• avant-hier
Un avion de ligne de la compagnie American Airlines a pris feu jeudi 13 mars sur le tarmac de l’aéroport international de Denver (Colorado, ouest) aux États-Unis.
Selon Fox News, l’ensemble des 172 passagers et 6 membres d’équipage a pu être évacué, et il n’y aurait pas de blessés. Des vidéos circulant sur les réseaux sociaux montraient les occupants de l’avion se tenant debout sur l’une des ailes, attendant l’aide des secours pour pouvoir s’éloigner de l’appareil en flammes.


00:00This morning, yet another dramatic scene at a U.S. airport.
00:04An American Airlines plane bursting into flames after landing in Denver.
00:10Passengers climbing onto the wing as smoke surrounded the plane.
00:13It is a little disturbing to see almost maybe 50 or 70 people standing on that wing.
00:18Alexandria Cullen shared this video after she says her mother escaped the burning plane.
00:24Passengers running through smoke and haze.
00:27We saw probably a couple dozen people coming down the slide and running away.
00:33It was pretty scary.
00:35This was a very thick, black smoke.
00:40Even in all the times that I've been flying, I've never seen anything like that.
00:44The Boeing 737 was headed to Dallas, but was diverted shortly after leaving Colorado Springs
00:49when the crew reported engine vibrations.
00:52We just had a high engine vibration, so we are cruising slower than normal for American 1066.
00:57The plane touching down safely in Denver, but the engine caught fire as the plane was taxiing.
01:07All 172 passengers and 6 crew members evacuated.
01:1112 passengers had to be taken to the hospital.
01:14This was a situation involving a mechanical malfunction of the engine in flight.
01:18Fortunately, the crew did exactly the right thing and got the airplane on the ground.
01:22A series of recent crashes in Washington, Philadelphia and Toronto and other close calls have rattled air travelers.
01:27Ticket sales are down.
01:29Delta's CEO recently saying a renewed fear of flying has caused a lot of shock.
01:33But experts remind us flying is still one of the safest ways to get anywhere.
01:38This actually shows you how well the system does work.
01:41Pilots are able to get the airplane on the ground.
01:44The fire department got the flames out as fast as they started.
01:48The 12 injuries were minor.
01:50The FAA will investigate what caused the fire.
