think this is a liability
22:04True. We should probably hand it over to someone
22:06What? Yo, Toastminer, are you good?
22:08Uh, something's happening to him. Yo, the burgers are making him fly
22:10Uh, what?
22:12And he exploded, okay
22:14That works for me. I don't want to work you anymore
22:16Yeah, me neither. Neither do I
22:18Honestly, I don't like the responsibility of it
22:20Uh, what happened to my school?
22:22Uh-oh. Is that Mark?
22:24Who destroyed this place? This is supposed to be a location for learning, not ordering food
22:28Well, listen, dude
22:30We tried to stop her, but that witch over there just started this restaurant and said we couldn't do anything about it
22:34Oh, what?
22:36What? I own this place?
22:38Are you serious? Oh, hold on. Shady just got back
22:40Are you okay? I think I advertised the whole town, bro
22:42You were advertising this place?
22:44Yeah, we need to make a profit, Mark
22:46Yeah, but Mark, the witch was the one who actually owns the place. She just hired us
22:50Oh, you're getting it now
22:52You're gonna change this school back to normal before I completely sue you and take you to jail immediately
22:56Oh, I just wanted a burger
22:58We should sneak out of here. We should just go
23:00But it was those kids. It wasn't me
23:02I don't want to hear it
23:04Oh. Yeah, let's leave. At least we made our money, though
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23:12Bye, guys