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The music in my videos is from both Epidemic Sound, a royalty free music sharing site which you have to pay a monthly fee to be able to access, Or Music Bed
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PO BOX 7820
NN12 9BU
The music in my videos is from both Epidemic Sound, a royalty free music sharing site which you have to pay a monthly fee to be able to access, Or Music Bed
00:00:00Good morning, everyone. It is shoot day. I've got about an hour until my makeup, my makeup lady,
00:00:09until Alex arrives. I need to get on with my sourdough. Look at this dough. Oh my goodness,
00:00:15it looks incredible. And I need to ice the living life out of my face. So I'm going to wash my hands,
00:00:22which is honestly like my entire personality now, washing my hands. I literally wash my
00:00:31hands a hundred times a day. Not because of any other reason other than I do a lot of
00:00:37filthy things like horses, gardening, that kind of thing. Right. Rice flour
00:00:46into the bowl to make sure it doesn't stick. And then wet your hands. Ready for the final
00:01:01stretch and fold because I missed this out last time. Final stretch and fold and then into the
00:01:06basket into proving. So sleeves up. Can you believe? My goodness me, I am such a different
00:01:13person nowadays. To think that I am doing sourdough before I head to a fashion shoot.
00:01:21The old Lydia would have probably been up all night worrying about it, had worked out within
00:01:27an inch of her life all week. I literally haven't even thought about what I've been eating. And
00:01:32wow, this is whoa. This is a lot of proving has gone on here.
00:01:38Wow, this dough feels amazing.
00:01:42Okay, and then we're just going to plop it in.
00:01:51Like so. Then covermate on. Put it in the fridge for its final proving for a minimum of three to
00:02:02four hours, a maximum of 24 hours. So into, I can't wait for my carbonates to arrive.
00:02:16This is a shower cap and it's very hard to use, but my carbonates, okay,
00:02:23we're cooking with gas. Into the fridge it goes. So I can make it tomorrow morning.
00:02:30Right, now I need to make two of my 1 million morning drinks. First things first,
00:02:38fresh water and ice. One scoop of L-glutamine.
00:02:53And one scoop of electrolytes.
00:02:59Morning puppies. Morning, you're out of bed.
00:03:10I need to go outside. Come on then.
00:03:13Okay, good boy. Now it's time for my colostrum.
00:03:20That was quick.
00:03:27It's not breakfast time yet, my love. Sorry. And then I whiz this.
00:03:37I whiz it up like a bit of a milkshake, to be honest.
00:03:43And I really like it. Bizarrely. It just needs to be cold with ice. And that is two
00:03:51of my morning supplements. I will also take, oh, we're out of focus. Oh gosh, I didn't need to ice
00:03:58your face. These two, I'm not going to film that because it's a bit messy. You're a bit sort of
00:04:01like. I was actually telling you as Alex arrived, that today is a good day because the sun is
00:04:08shining. And if you didn't know, no, was it last week, two weeks ago? Two weeks ago, I had laser on
00:04:15my face. You'll know laser has been a very long and arduous journey for me. And sometimes because
00:04:21my hair is so dark, I get little dark hairs that die in the skin after my laser treatment. I can't
00:04:28believe I'm telling you this stuff, but nevermind. And they go like black, but it looks like a hair
00:04:33that's like under the surface and it takes ages to come out. This morning, just in time for my
00:04:38shoot, it came out. Sunshine and not a beard in sight. Alex is here, by the way. She's done her
00:04:48makeup, so she doesn't mind me filming her. So we're going to get myself ready now for the shoot.
00:04:52I look really natural. You look gorgeous. Crash.
00:04:57So yes, we're going to get ready for the shoot and then we're all driving over there separately,
00:05:02aren't we? Yeah. Okay. So have you seen the brief? No. Yes. I saw it. Really nice. Really
00:05:07nothing. Yeah. But you can kind of like make my eyes a little bit. Yeah. So I was just thinking
00:05:12we could just put a really neutral kind of base on the eyes and then just focus on the skin and
00:05:16the cheeks and the lips and make it very springy. Yes. Lovely. Lovely. What's that you're using?
00:05:22Just Studio Fix concealer. Wonderful. I'm just asking. You like panic every time I ask you that.
00:05:27I'm like, oh my gosh. Yeah. Is that okay? Do you want me to face the light? Yes. I've got my
00:05:33little light with me, but I know you don't like that big one. Well, I can't see anything,
00:05:37but I think you've got good light here. I mean, that looks terrible light, but it's much easier.
00:05:43Remind me before we leave that I need to put on a teeth whitening strip.
00:05:51Okay. Do you remember I drove half an hour to go get you a teeth whitening strip? Did you? Yeah.
00:05:59When was that? I was doing your makeup for something. Oh yes. You'd stopped off at Carrie.
00:06:05You didn't drive half an hour. You literally just stopped off on route. It felt like it.
00:06:10Just because it wasn't a big thing being given to you. I opened the door. I said,
00:06:14what is it? She handed me this tiny little strip. I'd run out. Right. Okay. Let's try.
00:06:26I'm scared because you have a way of doing things. No, it's just like a little flick,
00:06:31but lifting the lash line a little bit. You're good at this. I do it to try and
00:06:38replicate what you do to my eyes. So yeah, that's, you're already doing it. I can see.
00:06:45Are we going deeper than that? Darker than that? I don't think so. They want barely their eyes.
00:06:49I think if you're happy with that, I'm happy. What I would say is probably- You want to flick it?
00:06:53No, just fill it in there. Otherwise it looks almost detached. I don't think we should add
00:06:58any more. No. I agree. I really don't because I think- I agree. It's not that kind of shape.
00:07:04Yeah, I agree. It's just to literally almost make it look like my lash line is just a bit
00:07:10darker naturally. I like this color here. It's very nice. What's it called? That one is nude.
00:07:20Lovely. Hello. Happy birthday, Eve. Thank you. Oh, I like your jacket.
00:07:29I'm just keeping warm. I've got a warmth mix for you later, so I'm keeping it padded up.
00:07:34Okay, let's do underneath your eyes. Yes. And then we'll do, we'll come back to your lashes.
00:07:41I thought I'd drive the defender there, just in case they wanted to do anything
00:07:44with the defender as well, just in case. Yeah, fair enough. That smells very nice,
00:07:49that sponge. Yeah, I put them in- Smells like oranges.
00:07:55Sephora. You put them in Sephora? Yeah. You absolute sadist. You can boil them.
00:08:01Oh yeah, you have to, don't you, to get all of them? Yeah. I left them in there, boiled them,
00:08:06washed them out a million times, and then- You do under eyes so well. I wish I could do my under
00:08:12eyes. What do you use? I'm using hourglass. It's really good. Really, really good. I'll have to
00:08:17get that color. What color is it? This one's oat. Oat. Oat hourglass. Okay. You can have it if you
00:08:22want. Can I? As long as you want. Don't do this. Okay, no you can't. Why can't I have it? Because
00:08:28you're the one that you then, then Alex moans every time she does your makeup that you steal
00:08:33her makeup. But she's not stealing it, she's giving it to me. Fine, go ahead. Yeah. I give
00:08:38everyone makeup. You do every minute. And when someone wants to give me makeup.
00:08:43Right, spare batteries, are these charged, Mellon? I don't know, that's a question for
00:08:47Satin. Oh lordy. Where are these from? Amazon, for the wine walks. Amazing. I've been stocking
00:08:55up on my wine walk dresses. Right, none of your batteries are charged. I feel like that's the
00:09:01thing in this house. None of your batteries are ever charged. Every shoot that's like,
00:09:07is the battery been charged? No. I've got one spare one. I'm going to take a spare memory card.
00:09:14I like that hat, Grayson. Yeah, me too. You look like a smurf. Yeah. What am I going for?
00:09:20The thing is, I know you're actually thinking, I hate that hat.
00:09:28Do you know what makes me happy? I'm excited to meet Atlas.
00:09:35It's a big week for him. He's meeting lots of people. I've told you my dad might come down,
00:09:40haven't I? Yeah. Yeah. Literally everyone just messages me, is it okay for me to come and meet
00:09:45Atlas? No one cares about me anymore. It's just, it's the Atlas show.
00:09:59Oh no, I don't curl my lashes anymore.
00:10:02She likes to stab people with them as she walks forwards.
00:10:06Yes, that's exactly why I don't curl them anymore. This case, do you want dressing gown in there?
00:10:12Yes, but I don't, and Saturn is the only person who knows where my clean dressing gowns are kept
00:10:17because I am, I have my 600 dressing gowns confiscated because everyone says I have too
00:10:23many dressing gowns. We've just arrived and Alex is already knee deep in baby goats.
00:10:30I can't believe you're holding Patrick. You are literally,
00:10:33I've never held Patrick and he's legendary. He's so floppy, I'm going to die.
00:10:38We always say that Patrick's hips don't lie. Oh no, they don't.
00:10:42If Patrick goes missing, we know where.
00:11:07You look nice, aren't you? You look like a My Little Pony today. You look like a My Little Pony, so clean.
00:11:21It's true, isn't it? I've never seen you on a, like, fan. Actually, even growing up, you weren't a fan.
00:11:30So you've seen some of my worst fashion mistakes as well. Yeah, Liz has had some questionable
00:11:35fashion over the years. Do you know what my favourite one is? And I was going to use it in
00:11:39one of the podcasts that we did recently, because I think you would have had a go at me. But I once
00:11:43wore a pair, do you remember when wet look leggings were in, um, American Apparel? Yeah, yeah, yeah,
00:11:49when they were, I got like cheap ones, yeah, because I was a student at the time, but these
00:11:53were like suspender wet look leggings, right? So they're already terrible, terrible, terrible,
00:12:00terrible. But in one of the pictures, I had not noticed, and I only noticed because at the time,
00:12:06I was reading like gossip forums about myself, as you do, and I, someone pointed out that it
00:12:14looked like I had a penis image down the leg of one of the leggings. And honestly, it was so accurate
00:12:19that it actually did look like I had a penis down the side of my leg. And I put these pictures out
00:12:24on the internet for everyone to see, they're still, they're still, they're still there.
00:12:27They're still there.
00:12:29It's like, oh god, I hate you.
00:12:33The next time someone says to me, Olivia, doesn't it look bad? And I'll say, it's not fun with me.
00:12:37It was this one time.
00:12:41Oh dear.
00:12:55Show you a few variations to see what you want, because you can either do high fashion, you can either do like soft and beautiful.
00:13:07Don't let me choose.
00:13:09Oh no, um, okay.
00:13:11Yeah, I'll be fine. It's actually not that cold.
00:13:13I've also got, I mean, I've written up a little saddle.
00:13:15Oh wow.
00:13:17So I thought maybe we could try.
00:13:19Yeah, yeah.
00:13:26Yeah, it's really new as well.
00:13:48Well that's what I was thinking.
00:13:50I was like, I can't do heavy.
00:13:52I'm going to make my arms really tight.
00:14:14He's so happy. Honestly, that's the kind of welcome I always want.
00:14:22We're going to go into some out in the field.
00:14:28God, that's so hard.
00:14:40It's more that I know that I'm in the shot and then my hair's in my face and then he moves and I move and it's just one of those things and you don't realise how much you think about how you look.
00:14:51We're done in here now.
00:15:05Hi babies.
00:15:07What a welcome.
00:15:09Well, I would definitely say
00:15:11that doing a photo shoot
00:15:13like that with horses is the hardest
00:15:15thing to ever do.
00:15:17It's like concentrating on looking good
00:15:20and concentrating on the horse
00:15:22because Atlas doesn't like the flash.
00:15:24Romeo was okay with the flash
00:15:26so I was never going to put him through
00:15:28having to go through the flash.
00:15:30He was like not happy with that at all.
00:15:32He's a big baby and he just likes his routine
00:15:34and he just likes to do what he wants to do.
00:15:36He's an old man, he's in his prime
00:15:38and he just wants to chill.
00:15:40Why are you running out like that, Alex?
00:15:42As if it's like a TV production.
00:15:44She's like, oh, I can't come in.
00:15:46But we're on to the third look now.
00:15:48We're waiting for the team to bring up the third outfit
00:15:50and I think this one might be
00:15:52with Atlas in the field
00:15:54so that should be really nice.
00:15:56This is the vibe.
00:15:58It is the vibe.
00:16:00Bit of mud here everyone.
00:16:18Good boy.
00:16:24Good boy.
00:16:28Little happy stump.
00:16:44You two alright?
00:16:48I'm feeling healed.
00:16:52Pet therapy, lay down.
00:16:54Nice lunch.
00:16:56That flapjack did me in though.
00:16:58I had the whole thing.
00:17:00They were big slices.
00:17:02I haven't had mine yet.
00:17:04But delicious.
00:17:06Have you been to the shop yet?
00:17:08No, I need to.
00:17:10I think they might have some hoodies or something.
00:17:12It's just food.
00:17:14Just food stuff.
00:17:17Farm shop.
00:17:19You're not used to country life, are you?
00:17:21No, when it says merch, I'm like, oh yeah.
00:17:31Next door, they're lying on the bed together.
00:17:47Next day
00:18:01That's me.
00:18:03I apologise.
00:18:05I apologise from the bottom of my heart
00:18:07because yesterday
00:18:09was a pure overwhelm.
00:18:11So, just to
00:18:13give you some understanding
00:18:16very, very specific time in my month
00:18:18right now, if that makes sense.
00:18:20Time in my month, yes.
00:18:22Very, very specific.
00:18:24Lots of confusion, lots of forgetfulness.
00:18:26I literally just walked upstairs looking for my phone
00:18:28and my phone is there.
00:18:30Typical this time.
00:18:32I lose everything.
00:18:34I think I've told you this before.
00:18:36Carrie often can tell
00:18:38that I'm where I am in my cycle
00:18:40because she'll get emails
00:18:42like last time I left my bank cards
00:18:44in Jo Malone
00:18:46and I'll lose something
00:18:48or I'll leave things somewhere
00:18:50and I'll be like, oh my god, I've left this there.
00:18:52Even just the way I talk, I struggle so much.
00:18:54So, that.
00:18:56I think what I've realised is
00:18:58my relationship with animals
00:19:00is quite a sacred thing for me
00:19:02and because
00:19:04this is my biggest
00:19:06and most challenging
00:19:08and most beautiful journey
00:19:10that I'm on with Atlas
00:19:13and I've posed in front of people
00:19:15I find that very overwhelming.
00:19:17Then, this was my first ever photo shoot
00:19:19that I have done
00:19:21where Carrie and I are a bit of a team
00:19:23and Carrie knows
00:19:27what's the word?
00:19:29How she knows
00:19:31I think I look best
00:19:33and also how she thinks I look best
00:19:35and so she's very good
00:19:37at being like, great shot,
00:19:39great pose, whatever.
00:19:41She is literally my eyes
00:19:43behind the camera when I'm shooting
00:19:45because I'm not a model
00:19:47so it's how it's always worked super well for me
00:19:49and we didn't have that opportunity on this shoot
00:19:51understandably so
00:19:53because it's not
00:19:55my shoot
00:19:57it's theirs
00:19:59and so I completely understand
00:20:01but it was so confronting for me
00:20:03and definitely opened up my eyes
00:20:05to the fact that I need to get better at shooting
00:20:07without knowing what things look like
00:20:10so that's a challenge for me in itself
00:20:12also just felt incredibly lucky to be there
00:20:14in all honesty
00:20:16I felt so incredibly lucky to be there
00:20:18that I was just kind of like, yeah I'll do whatever you want me to do
00:20:20but I'll tell you more about
00:20:22everything when it comes out
00:20:24very very soon
00:20:26I was exhausted yesterday, Ali got back from a trip as well
00:20:28so we just kind of snuggled and went to bed early
00:20:30and then he's just popped out
00:20:32I'm going to go and check in my greenhouse
00:20:34putting on my snuggly fleece
00:20:36I've done my interview this morning
00:20:39alongside the photos that we took yesterday
00:20:41I need to also run to
00:20:43the shops
00:20:45I need to pick up
00:20:47I need to pick up bedding for Atlas
00:20:49feed for Atlas and Romeo
00:20:51and drop it to the stables
00:20:53I need to go to Waitrose
00:20:55because Kerry and I are having afternoon tea at mine tomorrow
00:20:57so I need to get cucumbers
00:20:59and things like that for cucumber sandwiches
00:21:01because you can't do afternoon tea without having cucumber sandwiches
00:21:03and I need to pick up
00:21:05salmon and cream cheese
00:21:07you can't have an afternoon tea without salmon and cream cheese either
00:21:09I'm going to make a cake
00:21:11and I baked sourdough
00:21:13obviously Kerry's gluten free so she'll have her own bread
00:21:15but I've nailed it
00:21:17I didn't message Charlie once
00:21:19and I literally
00:21:21baked the best sourdough
00:21:23I've already had some
00:21:25we had some last night warm from the oven
00:21:27with butter
00:21:31look at that
00:21:36at that
00:21:38now obviously I won't perfect it
00:21:40I'm still getting this rippling around here
00:21:42where the baking paper
00:21:44sits up against it
00:21:46but we've got the slicing
00:21:48we've got our lovely little hot cross bun slice on the top
00:21:50great amount of browning
00:21:52on there as well
00:21:54and it's so funny
00:21:56I put this on my Instagram
00:21:58and everyone's saying
00:22:00what's the recipe
00:22:02and I'm like
00:22:05that's literally it
00:22:07but it's the process of sourdough that is the hard part
00:22:09so I'm hoping very soon
00:22:11we've been working away since the beginning
00:22:13of the year on hopefully bringing some new things
00:22:15a little bit of freshness
00:22:17to the Lydia Evergreen
00:22:19existence online
00:22:21nothing fancy
00:22:23nothing ostentatious
00:22:25something that's going to change the world
00:22:27but I just love these little touches
00:22:29that bring joy
00:22:31and I like doing that online as well
00:22:33we've been working away on a few things
00:22:35and one of the things is
00:22:37we're hoping to get back to regular posts
00:22:39on my blog
00:22:41I really want to use my blog
00:22:43as almost like a place for information
00:22:45so you know when you guys are like
00:22:47what's your granola recipe
00:22:49I can literally just put it on my stories
00:22:51and link to that and it's there
00:22:53and it's ready to go
00:22:55so I just want it to be like your hub
00:22:57where you go oh she's got a recipe there
00:22:59I can go find that
00:23:02Instagram for me is like
00:23:04your beautiful
00:23:06it's what attracts you into my world
00:23:08I hope
00:23:10TikTok is like you get a bit more of my
00:23:12I don't know
00:23:14personality I don't know
00:23:16and then YouTube is just us
00:23:18it feels like our special safe
00:23:20place where we get to be
00:23:22I think we get to be quite vulnerable
00:23:24and chat and speak quite openly
00:23:26and I really always encourage you guys to do so
00:23:28in the comments like if you ever want to
00:23:30ask questions or
00:23:32put something to my audience
00:23:34I want you to know that this comment section down here
00:23:36the floor is open
00:23:38if you want to ask about
00:23:40you know how do you do this
00:23:42there is so many people that are
00:23:44so knowledgeable that watch my videos
00:23:46and I love the way you share
00:23:48information with each other so please
00:23:50never feel like you can't do that in my comment
00:23:52section because
00:23:54this is a community
00:23:56and that is something that I'm hoping to build on as well
00:23:58this year obviously not giving anything
00:24:00away but it is
00:24:02something that I would like to
00:24:04explore a little bit more whether
00:24:06that's through events or what have you
00:24:08you guys make
00:24:10everything special
00:24:12and I think
00:24:14over the last few years a lot of you have bared
00:24:16with me whilst I kind of find myself
00:24:18find my footing find what I love
00:24:20and I honestly like really
00:24:22I'm so grateful for that
00:24:24which has probably meant that there are people that
00:24:26maybe don't love what I do so much anymore
00:24:28which I totally understand but
00:24:30this community is so special
00:24:32and what we do and what you guys do
00:24:34and how much you are like just
00:24:36so loyal means a lot
00:24:38to me so I don't know how to
00:24:40go on to that subject but I just you know chat
00:24:42away chat
00:24:44away down there I'll join in
00:24:46I'll jump in I'll be there
00:24:48but just chat anyway
00:24:50I need to go check on the greenhouse because I actually haven't gone and checked
00:24:52in a day and so I really want to
00:24:54go and see how things are going I mean there's probably nothing up yet
00:24:56but you know let's just go
00:24:58have a look what do we have here
00:25:00oh my goodness me those micro greens
00:25:02have exploded
00:25:06oh my gosh so we've got
00:25:08some radishes that are coming
00:25:12wow I love that I get
00:25:14excited about this kind of thing
00:25:16little bit of radishes
00:25:18coming up there so radishes
00:25:20not much is happening here
00:25:22at the moment
00:25:24come on guys but these
00:25:28micro greens
00:25:32and we've got these ones coming up as well
00:25:34and these are about to explode
00:25:36I can see the crack in the earth
00:25:38these are the tomatoes
00:25:40looking good
00:25:42goodness me exciting
00:25:44not loads
00:25:46but exciting that we've got some radishes that have come up
00:25:48I'll get those out soon
00:25:50still nothing from these pumpkins though
00:25:52good afternoon everyone
00:25:54it is Saturday and
00:25:56Carrie and I have had this in
00:25:58for a number of weeks we are doing
00:26:00our first afternoon tea in the
00:26:02garden and we have been gifted with
00:26:04the hottest day so far I can't
00:26:06believe how warm it is
00:26:08we've got the doors open there's no chill in the air
00:26:10there is no winter in the shade and summer in the sun
00:26:12this is a
00:26:14fairly warm spring day
00:26:16and I've already started
00:26:18preparing so we've got
00:26:20cucumber sandwiches here
00:26:22it wouldn't be afternoon tea without cucumber sandwiches
00:26:24very rustic afternoon tea might I add
00:26:26the lemon and blackberry
00:26:28cake is in the oven as we speak
00:26:30which is a gluten free version
00:26:32obviously because I'm having
00:26:34afternoon tea with my celiac friend
00:26:36she is in charge of making her
00:26:38own sandwiches so she's currently
00:26:40at home making gluten free
00:26:42scones because that's next on my list of things
00:26:44I want to learn how to make
00:26:46is scones. The bread is my
00:26:48sourdough which is what I said
00:26:50I would always want which is lovely
00:26:52and obviously homemade cake
00:26:54the eggs in the cake from the chickens
00:26:56the blackberries from the blackberry bush
00:26:58the lemons from the lemon tree
00:27:00it is really quite
00:27:02something. Once the cake is made we'll cut
00:27:04some slices onto the
00:27:06little burley pottery
00:27:08cake tier that I got for
00:27:10Valentine's Day and
00:27:12we're going to be having afternoon tea, champagne
00:27:14glasses of wine
00:27:16in the glorious sunshine
00:27:18I need to decide though we were going to have
00:27:20the afternoon tea in the greenhouse
00:27:22because it's obviously
00:27:24it was still a bit chilly however now
00:27:26I'm thinking that maybe the Diana table is
00:27:28about to come into its own
00:27:30and I was going to move the Diana tree underneath
00:27:32the European plum tree
00:27:34and set it up
00:27:36with a table cloth
00:27:38two chairs
00:27:40and place settings for us both
00:27:42I just have to be very very careful because it's a bit
00:27:44rickety this table so no leaning
00:27:46on it but it should
00:27:48be fine so we're going to get
00:27:50that outside and I'm going to start getting that set up
00:27:52whilst the cake is
00:27:54baking. It is so warm I'm about to
00:27:56go and change my top because
00:27:58I am roasting. I've got a little sleeveless
00:28:00linen shirt and I'm going to put
00:28:02that on but we have the
00:28:04first of the sandwiches
00:28:06these are
00:28:08homemade sourdough
00:28:10cucumber and cream cheese
00:28:12and then we're also going to have salmon and cream cheese
00:28:14and then little cakes and scones
00:28:16for the champagne I am going to
00:28:18chill two different
00:28:20champagnes both Paul Roger
00:28:22but we have the Paul Roger
00:28:24Sir Winston Churchill which is a very special
00:28:26bottle. We had two of these for Christmas
00:28:28and actually only got through one
00:28:30and then we've got the
00:28:32extra Brut so I'm going to put both of these in the
00:28:34fridge and let my guest choose which one
00:28:36she wants. Although they are
00:28:38pre chilled in the wine cooler
00:28:40I thought best
00:28:42to get
00:28:44some extra cold in the fridge
00:28:46as well. I'm going to go change my top
00:29:08We have a Nancy Myers playlist on
00:29:10and Mr Milling Gordon has just come
00:29:12through with the goods. I'm trying to
00:29:14hide the sound of the sound system
00:29:16but we've got the European plum tree
00:29:18from the garden now in the living
00:29:20room as well. It's my favourite.
00:29:22We only get this once a year and it
00:29:24is spectacular.
00:29:26So this is how the
00:29:28sandwich afternoon tea
00:29:30tower is looking. We've got
00:29:32gluten free on the top, not gluten free
00:29:34on the bottom. Carrie's scones
00:29:36the cake is currently cooling
00:29:38and I'm going to put a slice of that
00:29:40on there for us as well. Pot of
00:29:42tea is on, raspberry and
00:29:44clotted cream, raspberry jam sorry
00:29:46and clotted cream. Pot of tea is
00:29:48brewing. We're good to go.
00:29:50Carrie has been waiting very very patiently
00:29:52for this afternoon tea.
00:29:54Would you like to give us a grand tour of your
00:29:56champagne soaked sandwiches?
00:29:58You dribbled champagne and I was opening it
00:30:00all over my sandwiches but I've got smoked salmon
00:30:02and cream cheese and cucumber and we've got
00:30:04scones, how do you
00:30:06say yours? Lids, lemon drizzle
00:30:08cake and then you've got your homemade
00:30:10sourdough on your sandwiches.
00:30:12Earl grey tea, raspberry
00:30:14jam, clotted cream
00:30:16and champagne. And Paul Roger
00:30:18cheers. Cheers love. I love
00:30:20that you said cheers love and not cheers b**ch.
00:30:22You know.
00:30:24This is so
00:30:26lovely though. We're using the first of the
00:30:28burley pottery
00:30:30and I just can't believe it's warm enough to be sat
00:30:32out here like this. It's so nice
00:30:34and we've got the chickens roaming around.
00:30:36Love it.
00:31:00Our own afternoon tea
00:31:04sloshed in the garden.
00:31:16Now we have finished afternoon tea
00:31:18and we've spent the evening in the greenhouse
00:31:20and now we are in the living room
00:31:22watching a film that I've not seen
00:31:26And Buckley's been licking my toes.
00:31:28And Buckley's been licking my toes.
00:31:30Oh Buckley loves to give a pedicure.
00:31:32He does.
00:31:34Look at you the sausage dog whisperer.
00:31:36We've lit the fire
00:31:38and we've put this film on. This is
00:31:40called Hampstead and I just saw
00:31:42it as we were looking to what something's got to give
00:31:44again and
00:31:46it looks quite good. We're giving it the five
00:31:48minute rule though that Carrie operates
00:31:50in her house. If it doesn't grip you in five minutes
00:31:52you switch it off but I'm already,
00:31:54I really like her outfit.
00:31:56I love her outfit.
00:32:00Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
00:32:02I'll rewind it. I'll rewind it.
00:32:04Good morning. I am on my way to
00:32:08at Back and Body. They are like
00:32:10an injury sports
00:32:12specialist physiotherapy
00:32:16right near where I live and also
00:32:18conveniently right
00:32:20next to the local garden centre.
00:32:22So I'm booked in because when
00:32:24Atlas first arrived, this is physio
00:32:26for me by the way and not Atlas.
00:32:28When he was on high alert
00:32:30he was a very, very big horse for me
00:32:32to keep hold of and I
00:32:34had to build up my strength and that kind of thing
00:32:36and I think I stood on my knee
00:32:38a bit funny. Remember I had that old
00:32:40recurring knee injury and I had
00:32:42it fixed. Well I'm going to have it fixed
00:32:44again basically. It's exactly the same
00:32:46thing. I think it's like a sort of
00:32:48almost like damaging of my cartilage
00:32:50and then with wearing
00:32:52all of like layers squashing
00:32:54my knee down when I'm in like reaches
00:32:56and things like that. It sort of aggravates it
00:32:58so I'm going there now to have
00:33:00Mike look at my knee.
00:33:02So I thought I would take you along with me because I know that
00:33:04lots of people have lots of ailments and
00:33:06Mike is absolutely amazing.
00:33:08When I was kicked by a
00:33:10horse not too long ago, Mike
00:33:12was the first person that I went to and the
00:33:14only person I went to to
00:33:16get his like opinion,
00:33:18to get him to look over it and I trusted him
00:33:20so much. So if you're
00:33:22looking for anyone in the area
00:33:26definitely back and body because
00:33:28Mike is so good, he's so knowledgeable
00:33:30and I'm looking forward to
00:33:32having him
00:33:34help me on my way to recovery
00:33:36because at the moment I'm just a bit uncomfortable when I'm
00:33:38doing things. I have
00:33:40a very intriguing
00:33:42and unexpected
00:33:44video ahead of you today I think.
00:33:46It has been a mid winter
00:33:48of transformation
00:33:50and one of the things I would say to you
00:33:52is that I
00:33:54changed my thought processes
00:33:56on new years
00:33:58this year and I didn't make
00:34:00huge grandiose plans or anything like
00:34:02that at the beginning of the new year like
00:34:04I did the year before because
00:34:06I realised that the beginning of spring
00:34:08for me feels like
00:34:10the start of the year
00:34:12and so we've been working away in the background
00:34:14for a few little bits and pieces
00:34:16to start
00:34:18spring afresh and with
00:34:20a little bit of newness and that kind of thing
00:34:22but I've also
00:34:24been doing a lot of
00:34:26soul searching
00:34:28and self discovery behind the scenes
00:34:30about myself
00:34:32and it's been
00:34:34an interesting
00:34:36experience and I'm
00:34:38about to make what for me probably
00:34:40feels like quite a big
00:34:42change and some people I think will find
00:34:44it jarring to hear me talk about these
00:34:46things in this way so
00:34:48I'll give you a little bit more context later
00:34:50on in the video and just explain things and
00:34:52hopefully it'll be something that maybe you understand a little bit more
00:34:54but yes
00:34:56I'm making some changes and
00:34:58it feels exciting
00:35:00and it feels
00:35:04but in a good way
00:35:06but as I said I'll tell you all about
00:35:08it when we get home
00:35:10for now I need
00:35:12to get my blooming knee fixed
00:35:14I am an idiot, do you know the whole debacle
00:35:16of my horse riding lesson
00:35:18well today I turned up to
00:35:20my physio
00:35:24at 11 but my physio
00:35:26appointment was at 1 o'clock
00:35:28on the 11th
00:35:30so all is not lost I can't beat
00:35:32myself up this time because
00:35:34I'll just go to the garden centre before
00:35:36and then go to my physio appointment
00:35:38I'm not going to get annoyed in my brain
00:35:40I'm just going to go and look and see what we can buy
00:35:42in the garden centre, any excuse
00:35:44I've made it to my appointment and I'm
00:35:46actually here at the right time now and Mike is
00:35:48just explaining to me what these two
00:35:50three tendons, many things
00:35:52so we're going to do a little bit of a differential
00:35:54diagnosis but based on what you describe
00:35:56we need to test out your medial
00:35:58collateral ligament so that's the thing that
00:36:00stops your knee going that way
00:36:02and just based on when you're sat on Atlas
00:36:04for long periods or when you're coming down the stairs
00:36:06particularly if you're carrying something
00:36:08that's in the right region for where your symptoms
00:36:10are and when we talked about
00:36:12what did we call it, the hot twinge
00:36:14the hot twinge sounds like it came
00:36:16from somewhere just under your kneecap
00:36:18so we've got your patella tendon here and the dead giveaway
00:36:20if someone's got a patella tendon problem
00:36:22is they don't like sitting
00:36:24like this, it's called the movie goer's sign
00:36:26so the longer you sit like this the more
00:36:28the urge to get your leg in like that
00:36:3010 minutes I can handle it
00:36:3215 minutes, 20 minutes
00:36:34half an hour you're just like
00:36:36please I've got to do this
00:36:38and then the leg gets out to the side
00:36:40I can definitely relate to that
00:36:42I've had that on a flight to Vegas
00:36:44and the air hostesses hated me
00:36:46because I spent 10 hours with my leg
00:36:48in that bar like that
00:36:50so that's something we can definitely test for
00:36:52and also your explanation might make people
00:36:54understand a little bit more if they
00:36:56are the air hostess
00:36:58in question on your next flight
00:37:00I'm going to test this leg out first
00:37:02nothing violent, I'm not going to bend or snap
00:37:04this is the thing
00:37:06when you don't know what's about to happen
00:37:08the initial thought is
00:37:10this is going to hurt
00:37:12that's why I like to do an effective first
00:37:14just drop it into there and it literally
00:37:16that is your MCL doing its job
00:37:18so a ligament, a good way to think
00:37:20about a ligament is it's a bit like a seat belt
00:37:22that connects a bone to a bone
00:37:24so your ligament down this side
00:37:26stops your knee going in a direction
00:37:28it's not designed to go in
00:37:30so you can kind of feel when I get there
00:37:32when I press there
00:37:34that doesn't want to go
00:37:36because that ligament is nice and strong
00:37:38does that give you aggravation?
00:37:40good, no is good
00:37:42just wiggle that
00:37:44through there
00:37:46any problems?
00:37:48I think it might
00:37:50yes, I don't know what it feels like on the other side
00:37:52do the other side in a second
00:37:54this is a little
00:37:56test for, it's called your meniscus
00:37:58which is the cartilage disc
00:38:00it sits in there, it's like a shock absorber
00:38:02and you can see on this side as well
00:38:04and it's not a nice thing to do
00:38:06I'm trying to turn your shin round
00:38:08behind me
00:38:10so a lot of our tests
00:38:12are not far off Jiu Jitsu
00:38:14it's basically bend something the wrong way
00:38:16and see how it reacts
00:38:18I'd say that now that you've stopped
00:38:20I feel a little bit of a tenderness
00:38:22like a sort of
00:38:24it's not even like an ache
00:38:26it's just a consciousness
00:38:30yes, ok, that's fine
00:38:32if I put your leg on my leg
00:38:34push your foot up to the ceilings
00:38:36and try and kick your knee straight
00:38:38maximum power
00:38:40keep pushing, keep pushing
00:38:42more effort, don't forget to breathe
00:38:44this is an endurance test
00:38:46so you've got to keep going
00:38:48keep going, keep going
00:38:50is this building any
00:38:52burning? yes, burning in the thigh
00:38:54anything in the knee? no
00:38:56let's have a look
00:38:58at how kneecaps move
00:39:00so kneecaps are curious things
00:39:02some people get weird about their kneecaps
00:39:04very strange
00:39:06like floating jelly beans
00:39:08I'll take floating jelly beans
00:39:10we are about to have
00:39:12an ultrasound of my knee
00:39:14which is very exciting
00:39:16get to the bottom of things
00:39:18is this going to be cold? yes
00:39:20I think my knee wants a kick
00:39:22it's like the horses
00:39:28on the left, let's get a cursor on it
00:39:30this is your kneecap
00:39:32this is the tendon of your thigh muscles
00:39:34the white line on the bottom
00:39:36that's your femur
00:39:38what we're looking at here
00:39:40is this is the tendon of your quadriceps
00:39:42muscle as it comes up and in there
00:39:44that's the tendon of your quadriceps
00:39:46there, that's that little layer in between
00:39:48and this is where it makes more sense
00:39:50as I come up you'll see this turn
00:39:52into muscle
00:39:54because muscle looks like steak
00:39:58so if you now
00:40:00just straighten your knee for me
00:40:02you'll watch the steak get bigger
00:40:04that's your muscle contracting
00:40:06this is where two muscles meet
00:40:08rectus femoris, vastus intermedius
00:40:10and VMO
00:40:12that's got an even bigger name
00:40:14and as you straighten your leg again
00:40:16what you'll see is those muscle bellies all expand
00:40:18and you can see the conjoined tendon
00:40:20I reckon this is the kind of thing
00:40:22that would make my husband faint
00:40:24yeah, and we're looking for
00:40:26one, is it related to your symptoms
00:40:28like does that hurt when I do it
00:40:30or anything like that
00:40:32and then like I say, we're looking for disturbances
00:40:34we're looking for areas that don't look the same
00:40:36as other areas
00:40:38would this show what's gone on with my shin
00:40:40from the horse kick?
00:40:42you've got some change going on just there
00:40:44a little bit there, a little bit there
00:40:46which is right on the money
00:40:48and if we spin on it this way
00:40:50oh that feels so horrible
00:40:52as you come up, just ready
00:40:56see that little bit of change there
00:40:58that's the kind of healing process going on
00:41:00so the secret with tape
00:41:02is it's 50% science
00:41:0450% art
00:41:06and when it works
00:41:08it's 100% magic
00:41:10Mike is just about to tape my knee
00:41:12and he gave me options of colours
00:41:14of my tape and now he's
00:41:16creating a
00:41:18it's like an art attack
00:41:20I still remember
00:41:22that theme tune, that was so good
00:41:24get off the end
00:41:26and then this is where we're just going to gather up
00:41:28some slack on that kneecap
00:41:30so it's going on with some tension
00:41:32and then a tab at the end
00:41:34and already
00:41:36we can see the wrinkly is taking place
00:41:38so the rules with tape are really simple
00:41:40it should stay on
00:41:42for about 48 hours
00:41:44if it's annoying your skin
00:41:46just take it off
00:41:48as you can see from one knee compared to the other knee
00:41:50we've just gathered some slack
00:41:52around that kneecap
00:41:54so that patella tendon that was a little bit taut
00:41:56is now a little bit more slack
00:41:58which should mean you've just got a fraction more tolerance
00:42:00when you go into that bend there
00:42:02ok I have every confidence in you
00:42:06so you're kind of sat in a position
00:42:08where your feet dangle
00:42:10what you're going to do is put your leg you want to work
00:42:12behind your other leg
00:42:14leg you want to work behind your other leg
00:42:16so I'll do it the same way as you
00:42:18make sure this leg is at 90
00:42:20and then from there you're going to push against your other leg
00:42:22but you're not going to let your other leg win
00:42:24yeah literally that
00:42:26just somewhere where your feet don't quite touch
00:42:28just so you've got that capacity to get to 90
00:42:30so I've just finished up
00:42:32at back and body
00:42:34now I was at the toaster clinic which is their newest one
00:42:36but I believe they have
00:42:38quite a few
00:42:40clinics in this sort of
00:42:44and my knee is taped which is
00:42:46such a bizarre feeling but also
00:42:48it feels
00:42:50like really good
00:42:52so I'm keeping this on for a while
00:42:54basically I've got a little bit of patella
00:42:58and I think there's like a little bit of fluid in my knee
00:43:00it's nothing worrisome
00:43:02and basically I'm going to book in
00:43:04with Mike once a month
00:43:06I've got some stretches
00:43:08and some movements to do daily
00:43:10and the worst
00:43:12thing is it's because Mike is
00:43:14Claudia's partner
00:43:16he'll be checking up on me
00:43:18but anyway I'm going to head home now
00:43:20because I have been far too long
00:43:22and I'm going to head back to the house
00:43:24and just catch up with everything
00:43:26right I am back
00:43:28from my first sort of
00:43:30like physio but that was almost
00:43:32like very high tech physio
00:43:34my knee is strapped
00:43:36feels like a bit of scaffolding on there
00:43:38keeping the knee
00:43:40in place and
00:43:42it actually does feel like a little bit of relief
00:43:44I mean it's not a big injury that I've got
00:43:46it's basically just a small thing
00:43:48and hopefully with my
00:43:50stretches, my movements and those kinds of things
00:43:52it will all help and I'll get back to normal
00:43:54in no time. Fingers crossed but I'm going to be
00:43:56having monthly appointments with Mike which is good
00:43:58I am back home and I'm about
00:44:00to start the first phase
00:44:02of something, the second phase will be tomorrow
00:44:04and I want
00:44:06you to know that this has been
00:44:08something that has been niggling at me
00:44:12a while and I think
00:44:14what I need to preface this with
00:44:16saying is if you
00:44:18don't like really
00:44:24that maybe you don't understand
00:44:26or can relate to in any way I think
00:44:28this won't be for you. I'm speaking
00:44:30very openly
00:44:32and sharing the thoughts
00:44:34in my brain around something that I have
00:44:36been mulling over for a very very long time
00:44:38and you'll know that that's the case
00:44:40I'm talking to you
00:44:42about a topic that has
00:44:44been at the epicentre
00:44:46of my content
00:44:48for my entire
00:44:50career as a YouTuber. My
00:44:52channel took off
00:44:54from talking about
00:44:56luxury, luxury hauls
00:44:58and most notably handbag
00:45:00unboxings. I think that there was one
00:45:02point in my career
00:45:04that I was doing multiple
00:45:06handbag unboxings a month. What
00:45:08I now know as a
00:45:10almost 37 year old woman is
00:45:12that handbags
00:45:14were a way for me to
00:45:16take control of things
00:45:18in my life in a certain
00:45:20degree. What
00:45:22I realised that I did with them is
00:45:24I would buy myself a handbag
00:45:26to let me know that I'd done well
00:45:28as like a well done me. If nobody
00:45:30else was going to tell me that I was doing well
00:45:32I was going to do it for myself and I
00:45:34felt very very empowered by that
00:45:36and it felt
00:45:38good and it
00:45:40felt nice and I wasn't waiting
00:45:42for anybody else to tell me these things
00:45:44and I think that's quite a positive
00:45:46thing and it feels
00:45:48good until it doesn't
00:45:50and you'll remember
00:45:52a few years ago I started
00:45:54editing my handbag
00:45:56collection. I think I'd reached at 1.75
00:45:58designer handbags
00:46:00and I started getting this like
00:46:02niggly feeling around them
00:46:04I felt like I was chasing this like
00:46:06unattainable thing whereby
00:46:08I constantly needed the
00:46:10newest, the best, the shiniest
00:46:12the most beautiful
00:46:14bag on offer
00:46:16and I remember I
00:46:18started feeling funny about it
00:46:20when I bought the Dior book bag
00:46:22but it really
00:46:24I always talk about the Bottega Veneta
00:46:26uh pouch
00:46:28pouch bag
00:46:30because for me that was a real moment where I
00:46:32bought it and three months down the line I talk about it
00:46:34in my book Evergreen. It just wasn't a thing anymore
00:46:36and I
00:46:38was like god that is, I'm annoyed
00:46:40okay I'm annoyed because I
00:46:42literally fought tooth and
00:46:44nail to buy this bag
00:46:46and my attitude started to change
00:46:48and over the last few years I've edited my handbags
00:46:50down from 75
00:46:52to a strong
00:46:56will be the arrival of
00:46:58something to do with this
00:47:00video so hold that thought
00:47:02whilst I let Porter calm down
00:47:04it absolutely was the thing
00:47:06so I started editing
00:47:08my handbag collection down from 75
00:47:10designer handbags to
00:47:12around 15
00:47:14which is still a huge amount
00:47:16ridiculous really, absolutely ridiculous
00:47:18um and
00:47:20I started really championing
00:47:22not buying it
00:47:24handbags and
00:47:26focusing on loving
00:47:28and using and
00:47:30enjoying the bags
00:47:32that you have. As someone who was
00:47:34a luxury bag addict
00:47:36I found the styles
00:47:38that I liked and I stuck
00:47:40to them. I bought pre-loved
00:47:42I bought some new, I bought
00:47:44some vintage and
00:47:46I created these beautiful
00:47:50accessories edits whereby
00:47:52I can wear an ivory dress
00:47:54and I've got this gorgeous selection
00:47:56of tan bags
00:47:58and accessories
00:48:00that all work together that compliment
00:48:02the outfits and then if I want to wear
00:48:04black I've got a black
00:48:06accessories edit and if I want to wear
00:48:08ivory, a little
00:48:10ivory accessories edit and
00:48:12it was working really really
00:48:14well for me. It made me
00:48:16really learn to love the things that I had
00:48:18it felt very very nice
00:48:20to use them and
00:48:22to get use out of things. Again
00:48:24it felt good
00:48:26until it didn't
00:48:28until you realise
00:48:30that you're walking around London
00:48:32and you're scared
00:48:34you're turning your bag
00:48:36the wrong way round so that
00:48:38people can't tell what bag you've got
00:48:40um until
00:48:42people are
00:48:44saying horrible things on the internet
00:48:46about this particular bag that you
00:48:48choose to wear
00:48:50until you're starting to see content
00:48:52around this particular bag
00:48:54that doesn't really sit well with you and
00:48:56until you realise the entire
00:48:58process which
00:49:00I think has it's
00:49:02benefits absolutely and this
00:49:04is something that I've championed and I don't want you to think that
00:49:06that's changing in
00:49:08such a drastic way I think
00:49:10making people slow down in
00:49:12their purchasing is brilliant however
00:49:14my actual
00:49:18has actually been sometimes not
00:49:20very nice as well and those might have been things
00:49:22that I've maybe swept under the rug and blah blah blah
00:49:24but I think the main thing that I want to
00:49:26focus on with this is the fact that
00:49:28nowadays I wear
00:49:30this bag from Tusting
00:49:32I'm a horse mum, I'm a gardener
00:49:34I'm a dog mum, I live in the countryside
00:49:36the only times I ever get
00:49:38to wear my bags is
00:49:40going into London or
00:49:42travelling and
00:49:44so much so
00:49:46that it got to the point where
00:49:48it wasn't right
00:49:50to keep my bags at home
00:49:52probably wasn't safe, lots of people were being
00:49:54robbed and those kinds of things
00:49:56so I started
00:49:58keeping some of my bags in a vault
00:50:00some of my bags at home
00:50:02too at only one time
00:50:04which became an absolute
00:50:06ball ache and is still a ball ache
00:50:08in itself and I thought
00:50:10I'm not wearing these bags at the moment
00:50:14I'm not wearing these bags as much as I used to
00:50:16in my old life
00:50:18I'm scared to wear them
00:50:20I'm looking online
00:50:22and I'm seeing content that I don't love
00:50:24to feel like I'm
00:50:26a part of
00:50:28and so I'm kind of
00:50:30going through a process of change
00:50:32at the moment and honestly
00:50:34I spoke to someone yesterday and I
00:50:36literally said it feels like
00:50:38I'm breaking up with a boyfriend
00:50:40and I hope you will allow me
00:50:42the space to talk openly with you about
00:50:44this, I know that this is not
00:50:46a big deal and there are
00:50:48so much worse things going
00:50:50on in the world than this
00:50:52but I am sharing this
00:50:54because I always share my thoughts with you around
00:50:56these things because I think
00:50:58some of you might find my
00:51:00perspective interesting and
00:51:02I realised that
00:51:04I didn't want to be putting myself
00:51:06when I'm out and about
00:51:08in danger
00:51:10I've got a family, I've got sausage dogs
00:51:12that need their mum, I've got a horse
00:51:14that needs their mum, I've got a loomy that needs their mum
00:51:16I've got chickens that need their mum and I've got a husband
00:51:18that needs his wife
00:51:20why would I do that, why would I
00:51:22put things in my home that could make
00:51:24my home unsafe
00:51:26and then why would I do all of that
00:51:30a brand that
00:51:32I think what they do is beautiful
00:51:34but I just don't think
00:51:36I want to be a part of that
00:51:38anymore and I'm sure there's going to be
00:51:40more thoughts that I have around
00:51:42this and I'm sure you're going to have your
00:51:44own thoughts around this too
00:51:46but for me
00:51:48at this moment in time and I don't want you
00:51:50to think that this is like an over
00:51:52an overnight decision, this has been
00:51:54something that I've been thinking about for a while
00:51:56even at Christmas time when I would usually
00:51:58do my what I got for Christmas video
00:52:00you know this big
00:52:02discussion about what I got for Christmas
00:52:04I just kind of dropped in that I'd got my
00:52:06that I'd got a bag for Christmas
00:52:08and that's not what I used to be like and it's because
00:52:10I'm concerned and I
00:52:12don't want to
00:52:14put these things in people's faces but
00:52:16this has been my stuff that I've talked about
00:52:18on my channel, this is when my channel grows its most
00:52:20when I talk about these things
00:52:22but I've been actively trying to stop doing that
00:52:24and so it's this balance between
00:52:26my business head and
00:52:28my moral head and what I want to be doing
00:52:30and what I want to be creating and what I want to be
00:52:32contributing as a creator and so
00:52:34I'm going through a transition of change
00:52:36and I'm going to
00:52:38be getting rid of
00:52:40pretty much my entire handbag collection
00:52:42as it stands, I'm going to be doing so
00:52:44in two drops, potentially one
00:52:46drop which would be
00:52:48me partnering with someone to
00:52:50hopefully raise a bit of money for charity
00:52:52and sell the bags
00:52:54in that way I'm purely sort of
00:52:56brainstorming at the moment but I'm about to pack up
00:52:58the first load, some of my Chanel bags
00:53:00Hermes bags, Louis Vuitton
00:53:04basically and I'm
00:53:06I wanted to
00:53:08let you know basically because
00:53:10I think it's going to be quite strange when you
00:53:12see that I have
00:53:14stopped wearing certain types of bags
00:53:16and certain types of bags that I think
00:53:18are beautiful, like don't get me wrong, I think
00:53:20that the design and
00:53:22the craftsmanship and I still think that everything
00:53:24I think about
00:53:26these bags in the same
00:53:28way but
00:53:30most importantly it's the
00:53:32safety element of things nowadays. I've
00:53:34learnt a lot over the last few years
00:53:36a lot about
00:53:38what we do for
00:53:42validation and admiration
00:53:44from others and I
00:53:46definitely think that handbags have been a bit of an
00:53:48Achilles heel for me over the years and
00:53:50so I'm going to be
00:53:52doing things differently and I'll keep
00:53:54you up to date with where I'm going to be selling them
00:53:56if there's any that you want to get your hands on, you'll
00:53:58know about it but for the most
00:54:00part I just wanted to have this chat
00:54:02with you and talk you through it because it's something I
00:54:04haven't touched on and now I
00:54:06feel like I'm in the place where I've weighed up all
00:54:08of the odds and it's not that I just all
00:54:10of a sudden hate this brand and I just
00:54:12hate the bags, it's not that
00:54:14it's not that at all, it's
00:54:16when you look
00:54:18at the information that's in front of you
00:54:20the statistics of thefts
00:54:22the this, that and the others, the this
00:54:24whatever's going on, when you look at it
00:54:26you're like why would I do that?
00:54:28That's silly Lydia
00:54:30that's silly because you
00:54:32don't need to put yourself in that ring
00:54:34and I think a few times I've felt to myself
00:54:36you know I'm not going to let people dictate
00:54:38what I can and can't wear but
00:54:40the truth is that's not a battle that I want
00:54:42to get into because it's just not
00:54:44worth it, it's just not
00:54:46worth it
00:54:48and so
00:54:50whilst I thought I'd found a
00:54:52happy place with keeping some of my bags
00:54:54here and keeping some of them in a vault
00:54:56I think that in itself
00:54:58presented so many issues
00:55:00and getting people to
00:55:02pick those up, swap them over
00:55:04make sure I have them for this time
00:55:06then not having them when you need them
00:55:08this, that and the other and it's like
00:55:10I would rather have a nice
00:55:12bag that I don't have to
00:55:14worry about so much
00:55:16every single day, that would be
00:55:18very nice to just take
00:55:20that out of my brain
00:55:22I don't want to have to walk down the street
00:55:24and turn my handbag round, I don't
00:55:26want to have to worry
00:55:28about walking from somewhere to
00:55:30somewhere in London, I don't
00:55:32want to have to worry about
00:55:36being alone
00:55:38on the streets of London
00:55:40which is the only time that I get to wear
00:55:42my bags, I don't want to worry
00:55:44about it, I want it to be carefree
00:55:46so that's kind of the update, so basically
00:55:48I have, long and short
00:55:50this is the end for me
00:55:52this is a conscious
00:55:54decision that I'm making
00:55:56that I also think
00:55:58for my own self worth I need to do this
00:56:00not to do with the process of Hermes
00:56:02but for the things that I
00:56:04attach meaning to, I've attached
00:56:06a lot of meaning to these things
00:56:08and the long and short of it is
00:56:10that I think that
00:56:12the meanings surrounding these things are
00:56:14totally fluid
00:56:16they mean different things to other people
00:56:18some people hate them, some people don't
00:56:20and I have to like the things
00:56:22that I'm using and loving
00:56:24and collecting or whatever
00:56:30I don't want that to be
00:56:32because I think
00:56:34other people will be impressed
00:56:38I also have this incredible thing
00:56:40that's happening whereby I am
00:56:42literally designing
00:56:44what I think is the most
00:56:46beautiful handbag
00:56:48with a brand that I love
00:56:50a brand that I think treats their customers
00:56:54unbelievably well
00:56:56in a way that their customers
00:56:58are everything
00:57:00to them and I get to work with them
00:57:02on a handbag collection
00:57:04and whilst I wait for those samples
00:57:06and I wait for the fact that I'll actually
00:57:08get to wear a bag that I have worked
00:57:10with these incredible designers
00:57:12and these designers have worked
00:57:14not just at Fairfax and Faber
00:57:16but at so many other brands as well
00:57:18so many other brands that
00:57:20I know that we as a community
00:57:22enjoy and I'm getting to work
00:57:24directly with them to bring these bags to life
00:57:26and that's really special
00:57:28that's not something that everybody has
00:57:30and it's not something that I have
00:57:32to be worried about, these bags are beautifully
00:57:34made but they're not these
00:57:36things that people have attached
00:57:38these overinflated meanings to
00:57:40so what I'm going to be doing is
00:57:42packaging up a portion of my
00:57:44bags today, a portion of my bags tomorrow
00:57:46and what I've done is
00:57:48I've actually treated myself
00:57:50to a pre-loved bag
00:57:52that I think
00:57:54is going to be
00:57:56what I like to think
00:57:58is the British Birkin
00:58:00for now, until I get the samples
00:58:02of my bags, this is going to be
00:58:04my British Birkin, I hope
00:58:06fingers crossed, I haven't seen
00:58:08this bag in person
00:58:10and I'm excited
00:58:12but this felt really right
00:58:14for me, this felt like going back
00:58:16to old school Lydia
00:58:18when she was working four jobs
00:58:20to buy her first mulberry bag
00:58:22this feels very serendipitous, if you don't know
00:58:24I worked four jobs whilst I was at university
00:58:26and I used to buy pre-loved
00:58:28mulberry bags all the time
00:58:30that was my thing, I was a mulberry girl
00:58:32through and through
00:58:34and this feels like I'm going back to that
00:58:36so I thought that we could unbox this
00:58:40because this feels
00:58:42very very cathartic for me
00:58:46it does feel like the end of an era
00:58:48I'm not going to lie, it feels like
00:58:50I've held on to
00:58:52a part of
00:58:54who I was online for a very long time
00:58:58feeling like I needed to
00:59:00I'm ready to just move forward now
00:59:02I'm such a different person now
00:59:04I garden now, I have a horse
00:59:06I go on dog walks
00:59:08I prefer not wearing any makeup
00:59:12bake sourdough
00:59:14I am so different
00:59:16like who remembers me in my white kitchen
00:59:18at my old house who couldn't even make a
00:59:20blooming pot noodle, I bake sourdough
00:59:22now, okay I've earned this
00:59:24but in all seriousness
00:59:26I appreciate that not everyone is going to understand
00:59:28this, I think you might
00:59:30have to be someone that has
00:59:32gone through the transitions of loving
00:59:34and collecting
00:59:36and enjoying luxury
00:59:38fashion in the way that I have
00:59:40and perhaps come out the other
00:59:42end and realised
00:59:44what was that all about
00:59:46why did I care so much
00:59:48I have literally been waiting
00:59:50for this bag to arrive because this feels
00:59:52like freedom
00:59:54people won't understand that because it's still a designer
01:00:00it all makes sense to me
01:00:02and you can pick it apart in the comments, I don't mind
01:00:04I'm happy for you to ask questions
01:00:06and question
01:00:08my thought processes, absolutely
01:00:10this isn't just something that I'm
01:00:12going to tell you and expect you to
01:00:14just go okay, now ask questions
01:00:16if it doesn't make sense, ask questions
01:00:18now, they said it was pre-loved
01:00:20but I can see that it's got
01:00:22seals on it still so
01:00:26intrigued by that, now I love a bag
01:00:28that will be sucked in so I'll definitely be
01:00:30trying to make sure that this is sucked in
01:00:32but this is the Mulberry Bayswater
01:00:36this felt right, the size of this
01:00:38the colour of this
01:00:40the stitching of this, the hardware
01:00:42it feels very in line
01:00:44with who I am as a person
01:00:46this is a British
01:00:48brand, I feel like this brand
01:00:50is the epitome
01:00:52of British
01:00:54accessories and
01:00:56most importantly I feel like I don't have to
01:00:58be worried to have this in my house
01:01:00or walk through London
01:01:02or I don't have to
01:01:04join a waiting list
01:01:06I don't have to
01:01:08jump through hoops, I don't have to
01:01:10sometimes maybe even be spoken to quite
01:01:12rudely just because I want
01:01:14a bag, I think I like that side
01:01:16of luxury a bit more
01:01:18but like I said, this is just a
01:01:20very personal journey, I can still pop
01:01:22all of my little
01:01:24bag charms on this and
01:01:26I won't be wearing it as a satchel, that's for sure
01:01:28I might actually even cut those loops
01:01:30off because that feels, again I'm like
01:01:32I don't think you need that Mulberry to be honest
01:01:34but that is it, that's basically
01:01:36what's going to be happening so I'll keep you up to
01:01:38date with everything and I
01:01:42hopefully just be sharing
01:01:44the realities
01:01:46not that this is a big deal but the
01:01:48realities of this as I
01:01:50learn to navigate it differently, this has been
01:01:52such a huge part of my personality
01:01:54and quite honestly, I'm done with it
01:01:56so it's going to be a process of unlearning
01:01:58I'm not going to get it right all the time
01:02:00I'm not going to understand it all the time, sometimes it's not going to make sense
01:02:04it feels very
01:02:08I have also just fed my sourdough starter
01:02:10so I am going to make
01:02:12a sourdough tonight but yeah
01:02:14right now, as of when you're
01:02:16watching this, this will pretty much
01:02:18be my bag collection
01:02:20isn't that strange
01:02:26feels like the end of an era
01:02:28it's really not that much
01:02:30of a big deal
01:02:32so I guess it's time to pimp my British
01:02:34Birkin, I think a sausage dog
01:02:36is going to look
01:02:38gorgeous on here
01:02:40my little Amazon sausage dog
01:02:42that's for sure, I love how so
01:02:44many people have these as their bag charms
01:02:46now even people that don't have sausage dogs
01:02:48have a sausage dog bag charm
01:02:50and I think it's just blooming gorgeous
01:02:54little colour to compliment
01:02:56the new bag and I know what you're thinking
01:02:58I know you're going to be thinking, Lydia
01:03:00you shouldn't need to buy a new bag
01:03:02you should just wear these ones
01:03:04but if it wasn't this huge safety
01:03:06issue that just isn't worth it
01:03:08I think
01:03:10that's exactly what I would do
01:03:12I would just continue wearing them
01:03:14regardless of all of the other
01:03:16external things about how maybe I don't like
01:03:18certain elements of it anymore
01:03:20I don't like the online culture surrounding them anymore
01:03:22the most
01:03:24overarching thing
01:03:26is the fact that
01:03:28I don't want to risk
01:03:30my safety anymore
01:03:32and it's almost like they've become too big
01:03:34too big for the people that
01:03:36have made them big
01:03:38and it's almost like
01:03:40a cannibalisation of the brand
01:03:42because they want to increase demand
01:03:44but demand has got so big
01:03:46and the people that are buying the bags
01:03:48they're not able to protect themselves
01:03:50in order
01:03:52they're not able to protect themselves
01:03:54and have the bags too
01:03:56and that for me is just
01:03:58me keeping them out of my house
01:04:00some of them here, some of them there
01:04:02it's just not worth it
01:04:04so I've gone for the British Birkin instead
01:04:06right now I'm going to try and find myself
01:04:08ah! you can pull the gusset in
01:04:10okay there's a few things
01:04:12that I'm finding that
01:04:14I would change, I would love Mulberry
01:04:16to hand make this bag
01:04:18for me in Britain
01:04:20that would be lovely, where is this one made?
01:04:22where are you made? because I've struggled to find
01:04:26about, oh it's interesting
01:04:28there's no
01:04:30tab, I remember they used to have these little brown
01:04:32tabs that said where they were made
01:04:34I'm guessing that's not a thing
01:04:36anymore, I would pay a premium
01:04:38for you to hand make my bag
01:04:40I would pay a premium
01:04:42for it to be hand made in Britain
01:04:44using British
01:04:46leathers, I would
01:04:48pay a premium for
01:04:50gold plated hardware, I would actually
01:04:52probably like, you know
01:04:54smaller versions
01:04:56as well, but yes
01:04:58hit me up if you want to chat because
01:05:00I would pay a premium and for it
01:05:02to not be a good business investment
01:05:04I don't want another handbag that's a business investment
01:05:06thanks very much, I'm okay with that
01:05:08I like a bag that I can use and
01:05:10not be worried about things, so
01:05:12that is the bag
01:05:14but yes, one of the things that I don't like about
01:05:16it is the gusset is quite
01:05:18large, but I've just seen
01:05:20I was trying to figure out how you pull the gusset
01:05:22in, but I've just seen that
01:05:24they have a little tab on the inside
01:05:26I don't know if you can see there, but you can pull
01:05:28the gusset in and that is
01:05:30what I'm going to do because I like
01:05:32a bit more slenderness
01:05:34to it, let's see
01:05:36how it looks, and then I'm going to stock
01:05:38it up and start using it, I sent Ali a picture
01:05:40and he said, I love it, it looks
01:05:42older, like it's
01:05:44been loved, and obviously it has a little
01:05:46bit but, okay
01:05:48gusset, ah ha, so
01:05:50that is the gusset pulled in and I would want
01:05:52it to sit more
01:05:54like that, and that
01:05:56is the gusset out, so you can literally
01:06:00it in, so it's a bit
01:06:02tighter and a little bit more
01:06:04yeah, definitely gusset
01:06:06in for me, gusset is such
01:06:08a terrible word isn't it
01:06:10do you know what, I think this is going to look
01:06:12very lovely with
01:06:14my Holland Cooper
01:06:16my new Holland Cooper blazer that has arrived
01:06:18I can't show you it yet, but it's
01:06:20very nice, oh yeah, now that it's pulled
01:06:24I love it even more
01:06:26oh my gosh, it's so
01:06:30this is it
01:06:32this is my entire personality
01:06:38ah, gorge
01:06:40so, I'm going to see if I can
01:06:42fit any of my old
01:06:44organisers in there
01:06:46and I will still, one million percent
01:06:48use all of my little bagged
01:06:50inserts because these are
01:06:54so good for like just keeping all of
01:06:56your makeup bits and pieces in an
01:06:58easy, transferable
01:07:02love that
01:07:06she's so cute
01:07:08I actually might get Ali to cut these tabs
01:07:10off as well, because I'm never going to wear it as a cross body
01:07:12it's just never going to be a satchel for me
01:07:14oh my gosh
01:07:18love, love, love, also the other
01:07:20fantastic news, just whilst I swap things
01:07:22over, these
01:07:24match so beautifully
01:07:26so it's just, it's just the things
01:07:28that like, have this
01:07:30huge resale value that
01:07:32for me, I'm just
01:07:34I'm just not interested anymore
01:07:36and so, the shoes
01:07:38and things like that, that still go with my little
01:07:40accessories edit, are going to maintain
01:07:42it's not that I don't, you know
01:07:44it's not that I'm going to throw everything
01:07:46in the bin, it's just
01:07:48like I said, I'm just
01:07:50not into the things that
01:07:52I have to constantly have my wits about
01:07:54me, I have to worry about things
01:07:56my husband has to worry about me
01:07:58wearing these things, but yes, I'll still be able to use
01:08:00all my Twillys and my things like that
01:08:02I've actually got a picture on my phone
01:08:04that was sort of the inspiration
01:08:06behind this bag, where someone had almost Jane
01:08:08Birkinified their
01:08:12bag, and it looks
01:08:14so good, just a little
01:08:16bit more worn in, bit more slouchy
01:08:18that kind of thing, I'll pop the
01:08:20picture on screen, little bag
01:08:22charms on there, love it
01:08:24well, I am on my third
01:08:26attempt at
01:08:28sourdough, and the last one
01:08:30went spectacularly
01:08:32so, I'm just now
01:08:34learning and perfecting
01:08:36so my dough has
01:08:38been proving, I'm going to do the
01:08:40first stretch and fold
01:08:42with clean hands
01:08:44but also slightly wet hands
01:08:46you're going to be so sick
01:08:48of the sight of me
01:08:50doing stretch and folds
01:08:52but this is how you learn, this is the reality
01:08:54of how you learn
01:08:58I'm going to become a regular
01:09:00sourdough maker
01:09:04it's going to
01:09:06be something that before long
01:09:08I'm just going to be doing in my sleep
01:09:10so yes, but anyway
01:09:12thank you for indulging me in my
01:09:14discussions earlier
01:09:18am always going to continue evolving
01:09:20as a person and I know that there will be
01:09:22a time when I look back on myself
01:09:24and I will be embarrassed
01:09:26by the big deal that I make
01:09:28out of this particular
01:09:32but for now
01:09:34I am
01:09:36transitioning into
01:09:38a new phase of my life I think
01:09:40I'm focusing on
01:09:42the things that actually matter
01:09:44in life
01:09:46one stretch and fold done
01:09:48cover me over the top
01:09:52et voila!