• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Non c’è azione dell’uomo che non abbia bisogno di acqua. E’ un bene prezioso che va preservato”. E’ quanto affermato da Barbara Marinali, presidente Acea, in occasione dell’Acea Water Fun Run, la stracittadina legata alla Run Rome The Marathon. Una corsa di 5km non competitiva aperta a tutti e tutte: sportivi, famiglie, amici e anche cani, che vuole sottolineare l’importanza del legame tra l’acqua e la corsa, con partenza e arrivo all’interno del Circo Massimo a Roma. La Maratona si fa portavoce di un messaggio importante: #runforwater. L’evento promuove l’importanza di tutelare questa risorsa vitale per l’ambiente e il benessere delle persone.


00:00This is actually the 30th edition of the Marathon of Rome, but it is only the second of the edition that we see today, on Saturday, which is the Water Fun Run, a marathon characterized by the binomial with water that has strongly evolved.
00:22Water is a very precious resource that we must all preserve. Here today we are also to share a fundamental concept, that without water we cannot work or live. There is no artificial intelligence, there is no process of technique, action of man who does not need water.
00:39So here today, all together, to drink the magnificent water that is distributed in this city and to share a moment of joy and also of value, of respect for this important resource.
