• 21 hours ago
Is... is that?


00:01Palpatine and Yoda Get Nuts!
00:03The Prequel Trilogy
00:04Throughout their time acting as two of the original trilogy's most powerful and mysterious
00:08entities, Emperor Palpatine and Yoda often displayed just how proficient they were in
00:13the ways of the Force.
00:14What fans did not get to witness, however, is how well they were able to wield the trusted
00:18go-to weapon of many a Jedi and Sith.
00:21But that all changed over the course of George Lucas' prequel trilogy, and simply put,
00:25not a soul alive was ready for the frankly absurd visuals heading their way.
00:29Not only were the little green legend and the possessor of UNLIMITED POWER a pair of
00:34dab hands with a laser sword, the two suddenly transformed from a set of senile space wizards
00:39into full-blown Force-sensitive studs.
00:41Yoda's first on-screen duel in particular instantly became yet another one of the more
00:45divisive elements the prequels had to offer, with some lapping up the audacious acrobatics
00:50on show, while others felt that the Jedi Master's silly lightsaber gymnastics took a bit of
00:54the mystique away from a cherished figure.
00:56Either way, you'd be lying if you said your jaw didn't drop even for only a brief
01:00moment, the first time these masterful titans pulled out their swords.
01:05The Return of the Skywalker – The Mandalorian
01:07At a time when trying to execute a genuinely stunning surprise on the small or big screen
01:12has never been more difficult, the fact Jon Favreau and the gang were able to keep the
01:16Mandalorian season two finale shocker completely under wraps was seriously impressive.
01:22Heading into the closing stages of Chapter 16, Mando and the gang look to be in some
01:26serious trouble as the dark troopers closed in on their position, but then a rather familiar
01:30X-Wing suddenly lands on the cruiser.
01:33One of the most emotionally charged dispatching of droid sequences to ever grace the galaxy
01:37far far away later, the all-but-confirmed return of none other than Luke Bloody Skywalker
01:41himself was finally made official thanks to some digital wizardry and a returning Mark
01:47With the episode itself dropping in the thick of the global pandemic, fans the world over
01:50found themselves passionately connecting online over just how damn taken aback they all were
01:55about the comeback of a character no one honestly saw coming.
01:58And for a few moments there, one of the most difficult periods in modern history was entirely
02:03forgotten as fans lost their minds over this heartwarming return of the Jedi.
02:08Everybody Dies – Rogue One A Star Wars Story
02:12There was actually a time there when the likes of Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor may have made
02:16it out of arguably the greatest Star Wars feature of the last decade in one piece.
02:20This was largely down to the fact that the likes of Gareth Edwards and co weren't convinced
02:24Disney and Lucasfilm would ever sanction such a dark and deadly conclusion to a Star
02:28Wars story.
02:29But as anyone who's sat through the entirely unanticipated bittersweet conclusion of Rogue
02:33One can attest to, the team did ultimately get their morbid wish in the end, and the
02:37ultimate sacrifice was dramatically made late in the day by everyone in the titular crew
02:42in order to successfully get the Rebels hands on those all-important Death Star plans.
02:47After investing so heavily in the likes of Jyn, Cassian, K-2SO and the rest of the makeshift
02:51unit over the course of their routinely gripping quest to find the key to taking out the Empire's
02:55new superweapon, the sight of our central heroes all shockingly biting the dust after
02:59finally succeeding is about as bold a conclusion as you'll ever witness in such a big-budget
03:05However, it was unquestionably the right call and helped cement this Star Wars story as
03:08one of the absolute finest.
03:11Leia Flies in Space – Episode VIII – The Last Jedi
03:15Stepping into slightly more controversial waters now, and to a floating sequel trilogy
03:19visual that almost instantly divided the Star Wars fandom.
03:23I'm of course talking about the sight of General Leia Organa herself being blasted
03:27out of her cruiser, only to suddenly and rather surreally shoot herself across space via the
03:33This acted as the first real-time fans had witnessed Leia wield the mysterious power
03:36on the big screen, and to say it left them with their jaws dangling off the floor would
03:39be a bit of an understatement.
03:41Some applauded such a daring and rousing reveal of Leia's hinted-at-but-never-really-cinematically-explored
03:46Force sensitivity, whereas others were quick to blast the Leia poppins' development as
03:50another silly and absurd sequence to add to an already divisive Episode VIII.
03:55Whether you were an instant fan of the icon's emotional Force-assisted attempts to survive,
03:59or struggled to sit through Leia's bizarre spaceflight without rolling your eyes, both
04:03sides can all agree that the legend soaring through the stars was about as extraordinary
04:07as it gets.
04:11– Episode III – Revenge of the Sith Now you can't exactly blame what was left
04:15of Anakin Skywalker being a little bit upset about the tragic revelation sent his way late
04:20in the Revenge of the Sith day, but that still didn't change the fact that many were left
04:23wondering what in the holy hell they were witnessing when the first few moments of a
04:27newly-suited Darth Vader arrived on the prequel scene.
04:30Staggering off the operating table on the back of being informed that he was apparently
04:34responsible for the death of his beloved Padme Amidala, the stuff of memes before memes were
04:38even really a thing was hilariously borne.
04:41And New! heard across the galaxy and in theatres all over the world was the absolute worst
04:47kind of hammy and melodramatic, reducing what could have honestly been the truly heartbreaking
04:51point of seemingly no return for the Dark Lord to one of the most laughable beats in
04:55Star Wars history.
04:58Rey is a Palpatine – Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker
05:01Look, there were more than a few moments over the course of whatever J.J. Abrams was trying
05:05to achieve with The Rise of Skywalker that led to those watching on scratching their
05:09heads at the madness unfolding before them, but the utterly strange development that easily
05:13sits head and shoulders above the rest, that we're all found in in the nostalgia fest
05:16that is Episode IX, undoubtedly comes in the form of the reveal that Rey wasn't actually
05:20a nobody folks, she was a walking, talking Palpatine.
05:24Something that had ranked as one of the more outlandish and ludicrous fan theories to tumble
05:28out of The Force Awakens, soon became a deeply unexpected and downright peculiar piece of
05:34In reality though, this felt like little more than an attempt to wrongfoot and cheaply stun
05:37those wanting to see how the Skywalker saga would come to its long-awaited end.
05:41It did precisely that, it must be said.
05:43However, this WTF reveal unfortunately also shrunk the galaxy far, far away a little bit
05:48more, and killed off the idea of one not needing to be related to a famous family to make a
05:55Boba's Book becomes Mandalorian – Season 2.5 – The Book of Boba Fett
05:59Fans who'd waited a lifetime to finally witness the galaxy's most badass bounty hunter be
06:03given the spotlight he always deserved, were understandably a little excited as The Book
06:08of Boba Fett wandered onto Disney Plus in late 2021.
06:11After a bit of a slow start though, it's safe to say those giddy Boba fanatics were
06:15left feeling a little underwhelmed by the book they were watching come to life.
06:19And then, in a twist fans perhaps should have seen coming given Fett's reintroduction
06:22came during The Mandalorian, the star of that other much more celebrated show suddenly decided
06:27to drop by and pretty much steal the clones.
06:30Mando's surprising appearance alone was enough to leave fans suddenly punching the
06:33air in unanticipated glee.
06:35But perhaps the bigger WTF development was the fact that Din Djarin, Grogu, Luke Skywalker
06:40and Ahsoka Tano's inclusion in the series acted as The Book of Boba Fett's unquestionable
06:46Simply put, the arrival of Mando and the gang was a joyous surprise, for sure, but it also
06:50served as evidence that this particular book likely would have gone down better as another
06:53Mandalorian tale rather than a supposed Boba story that wasn't really interesting enough
06:58to warrant its own show.
07:01Kino Can't Swim, Andor
07:03Andy Serkis' completely unforeseen appearance as part of Rogue One prequel series, and or
07:07in general, was enough to cause many a Star Wars fan to utter the words that inspired
07:11this very list aloud.
07:13However, it was one particular line his instantly captivating Kino Loy uttered during the One
07:17Way Out episode that delivered the franchise one of its most heartbreakingly shocking moments
07:22to date.
07:23After already providing the series with one hell of a final never-more-than-12 line in
07:26the prior entry, if you know, you know, the figure once seen as an inmate who simply wanted
07:31to get through his time in prison ultimately grows into the fiery leader of the rebellion
07:35that battles their way to freedom.
07:37But in a deeply moving and entirely startling turn of events, after inspiring Cassian and
07:41his fellow workers to freedom, the final step to securing his escape is suddenly one too
07:45far for Kino.
07:47With the waves of inmates all jostling to dive out of the jail and into the water surrounding
07:51it down below, Serkis' delivery of the fateful phrase, I can't swim, as he realises he
07:56only came this far to come this far, was simply devastating.
08:00Kino may still have a part to play in Season 2, however, with it being unclear as to what
08:05exactly happened next for this unfortunate loy.
08:09Darth Maul Survives The Clone Wars
08:12And one of the reasons fans are right to hold out hope for the aforementioned Kino's survival
08:15can be found in this very entry.
08:17After seemingly being decisively cut down by Obi-Wan Kenobi in the wake of taking out
08:21his master on Naboo, those who felt they'd sadly seen the last of one of the coolest
08:25Sith Lords in the galaxy were treated to a rather stunning comeback in the Clone Wars
08:29animated series.
08:30Driven mad in the wake of that aforementioned bisecting, Maul is shockingly discovered by
08:34his own brother Savage Opress ten years on from that Kenobi clash during Season 4, and
08:39the one-time apprentice of Darth Sidious is now seen sporting a particularly creepy mechanical
08:44spider-like body on the back of his sheer hatred remarkably keeping him alive.
08:48The animalistic creature that Maul had become in his exile soon has his mind repaired by
08:53Mother Talzin on Dathomir, however, and this paved the way for a far more driven and enraged
08:57version of the Force-sensitive icon than fans had ever seen before on their screens.
09:02As he sets his sights on revenge against his mortal enemy, Kenobi!
09:08Somehow Leia Always Knew
09:11Episode 6, Return of the Jedi
09:13Over the course of the first two original trilogy episodes, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo
09:18both appear to be acting as two potential loves for Leia Organa, with the Princess sharing
09:22a smooch with the two leading lads at various points in A New Hope and The Empire Strikes
09:28But in a rather uncomfortable swerve that just about no-one expected to become a Star
09:31Wars reality back in 1983, Leia was ultimately revealed to have been Luke's twin sister
09:35the entire time, and making matters that little more icky, Leia then responded to this apparent
09:41surprise revelation with the words of Somehow I've Always Known in Return of the Jedi.
09:46That's right, when locking lips with the Jedi in training on Hoth, and also laying
09:49a smacker on his cheek when trying to escape the Death Star, Leia apparently had a feeling
09:53that the person she was getting particularly close to was her twin bro all along.
09:58Admittedly, the familial twist itself clearly wasn't a part of the OG trilogy plan from
10:02the get-go, but that still didn't change the fact that its eventual execution provided
10:06the galaxy far, far away, with a shocking piece of dialogue that only grows increasingly
10:10more awkward with each subsequent viewing.
10:12And that's our list!
10:13Know of any other massive WTF Star Wars moments that we've missed?
10:17Then please lay them on us down below, and do not forget to like, share and click on
10:20that subscribe button while you're at it!
10:22Also, if you like this sort of WTF madness, then go and head on over to WhatCulture.com
10:26and find some more fantastic articles just like the one this video you're watching
10:29right this second is based on!
10:30I've been Gareth from WhatCulture Star Wars, may the Force be with you, hopefully I'll
10:34see your faces very, very soon, but in the meantime, just be good to yourself.
10:37Bye bye!
